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Make use of PvP levels


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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > Oh I found it on the wiki,

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_League#Rewards


> He aint talking about that.


> He's basically saying a gold tier should get better rewards than silver and wood.


Kind of looks like the OP is talking about glory rank.


If he is, not so sure how I feel about that.


I would however like to see a significant increase in testimony of heroics being rewarded.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > Oh I found it on the wiki,

> > >

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_League#Rewards

> >

> > He aint talking about that.

> >

> > He's basically saying a gold tier should get better rewards than silver and wood.


> Kind of looks like the OP is talking about glory rank.


> If he is, not so sure how I feel about that.


> I would however like to see a significant increase in testimony of heroics being rewarded.


exactly glory rank, there's literally 0 use for them, while there's a whole system for wvw, ofc not asking as complex.

but at least some thing like every 10 level give some testimoney of heroics

or like every 10 level increase reward track progression/gold earned per game by 0.5% with a cap ofcourse.

so like u get a few more silver per game or even few game less per reward track

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We talking about glory rank?

Man they nerfed it, they listened to everyone whining about they aren't Bear rank and cool like the hardcore PvP'ers.


Rank doesn't mean squat anymore.

They also got rid of glory, I should be getting EASY 20 slot bags with 1000 glory....


Hey man I had 3million glory points and it went poof because I took a year and half break so yeah I'm pretty worked on that.


But this game, idk what there issue is. Some people complain and they take it serious.

EoTM too much door vs door, no one is WvWing now.

They END EoTM, use to be 5+ instances ALL DAY LONG, now its EMPTY ALL DAY LONG.



pros be like "hey man aint nobody watching us, nobody focused on #esports"

they got rid of HOTJOINS for a bit nothing but unranked and ranked. They bring back HOTJOINS but its 5v5 and not 8v8.

Then they get rid of the glory system, because ya know HOTJOINS was the way to get glory FAST unless you win every match in ranked.


HOTJOINS 30+ SERVERS ALL DAY LONG. Now its pretty much DEAD except for people doing dailies or something.


8v8????? What happened it was the GOLDEN AGE OF PVP

Pros complained people wasn't #esports minded, forced people into 5v5.


All these maps, yall probably say "thats not meant for 8v8"

GIRL 8v8 was around BEFORE 5v5, these maps DEFINITELY designed for 8v8.


Somebody whines

Shadow Behemoth dies way too quick

This Molten Boss fractal WAY TOO EASY




8v8 GONE

Hotjoin GONE

easy fractals GONE

SB easy to do (I mean its a lvl 1-15 boss) GONE


All these whiners getting what they want. Its true. Harsh but true.


So back to pvp awards with glory.

Oh yeah


doesn't exist anymore, my 3million glory GONE


Really is ZERO point in the ranks.

Everybody is pretty much dragon rank.

Dragon rank finisher aint even special anymore


Bear Tiger, those ranks used to be special.

Phoenix WHOA boy use to be super special.


Everybody dragon, doesn't make sense to give better rewards if everybody is a dragon.

The level just increases for ego purposes,


I mean if they do what you suggesting, someone is gonna whine and its gonna change so much its crazy.


Look at fractals, too many dang changes.

Whoever complained about Jade Maw, and now its gotta do all this weird stuff too, idk man. Be thankful its at where its at now.


Cuz what you suggesting how I expect them to do it.

Everyone will get WORSE rewards and the people with high rank/glory whatever, will get the reward we getting now.


Just look at Fractals, they made it all HARDER, not easier. Look at swampland, wtf gotta kill both bosses always now?


So you can expect THEY WILL make it so diehards will get better reward... But it will be NERFING the non diehards.

This will just make people not interested in PvP anymore because too much effort to be on the level to get the rewards at pace we are getting them right now.




If you want rewards faster just thinking of a way to do it.

**I suggest the longer you keep playing PvP, like Ranked, if you que constantly for say an hour, your rewards get boosted**, 3 hours they get boosted to max.

So if you keep doing PvP for an hour say you get 15% reward track right now, now its 25%, 3 hours its 40%.


That is something what they do in WvW, and yes I think that would be great in PvP.

This doesn't punish those who haven't been around PvPing since 2013. This benefits everyone, even those coming back, all you do is keep PvPing.



Theres already something that benefits people who been around since 2015, its called Ascended Shards of Glory and/or those season league tickets.

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> @"felix.2386" said:

> depending on level

> Increase reward track progression per game

> increase gold earned per game

> achievement + title

> testimonies of heoric

> not by a lot just small increases.


> not just showering people with gold and actually some decent rewards.




So more gold for bots.

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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> We talking about glory rank?

> Man they nerfed it, they listened to everyone whining about they aren't Bear rank and cool like the hardcore PvP'ers.


> Rank doesn't mean squat anymore.

> They also got rid of glory, I should be getting EASY 20 slot bags with 1000 glory....


