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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > Samurai elite please and ty


> For which class?


> Only class I could imagine with that theme right now would be revenant.

> Mostly because I would associate a "samurai elite spec" with greatsword as their weapon and revenant is the only class left without greatsword that would make sense with a samurai theme.


Warrior with land spear that way uve got spear,lb and gs covered. Of course it would be great if they actually did somthin unique like change the gs skills to more samurai style skills, holsters on the left side. Or teef off hand sword ronin spec would work.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > Samurai elite please and ty

> >

> > For which class?

> >

> > Only class I could imagine with that theme right now would be revenant.

> > Mostly because I would associate a "samurai elite spec" with greatsword as their weapon and revenant is the only class left without greatsword that would make sense with a samurai theme.


> Warrior with land spear that way uve got spear,lb and gs covered. Of course it would be great if they actually did somthin unique like change the gs skills to more samurai style skills, holsters on the left side. Or teef off hand sword ronin spec would work.


I highly doubt that Anet is doing any of these things like bringing under water weapons to land or giving offhand weapons to the mainhand.


Warrior with staff would be a possible choice, tho. Especially since they already started to create staff skins which look like spears.

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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > > Samurai elite please and ty

> > >

> > > For which class?

> > >

> > > Only class I could imagine with that theme right now would be revenant.

> > > Mostly because I would associate a "samurai elite spec" with greatsword as their weapon and revenant is the only class left without greatsword that would make sense with a samurai theme.

> >

> > Warrior with land spear that way uve got spear,lb and gs covered. Of course it would be great if they actually did somthin unique like change the gs skills to more samurai style skills, holsters on the left side. Or teef off hand sword ronin spec would work.


> I highly doubt that Anet is doing any of these things like bringing under water weapons to land or giving offhand weapons to the mainhand.


> Warrior with staff would be a possible choice, tho. Especially since they already started to create staff skins which look like spears.


Yeah I meant staff with spear like skills, gotta make new animations no matter the weapon anyway and it's easy to reskin the staff to spears or naginata's considering the time frame theyve had/have.

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> @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

> From a pvp viewpoint, Are you going to buy it?


Not entirely sure what you mean by that, since I can't buy the pvp portion only, if there even will be a pvp portion.

I'm gonna assume you mean "do you have hopes for pvp in the next expac?" In that case, the answer is no, I do not. I will still buy the expac for all the PvE stuff and mostly for the especs, but I do not have pvp in mind when I make this purchase.

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I mean so little has even be revealed by anet about the xpac. We don’t even know what the elite specs if any are gonna be. You can’t buy something without even knowing it worth. Honestly rather then adding more broken shit, it would be wiser for them to fix the current shit that’s wrong in pvp actually maybe save the rest of thier community from leaving once new world and ashes of creation comes out. Instead of thinking about short term sales. Maybe it’s just me with this opinion :p

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> @"Apokriphos.7042" said:

> I want to see them add the ability to multiclass like in gw1. You gain access to the secondary professions weapon and 1 core traitline of your choice while keeping your main class mechanic, and lose out on specializations.


This would be an absolute balance disaster if they had to balance all the core trait lines of every class not just for them and their elite specs, but for every other class as well.

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