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Ballistas should not fire unless siege is targeted


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Yasai.3549" said:

> > How am I supposed to kill bunker builds without my precious Ballista tho /s.

> Make any build over 1200 vitality count as siege.



The system will end up crashing because it will then make every person look like they are on blackgate and yak's bend at the same time.

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Make siege weapons do more damage to blobs than damage to individuals . The more concentrated and more populated the blobs is the more damage per individual . This would force people to spread out more during a siege . Keeps ,towers , and castles should have a higher degree of challenge to capture than they do now.

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Need a siege rework.


> @"ilMasa.2546" said:

> Dejavu:


> > As of right now there is no siege war, its just a blatant spam:

> >

> > * Spam Arrowcarts for defense

> > * Spam Catapults for offense

> > Even tho the game offers you different types of sieges with different types of range each, its been years since i saw a SINGLE commander set up 2 trebs at distance and actually SIEGE a tower.

> > But to be honest sieges arent that huge problem and can be easily fixed:

> >

> > **Sieges shuld have a min distance,based on range, at which they could be placed from towers and Keeps:**

> >

> > * Close Range - **RAMS**

> > * Medium Range - **CATAS**

> > * Long Range - **TREBS**

> > Here is your avarage WvW "siege war": blobs come in,stacks unders the wall,builds 5 catas and thats it.

> > And the best part is when a Tag actually loses those catas : just move to an other "objective" instead of getting ,for istance, more distance and build 2 kitten trebs.

> >

> > Here the problems:

> >

> > * Attackers on the ground can clear a wall from any sieges in a matter of 15 seconds with AoEs

> > * Attackers on the ground can turn walls into a deathtrap with the same AoE spammage

> > * Attackers on the ground while AoE spamming,are behind those walls,being defacto **Out of Sight**,they just need to aim to the highest point of the wall to cover the whole catwalk.

> > * Defenders on the other hand,have to survive the catwalk first then they **have to lean from** the wall to siege disable,to AoE or use any kind of attack.

> > * Indistructible walls are often exploited and used as cover for siege placement: they just have to aim for those steps 8 meters away from doors or walls...the CRAZY splash dmg will reach anyways,so why be precise.

> > * You cant be extremely precise with your defensive sieges either,if the attackers are stacked behind your outer wall,there is noway to land a precise hit,unless u move to an other Tower.

> > * Most of the Time your shots will land on your wall,too far over your wall or just nullified by the bubbles of those 5+ catas right under your wall.

> > If im defending a FORTIFIED TOWER and im INSIDE,i shuld have atleast a form of utilty from it,but its not the case: EVER.

> >

> > Attackers shuld not be ABLE to cover the WHOLE catwalk with AoEs from the ground.

> > Attackers shuld not be ABLE to clean defensive siege with 4 AoEs from the ground => build a balista and use THAT,maybe next a beautifull cata placed at some distance from the walls,atleast attackers HAVE to USE the power meter on sieges,instead of 1click at point blank as soon as the CD permit it (lol...wish i could do the same while defending)

> > Catas Bubbles or Shield Gen: both are redundant. Replace the Cata Bubble with a temporary fire rate increase or something else.




> been saying this for years

> 2019 i got suspended several times for calling out "AMAZING" changes/fixes

> 2018 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/536321#Comment_536321

> 2017 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/138707#Comment_138707


> ... but you know: bEtTeR iMpLEmENT MOUNTS and GLIDERS....if only TREBS had SKINS in the gemstore :)



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Remove the nerfs to siege or buff them for their job roles. Separately, outer/inner walls, add a pulsing stack of stability for 1 second a second while they are unbreached, removed once breached. Breached meaning meaning either walls or gates here. At T0-1 it's a 1 stack pulse, 2 at T2, 3 at T3. That way defenders have a bit more options in defending, they can still be killed and pulled off but it would take more to do it and holding longers adds more value to the keep. Towers work the same for their single wall.

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