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Would you like to see specializations for minions, elementals etc?


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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > > @Lahmia.2193 said:

> > > While it might seem a bit ironic, saying this as a necro main, but I'm dead against any kind of AI orientated specializations.

> >

> > Core Necro build for minions is already a highly specialized and **effective** build to begin with ... if it wasn't so boring, it would **need a nerf.**


> oh pls let it be sarcasm

> pls let it be sarcasm

> pls let it be sarcasm............


It's Obtena, so probably not.

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> @Obtena.7952 said:

> > @Lahmia.2193 said:

> > While it might seem a bit ironic, saying this as a necro main, but I'm dead against any kind of AI orientated specializations.


> Not only that but the Core Necro build for minions is already a highly specialized and effective build to begin with ... if it wasn't so boring, it would need a nerf.


In open world PvE MM builds are very good if you're looking for survivability. Everywhere else? Forget about it. They don't do enough damage or bring enough utility in instanced PvE, and they take 10x damage from other players. If you know something everybody else doesn't, link the build.

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I really like this idea with survival through the minions, imagine some of your attacks and nearby deaths will be building up flesh stacks , your shroud abilities will use those stacks to summon minions and your utility skills will temporarly buff you and your minions.


1 minion that causes a long duration bleed on their basic attacks (jagged horror)

1 greater minion that causes 2 x bleeding with its basic attacks but that also pulses poison to any nearby enemies

limit to minions you can have at the same time 20 - 30 and limit to the greater minion 5

1 utility skill that gives might

1 utility skill that add additional conditions to your minions

1 elite skill that adds multiple conditions you your minions or summon up some kind of huge monster ^^


So your job with this build will be to get the smaller minions up and trade some of them in for your stronger once as the fight goes on and buff them accordingly by situation. preferably as some fractals and raids have 1 big boss it would be good if the mionions themselves give flesh stacks to help with upkeep.

I think a minion build like this would do alot of good. Unlike the other necro specs this build can have alot of dps because it will never be to good in pvp or wvw, in wvw the minions get killed by zergs instantly and death nova does not do that much dps anyway and in pvp they just get outplayed by terrain or baited around.

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The best way to do great necro Minions in a game like this for them to just be graphical DoTs, to be honest (which I would be cool with), so they would basically be uncleansable condis that you can see walking around and fighting.


So instead of inflicting Burning. You summon several skeletons that attack a single target for X amount of time or until the target dies, or they swarm and attack an area for X amount of time (like any pulsing AoE). They don't need AI if you treat them like this. And as long as you can keep summoning more, it's not really a problem that any single target minions won't switch targets.


This is the best way to have a true minion master build where you have an army of undead allies.

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > > > @Lahmia.2193 said:

> > > > While it might seem a bit ironic, saying this as a necro main, but I'm dead against any kind of AI orientated specializations.

> > >

> > > Core Necro build for minions is already a highly specialized and **effective** build to begin with ... if it wasn't so boring, it would **need a nerf.**

> >

> > oh pls let it be sarcasm

> > pls let it be sarcasm

> > pls let it be sarcasm............


> It's Obtena, so probably not.


No it's not sarcasm ... if you can't think of a MM build that allows you to do thing most classes dream of doing, you just haven't played them enough. Playing Minions makes most content in this game trivial. If your going to metapush ideas like equating 'effective' with 'highest DPS', I don't see how your input relates to the question at hand to begin with.


> @Vitali.5039 said:

> We already have Death Magic fo minions, what could bring a minion's e-spec? Summons on weapon skills to shatter them?

> Minions and Death Magic need some reworks but definitely not a e-spec to fix them.


Exactly this ... no more traits are needed to make a Minion build work at it's peak effectiveness. Certainly ... the skills are already pre-determined ... they are minions.

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> Exactly this ... no more traits are needed to make a Minion build work at it's peak effectiveness. Certainly ... the skills are already pre-determined ... they are minions.


