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Are you happy with the current state of PvP?

Harry Foud.1935

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> @Aktium.9506 said:

> Could be better. We've had worse though. Pre-HoT Cele meta springs to mind.


> I would like to see Ranked become Solo Queue only though, both to combat duo queues and to incentivize teams to do more Automated Tournaments.


You're talking about the state of the balance, not PvP in general. That includes balance, matchmaking, management, release schedule, rewards, among many others.

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Nah. It's got some fundamental design problems, on top of the standard balancing problems. e.g


Nerf Spellbreaker and Change Scourge PvP Gameplay (Either have massive AOE dmg on points or Interesting Condi. Don't have crazy dmg + debuff + over an entire point)


increase melee range by 1 step minimum so that the gameplay is much smoother in PvE and PvP and less bullcrap overall (Helps against ping, packet loss and desync/animation desync)

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> @NotASmurf.1725 said:

> > @Aktium.9506 said:

> > Could be better. We've had worse though. Pre-HoT Cele meta springs to mind.

> >

> > I would like to see Ranked become Solo Queue only though, both to combat duo queues and to incentivize teams to do more Automated Tournaments.


> You're talking about the state of the balance, not PvP in general. That includes balance, matchmaking, management, release schedule, rewards, among many others.


The 2nd part of my post is basically about matchmaking tho. But apart from balance and matchmaking, lets see. I guess more maps might be nice, it might also not be nice if the maps aren't good.


They could also do off-season events like double gold gains weekends, double reward track progress weekends. Maybe a unique aura infusion to grind for. Stuff that can get people that normally don't PvP to start PvPing during off-season increases the chance of them playing during the season. The more players the season has the more balanced matchmaking will become.


I'm not entirely satisfied with Anet's vehement reluctance to do skill splits between PvP and PvE, that could surely improve. The old argument they had that skill splits confuse casual players just doesn't hold up. The type of casual player that gets confused by skill splits most likely doesn't really know what the skills he's using while frolicking happily in Open World content do anyway.


As far as management goes, I think ESL dropping GW2 was a good thing in the long run. Games in general needs to let esports scenes build themselves. It's fucking awful when developers try to force it. I can see Automated Tournaments having the potential to do this, but they do need to incentivize them. I think forcing players who want to play in an organized team to do ATs is a good start. If the interest ever does get rolling I would like to see a LAN event like the WTS again though.

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For me the state of PvP is bad because Anet PvP Devs are hardly doing anything to encourage PvPers and increase the player base. PvP is a team game as Raids are, it is not a Solo Open World roaming and farming concept. But at the same time people who are not comfortable to play in a team and wish to play solo shouldn't be forced to enjoy the part of the game by being in a team. So what is the solution?


The solution is quite simple:


1. Step1: Make two different Qs. The current Unraked can be changed to Premade Ranked with a separate leaderboard and tough prizes and achievements. May be PvP specific titles and skins.

2. Step2: The current Ranked cap should be increased to three persons per team. This will only improve more teamplay whereas at the same time solo players would enjoy what they have. This can then have a different leaderboard and prizes/achievements, skins etc.


This will only result in generating more interest and add to the existing player base...


Also as the game is called Guild Wars....where are Guilds having wars? Bringing the above concept would probably result in Guilds making teams for option1 and guildies playing together in option2. All in all a win win situation for everyone with Anet only gaining from new players joining and purchasing the game...

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no team queue


poor balance due to too much powercreep


my preferred spec, Berserker was overnerfed


so overall, I'm one with the salt


EDIT: i’m actually still so salty from the berserker adrenaline nerf that i still haven’t bought PoF

feel like i’m one of the few here who actually voted w their wallets

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Because nothing in pvp will ever affect my whine level. Which is zero.


Match making is garbage. This is my only complaint.


Also loaded poll. 99% of impact on my feelings about pvp comes from PLAYERS. Duelling off point. Not capping. Weird shit on minimap. No one going bell. No one stopping traquility...




2x scourge kill me in 1 second:

":( okay"


Get curbstomped by SB

"I should know better"


Lose 9 matches in a row because Im with the same 3 people in solo q, they run around all over trying to fight 3v1 while enemy caps all points. Rinse repeat. I am literally the only one capping, sometimes our 5th man is super helpful but still a defeat because enemy is effectively playing 5v2 the whole time.