> Hey man I had 3million glory points and it went poof because I took a year and half break so yeah I'm pretty worked on that.


> But this game, idk what there issue is. Some people complain and they take it serious.

> EoTM too much door vs door, no one is WvWing now.

> They END EoTM, use to be 5+ instances ALL DAY LONG, now its EMPTY ALL DAY LONG.



> pros be like "hey man aint nobody watching us, nobody focused on #esports"

> they got rid of HOTJOINS for a bit nothing but unranked and ranked. They bring back HOTJOINS but its 5v5 and not 8v8.

> Then they get rid of the glory system, because ya know HOTJOINS was the way to get glory FAST unless you win every match in ranked.


> HOTJOINS 30+ SERVERS ALL DAY LONG. Now its pretty much DEAD except for people doing dailies or something.


> 8v8????? What happened it was the GOLDEN AGE OF PVP

> Pros complained people wasn't #esports minded, forced people into 5v5.


> All these maps, yall probably say "thats not meant for 8v8"

> GIRL 8v8 was around BEFORE 5v5, these maps DEFINITELY designed for 8v8.


> Somebody whines

> Shadow Behemoth dies way too quick

> This Molten Boss fractal WAY TOO EASY




> 8v8 GONE

> Hotjoin GONE

> easy fractals GONE

> SB easy to do (I mean its a lvl 1-15 boss) GONE


> All these whiners getting what they want. Its true. Harsh but true.


> So back to pvp awards with glory.

> Oh yeah


> doesn't exist anymore, my 3million glory GONE


> Really is ZERO point in the ranks.

> Everybody is pretty much dragon rank.

> Dragon rank finisher aint even special anymore


> Bear Tiger, those ranks used to be special.

> Phoenix WHOA boy use to be super special.


> Everybody dragon, doesn't make sense to give better rewards if everybody is a dragon.

> The level just increases for ego purposes,


> I mean if they do what you suggesting, someone is gonna whine and its gonna change so much its crazy.


> Look at fractals, too many dang changes.

> Whoever complained about Jade Maw, and now its gotta do all this weird stuff too, idk man. Be thankful its at where its at now.


> Cuz what you suggesting how I expect them to do it.

> Everyone will get WORSE rewards and the people with high rank/glory whatever, will get the reward we getting now.


> Just look at Fractals, they made it all HARDER, not easier. Look at swampland, kitten gotta kill both bosses always now?


> So you can expect THEY WILL make it so diehards will get better reward... But it will be NERFING the non diehards.

> This will just make people not interested in PvP anymore because too much effort to be on the level to get the rewards at pace we are getting them right now.


> ..


> If you want rewards faster just thinking of a way to do it.

> **I suggest the longer you keep playing PvP, like Ranked, if you que constantly for say an hour, your rewards get boosted**, 3 hours they get boosted to max.

> So if you keep doing PvP for an hour say you get 15% reward track right now, now its 25%, 3 hours its 40%.


> That is something what they do in WvW, and yes I think that would be great in PvP.

> This doesn't punish those who haven't been around PvPing since 2013. This benefits everyone, even those coming back, all you do is keep PvPing.


> ..

> Theres already something that benefits people who been around since 2015, its called Ascended Shards of Glory and/or those season league tickets.


Stop being so extra

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> @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > @"Mindless.9721" said:

> > Great idea , lets give newer players less rewards for PvP!

> > This will absolutely be a great change for the already small player base!

> >


> How is this give less reward for new player? reward progress is still the same for new player, Karen.


Karen, really? Thats the best you can do?

Its pretty much still the same thing. You get more rewards than newer player - and for what exactly?

The only thing that rank shows is how much/long youve played.

And while playing more usually mean you get better at the game , the amount of games youve played in itself doesnt mean anything.


If you want to make an argument for better players getting more rewards (besides winning more) -i m all ears.

Im sure someone calling others "Karen" for having a different opinion is gonne blow me away with his great arguments.

Besides Plat and Legendary rank already get more rewards in ranked than gold and below - even if not much more.

And giving better rewards to players in unranked would make the amount of premades and Vets tryharding against noobs even worse than it already is.

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Only solution I can see for more rewards.

The longer you keep play PvP ranked the higher rewards you get. Have a coutdown thing like in WvW. Difference between PvP and the WvW countdown is PvP should be based on real time. As in if you T6 and logout and login next day, it should be at T1 empty. If you don't play pvp for say 30 minutes it should go down a tier or two.


This way you get people to play constantly.

Constantly means your able to make friends because you see same people more often.

Also competitive, pros don't want to take turns not playing to avoid each other. They don't want to lose T6 rewards.


T6 rewards can be like more pips, more reward track, more gold earned.

Magic find??? Garbage, get this outta here. Everyone already knows call of the mist is garbage.


People want real time rewards, not fake gambling magic find.

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