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Are Macros ok?


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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

>... I have yet to see where someone making what they believed to be a legitimate report was actioned, while someone else (the person they reported) was not punished at all.


Can attest to this. Have submitted multiple reports to ANet's exploits email, accompanied by video proof of hacks and exploits. In each case, I can see that the video was viewed and I've yet to see the hack/exploit repeated since. At no time was I ever punished or infracted for the report and the game has been better for them having dealt with it.


My advice: Have a method for recording your play at your fingertips, so that you can capture and submit video of the offending player(s) and easily document the exploit for ANet. In my experience, they have taken action in each case.



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> @Pensadora.9478 said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> >... I have yet to see where someone making what they believed to be a legitimate report was actioned, while someone else (the person they reported) was not punished at all.


> Can attest to this. Have submitted multiple reports to ANet's exploits email, accompanied by video proof of hacks and exploits. In each case, I can see that the video was viewed and I've yet to see the hack/exploit repeated since. At no time was I ever punished or infracted for the report and the game has been better for them having dealt with it.


> My advice: Have a method for recording your play at your fingertips, so that you can capture and submit video of the offending player(s) and easily document the exploit for ANet. In my experience, they have taken action in each case.




And do not post it on a forum for general consumption.


That may have been where people have gotten themselves into trouble.

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I don't get why anyone would need a macro for this game.


One shot by thief? Bound Daredevil d/p, pistol 5 dodge f1 11111 throw some shadowshots in there, why do thieves need a macro?


One shot by power Mesmer? Domination traits and Greatsword, precast GS2 blink f1 GS3 GS4 11111, why do power mesmers need a macro?


Skills in this game can only be cast as fast as their animations let them, and to be that fast, you do NOT need a macro. Not everyone that one shot you is cheating, it's just that easy on some builds.

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> @BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

> I don't get why anyone would need a macro for this game.


> One shot by thief? Bound Daredevil d/p, pistol 5 dodge f1 11111 throw some shadowshots in there, why do thieves need a macro?


> One shot by power Mesmer? Domination traits and Greatsword, precast GS2 blink f1 GS3 GS4 11111, why do power mesmers need a macro?


> Skills in this game can only be cast as fast as their animations let them, and to be that fast, you do NOT need a macro. Not everyone that one shot you is cheating, it's just that easy on some builds.


for some class combos is really helps (add in a decent keybinding makes burst way more smooth), less key piano combos makes u pay atention to more stuff than actually to what ur doing, macroesd combos are not to be used 100% of the time, the situation it matters as well, sometimes is to risky and u need to wait for that oportunity, but basicly means less effort in a low effort game.


It is not about perform it faster but to perform it smoother and simplier, to perform burst faster u would be need to do some winsocket.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Randulf -- Thank you. Yes, guys, I'm trying a system that I recommended to everyone a Anet, where we post *above* a comment so that the Dev Comment carousel shows more meaningful content. However, I can see it's confusing. I'll try to indicate in some way that the response is for quoted content *below* my comments. Or do call-outs, like I'm doing here, instead of trying to quote posts. :)


Pensadora -- I'm glad that you commented that you have reported and you've seen a positive reaction to that report (and no punishment on your account). :)


Strider -- Exactly! Reports of the use of exploits should be sent to Exploits@Arena.Net, not posted on the forums. General questions/comments are ok, but they should never include names, because "naming and shaming" isn't appropriate. If there's an issue, sending it via e-mail or ticket should get it reviewed. We ask that everyone please use the proper method for reports.


apharma -- Posts are removed when they name and shame, either in text or through images. Posts about exploits are removed because, well, they may serve as a "tutorial on how to cheat" until the exploit is closed. Posts that share concerns about an issue generally are left intact as long as they don't harass and don't expose a temporary game vulnerability that we all, as players, should want to see fixed, not exploited for personal gain. If you have a concern about a removed thread you can drop an e-mail and I'll take a look to make sure it was properly handled. We honestly don't want to squelch such discussion, we just want to make sure the FCoC is being observed.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Randulf -- Thank you. Yes, guys, I'm trying a system that I recommended to everyone a Anet, where we post *above* a comment so that the Dev Comment carousel shows more meaningful content. However, I can see it's confusing. I'll try to indicate in some way that the response is for quoted content *below* my comments. Or do call-outs, like I'm doing here, instead of trying to quote posts. :)


> Pensadora -- I'm glad that you commented that you have reported and you've seen a positive reaction to that report (and no punishment on your account). :)


> Strider -- Exactly! Reports of the use of exploits should be sent to Exploits@Arena.Net, not posted on the forums. General questions/comments are ok, but they should never include names, because "naming and shaming" isn't appropriate. If there's an issue, sending it via e-mail or ticket should get it reviewed. We ask that everyone please use the proper method for reports.


> apharma -- Posts are removed when they name and shame, either in text or through images. Posts about exploits are removed because, well, they may serve as a "tutorial on how to cheat" until the exploit is closed. Posts that share concerns about an issue generally are left intact as long as they don't harass and don't expose a temporary game vulnerability that we all, as players, should want to see fixed, not exploited for personal gain. If you have a concern about a removed thread you can drop an e-mail and I'll take a look to make sure it was properly handled. We honestly don't want to squelch such discussion, we just want to make sure the FCoC is being observed.


