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Griffon - Legendary Corrupted Facet - any ideas ...?


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I've done Facet casually with Daily Bounties at least twice after i got Griffon. And mind you, if there's a quicker option, i tend to avoid bounties, so there's definitely opportunities for it.

I'd advise to either start your own Squad LFG, look for one constantly in LFG, or wait for when there's a Daily for Bounties in the Crystal Oasis, and ask the squad if they want to do the legendary Facet. Usually they'll acquiesce.

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I followed the advice given and co-ordinated with another person to clear that boss. First try was a fail as we were only eight people who weren't that strong. A commander joined us and we did a bit of a champion train while we waited for the respawn. More people joined and we took it down on the second try no problem.


I got my griffon yesterday and celebrated with getting the kickass Stormchaser skin<333

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> I've done Facet casually with Daily Bounties at least twice after i got Griffon. And mind you, if there's a quicker option, i tend to avoid bounties, so there's definitely opportunities for it.

> I'd advise to either start your own Squad LFG, look for one constantly in LFG, or wait for when there's a Daily for Bounties in the Crystal Oasis, and ask the squad if they want to do the legendary Facet. Usually they'll acquiesce.


Good point. :)


It sometimes surprises me but players are often willing to do things like that to help someone out if you say you need it. My favourite was back when WvW maps were needed for map completion. My server had just gotten a squad together and we were debating where to go so I said "Well I need that tower for map completion so if we can go that way it'd be good" and based on nothing more than that (and none of the scouts reporting any enemy groups) the entire squad decided to go take the tower.


And yet I still find myself afraid to ask sometimes. I'm not even sure what I'm worried about - that no one will help or that they will and I'll somehow do something wrong and annoy them, or that they'll be nasty about it or just talking to strangers. Whatever it is I'm always nervous when I have to start a group in LFG or switch on a tag and ask for help in map chat. But honestly the positive experiences massively out number the bad ones.

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Sometimes (for the legendaries especially) you just get awful combos of abilities. You can deal with some of them, especially if you've prepared the group beforehand (i.e. bring ranged and melee so phase shifter doesn't make it invincible 50% of the time). Other times you just have to reroll. If you get Phase Shifted, Spinning Laser, Hammerer, it's going to be an uphill battle.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm in the same boat. Just got a group through LFG and with 10 folks, it failed although we did get it down to maybe 33% or so. It stinks because it seems as if there is stuff locked behind the griffon mount and LFG really isn't much of a help. At this point, I'm wondering if I should even bother.

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Did you get the group together and explain the mechanics before triggering the bounty? That's the most common mistake I've seen with bounties recently - people pick up the bounty, run out and trigger the boss and then ask for people to join and by the time they arrive there isn't time to defeat it. Putting a group together first makes a big difference.


Other than that I recommend following the advice further up this topic. I last did it on Tuesday night so I can confirm it is still done on EU servers (I assume NA is the same) but it does need planning in advance to get it done. Unless you happen to come across an organised group already doing it.

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Just finished it today, for like the third time doing someone's griffon quest in the guild.


Three people is plenty, five is ideal, any more than that and you will start to scale it up to rediculous levels (tons of adds, lots of damage, etc.). more people does not make things easier in this game, it makes it harder..better to use a specialised group.


Make sure you have a DPS (glass power+condi), a dedicated healer, and someone to cleanse conditions (e.g Scrapper or Scourge). It may seem tempting to bring a bunch of DPS to it but that's not the best idea at bounties especially when their time limits give you plenty of wiggle room, its pretty forgiving.


You can clear pretty much any open-world encounter in the game this way, even legendary bounties.

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  • 2 weeks later...

after months of trying and still not even close to a group or even a hind of help, i would say it's impossible.

when i play there is never ever a group to do stuff like this, and the argument of "wait for a boss train" is getting old since they are never at my play time and takes hours to even start let alone get it to the facet.

i have 2, maybe 3 hours so waiting for a train is a no go and getting one started is a waste of time.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> after months of trying and still not even close to a group or even a hind of help, i would say it's impossible.

> when i play there is never ever a group to do stuff like this, and the argument of "wait for a boss train" is getting old since they are never at my play time and takes hours to even start let alone get it to the facet.

> i have 2, maybe 3 hours so waiting for a train is a no go and getting one started is a waste of time.


If you have a commander tag: apply it when you get the bounty. Then walk to the area where it spawns and create a group and write in map chat that you are going to engage it in X minutes.


I did this and got about 15 people within the first minute.

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> @"Geiir.7603" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > after months of trying and still not even close to a group or even a hind of help, i would say it's impossible.

> > when i play there is never ever a group to do stuff like this, and the argument of "wait for a boss train" is getting old since they are never at my play time and takes hours to even start let alone get it to the facet.

> > i have 2, maybe 3 hours so waiting for a train is a no go and getting one started is a waste of time.


