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Mount rents on F2P base maps on steam release


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> @"jokke.6239" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > Ok, I'm done here. Clearly, others have much more marketing knowledge and insight into financial data that I don't.


> And do you have marketing knowledge and financial data that we don't? See it works both ways

Not for Anet, no, but I have been in business for over 35 years. My experience should count for something. When I see a suggestion that I don't believe will help the shareholders realize more profitability, I tend to address it. But no matter.



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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> If you take offense, that's on you. The sarcasm isn't completely without merit. Ideas such as this... where does it end? Free mounts? Then why not free elites? And if free elites, then what next? What could remain that would entice new players to purchase the expansions if every time something that they don't have without them is just given to them?


> Or, said another way, perhaps show how your proposal will make more money for Anet than the status quo.


Thank you for repeating my content, I do appreciate it <--- not being sarcastic. I wasn't being sarcastic about removing masteries. Arguing the removal of game content on the basis that having to actually do game content isn't fun (i.e. the implicit idea that working towards gaining a mount is unfun), then this "argument" can be applied to literally anything in the game that requires time/directed activities. That includes masteries, leveling crafting, etc.


This wasn't sarcasm, this was pointing out the implications.


How does it enhance a game experience when game content is literally being removed if suggestions like the OP's are implemented?


And just how would a restricted-in-ability mount work? You can't fly the skyscale? You can't do any abilities that speed up movement (raptor, jackal, griffon)? You limit the maximum vertical height (springer)? You block the mount from being used in specific places? You remove everything but skill 1?


The raptor is easily acquired - all you have to do is the first part of the story in Act 1 of PoF. Boom, you have raptor with skill 1. You don't have to do any earlier content. Given how fast that part of the Act can be finished, it's hardly onerous.

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I think the current system of no meaningful mount rentals is fine.


I agree with all the people who brought up that the core maps were not designed with mounts in mind, and that they lose their sense of scale when _not_ done on foot.


I also disagree with OP in terms of exploration enjoyment on mounts. It's certainly faster and easier to get done on mounts (skyscale is basically mountable map completion lol), but I had way more _fun_ doing it on foot - as it was designed - in the core maps.


Aside from objective issues of map scale and subjective issues of fun, I'm also not sold on the idea that a limited rental mount can really showcase the strength of the entire mount system. I guess you'd have to, at minimum, expand the rental system to make each mount available somewhere in the core world. I'm not sure I'd like to advocate giving that broad of a sampling, and for the jackal it would be severely limited since sand portals don't exist in core maps.

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There is a F2P experience about mounts. New player gets a time-limited abstract "horse" as a gift.

Same idea, in whatever form of "time-limited mount rental / trial" might be implemented here.

May be even a "glider rental" like a teaser for HoT feature.


But this imo shouldnt be available on starting maps.

Let ppl explore the game, take their time a bit, without rushing on raptor

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> @"jokke.6239" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"jokke.6239" said:

> > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > >

> > > > Is it worth it to send new players away to satisfy some weird sense of entitlement of POF owners

> > >

> > > This.

> > > I appreciate a lof of the arguments made against my OP in this thread. Lots of good points, even if I personally disagree with them.

> > > But a lot of the replies i'm also getting this vibe.

> > >

> > > At the end of the day, what's more important.

> > > Growing the playerbase as much as possible, or that someone might get something for free that you had to pay for?

> > > (Even though they wouldn't actually get the mounts unlocked, but just get the chance to try them)

> > > I would say that more players joining the game is a win win for everyone.

> >

> > More players joining has nothing to do with free mounts or zone speed buffs.

> >

> > Also, it isn't a sense of entitlement. If it were, then I'd be asking for my free legendary. Free mounts or zone speed buffs invalidate the benefit that mount owners currently enjoy, and that is having more than the base speed. It is a QoL improvement and nothing more. Mounts (or lack of them or lack of zone speed buffs) do not prevent players without them from completing content.

> >

> > But, we all know how this will turn out anyway. Anet will listen to those who cry about mounts and implement some form of solution proposed in this and the other, similar threads.


> Thanks for suggesting that i'm crying about mounts.

> I'm simply suggesting mount rentals for new players, with or without limitations.

> The game is much more fun with mounts, having more fun will most likely keep much more people interrested in playing and buying the expansion that unlock mounts.

> I didn't even care for exploration in Guild Wars 2 before mounts, now it's my favorite thing to do in the game.

> That's how much value I think mounts add to the enjoyment of the game.

> And that's very important for a new player, since most people will quit within an hour or two, that's just how it is with f2p games.


For me, the game was much more fun without mounts in core tyria. I mean, have any of you tried to do the daily event map without mounts? You know, give people who don't have mounts a chance to participate? I did, at first, but when it became clear that everyone is just going to spam their mount abilities and screw those who don't have them, i gave up. Now i just want to do the 4 events and get out as fast as possible.

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Current situation:

You start the game, you see everyone else rushing past you on mounts, you feel left out and disadvantaged.

You buy expansion and boost a character to level 80 just to get a mount.

You learn nothing in the process , skip a huge amount of content and are beyond clueless when it comes to lvl 80 content.


Beginners should be given a basic, free mount rental for at least 2 weeks until they level a character normally.

PoF owners should be able to extend that rental so less people feel pressured into boosting and leveling to 80 just to be able to move around at the same pace as everyone else.

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