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32 slot bags

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So are they worth making? Short answer no.

Long answer they probably should not have been implemented at all.


**Price is way too high**

1 supreme rune costs an average 15g and to make 1 bag you need 18 of them which is 270g, multiply that by 10 bag slots and you get 2700g and that's not including cost of other materials.

And obviously you won't make any before you have all 5 additional slots unlocked, as all 5 cost between 500-600g depending on current exchange price and all 5 will give you up to 100 additional slots, no supreme runes required. For that price you can only make 2 32 slot bags and that would only result in 24 additional slots so only 4 more slots than from 1 additional bag slot which costs between 100-120g.

Also you can solve most problems with inventory space by buying a Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic which would cost less than 1 of these bags to make. And since you have PoF obviously then you also have a free Shared Inventory Slot for it already, so all your characters will have access to it.

And another thing is that at this price i.e. 2700g you could instead invest a bit more gold and buy a Permanent Bank Access Contract instead and you will be able to access your bank anywhere you want. The price of each additional bank panel which adds 30 slots to your bank is around 150-180g and you can have up to 15 additional panels which gives a total of 480 slots.


**It made a mess in the game**

What I mean is we have several special 20 slot bags from achievements and/or events like the Uncanny Jar or the unique Ancient Karka Shell Box or the 20 slot Fractal Equipment Boxes.

We can't upgrade those and replacing them is a bit of a waste and inconvenience. I mean I'm used to using the 20 Slot Fractal Rare Equipment Box, because all rare gear I find instantly goes there, so I always know where it is if I get a rare drop. Same goes for 20 Slot Fractal Exotic Equipment Box, while exotics don't drop very often I do use 1 on my main so I don't have to search my whole inventory if I get an exotic drop. I also use 20 Slot Fractal Uncommon Equipment Boxes, but of course I don't really care where masterwork gear goes.

So while you can gain more slots, you may instead lose order in your inventory. Plus I'm pretty sure there will be 32 slot versions off Fractal Boxes eventually too.



I guess the only exception to the rule is making a 32 slot safe box i.e. one which content doesn't appear on trader list. So yeah if you have lots of valuable things you don't want to sell by accident and you dont wan't to make another safe box because you want more normal slots then crafting a 32 slot safe box is preferred.

And of course there is the more reasonable solution of crafting only 24 slot bags, but even they will cost around 40g each so I'm not sure it's worth it either.

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To me the new bags are basicly only for people with characters that already have max bagslots, only ever play PvE and already have like 4K+ in the bank. The type that farm labyrinth 24/7 and think 10g an hour doing anything in the game is peasant money. Not the type that plays WvW and just spent several gold on an instantly failed siege.


And I'm ok with that. 100+ slots is fine for anyone.

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Arenanet is not interested in making gameplay rewarding. The game is built around making it engaging enough to get you logged in so your eyeballs are on the gem store. This is also why the trading post and cash shop are on the same interface tab. Extra inventory space is intentionally grindy and irritating to push you in to buying additional bag and shared inventory slots as a "shortcut"

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These don't "make a mess of the game" whatsoever. You can completely ignore them. I got by just fine before they were introduced and I will get by just fine now. As has been mentioned, these are for people who have a lot of extra money. If you don't have a lot of extra money then they just don't exist. As for me, they just don't exist.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> I'd be ok with those *if they didn't soulbind*! As long as they do that, i can't see myself ever making one.


You must have missed one of the recent patch notes -- you can take these bags to Merchant NPCs in Amnoon and exchange them for NON-soulbound bags of the same type/size.

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> @Akame.8736 said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > I'd be ok with those *if they didn't soulbind*! As long as they do that, i can't see myself ever making one.


> You must have missed one of the recent patch notes -- you can take these bags to Merchant NPCs in Amnoon and exchange them for NON-soulbound bags of the same type/size.


Where is that vendor?

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Bags have always been considered luxury items, at least in the MMOs I have played over the time. Like in Vanilla WoW people would pay 30x the price of a 16 slot bag to get a 18 slot bag and in the first expansion of WoW there was a vendor selling a 22 slot bag for an insane vendor price tag of 1200g, where you could get a 20 slot bag for a measly 100g.

So when I saw this, I gave up most of my gold and made 10x28 slot bags cause for some reason, I absolutely love having a lot of bag slots.

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> @Akame.8736 said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > I'd be ok with those *if they didn't soulbind*! As long as they do that, i can't see myself ever making one.


> You must have missed one of the recent patch notes -- you can take these bags to Merchant NPCs in Amnoon and exchange them for NON-soulbound bags of the same type/size.


Nope, only the 32-slot, according to patch notes at least.

This mean that the intermediate steps needed *can't be used on a character other than the crafter* if you want to upgrade later.

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I doubt anyone farms enough to need 320 slot bags. Its a gold sink for the rich if you do not have any legendaries you want anymore. You can buy extra bank slots, a personal merchant or permanent bank access pass for the price of ten 32 slot bags. Those are more useful.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> The real problem are the runes and sigils.

> If they will ever get rid of em the number of slots would be probably meaningless.




Actually there are several solutions to that already:


Permanent Black Lion Merchant Contract (costs around 1000g)


Tarrktun Personal Delivery Portal - (I have that)


Collector's Edition Sandstorm



You can sell unwanted runes/sigils to any of these 3, then there is another solution:


Mystic Forge Conduit (low quality runes/sigils can be "forged") costs only around 50g to make or buy on tp (I have that too)



And then there is also the solution of simply "destroying" unwanted runes/sigils.


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No you don't understand.

I don't want to spend time opening a trader and sell em every X minutes.


Currently my best solution is 4/5 invisible bags which contain em, then i sell em after a 250 stack.

I don't want to stop playing to sell every 15 min ( destroying every single rune lol, guess you have plenty of time ).

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I think this is more of a gold sink for people with gold to burn and that's fine. I made a 24 slot bag just for the hell of it, but I certainly didn't need it and I wont do it again. For the longest time, I was running around with 1 20 and the rest 18 slots and never had an issue. Copper fed salve-o-matic pretty much solves any and all inventory issues

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> > I spent way too much gold on these, but I love these new larger bags.

> > When they are too expensive, stick with the 24- or 28 slot ones.


> I'd be ok with those *if they didn't soulbind*! As long as they do that, i can't see myself ever making one.


If you would ask me, only very few items in the game should soul or account bind. I love to trade.

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It really depends on your needs. They aren't the most economical option, but neither are they absolutely horrible for people who (a) have a lot of gold and (b) accumulate a ton of skritt (either via farming or from opening bags on a lowbie toon).


I've compared the costs of several different ways of storage in another post, including the costs of 24-, 28-, and 32-slot bags.


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Just like many other things in the endgame the bigger bags are an optional luxury.


Would I like to have more inventory? Absolutely!

Am I in a rush or do I need them ASAP? Not really.

Am I locked out of content for not having them? No


Like the legendary items, these are for people that has enough time and gold to chase them.

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