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Why is this community so terribly disrespectful and toxic on the official twitch stream?

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"Tere.4759" said:

> > > @"Alin.2468" said:

> > > Simple answer: game is dead.

> > >

> > > Complex answer: game is not dead yet, as people still hope for something better (ballance in PvP, Guild vs Guild, revitalization of WvW, and so on), and these hopes kept for a long time tend to create frustrations, which are spilled on other players (even though it's not their fault) creating the so called toxicity.

> >

> > The game isn't all about PvP. You don't like what you have, go play one of the many other PvP games like BDO etc. It frustrates me to no end that the PvPers think everything has to revolve around them so much so that they kitten and moan on Twitch streams. Also, balance is spelled balance.


> The very same thing can be said about raids and end-game PvE such as fractals. WoW has raids, and fractal like mythic + so go play those games if you want that kind of content? The logic here is flawed; If you aren't willing to support a game mode than cease its existence and tell everyone "This is not what our game is about" but on steam they pride themselves on "True competitive" play, at the bottom and it is a pillar of the game.


Yup, where is that spelled out for GW2?



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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > Perhaps those commenting in Twitch aren't really representative of the GW2 gaming community?

> Or maybe they are and this community is not as good as it pretends to be.


> A quick scan through this thread reading people making excuses for garbage behavior and blaming it on Anet rather than displaying a modicum of self control or class proves you wrong.


It doesn't prove anything. There are so few players who visit, much less post on the forums that they don't represent the community as a whole.

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> @"Tere.4759" said:

> > @"Alin.2468" said:

> > Simple answer: game is dead.

> >

> > Complex answer: game is not dead yet, as people still hope for something better (ballance in PvP, Guild vs Guild, revitalization of WvW, and so on), and these hopes kept for a long time tend to create frustrations, which are spilled on other players (even though it's not their fault) creating the so called toxicity.


> The game isn't all about PvP. You don't like what you have, go play one of the many other PvP games like BDO etc. It frustrates me to no end that the PvPers think everything has to revolve around them so much so that they kitten and moan on Twitch streams. Also, balance is spelled balance.


I highly doubt any of us that play WvWvW or sPvP expect that the game ‘is all about us’. Believe me, the general slap in the face with lack of development for either mode has been clear.


Telling people something is coming, side discussing it for 8 months, then nothing about it for 2 more years despite two Living world seasons, effectively a release date for an expansion that was not going to happen, multiple events, and a sort of long promised Swiss system which didn’t work: all in a game that was billed as three main areas: PvE, WvWvW and sPvP.


So, if some cannot stomach it being interjected frequently, then maybe they want to stay out of the heat in the summer.


It’s gone on too long.


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> @"Tere.4759" said:

> > @"Alin.2468" said:

> > Simple answer: game is dead.

> >

> > Complex answer: game is not dead yet, as people still hope for something better (ballance in PvP, Guild vs Guild, revitalization of WvW, and so on), and these hopes kept for a long time tend to create frustrations, which are spilled on other players (even though it's not their fault) creating the so called toxicity.


> The game isn't all about PvP. You don't like what you have, go play one of the many other PvP games like BDO etc. It frustrates me to no end that the PvPers think everything has to revolve around them so much so that they kitten and moan on Twitch streams. Also, balance is spelled balance.


lol pvp gets 0 content and pvpers have the gall .. the AUDACITY! to be angry.. I agree bro. :) well back in the real GW days the franchise was the best pvp on the market, so you can understand our frustration. Though I've long since accepted that this is a pve collector game and not a pvp game, has been for eons at this point. No one actually expects anything for pvp, as we've gotten NOTHING for so long, at this point we're just memeing and laughing at ANets incompetence.


Don't worry everything will change and all will be fluffy bunnies and teddy bears when alliances release in 2029 and spvp gets a new mode in 3034, until then, I agree pvpers should just go play the worst korean grinder ever released.. for pvp? xD

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> @"GummyBearSummoner.7941" said:

> Yeah I hardly come on here because there’s hardly any constructive criticism. I’m out enjoying the game most of the time :)


Constructive criticism diminished over time, because they simply did not listen to it. It was much easier to simply delete the old forum, so new players won't notice (but that was not toxic either).


Enjoy the game.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"TrOtskY.5927" said:

> >... they don't respect their most hardcore and loyal players.

> How do you know this? The forums represent such a small portion of the entire player base. Also, what defines "most hardcore and loyal" ?




Hardcore - plays almost every day or plays harder end game content

Loyal - over a long period of time. I will add spending gems over a long period is extra sauce on top of this


How do I know they are ignored? Because the same complaints I see after returning to the game from a 6 year break.


We didn't get a single response from Anet about game breaking lag affecting EU servers for at least 4 months. That is disrespect.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"TrOtskY.5927" said:

> >... they don't respect their most hardcore and loyal players.

> How do you know this? The forums represent such a small portion of the entire player base. Also, what defines "most hardcore and loyal" ?




By normal definition or his own?

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > @"Zeivu.3615" said:

> > How do you know it isn't Twitch?


> That's like saying PvP breeds toxicity, when the actual reason for people being toxic in PvP is the actual abandonment Anet expressed when they decided to let hackers/botters, and blatant cheaters roam free.


> In both the Twitch situation and PvP, it is not the environment themselves, it is the common denominator of Anet being the issue and folks just shrugging everything else/ being compliant to poor content because it doesn't effect their play style.



Lets be real this attitude is the problem just because a game doesn't do or go the way some of the players wanted doesnt excuse this behavior. Really they should've kept spanking kids in grade schools might have curtailed some of this disrespectful behavior.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> There's nothing toxic about it. It's the truth and the truth hurts. And, unlike this forum, there are not enough white knights there to save the day.


No, the truth is that you dislike the handling of your game mode. That's the truth and most people can accept that. But that doesn't justify being toxic and non-constructive to anyone especially not the designers of the game.

Imagine your boss or your parents would behave like that when you don't do your job. That's not how a normal society works - not even in many lesser evolved species.

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