You forgot me :(

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  • ArenaNet Staff

I agree. Beside, how can I pound the keyboard and yell "STOP IT"* if I'm using a macro, eh?


*Last night: The Labyrinth -- Viscount of Candy Corn. Those projectiles are nasty AND they defy gravity and line of vision!!


> @Foghladha.2506 said:

> Only thing I've ever macroed is text. I do it for commonly said messages like voice info, guild info, and also for our major community events to help me keep up with everything thats going on and keeping everyone informed. I've never tried to macro my skills before. Kinda feel thats lazy.



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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > Randulf -- Thank you. Yes, guys, I'm trying a system that I recommended to everyone a Anet, where we post *above* a comment so that the Dev Comment carousel shows more meaningful content. However, I can see it's confusing. I'll try to indicate in some way that the response is for quoted content *below* my comments. Or do call-outs, like I'm doing here, instead of trying to quote posts. :)

> >

> > Pensadora -- I'm glad that you commented that you have reported and you've seen a positive reaction to that report (and no punishment on your account). :)

> >

> > Strider -- Exactly! Reports of the use of exploits should be sent to Exploits@Arena.Net, not posted on the forums. General questions/comments are ok, but they should never include names, because "naming and shaming" isn't appropriate. If there's an issue, sending it via e-mail or ticket should get it reviewed. We ask that everyone please use the proper method for reports.

> >

> > apharma -- Posts are removed when they name and shame, either in text or through images. Posts about exploits are removed because, well, they may serve as a "tutorial on how to cheat" until the exploit is closed. Posts that share concerns about an issue generally are left intact as long as they don't harass and don't expose a temporary game vulnerability that we all, as players, should want to see fixed, not exploited for personal gain. If you have a concern about a removed thread you can drop an e-mail and I'll take a look to make sure it was properly handled. We honestly don't want to squelch such discussion, we just want to make sure the FCoC is being observed.


> You forgot me :(


Did she?? ;)

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Guess some people might think someone else is using a macro, but it's only a lag spike. The more "real time" the game feedback is, the more satisfied and confident people are that "yes, yes that did happen" But when you click skills that can save you, but they don't come off, you dodged your sure but the servers says no.

I think lag might be another reason that some people think others are using Macros. "how did they get all their skills off and I hardly got any?"


So any chance of fixing the lag? so we're all on the save playing field? and not playing in an parallel dimension a second slower....


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  • ArenaNet Staff

Shirlias -- you appear to be asking me to give approval for the use of a macro. I don't so that, sorry. I can't comment on the functionality you describe, and I can't give it an ArenaNet blessing. If you're requesting the *development* of such a macro, that's not something we would do. Thanks for understanding.

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> @Titan.3472 said:

> Bring the Ban Death Scyth Sentence of Dhuum, kill animation in GW2. xD



Been asked for many times.. but no joy.

A GW1 Dhumm banhammer is definitely something that should of been entered into GW2 a long time ago.. a visual to show other players that big brother does indeed see all , hear all and ban all.. just do it ANET ! :)


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> @apharma.3741 said:

> A high profile thief player originally from Gunnars Hold, streams and is blatantly obviously using a macro or 3rd party program to change from bounding dodger to unhindered combatant trait when leaving combat and back again before entering combat and this is so fast no human can do it that accurately. Post gets deleted because it shows the name, nothing is done.


> Some mesmer players, one well known youtuber, also use macros, you can tell because when they use mind stab you can see the AoE circle flashing several times in the same micro second.

I know who you're talking about, and what can be seen is that the build window is brought up instantly without the use of mouse and this is only possible through some kind of macro cos it cannot be done in game, there is no hotkey to open straight to build window, though I've asked before if one could be implemented (it would be a nice qol but I am sure some people might not like it due to it being able to give an on demand dynamic build if they could quickly change things on the fly). The other thing you can see is when they insta wp when dead without having to click the button or open map.


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> @apharma.3741 said:

> A high profile thief player originally from Gunnars Hold, streams and is blatantly obviously using a macro or 3rd party program

If it's obvious, send mail to exploits@arena.net, including links to one or more videos in which macros are obviously in use. (Don't forget to include an explanation of what is obvious, since, it turns out, "obvious" doesn't mean the same to everyone.)



> one well known youtuber, also use macros, you can tell because when they

Again, send the URLs to exploits@arena.net.


> Perhaps if people that did these unscrupulous things ...


There are a couple of other possibilities:

* Despite your certainty, these folks aren't using macros.

* Despite your certainty that macro use is 'obvious', it's not...obvious. The relevant ANet staff aren't seeing what you see.

* The relevant ANet staff are interested in observing these folks and those who follow them to learn more about how macros are being used.

* Warnings were sent; people changed behavior.


> Perhaps if people that did these unscrupulous things had an in game mark of shame for a week or two after receiving formal warnings players would know these offences are actually being looked at and sorted out.

