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Making a Legendary and Farming Gold

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Hi, i decide to make a legendary bow for myself but then everyone kept up saying sell your first legendary sell sell, so it's logical for making good profit, sell first got 2k gold then make a new one for yourself but are they really getting sold or they just waiting in trading post forever? sometimes i check kudzu prices for instant buy and price they always same noone buys these.

**Question is after i make legendary should i put it to trading post** on high price (not sell instantly)


Another question is i need around like 600/700 gold (if possible tier6 mat farm makes much faster)

**So what is the best way for gold farm** in these days? Everyone says different thing and some of videos/posts are outdated bit. I usually farm dragonfall because i can buy trophy shipment with currency and it helps much for legendary. Dragonfall? New Drizzlewood map? Fractal? (after doing dailies keep farming fractals?)

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> @"Erdem.6213" said:

> Hi, i decide to make a legendary bow for myself but then everyone kept up saying sell your first legendary sell sell, so it's logical for making good profit, sell first got 2k gold then make a new one for yourself but are they really getting sold or they just waiting in trading post forever? sometimes i check kudzu prices for instant buy and price they always same noone buys these.

> **Question is after i make legendary should i put it to trading post** on high price (not sell instantly)


> Another question is i need around like 600/700 gold (if possible tier6 mat farm makes much faster)

> **So what is the best way for gold farm** in these days? Everyone says different thing and some of videos/posts are outdated bit. I usually farm dragonfall because i can buy trophy shipment with currency and it helps much for legendary. Dragonfall? New Drizzlewood map? Fractal? (after doing dailies keep farming fractals?)


Not sure, but I think you can only make it once since it's tied to achievements. No? I mean, I crafted Twilight but could only get Dusk once via the achievements. Now, if you used money to buy Dusk, perhaps you could make another Twilight? Not sure, haven't tried it.

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> @"misterman.1530" said:

> > @"Erdem.6213" said:

> > Hi, i decide to make a legendary bow for myself but then everyone kept up saying sell your first legendary sell sell, so it's logical for making good profit, sell first got 2k gold then make a new one for yourself but are they really getting sold or they just waiting in trading post forever? sometimes i check kudzu prices for instant buy and price they always same noone buys these.

> > **Question is after i make legendary should i put it to trading post** on high price (not sell instantly)

> >

> > Another question is i need around like 600/700 gold (if possible tier6 mat farm makes much faster)

> > **So what is the best way for gold farm** in these days? Everyone says different thing and some of videos/posts are outdated bit. I usually farm dragonfall because i can buy trophy shipment with currency and it helps much for legendary. Dragonfall? New Drizzlewood map? Fractal? (after doing dailies keep farming fractals?)


> Not sure, but I think you can only make it once since it's tied to achievements. No? I mean, I crafted Twilight but could only get Dusk once via the achievements. Now, if you used money to buy Dusk, perhaps you could make another Twilight? Not sure, haven't tried it.


ofc u can because crafting leaf of kudzu is 500gold with achievemnt, in trading post 250gold, so logical thing to do is buy it from trading not doing with achievement

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I wouldn't sell. Legendary prices are dropping because precoursers prices are dropping and with DW meta T6 mats are tanking. I can't see how it would be worth selling instead of keeping. They sell but there is always a risk of listing your legendary with a listing fee then some guy listing for 1 copper less and it could sell fast or sit there. That's the risk and noone can answer that

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My last legendary took 1 year to sell at the price I picked. AND that was after I looked at the price histories.


Earn gold doing easy stuff like SW-RIBA or what you prefer. Always be patient using buy-orders to gather mats. DON'T waste time chasing mats that don't drop well. With log-in rewards, if you've committed to a legendary always pick clovers.


Do what is fun for you, use the TP to get what you need after that.

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Depends if you want the legendary fast or to make as much profit as possible.

Sure it's true that you will make a profit from selling it, but that will always be the case, you won't have any legendaries if you keep selling them.

It makes sense if you need a decent amount of money to start TP flipping or whatever, if not, just make the legendary if you want it I would say.

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> @"Erdem.6213" said:

> Hi, i decide to make a legendary bow for myself but then everyone kept up saying sell your first legendary sell sell, so it's logical for making good profit, sell first got 2k gold then make a new one for yourself but are they really getting sold or they just waiting in trading post forever? sometimes i check kudzu prices for instant buy and price they always same noone buys these.


I would say this is poor advice. The highest profit right now is around 500g. Assuming world completion time of around 20 hours and another 4 for GoB that sets your g/h at around 20g/h. Not bad but not hugely better than alternatives either with some disadvantages too. I happen to be selling one of those "currently most profitable legendary" right now. It's been sitting there for a month.


Crafting and selling legendaries are not a particularly great way to make gold. They are an okay to poor way to make gold. There is a high initial investment and the wait time for them to sell is uncertain.


> **Question is after i make legendary should i put it to trading post** on high price (not sell instantly)


Probably, unless you are willing to sacrifice a big chunk of gold. Nearly 300g depending on the weapon.



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I sold a legendary (The Dreamer) a couple of years ago, but I deliberately priced it slightly below the lowest current offer so it was very likely to sell. I'd also been watching prices for a few weeks to get an idea of what typical prices were like and how often they changed. I couldn't see which ones sold and which were removed of course, but it gave me an idea of the activity at least.


But even having done it once it's not something I'm in any hurry to do again. Once you add up the cost of all the materials the profit isn't that much (even if you buy the precursor to save money) and considering the time required for the account bound items (which show up as worthless in any automatic calculation) you can probably make more gold using the same time to farm something else. I did it because I made one for myself before precursor crafting existed and I really wanted to do the collections, but I had no use for a second Dreamer and if I just sold the precusor I'd actually lose money, so I decided it made more sense to finish the legendary and sell that. It worked, but like I said I don't think it's a good way to make gold.


If I just wanted a legendary for myself and a chunk of gold I'd make the legendary I actually wanted to make and then spend some time doing meta events.

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tldr: but there is a metabattle post on ways of farming gold i read through recently... where is it... ah here it is : https://metabattle.com/wiki/Guide:Ways_to_Earn_Gold I also use GW2spidy to check the history of prices and what they sold at and the volume of things that were for sell. Quite useful.


Also i'm a hoarder and save everything. I play casually when i can and have about 11 legendaries in 6 years. I sold my first leggy and have been living off that gold which made it easier to get more gold with flipping items and hoarding mats when cheap and selling when high.



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I've sold 7 legendaries so far and none of them was on the TP for more than 24 hours so for me it was never a problem. I always put it up on price 1 gold lower than the actual lowest one.


About farming though, there are quite some viable options, you just gotta search the internet. The best imo tho is farming AB events during shiny bauble drop week. At best I made around 80g per run.

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