"I am unhappy with the state of PvP"



Nothing Anet breaks or does even PALES in comparrisson to what the general pvp player does.


Full stop.

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Apathetic, I loved GW1 PvP Guild battles being 80% of my playtime. Sadly this Strategic format did not make it into GW2 and what did we get? Capture shrines the casual PvP format of GW1 (AB and some competitive missions used this system) And When they had the chance to give us this format they gave us a copy of a MOBA plays style and not the GvG that the old player base craves. End result GW2 is a PvE game to me.

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Nah bro.


Reaper is not strong enough to have reasonable use in the pvp meta because of how slow and susceptible to CC it is. Every time I look at my necro and remember the glowing reviews the elite spec showcase used to frame reaper as being difficult to stop once it gets into shroud in exchange for it being close combat, I shudder. I haven't gotten over what they did to Deathly Chill. I don't have an interest in Scourge, I want my reaper to actually work before I start worrying about another spec.


It's probably not even remotely feasible, but I would like a _dev or Arenanet Support to actually main necro, if nobody does at the moment._ Go duel or play some matches. See what options you have in real time versus the specs out there that know that, by nature of your class, you are free to CC while in shroud and free to burst the moment you leave.


Being a warrior main, I would like to say that warriors in most aspects seem to heal very quickly, especially when paired with demo ammy. There is something wrong there. You should not be able to spec a damage amulet and then passively outheal someone with an even heavier damage amulet throwing crits at you. However, seeing as how the last time "warrior heal op" came to a head Anet took a f***ing sledgehammer to it and put warriors at useless level pre HoT, I am wary to even point this out. I do not know what combination of nerfs is needed to make this land safely in the sweetspot between "bad players not getting carried" and "good players losing by nature of class design" but I do not trust Anet to make the right call on it, by sheer reference of track record, and the fact that bad decisions stick for at least half of a year. I don't have half of a year to wait for people to ficx things


Revenant's core spec is useless, competitively. You need to specialize in herald to even be functional. Power Herald is the only usable core spec for skirmishes, and in order to obtain this usability players need to abandon condi clear.


Dont get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy the game, and I am glad that it is heading generally in the direction that it is headed. The devs -DO- put in good work. It's just that to see shining examples of quality placed next to an obvious situation where caution seems very much to have been thrown to the wind is especially frustrating.


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Anet is still going in the way where there is too much of everything. Too much condis, too much cleanse, too much dps, too much healing, too much boons, too much corrupts, too much blocks, too much unblockable skills, ...


Everything gets countered by something, which makes the pvp look more like a spamfest than an actual skill based gamemode. What is the point of using a block to negate an attack if it is randomly unblockable ? Good thing is that any new player can pick up a random build from metabattle and be nearly as efficient as more "experienced" players by spamming random skills.

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> @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> Despite of my criticism: I must say I really like the Battle of Champoins Dusk map. As former Fort Aspenwood lover it has been a welcome addition to the conquest game type and it is currently the only game selected in my PvP screen.


I loved FA, and Stronghold is an exceedingly poor substitute for it.

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> @"Unholy Pillager.3791" said:

> > @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> > Despite of my criticism: I must say I really like the Battle of Champoins Dusk map. As former Fort Aspenwood lover it has been a welcome addition to the conquest game type and it is currently the only game selected in my PvP screen.


> I loved FA, and Stronghold is an exceedingly poor substitute for it.


I fully agree, it lacks scale and variety in comparison. But it is better than having no substitute at all. I still hope that Stronghold will get some additional maps.

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> @Swagg.9236 said:

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35BPhT-KI1E




Actually almost everything there was and is still true.


It has a innovative system.

If you hate MMOs then you'll love GW2.

It has a personal story.

It has a event system that has everyone playing together in.

At that time GW2's visuals was top noch.

GW2 makes everyone feels like a hero, regardless of how bad they are.

ANet didn't build a MMO that others built.


I mean as much as I am at odds with ANet these days. They didn't really lie in that video. Plus that video spoke nothing of PvP or WvW. So I don't know the point of posting it here.

