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[Suggestion] Delete confirmation with 4 - digit PIN .


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You are following a bounty train and suddenly inventory full message hits you . You try to clean up inventory in a hurry until "Protector of the Swamplands" ,or any other quest item , denies to be deleted , it will request from you to type the full name of the item as confirmation , but many times we mistype one letter so we have to start the typing all over again . Meanwhile my train is at the next champion . Please replace this full name typing system with a 4-digit random number as confirmation ,much quicker ,equally safe and more user friendly .

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> The reason you type out the name instead of DELETE is so you can't accidentally delete something. By typing the name you acknowledge the identity of the object youre deleting.


Good idea in theory but it is overused. Some of the names are just ridiculous to type and they are case sensitive to boot. Typing "Delete" is just fine.

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> @Vyrulisse.1246 said:

> > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > The reason you type out the name instead of DELETE is so you can't accidentally delete something. By typing the name you acknowledge the identity of the object youre deleting.


> Good idea in theory but it is overused. Some of the names are just ridiculous to type and they are case sensitive to boot. Typing "Delete" is just fine.


That's why the set up it is right now is best.

There's no way to accidentally delete the wrong character.

You could think you deleted a level 8 Necro, but it was your level 80 Necro you deleted because you didn't write out the name and just wrote out "Delete".

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> There's no way to accidentally delete the wrong character.


... and yet people still do. Typing in the name isn't going to help them when they don't even know their own names. Likewise, people accidentally delete or salvage items because they're in a rush and simply don't care. It doesn't even matter because support will simply restore it.

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> @Healix.5819 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > There's no way to accidentally delete the wrong character.


> ... and yet people still do. Typing in the name isn't going to help them when they don't even know their own names. Likewise, people accidentally delete or salvage items because they're in a rush and simply don't care. It doesn't even matter because support will simply restore it.


Items is understandable actually. I've had times while leveling a lower character that I was holding an item until the character was high enough to use and I accidentally hit salvage all that's not rare (of course being that low of a level there are no rares falling... at least that I know of or seen) and then go, "Oh.. I just salvaged that one item/armour I could've used in a level or 2..."


But character names? Unless they don't even remember their character's own name or care much or name all of them way too identical (I have 2 that have identical names), I can't see if let's say they have 5 characters:

Gregory Plumwaters

Rheia Veil

Fihur Warhammer

Temporaria Ingeneer

Raff The Unspeakable


Now the "Temporira" is a temporary Engineer they planned on just trying out, hating/liking it and now deleting to maybe make a permanent Engineer... how could you accidentally delete Raff and not Temporia?

I personally would say there's a bigger problem there than "in a rush" and think something have to be honestly wrong to make a huge mess up like that.

Especially when you have to spell the name EXACTLY the same.

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Here is a crazy idea ... how about just removing delete confirmation on junk items that have no value besides the one time automatic addition to a collection?


That being said, shift+click, copy and paste works reasonably well as a workaround.


> @Healix.5819 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > There's no way to accidentally delete the wrong character.


> ... and yet people still do. Typing in the name isn't going to help them when they don't even know their own names. Likewise, people accidentally delete or salvage items because they're in a rush and simply don't care. It doesn't even matter because support will simply restore it.


There is nothing ANet or anyone else can do about people deciding to play while drunk or otherwise mentally incapacitated.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Now the "Temporira" is a temporary Engineer they planned on just trying out, hating/liking it and now deleting to maybe make a permanent Engineer... how could you accidentally delete Raff and not Temporia?


From cases I've heard of, it's usually people that can't be bothered to create names, so they'll choose something random that they won't remember or care about, for example Xyzzy and Zyzzx. Sometimes it's simply due to the character select not updating as expected. Say Zyzzx is a weekly key runner for example and those two characters look identical due to wearing outfits. You login to confirm the character you're deleting, but when you go back to the character select, it doesn't update, so Xyzzy is still shown first and is currently selected. Not paying attention because you just confirmed it, and the only visible difference being their level, you delete the wrong character. Sometimes it's not really an accident, but simply not caring after not having played for a long time. After starting fresh, they then remember their old character days/weeks later, which they can no longer find because that's the one they deleted. In some cases, it's not really about the character, but rather what they still had.


If they actually wanted to confirm a character, the name by itself doesn't really matter. Confirming the deletion while still on that character would be better, since you'd have a feel for it and what they should be additionally confirming is your equipment and inventory.

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The OP appeared to be asking for deletion of Items that require Full Names, so this is just a suggest to make things a little easier for now. I have been there myself deleting Legendary collection items that I kept getting in FotM's, and got sick of typing the names every time... and wanted a quicker way.


Shift+Left Click (sends the chat code to chat w/o actually sending it to other users... cursor should be active at the end of the link)

Shift+Left Arrow (Highlights the chat code)

Ctrl+C (Copies the chat code)

Try to delete the item (confirmation will come up)

Ctrl+V (Pastes the chat code... in the Delete confirmation)

Backspace (to remove the "]")

Home (to position cursor to start of text)

Delete (to remove the "[")

Click Delete (can't remember offhand if Enter works at this point)


Although it appears to be a lot of steps, it actually goes very fast once you get use to it.


For the Non-OP discussion, I think the current method of typing character name is fine as it's a fail safe... and really, how often do people delete characters?

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> @Nevermore.1089 said:

> The OP appeared to be asking for deletion of Items that require Full Names, so this is just a suggest to make things a little easier for now. I have been there myself deleting Legendary collection items that I kept getting in FotM's, and got sick of typing the names every time... and wanted a quicker way.


> Shift+Left Click (sends the chat code to chat w/o actually sending it to other users... cursor should be active at the end of the link)

> Shift+Left Arrow (Highlights the chat code)

> Ctrl+C (Copies the chat code)

> Try to delete the item (confirmation will come up)

> Ctrl+V (Pastes the chat code... in the Delete confirmation)

> Backspace (to remove the "]")

> Home (to position cursor to start of text)

> Delete (to remove the "[")

> Click Delete (can't remember offhand if Enter works at this point)


> Although it appears to be a lot of steps, it actually goes very fast once you get use to it.


> For the Non-OP discussion, I think the current method of typing character name is fine as it's a fail safe... and really, how often do people delete characters?


once a week for the weekly key.

I do it.

I just tend to pick either a random name that I wouldn't like or wouldn't remember or have 0 attachment to.

Kind of impossible to let's say not delete a character called "Imma Keyguhl" or something over something that I've actually named that I liked.

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I don't think it would be a good idea to change how item deletion works. I think the current system is very effective at making sure you know what you're deleting when you do it. Even if you copy and paste the name you're going to read it as you do that, whereas if you just have to type a random pin number if you could go through the whole process without paying any attention to what you're deleting.


On top of that changing it from typing the name to typing a pin number would be a very, very small time saving (even for me and I'm slightly dyslexic so copying an item name exactly can be surprisingly challenging) - which was the OP's original concern.


I think a better solution would be to reduce the number of items that require confirmation to delete - keep it for things that can only be obtained once, gem store items and extremely expensive in-game items. It would also be helpful if items that are only needed for collections would stop dropping once you've completed the collection.


But also in the situation the OP gave I feel like the sensible solution is just to cancel the delete confirmation and put the item at the bottom of your inventory/wherever else you put things to sort them out later. I think it's highly unlikely you'll have so many items you don't want but which require confirmation to delete that they're filling your inventory. Just move them out the way, sort the other stuff and then delete them when you're in town.

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