I wouldnt' be surprised if they never updated our necro minion spec, which needs updating.I would love if we could get a official necro minion spec that is cool and updated with new stuff

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If they could make it work and make it so you either have a giant army of minions or big giant minions i would be down for that. if they did it though i would want to see synenergy with the current minions like 2 traits, 1 which doubles all your minions so 2 blood fiends ext, or 1 which upgrades it to a new sort of blood fiend that has more skills and much higher stats. of course adding its own new minions and a weapon (either hammer or twin swords) to rip the ground open or smash it open and summon extra minions with some of you're attacks and such.


NOTES: Only 1 of these minions can be summoned at once per skill so using Ritual of Bones again while skeletons are active will kill off your existing Skeleton soliders and such. The exception of the rules is the Sword 1 skill and Shades from Ritual Of Darkness both of which have health deteriation anyway. all other minions (excluding the Elite Minions) gain health deteriation based on the minion (Sword 2 after 5 seconds Sword 4 after 15 seconds for example basically it has longer before the decay depending on the cooldown of the skill


eg .

Sword 1 - Last hit summons something like a risen chicken like minion in terms of mechanic and durability. something that could just run up and like those little bloodstone elementals and blow up causing poison around it

Sword 2- spins around causing a ritual area. weak minions continue to pour out of the ritual area for a short time. enemies in the ritual area get pulsing poison . If enough weak minions are near each other they will form together to make a stronger one. before the minions fuse the ones that will exit the portal will be parts simular to what the risen farmer does with the arms that come out of the ground.

Sword 3- A blood wurm comes out of the ground and travels you towards a foe (kind of a leap) if it hits a foe , the foe will get some sort of conditons . the wurm will fight by your side after. this one acts more like the wurms that travel towards foes and attack via burrowing

Sword 4- Summons a giant armed minion who will cover the necromancer blocking all attacks. any foe that attacks the necroamncer will get bleeded (1 second cooldown per foe on bleed) on melee attacks . after the block the minion will help the necromancer . this minion is bulky and tanky and will bleed melee users who attack it naturally with a cooldown

Sword 5- Raises the sword in the air empowering all your minions. The necromancer will gain a couple random buffs based on what buffs the minions get and all minions will gain a buff


Special Utility skills- Ritauls. Fields that the necromancer will place down. all rituals pulse a condition or buff


Ritual Of Life- Summons a Flesh Bat that has a skill (cooldown) that can drain lifeforce for its master and health of foe for itself. Healing Utiltiy- Necro heals and heals all minions active minions. Minions in the ritual area will also gain a stat boost for a short while


Ritual Of Bones - Summon a couple of skeleton soldiers basic cannon fodder. Allies in this ritual area gain might Enemies in the ritual area get vulrabiltiy (pulses)


Ritual Of Flesh - Summons a Flesh Creature (a flesh shark underwater) that has giant teeth that causes bleed. allies in the ritual of flesh gain regen


Ritual Of Darkness - Necromancer inflicts self blind to do this one - Summons a Shadow Portal that summons shades- Shades will just self destruct for damage. After the duration of the shadow portal is up it will blow up causing fear to foes near it. Pulses blind to foes while active (only blinds once per person though)


Ritual Of Blood - Necromancer inflicts self bleeding to do this one. -Summons a Necromancer doppelganger . This Necromancer is weak in damage but will steal conditions (1 every few seconds) you have and grant you might in its place. Grants life steal attacks for a few attacks for any allied unit in the ritual .


Ritual Of The Moon ( Elite) Summons 3 Ghostly units that all have a diffrent role (Ghostly Swordsman Being Tanky, Ghostly Sorcereress Using AoE fire atacks and Ghostly Archer focusing on single target damage) . All allies in the ritual gain Protection


Mechanics are all about commands and management or summoning the great minion


F1- Mark Target (uses no lifeforce) basically a way for the necromancer to focus all its minion on 1 foe

F2- Sacrifice - Sacrifices a minion (the closest to a foe and prioritises weakest first) . the minion will explode causing poison and necromancer will gain a buff

F3- Empowerment - Sacrifices the lowest HP minion to grant all other minions might