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Easy classes/builds should be, at best, skill gates: a sort of "you must be this good to beat this class, regardless of the player behind it" sort of deal, and vastly less threatening once you learn the mechanics for which it punishes ignorance. Similarly, mechanics which demand hard counters, and those hard counters, should be few in number.


Right now, easy classes and builds are top tier, passive traits are frequently best-in-slot (shouldn't be the case after a certain level of play), and self-boon-stacking, mass cover conditions, endless cleansing/resistance, and even boon corruption are so over represented that it frequently feels like the builds are fighting more than the players. An ever-increasing percentage of fights is determined solely on whether you have the specific counter to something otherwise unstoppable.

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> @Eagelseye.6312 said:

> For me the state of PvP is bad because Anet PvP Devs are hardly doing anything to encourage PvPers and increase the player base. PvP is a team game as Raids are, it is not a Solo Open World roaming and farming concept. But at the same time people who are not comfortable to play in a team and wish to play solo shouldn't be forced to enjoy the part of the game by being in a team. So what is the solution?


> The solution is quite simple:


> 1. Step1: Make two different Qs. The current Unraked can be changed to Premade Ranked with a separate leaderboard and tough prizes and achievements. May be PvP specific titles and skins.

> 2. Step2: The current Ranked cap should be increased to three persons per team. This will only improve more teamplay whereas at the same time solo players would enjoy what they have. This can then have a different leaderboard and prizes/achievements, skins etc.


> This will only result in generating more interest and add to the existing player base...


> Also as the game is called Guild Wars....where are Guilds having wars? Bringing the above concept would probably result in Guilds making teams for option1 and guildies playing together in option2. All in all a win win situation for everyone with Anet only gaining from new players joining and purchasing the game...


The Guild Wars were over before Prophecies began, ( GW1.) They led to the fall of Orr and, later, the breach of the Ascalon wall.


**I'm all for making two queues as it was years ago. Team, which meant any number in a party and solo.** Match quality was significantly better before the queues were merged.


*"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."* George Santayana. Team queue being mixed at any level with solo has **consistently** resulted in worse matches. ANET attempted a compromise by allowing duo against solo. That has resulted in poorer match quality and, arguably, win trading.


In short, no, it has been the exploitation and farming by teams that has driven away players.

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My only real concern right now is balance. Warrior needs some toning because right now it's just ridiculous. Played my first game with warrior since PoF release, topped almost all stats except one with basic button smashing. The mechanic of FC just makes it so easy to survive and deal ridiculous amount of damage. Very hard not to trigger it with certain classes (clones, pet, etc), and even worse in 2v1 situations because it will be a trigger 95% of the time.


Scourge needs some slight toning as well but other than that, it is fairly manageable now, if you are not a melee class :D


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Yes because no middle option, compared to after hot the after pof balance was good. Only 2 classes needed or still need some nerfs/fixes (scourge, spellbreaker). Maybe also take a little look at holo. Aside from the old problem that condibuilds are too easy and too rewarding to play ofc but i gave up hope on that. S9 could have a good balance with only that done. Sadly Anet bring in cele amulet and also with less stats i see more boring bunker builds coming up. Everyone not able to dodge important skills will be happy i guess. Looks like as usual, not often enough balance patches and than too much changes pressed in one patch. Aside from that, the population is too small what makes a good matchmaking impossible. Among the ppl still playing pvp there are too many not interested to improve, even the 100th match they throw with the same mistakes. Obviously there are not enough rewards make it worth for ppl to do some effort to learn in pvp . Quitting esports killed most of the quality too. It is a jokes what ppl are on leaderboard now after almost all good ppl quit or don't tryhard in pvp anymore. Ty to that, the in general small population and the behavior from not named players the leaderboard in Eu and NA is more about gambling abilities than skill. It's more important to know when to stop Qing and when not to start, to not run into matchmanipulating wintraders, afkers and get q-ed with the same (mostly bad) ppl over again. And ofc don't forget to pick the lamest build to get carried. Anet can do a lot to make things better but not all, they can not fix that ppl have no honor and are lazy and don't care if they win by skill or just by something else, Anet only can make it harder to have success without skill, but they want a casual only game, means they won't do this.

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