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Is there some easy way to earn gold?


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There are nearly infinite easy ways to earn easy gold, just not everyone enjoys all the ways. One of the easiest ways that isn't is too grindy is to do daily fractals. Another way that is only happening right now is farming the Halloween labrynth, use the lfg tool to find people doing it.


Salvaging and gathering what's in your way are fine ways to make gold for nearly zero effort, but you won't get super rich immediately.

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> @Fluffball.8307 said:

> There are nearly infinite easy ways to earn easy gold, just not everyone enjoys all the ways. One of the easiest ways that isn't is too grindy is to do daily fractals. Another way that is only happening right now is farming the Halloween labrynth, use the lfg tool to find people doing it.


I am not really level 80 with my primary character. I got an 80 warrior but he is from the times where power was king. His gear is very power-centric and I don't really have the funds to upgrade his gear.

I recently came back after a few years of break.

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You can gather for gold. Flax, seaweed, iron and platinum nodes are the best ones to gather:


Its a link to gw2efficiency limited to the most profitable gathering nodes. You can use alts to do gathering runs once a day for flax. Just park them at a location. Silverwaste land is where some go to farm gold. You need LS2 to unlock that zone. If you are high enough in fractals it very profitable. You do not have to grind long to make gold just spend an 1hr doing one of those things everyday.

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Since so much of the GW2 is sellable/buyable through Trading Post where supply and demand set the price, there are no ways to earn gold faster. If for example demand for Ore drives price up, more players go to gather it, providing more ore and pushing price down again.


I have never bothered to go around and do something I do not like just for the sole reason to get more gold. Do whatever you enjoy and you will earn some gold while doing it. Gather materials, kill enemies, do events, everything awards you with something.

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Spend real money. $10 = 100+gold. Done. ;) Why spend hours of your time and your life grinding away at something completely boring when you can work for an hour at your job and get that gold in an instant? Piece of cake.


It also contributes to Anet meaning better expansions and more stuff for us in the long run!

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It's all been mentioned. It's up to you to decide with what time you have, with what you enjoy with gold effiency. Silver Wastes chest/riba farming is the safest, T4 fractals are good if you have access to that, any mid tier mat farming wood/ore can get you a couple gold very quickl, flax seed farming, doing major HOT metas to mix things up, finding out good items to craft+sell at a profit, the list is endless.


As of now you could be making 20g/hr with just lab farming, but it's up to you to determine what is fun/interesting vs reward. I find mixing in real money is good for sales on big quality of life changes, things like bank slots, character tabs, shared tabs etc plus converting gold to gems too much for those will net you massive ratio losses, but for everything else like skins/costumes/gear etc just use gold.


Or you can get really lucky, and I mean REALLY lucky with treasure mushroom drop or a black chest opening with a free key - hey I've seen someone get a perma hair style kit and they basically made in 2secs what most average time players would make in 6months-1year.

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Easy most effiencent way, Bust out that Credit Card!


Seriously take what you make at your job.


And then realize 250g is 20 dollars.


Then realize all the ways to make gold, outside of RNG, net you 10-15g per hour.....


Even if you make minium wage, you can make 20 dollars in 3 hours where you can farm 45ish gold in 3 hours.




On top of that, save your laurels buy boxes sell the mats, sell all the drops you get, sell the karma ECT. Supplement that with the gold you earn from playing the way you want and your good.


Farming for gold to farm for gold in this game is a losing venture.



For this being touted as "not going be a grind" it is the most grindey game I have ever played, if you let it be.

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> @Despond.2174 said:

> It's all been mentioned. It's up to you to decide with what time you have, with what you enjoy with gold effiency. Silver Wastes chest/riba farming is the safest, T4 fractals are good if you have access to that, any mid tier mat farming wood/ore can get you a couple gold very quickl, flax seed farming, doing major HOT metas to mix things up, finding out good items to craft+sell at a profit, the list is endless.


> As of now you could be making 20g/hr with just lab farming, but it's up to you to determine what is fun/interesting vs reward. I find mixing in real money is good for sales on big quality of life changes, things like bank slots, character tabs, shared tabs etc plus converting gold to gems too much for those will net you massive ratio losses, but for everything else like skins/costumes/gear etc just use gold.


> Or you can get really lucky, and I mean REALLY lucky with treasure mushroom drop or a black chest opening with a free key - hey I've seen someone get a perma hair style kit and they basically made in 2secs what most average time players would make in 6months-1year.


count me lucky, from a treasure mushroom in VD. I can't believe someone actually bought my boots for 3k and no one can't even see it! Irony at its best, the most expensive looted gear is the one you can't see. Who would actually look at your feet?

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> @Fluffball.8307 said:

> The comparison of real money acquisition to in game money only works if you're not enjoying playing the game and view getting gold as some sort of daily chore. I can't change my relaxation time spent playing gw2 into more money for a vacation or house extension.


I don't view getting gold as a chore, I farm all sorts of things for gold and enjoy it, I just also realise that if I want a particular thing, that if I do 1 hour of overtime, I can buy 500g and so that is a far more efficient way of getting what I want. I look at it as a time economy. Think about it though, if you wanted to, you could NOT play GW2, get a second job and pay for those vacations and house extensions a lot faster too. You just choose to use your time differently.

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I mostly understand the desire to save time with real money, it's just not something I'd do our even recommend since gold is pretty meaningless in this game. Free dungeon armor works almost identically as well as ascended armor, and skins are meaningless.


For me, playing the game is the end goal (and gets me tons of gold and legendaries anyway. )

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> @sixburn.5807 said:

> > @Despond.2174 said:


> count me lucky, from a treasure mushroom in VD. I can't believe someone actually bought my boots for 3k and no one can't even see it! Irony at its best, the most expensive looted gear is the one you can't see. Who would actually look at your feet?


You need to understand due to the limited nature of gear progression, your look is basically the main form of armor/weapon progression. Trust me, many people will notice. Just like many people can look @ you and straight away know if you're using a rarer/expensive dye, or if your armor is hard to acquire. People have been farming for 5 years+ add on top real money, 3k for something that's extremely exclusive and rare isn't always a big deal. People will pay 2k even for a very light frost aura. There's nothing ironic about it, it makes perfect sense. Sometimes if I get a look upgrade I immediately want to play that character even if the build isn't one of my favorite.




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I'm trying to figure out which of these methods of earning gold is best given my play style, but at some point, the cost of the time it takes me to understand the options outweighs their difference in value. So I need to figure out where that point is, and stop before I reach it. But when I factor in the time to calculate that, it changes the overall answer...


(shamelessly stolen from [a recent XKCD](https://xkcd.com/1908/ "a recent XKCD"))

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> @"Cyber Locc.9836" said:

> Easy most effiencent way, Bust out that Credit Card!


> Seriously take what you make at your job.


> And then realize 250g is 20 dollars.


> Then realize all the ways to make gold, outside of RNG, net you 10-15g per hour.....


> Even if you make minium wage, you can make 20 dollars in 3 hours where you can farm 45ish gold in 3 hours.


In my case it's mostly related to personal standards. I more than enough earn enough money from work to afford any amount of gold I need from the gemstore.

I just refuse to buy micro-transactions in games.


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