F4- Mass Explosion - Causes all your minions to explode causing various conditions. Conditions are based on what minions exploded

F5- Ritual Of Might - Uses all the necromancers life force for this skill. Causes a ritual causing every single one of your minions to be consumes into making 1 powerful creature. The stats of this creature increases with each minion that was used (it has a buff that lasts till it dies giving it the stat boost of the creatures used) . If enough was used in the creation of this creature the necromancer may fuse with the creature and use it and its 5 skills (think of this like a azura golem sort of creature you can enter it and it's hp is used). however while inside the creature it will be weaker and will deteriate its hp . there is a cooldown between the next time you enter the creature. During this time any skill you use will not summon any creatures. the creature will not deteriate hp (unless you fuse with it) and will only go away if it runs out of hp, or if the necromancer uses F5 again which causes it to release a giant explosion knockbacking any enemy in the area of the creature's explosion and granting might to any allies in the area


Trait ideas -


Grandmaster Major

Personal Army - Doubles all creatures you can summon but all creatures deteriate hp as soon as summoned, also have lower stats (effects vanilla necro summons lose their skill for choosing this option and replaces with explode option like the bone fiends)

Putrid Power - All creatures summoned are stronger. Any multi summoning skill now only summons 1 strong creature instead (exseption being moon they just end up stronger but not by much) (also effects Vanilla Necro summons making them appear larger and gain stronger stats)

Power Sharing - Shares might from elite spec moves and minions granting the necro might to allies around the necromancer


Grandmaster Minor

Life Link - Minion will take a lethal blow for a necromancer (Long Cooldown)


Major Masters

Sword Mastery - Sword skills gain reduces cooldown. Gain Toughness for using swords

Life In Death - Tags a foe if hit by a minion. If target is then killed after tagged the necro gains more lifeforce. Mechanic Skills gain reduces cooldown

Spiked Armor - Causes foes to attack the necromancer to gain bleed (cooldown)


Minor Master

Furious Death -Mechanic skills excluding F1 also apply Fury to the necro for a short time


Major Adept

Strong Limbs - All minions can move faster , Necro can run faster the more minions on the field (Putrid Power will give the speed that all minions summoned if a multi summon skill is used excluding Sword Skill 2)

Corrupted Wounds- Bleeds also cause Poison if target has enough stacks of bleed .Poison deals more damage

Fast Summons - Minion Summon Skills reduced cooldown by 20%, Rituals cooldown reduces by 20% Cast times reduces by 10%


Minor Adept

Can use swords


Types Of Minions

When i say specials its their skill they can activate in combat not like the skills for necro summons. there is no control over when they use them


Sword 1- Minion that just there to explode and give some sort of extra damage output. no other use


Sword 2 - Turrets before it fuses when fused becomes a 4 armed humanoid creature that can shoot its arms at distance as a special


Sword 3- Acts like a wurm that burrow attacks


Sword 4- Giant tanky armed flesh thing that can block as it's special. When not blocking the player and blocking for itself (as in after it is independent summon its block can also reflect projectile) and all its blocks on melee users can bleed (1 second cooldown per person)


Ritual of Life - Summons bat that drains life for itself, its specail also drains lifeforce for its master


Ritual Of Bones - Couple skeletons no special attacks or anything just numbers summon


Ritual Of Flesh - Creature that does bleeds often .


Ritual Of Darkness - Like Sword 1 but multi summoning


Ritual Of Blood - A Shadow version of the player or a necromancer NPC or something that can not really do much damage but helps remove conditions off the player every few seconds and replaces it with might. the damage it can do is just condition damage and the damage is weak more so a hexer and condition taker


Ritual Of The Moon - Ghostly Swordsman has good Hp and Can heal ghostly allies as its special , Ghostly Sorceress can use that ghostly meteor storm ability as its special otherwise throws ghostly fire balls at targets, Ghostly Archer shoots arrows and its special can immobilze


F5 - The monster has 5 skills, A basic attack, A ground slam (slow but can knock back) , a charge (also able to knock back) , a roar (allies gain might enemies gain vul) and a self destruct (either pushing F5 again or using it while fused. if used while fused it will also cause a poison cloud around it)




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This would be wonderful. And it might even spur anet to give death magic the buff it needs (or make good use of it, at-least).