> If you have a commander tag: apply it when you get the bounty. Then walk to the area where it spawns and create a group and write in map chat that you are going to engage it in X minutes.


> I did this and got about 15 people within the first minute.


But he dont want to do that just join some other person who do that mate.

Some are leaders and some a sheep. I myself are sometimes one sometimes the other.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Geiir.7603" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > after months of trying and still not even close to a group or even a hind of help, i would say it's impossible.

> > > when i play there is never ever a group to do stuff like this, and the argument of "wait for a boss train" is getting old since they are never at my play time and takes hours to even start let alone get it to the facet.

> > > i have 2, maybe 3 hours so waiting for a train is a no go and getting one started is a waste of time.

> >

> > If you have a commander tag: apply it when you get the bounty. Then walk to the area where it spawns and create a group and write in map chat that you are going to engage it in X minutes.

> >

> > I did this and got about 15 people within the first minute.


> But he dont want to do that just join some other person who do that mate.

> Some are leaders and some a sheep. I myself are sometimes one sometimes the other.


You don’t even need to lead. This was my first time doing it and it seemed like the others knew the mechanics, because we ended it with 4 minutes left on the clock.

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> @"Geiir.7603" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > after months of trying and still not even close to a group or even a hind of help, i would say it's impossible.

> > when i play there is never ever a group to do stuff like this, and the argument of "wait for a boss train" is getting old since they are never at my play time and takes hours to even start let alone get it to the facet.

> > i have 2, maybe 3 hours so waiting for a train is a no go and getting one started is a waste of time.


> If you have a commander tag: apply it when you get the bounty. Then walk to the area where it spawns and create a group and write in map chat that you are going to engage it in X minutes.


> I did this and got about 15 people within the first minute.


i don't waste 300 gold on an arrow, i have better things to do and not much gold to spend.

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> @"Geiir.7603" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > @"Geiir.7603" said:

> > > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > after months of trying and still not even close to a group or even a hind of help, i would say it's impossible.

> > > > when i play there is never ever a group to do stuff like this, and the argument of "wait for a boss train" is getting old since they are never at my play time and takes hours to even start let alone get it to the facet.

> > > > i have 2, maybe 3 hours so waiting for a train is a no go and getting one started is a waste of time.

> > >

> > > If you have a commander tag: apply it when you get the bounty. Then walk to the area where it spawns and create a group and write in map chat that you are going to engage it in X minutes.

> > >

> > > I did this and got about 15 people within the first minute.

> >

> > But he dont want to do that just join some other person who do that mate.

> > Some are leaders and some a sheep. I myself are sometimes one sometimes the other.


> You don’t even need to lead. This was my first time doing it and it seemed like the others knew the mechanics, because we ended it with 4 minutes left on the clock.


Way to miss the point mate.

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> @"HtFde.3856" said:

> I only ever got the bounty myself twice. Will try lfg next time though the "open world" or "achievement hunter" tab is usually very, very empty ...


You need to advertize this in the regional LFG (Crystal Oasis), preferably ahead of time (i.e., before you grab the bounty on the board). Mentioning the achievement in addition to the bounty can't hurt.


Otherwise, joining a bounty train could be a solution for you.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Geiir.7603" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > after months of trying and still not even close to a group or even a hind of help, i would say it's impossible.

> > > when i play there is never ever a group to do stuff like this, and the argument of "wait for a boss train" is getting old since they are never at my play time and takes hours to even start let alone get it to the facet.

> > > i have 2, maybe 3 hours so waiting for a train is a no go and getting one started is a waste of time.

> >

> > If you have a commander tag: apply it when you get the bounty. Then walk to the area where it spawns and create a group and write in map chat that you are going to engage it in X minutes.

> >

> > I did this and got about 15 people within the first minute.


> i don't waste 300 gold on an arrow, i have better things to do and not much gold to spend.


Which is why I wrote: if you have a commander tag.


You can still form a group and advertise it in the map chat and the group finder.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Geiir.7603" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > after months of trying and still not even close to a group or even a hind of help, i would say it's impossible.

> > > when i play there is never ever a group to do stuff like this, and the argument of "wait for a boss train" is getting old since they are never at my play time and takes hours to even start let alone get it to the facet.

> > > i have 2, maybe 3 hours so waiting for a train is a no go and getting one started is a waste of time.

> >

> > If you have a commander tag: apply it when you get the bounty. Then walk to the area where it spawns and create a group and write in map chat that you are going to engage it in X minutes.

> >

> > I did this and got about 15 people within the first minute.


> i don't waste 300 gold on an arrow, i have better things to do and not much gold to spend.


Then use a mentor tag and communicate that you want to do this bounty! Either way, give as many indicators as you can without spamming that you want to fight this bounty at this place. You might be standing in a desert but there are still people even now, especially on daily crystal oasis bounty day!

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