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Looking for a profession that has impactful abilities


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I've been playing a variety of elite specs trying to find a profession to main. I've realized that the thing I enjoy the most is using an ability that feels impactful. As in, you press it and theres a clear animation that affects the enemy. Even if the ability does no damage, it still feels satisfying to press it and see something big happen


The 2 extremes would be warrior and necro. For example, warrior feels impactful. With most of the meta berserker and spellbreaker weapon skills/utilities, you use them and it has a direct effect on the enemy


Necromancer on the other hand does not feel impactful. I drop rings on the ground, which although is a clear action, I dont feel like I'm negatively impacting the enemy (even if scourge does a ton of damage). I would argue that guardian is in the same boat, as dragon hunter you're dropping things on the ground, and as firebrand things just burn around you


Im looking for a profession where both elite specs have that feeling of being impactful. This is not a distinction between power and condi (e.g. berserker is played condi yet it still has that impact feel)


I'd like opinions on the following professions as they're the only ones I dont really have a way to try at 80 (PVP doesnt really count):

revenant (herald, renegade)

ranger (druid, soulbeast)

mesmer (chrono, mirage)


I know this is subjective, but how would you rank their elite specs in terms of how impactful it feels to play them in PVE fractals?

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I have little experience with Ranger.


Mesmer skills are pretty finesse-y. Their skills tend to not pack that punch that comes with strong animations and sound, but they generally aren't meant to within the flavor of the profession.


I main Revenant largely _because_ the skills feel impactful. Play around with Condi Rev/Renegade a bit with Mace/Axe and Mallyx stance. I'm quite sure it will fit the bill.

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Of the ones you'd listed I'd say power Soulbeast because of Greatsword (and some of the beast merged skills like Worldly Impact), and perhaps moreso: condition Revenant. Mace/axe have great animations and Mallyx stance (especially if traited with Diabolic Inferno) feels awesome. Aesthetically, it reminds me of a melee-oriented destruction Warlock from WoW. Neither Herald nor Renegade really offer much in terms of "impact" (if I understand what you are getting at) but I would say Herald may feel more impactful due to its elite. I don't play my condi Rev much anymore, but I really enjoyed it in PvE. Even power Rev has a pretty good feeling of "impact." If you are looking for viability in fractals, I would say of the two I mentioned, condi Revenant would be best (either Herald or Renegade) due to power Ranger having poor DPS. Just my personal opinion; I don't do fractals much anymore but condi Rev has very respectable DPS. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


(Edited for clarity)

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From my understanding you are looking for a profession that has massive looking skills, and care less about the actual numbers. The two top candidates in my opinion are:


Revenant - hammer has crazy looking awesome skills, nothing like projecting a giant mist hammer that bashes your enemies to the ground, or smashing the ground and seeing cracks of mist-fire-thingie spread ahead. The utilities are also quite impressive looking on most legends - turning all enemies to stone, conjuring a dragon or a rift through which a whole battalion bombards your enemies, or turning to a demon and corrupting all nearby enemies.


Elementalist - cause you can't beat raining fire, volcanic eruptions, lava pits, fire tornado, lightning storm (and other overloads), fire rings and walls, geysers, comets and of course turning into a gigantic tornado and throwing everything all over.


All professions have some nice looking skills, but not as many as those two.


I do have to give the honorary slot to holosmith, they give a nice light show :)

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I can tell you about the mesmer specs (Mirage and Chronomancer). The skills that have a lot of immediate impact are usually utility or cc skills. Drop a portal, Create a gravity well that sucks in all enemies, make everybody invisible, knock enemies back and interrupt them with GS 5 or stun them all with shield 5. Outside of those you will ususally have to chain multiple abilities together like with the Greatsword or Axe burst. You will probaby prefer Chronomancer over Mirage because mirage consists of a lot of little dodges and ambush skills, shadowsteps etc. Chrono on the other hand has these huge AoE wells and whatever skills you like can be doubled up with continuum split.

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hammer renegade is very impactful. All hammer skills are, Citadel Bombardment is super smex and icerazor and dazing summons are very impactful too, if they dont get CCd that is.


greatsword Soulbeast is another very impactful, especially with fused witht he pets which give you "Impactful World" which just jumps up and smashes the ground hardin an AoE and you can weel the weight of it and ofc greatsword Maul is very weighty feel.


Also warr and guardian both with hammer very weighty attacks too that you can feel.

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I am currently leveling a Revenant with Mace/Axe, and it feels really enjoyable to do the mace 2 into mace 3, and the animations for the axe are quite cool.


I also recently made a hasted Hammer Berserker (warrior), knocking everything around and down. I don't know if it is the _best_ build, but it sure is the most fun I've had with the class for a long time!

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If you're just looking for skills that look really flashy and do a lot of damage I'd say elementalist.

But if you want real combat impact I'd say chrono Mesmer or warrior, yes elementalist is crazy good as well but chrono and warrior are basically locked picks in all high level content because of how much impact they have on fights... =p

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> @Winegum.2395 said:

> I've been playing a variety of elite specs trying to find a profession to main. I've realized that the thing I enjoy the most is using an ability that feels impactful. As in, you press it and theres a clear animation that affects the enemy. Even if the ability does no damage, it still feels satisfying to press it and see something big happen


> The 2 extremes would be warrior and necro. For example, warrior feels impactful. With most of the meta berserker and spellbreaker weapon skills/utilities, you use them and it has a direct effect on the enemy


> Necromancer on the other hand does not feel impactful. I drop rings on the ground, which although is a clear action, I dont feel like I'm negatively impacting the enemy (even if scourge does a ton of damage). I would argue that guardian is in the same boat, as dragon hunter you're dropping things on the ground, and as firebrand things just burn around you


If you're limiting the question to Elite specs, I agree about Necro. But I love my non-Elite vampire necro build. Nothing like literally draining the enemy to death lol.

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In a game where condis are rampant with little animation and everything is circle spam, I don't think you'll ever feel impactful by playing a dps role in group content. If anything, you'll just be one among many cluttered in a sea of random AOE. That being said, I do have 2 classes that I feel are NOTICABLY impactful the course of a group, depending on how you play.


1) Herald Revenant:

Revenant has a nifty skill on staff 5. It is an evade/cc, and did I mention it cc's? Yeah. It cc's like a truck. It'll destroy *most* breakbars singlehandedly, if not leave a huge hole in it. While not needed, Herald allows you to fill in gaps in boon application, should your party be missing any of the core boons (might, fury, swiftness, protection).


2) Quickness Chronomancer.

While somewhat expensive to gear, a raids chronomancer is neigh invincible, can group invuln on demand, reflects on demand, cc's like a truck with Signet of Humility and its F3 skill, gives alacrity to people who don't dodge out of your pretty purple circles and gives lots of group QUICKNESS. Oh, and did I mention it's purple and has BUTTERFLIES? Kinda hard to miss, even in an aoe-fest. Add a single chronomancer to any group that isn't a pack of thieves, and you'll turn a mediocre group into dps beasts... even with a lazy rotation like mine.



I've never really felt all that impactful as an Ele or a Warrior. Unless you use a DPS meter, you'll never know if you're carrying or being carried, and most of the support on Warrior is passive.

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