There are a couple easy ways to deal with AI issues:

A) Allow you to order your minions to target a specific enemy.

B) Make "forget and summon" abilities that allow you to make a minion who attacks an enemy for an amount of time, then dies (similar to mesmer clones).

C) Give minions AoE or bouncing attacks.

D) Combo of the above, of course.


Some things I personally would like to see in this:

-The a-fore-mentioned forget and summon abilities. Perhaps it would spawn something weak, like a jagged horror.

-A new set of f1-f5 abilities, which cause your minions to perform special abilities around them (AoE conditions, AoE damage, Healing, Special Movement, etc.) and/or at-least one "bomb" ability that acts like a shatter. All the minions converge on the target, then explode and cause a (variety of) effect(s).

-Utilities/An Elite which summon minions. Each minion would have special abilities and each could inflict certain conditions. A boonstriping minion, a buffing (boon granting) minion, a ranged attack minion, a condition application minion. . .

-A heal skill that summons a minion capable of buffing/healing the necromancer and their allies. Perhaps something to do with generating a vampiric aura that allows the necromancer and allies to heal.

-Actual undead creatures and horrors. Not. . .uh. . .wierd tiny fleshy rats.

-Weapon skills that summon temporary minions, utility/heal/elite skills that summon permanent minions unless sacrificed in some way.




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see even if they made the minions on the basic weapons just attacks *stuff like summons giant minions that shoot a giant laser or a minion that comes out of the ground to block attacks as a few exsamples* and the actual summoning on the life force and utility it would be cool. If anyone played final fantasy dissidia 012 with yuna that sort of style for the attacks where she would summon minions to attack and then they would go away after the attack . would look cool having a necromancer summon creatures to do the attacks for them and it could lead to many types of attacks. it can also work with pretty much any weapon. Longbows? shoot the ground and have minions attack like its attracted to bait , Sword? Rip the ground open and such , Hammer? Smash the ground open to reveal monsters ext ext

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @KinderOutlaw.5846 said:

> I really like your idea Slayer! i hope arena net take notes and give us a minion spec next expansion :)


If any class gets a minion spec, it wont be Necro. They already have a minion spec. It would make all the current minions rather pointless as the new ones would obviously be much stronger.


I'd say No. For the fact that AI is SO bad when it comes to pets, minions and such. If it worked like Soulbeast. You get your own set of abilities and you can choose 2 of a selection of minions to be able to swap between and then have the ability to merg with them, of course with a GOOD visual change. Like you become a bigger version of that minion. That could be kinda cool.

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > @Lahmia.2193 said:

> > While it might seem a bit ironic, saying this as a necro main, but I'm dead against any kind of AI orientated specializations.


> Your Putting Dirt on the Necromancer name... HOW DARE YOU !!!!!


> Stop playing the class RIGHT NOW !!!!!!!


> You don't deserve to be a Necromancer !!!!!



Im necromancer main as well... and minions are just damn useless anywhere outside of open world pve. And even there...

Pretty boring to play with.

-> i want something challenging

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  • 2 months later...

just give me minion skins and i'll be happy


we got the Zombie Skin(Zaitan)


so now we need


Skeleton Skin

Etherial Skin

Ghost Skin (like etherial but less cosmic, more glowy)

Mordremoth Skin

Balthazar Skin (sorta...robotic and fiery)

Kralk Skin (Branded)


and more. huge money opportunity here =D



anything more than this. is icing on the cake!

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as dumb as this may sound, i really wish they'd look at bit at GW1. I really miss the different types of golems you could use. The variety added fun and strategy to minions on which ones to use.


Making an educated guess: seeing how they tweeked minions in the joko story on how you can control them, i'm guessing that is the direction they are looking for any minion style spec.

minor spoiler>

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  • 9 months later...

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