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In-Game Macros


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> @"SWI.4127" said:

> > @"Helicity.3416" said:

> > > @"SWI.4127" said:

> > > In fact,

> > >

> > > > @"Helicity.3416" said:

> > > > It's not rocket science friend, **surely there's a macro player or two out there**, but the idea that you're losing because "they have 6 attacks in my combat log and I only have 1" is not related to macros at all.

> > >

> > > The bolded part was literally all I was saying. Someone asked in what situations a macro could be used, and I gave a very real example I saw of 2 separate scourge players doing it when it was very clear from their footage. You say there's no misunderstanding, but there clearly is because you are putting words in my mouth. Never once did I complain about macros or blame the macro usage for me losing (I wasn't even playing against the players in the clips). I never agreed with the OP's assertion that a large portion of the playerbase is using them, and I even said in my own posts that I didn't think the usage of that macro was even advantageous. So maybe you need to go back and read my posts or understand the context in which they were posted before making all of these assumptions.

> >

> > Show me this impossible scourge play then, because I reaaaaaally don't believe in it.


> I already said I can't find it. It was at least a year and a half ago in a discord. I did a search and couldn't find it though, don't know what to tell ya. I can send you a PM with some more unsatisfactory details if you'd like, but that's about it. Trust me, I would post the clip in an instant if I could find it. Because I really don't care to have this long argument over this post I made in passing over a topic I don't really care that much about. I guess when I get those notifications in my inbox, I can't resist replying though, you know? :#


I confess, I did sorta confuse you with OP, for which I am truly sorry!

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> @"Helicity.3416" said:

> > @"SWI.4127" said:

> > > @"Helicity.3416" said:

> > > > @"SWI.4127" said:

> > > > In fact,

> > > >

> > > > > @"Helicity.3416" said:

> > > > > It's not rocket science friend, **surely there's a macro player or two out there**, but the idea that you're losing because "they have 6 attacks in my combat log and I only have 1" is not related to macros at all.

> > > >

> > > > The bolded part was literally all I was saying. Someone asked in what situations a macro could be used, and I gave a very real example I saw of 2 separate scourge players doing it when it was very clear from their footage. You say there's no misunderstanding, but there clearly is because you are putting words in my mouth. Never once did I complain about macros or blame the macro usage for me losing (I wasn't even playing against the players in the clips). I never agreed with the OP's assertion that a large portion of the playerbase is using them, and I even said in my own posts that I didn't think the usage of that macro was even advantageous. So maybe you need to go back and read my posts or understand the context in which they were posted before making all of these assumptions.

> > >

> > > Show me this impossible scourge play then, because I reaaaaaally don't believe in it.

> >

> > I already said I can't find it. It was at least a year and a half ago in a discord. I did a search and couldn't find it though, don't know what to tell ya. I can send you a PM with some more unsatisfactory details if you'd like, but that's about it. Trust me, I would post the clip in an instant if I could find it. Because I really don't care to have this long argument over this post I made in passing over a topic I don't really care that much about. I guess when I get those notifications in my inbox, I can't resist replying though, you know? :#


> I confess, I did sorta confuse you with OP, for which I am truly sorry!


No worries man, apology accepted. I think it's really cool what you do with only 2.5 fingers on your hand too, really impressive!

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Let's say that 100% of people you say use macros for this sorta thing actually do. So what? Evidently you can press buttons so close to simultaneously (we all nkwo you can do it exactly at the same time anyways) that it doesnt make a difference. You wouldnt be able to react anyways. Thats how instant casts work.

Facing an oponent using a macro or mashing 4 buttons manually would be impossible to tell apart ingame.