Perhaps. But there are also plenty of cases were public shaming backfired, and where supporters/fans of those who "did unscrupulous things" still don't believe the game company and anti-unscrupulous people still didn't believe the game company did enough.


I definitely like to see when those breaking the rules get their just desserts. I also recognize that while it's satisfying to me, it might not be best for the game.

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The only "macro" I have is to change my button 7 on my mouse to act as a double left click. I've had to use this less since QoL updates like Consume All have been added, but it still comes in handy for those items that can't be. As for people who use them to tie in multiple skills, I consider that kind of sad. If you are not skilled enough to win without those types of macros, well...it kinda says it all right there.

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> @moonstarmac.4603 said:

> The only "macro" I have is to change my button 7 on my mouse to act as a double left click. I've had to use this less since QoL updates like Consume All have been added, but it still comes in handy for those items that can't be. As for people who use them to tie in multiple skills, I consider that kind of sad. If you are not skilled enough to win without those types of macros, well...it kinda says it all right there.


But these are the types of players. That are seen as more successful in GW2. So in essence Macro users who uses untraceable programs get idolized. While the players playing fair at their skill level gets crushed. So just I'd put macros in the same department as match manipulation. If people can get away with doing it enmass, and don't get punished for it. Then just consider it more of a META then Scourge or Spellbreaker and call it a day.

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> @apharma.3741 said:

> A high profile thief player originally from Gunnars Hold, streams and is blatantly obviously using a macro or 3rd party program to change from bounding dodger to unhindered combatant trait when leaving combat and back again before entering combat and this is so fast no human can do it that accurately. Post gets deleted because it shows the name, nothing is done.


> Some mesmer players, one well known youtuber, also use macros, you can tell because when they use mind stab you can see the AoE circle flashing several times in the same micro second.


> No one is asking for permaban and a video of them being banned but we aren’t privy to the warnings, if any are being sent and only see them continuing what they’re doing. Perhaps if people that did these unscrupulous things had an in game mark of shame for a week or two after receiving formal warnings players would know these offences are actually being looked at and sorted out.


Certain individuals who made a career out of hacking another MMO (and also did it as a hobby and a high stakes game of cat and mouse) for real world profit that may or may not frequently be compared to GW2, may or may not be gigantic/have been gigantic and may or may not have been developed by an extremely famous company testified that the banning policy for that specific game was generally to do it in waves, meaning it could be some time before even high profile and blatant cheaters got banned. According to them the reason for this was partly because it gave more time for the devs to figure out how what they were doing worked and how to prevent in the future, but also because people who got picked up and banned instantly were less inclined to buy new accounts and try again. No company would ever be open about this policy, but it's food for thought.


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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> apharma -- Posts are removed when they name and shame, either in text or through images. Posts about exploits are removed because, well, they may serve as a "tutorial on how to cheat" until the exploit is closed. Posts that share concerns about an issue generally are left intact as long as they don't harass and don't expose a temporary game vulnerability that we all, as players, should want to see fixed, not exploited for personal gain. If you have a concern about a removed thread you can drop an e-mail and I'll take a look to make sure it was properly handled. We honestly don't want to squelch such discussion, we just want to make sure the FCoC is being observed.


Yup I know about the name and shame rules and such I was drawing attention to that there’s a lot of high profile cheaters and exploiters who even record themselves doing it, get shown up on forums, but nothing is ever done or to be more exact we don’t _see_ anything happen to them. The person from GH originally has been using the macro or 3rd party program for nearly a year and afaik is still playing with no repercussions that we’ve seen.


Like I say, we don’t see what happens, maybe a cheaters demise debuff for 2 weeks when an account is warned about their deliberate breaking of TOS but it isn’t enough to be an outright ban might help in allowing for players who play by the rules to see action is being taken.

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> @apharma.3741 said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > apharma -- Posts are removed when they name and shame, either in text or through images. Posts about exploits are removed because, well, they may serve as a "tutorial on how to cheat" until the exploit is closed. Posts that share concerns about an issue generally are left intact as long as they don't harass and don't expose a temporary game vulnerability that we all, as players, should want to see fixed, not exploited for personal gain. If you have a concern about a removed thread you can drop an e-mail and I'll take a look to make sure it was properly handled. We honestly don't want to squelch such discussion, we just want to make sure the FCoC is being observed.


> Yup I know about the name and shame rules and such I was drawing attention to that there’s a lot of high profile cheaters and exploiters who even record themselves doing it, get shown up on forums, but nothing is ever done or to be more exact we don’t _see_ anything happen to them. The person from GH originally has been using the macro or 3rd party program for nearly a year and afaik is still playing with no repercussions that we’ve seen.


> Like I say, we don’t see what happens, maybe a cheaters demise debuff for 2 weeks when an account is warned about their deliberate breaking of TOS but it isn’t enough to be an outright ban might help in allowing for players who play by the rules to see action is being taken.


So... essentially you want a public execution. Public shaming. That's what this is about? Getting some perverse satisfaction that someone is warned or banned?




I guess you don't work? You haven't seen an employee get disciplined, but your boss can't tell anyone that it's happened. HR would fire that employer.


And THIS is a game...,


At some point, you will see that public shaming isn't helpful.



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