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I will readily admit that I probably need to walk back my OP somewhat. I should have mentioned that I was roaming and all these fights were encountered in 1v1s, not large scale fights. I will also concede that all these fights were against the same server, one which is known for players running cheats. It should have been apparent to me that the fact that the enemy players were routinely getting off 5-6 skills to my 1 wasn't the result of a macro but the use of something reducing/eliminating skill cooldowns, but sometimes the frustration of dealing with players like this forces me to post hastily. And before anyone counters that it must be a lag issue on my end, I currently run with a ping of 15-25 and around 60-80 FPS outside of zerg fights. I'm well aware of instant cast skills and the like (having played a scourge during large-scale raids), but in a 1v1 fight the only class I know of without cooldowns on most skills is thief. I'm not familiar with EVERY class in a roaming setting, but I'm pretty sure most have at least a 10s cooldown on most skills, and these fights were over in most cases in under 30 seconds, which means they shouldn't have been able to fire ALL skills multiple times (ie. it wasn't just a single skill being spammed repeatedly). But you're also rather naive if you think cheating doesn't exist in WvW. A simple google search yields page after page after page of cheats and hacks. But given my god awful RNG, I know the moment I decided to try one it'd be the same day Anet woke up and started banning people (and it's also not how I want to play. I win about 75% of my 1v1s. Winning because I cheated isn't any fun for me, especially when the reward for most fights is usually another spike [the vendor trash version, not the finisher].

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> @"Ronin.4501" said:

> I will readily admit that I probably need to walk back my OP somewhat. I should have mentioned that I was roaming and all these fights were encountered in 1v1s, not large scale fights. I will also concede that all these fights were against the same server, one which is known for players running cheats. It should have been apparent to me that the fact that the enemy players were routinely getting off 5-6 skills to my 1 wasn't the result of a macro but the use of something reducing/eliminating skill cooldowns, but sometimes the frustration of dealing with players like this forces me to post hastily. And before anyone counters that it must be a lag issue on my end, I currently run with a ping of 15-25 and around 60-80 FPS outside of zerg fights. I'm well aware of instant cast skills and the like (having played a scourge during large-scale raids), but in a 1v1 fight the only class I know of without cooldowns on most skills is thief. I'm not familiar with EVERY class in a roaming setting, but I'm pretty sure most have at least a 10s cooldown on most skills, and these fights were over in most cases in under 30 seconds, which means they shouldn't have been able to fire ALL skills multiple times (ie. it wasn't just a single skill being spammed repeatedly). But you're also rather naive if you think cheating doesn't exist in WvW. A simple google search yields page after page after page of cheats and hacks. But given my god awful RNG, I know the moment I decided to try one it'd be the same day Anet woke up and started banning people.


I don't know what to tell you m8, I've been roaming for close to 8 years, and I've only ever seen 4 exploiters or something, and they were mostly under the map/teleporting repeatedly after I downed them.


Not saying you're lying or anything, but I think we've outlined sufficiently that *macros* aren't much of a thing, nor would they really make an appreciable difference.

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> @"Ronin.4501" said:

> I will readily admit that I probably need to walk back my OP somewhat. I should have mentioned that I was roaming and all these fights were encountered in 1v1s, not large scale fights. I will also concede that all these fights were against the same server, one which is known for players running cheats. It should have been apparent to me that the fact that the enemy players were routinely getting off 5-6 skills to my 1 wasn't the result of a macro but the use of something reducing/eliminating skill cooldowns, but sometimes the frustration of dealing with players like this forces me to post hastily. And before anyone counters that it must be a lag issue on my end, I currently run with a ping of 15-25 and around 60-80 FPS outside of zerg fights. I'm well aware of instant cast skills and the like (having played a scourge during large-scale raids), but in a 1v1 fight the only class I know of without cooldowns on most skills is thief. I'm not familiar with EVERY class in a roaming setting, but I'm pretty sure most have at least a 10s cooldown on most skills, and these fights were over in most cases in under 30 seconds, which means they shouldn't have been able to fire ALL skills multiple times (ie. it wasn't just a single skill being spammed repeatedly). But you're also rather naive if you think cheating doesn't exist in WvW. A simple google search yields page after page after page of cheats and hacks. But given my god awful RNG, I know the moment I decided to try one it'd be the same day Anet woke up and started banning people (and it's also not how I want to play. I win about 75% of my 1v1s. Winning because I cheated isn't any fun for me, especially when the reward for most fights is usually another spike [the vendor trash version, not the finisher].


What skills were being used over and over again?


You are very sure about them using macros/cheats, but don't understand that most classes can fill the utility bar with instant cast skills (or precasting). This is a common indicator I see when people just don't understand what they are fighting, the reasoning is very general, such as, "I'm pretty sure most have at least a 10s cooldown on most skills". What this tells me is "I only play my one class and don't know any of the builds or skills from other classes enough to be able to tell what is going on".


Most people who can actually judge people cheating or using macros will know exactly what skill was used and be able to call it out. Give me an example of just ONE of these fights with the other players class, weapon set being used and what skill or utility was being spammed, or post a video of just one of the best examples or just a screenshot of the combat log showing what you are claiming, as the claim has gone from them using 6 skills to your 1, and now it's 6 of the same skill spammed over and over. This also seems by your statement that this is common, so I am sure you have at least one screenshot of at least one combat log showing this correct?


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> @"Helicity.3416" said:


> I don't know what to tell you m8, I've been roaming for close to 8 years, and I've only ever seen 4 exploiters or something, and they were mostly under the map/teleporting repeatedly after I downed them.


> Not saying you're lying or anything, but I think we've outlined sufficiently that *macros* aren't much of a thing, nor would they really make an appreciable difference.


I don't know what servers you've faced, or even if you're on NA or EU servers, but there was guild that was well known for running a hack that eliminated all skill cooldowns (and it was pretty obvious, as they were playing several of the same classes I roam on), but unfortunately if I name them or the server they played on this comment is flagged and removed. And unfortunately it wasn't just 1 or 2 members of the guild, but seemed to be all of them, almost as if they were required to run it as a member of said guild. And I've never been a 1-class guy, but I will admit I don't know every class equally well. I know my memser builds, my necro builds, my warrior builds, my thief builds and my engi builds when it comes to roaming. I know revs but only for raiding. Never really cared much for playing rangers, guardians, or eles. And like you I've been playing the game since the beginning and have seen PLENTY of hacking. Players who could fly, players who were 2x as fast as everyone else (long before superspeed was added to the game) both in movement as well as attacks, along with players who would exploit through gates and up over walls. I'm not one to accuse everyone of being a hacker, but it seems like it's been making something of a comeback as the game has grown stale again (at least in regards to WvW).



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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:


> What skills were being used over and over again?


> You are very sure about them using macros/cheats, but don't understand that most classes can fill the utility bar with instant cast skills (or precasting). This is a common indicator I see when people just don't understand what they are fighting, the reasoning is very general, such as, "I'm pretty sure most have at least a 10s cooldown on most skills". What this tells me is "I only play my one class and don't know any of the builds or skills from other classes enough to be able to tell what is going on".


> Most people who can actually judge people cheating or using macros will know exactly what skill was used and be able to call it out. Give me an example of just ONE of these fights with the other players class, weapon set being used and what skill or utility was being spammed, or post a video of just one of the best examples or just a screenshot of the combat log showing what you are claiming, as the claim has gone from them using 6 skills to your 1, and now it's 6 of the same skill spammed over and over. This also seems by your statement that this is common, so I am sure you have at least one screenshot of at least one combat log showing this correct?



I regret not taking a few screenshots when I made the original post, but now that it's several days out I really don't remember. But as I stated in my comment above I definitely understand more than one class; I've spent extensive time roaming as a mesmer (all 3 specs), thief (all 3 specs), warrior (all 3 specs), necro (all 3 specs), and engi (base and scrapper...didn't get into holo as much). And if you read my post, no, I didn't say it was same skill spammed over and over. I said it was MULTIPLE SKILLS being spammed repeatedly throughout a relatively short fight. IE. players hits you with skill A, player hits you with skill B, player hits you with skill C, player hits you with skill D, etc. YOU HIT PLAYER WITH SKILL A. Player hits you with skill A, Player hits you with skill B, player hits you with skill C, player hits you with skill D, etc. YOU HIT PLAYER WITH SKILL B. And I'm quite familiar with the difference between DOT attacks and direct attacks, as I get bored playing the same class and the same build day after day (I have 3 different mesmers, 3 different thieves, 3 different warriors and 3 different necros each set up completely differently, some with condi builds and some with burst builds). As I said in an earlier comment, I don't often accuse players of hacking/exploiting, but when I encounter it 3x in an hour, something definitely feels amiss.


Like I said, I'm willing to walk back the initial comment about it being a macro, but something was definitely outside of the normal rules of play that day.


*It also seems to me based on your comments that you're just as guilty of making assumptions, as well as being guilty of not fully reading others comments before responding.



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