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Why are the Hedge decorations so expensive?

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At this moment, a single hedge, for like a hedge maze, will cost me 17, almost 18 gold. Each. I wanted to make a hedge maze for my guild, but to do that I would need at least a dozen or so, and even then, that's a crappy maze. At that price, it's over 200 gold. I can understand certain decorations being expensive, like statues of Dwayna, the orchestra.. but a hedge? It's something that's meant to be used in groups, but at the moment they're so over priced, I could make maybe 2 before I'm broke.


You know what's roughly the same size and shape? An elegant wall panel. It's 12 gold to make right now. It's a pretty, expensive looking wall that you find in nobles houses. Why is a plant wall so much harder?


I could go on about absurd costs for certain decorations that aren't worth nearly the amount of effort you have to put into them, (Stupid potted blue orchid, being over 100 gold...) But I really just want to make a little maze for my guild without having to sell a kidney for it. It's a plant.


Why is it so expensive?


I just wanna make a maze....

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General decorations are expensive for two reasons:

* To create a long-term goal for the guild (not just the one puzzle designer), it can't be easy to obtain.

* Because they are more durable than most anything else we spend on. Unlike consumables, decorations are available to the hall forever and a day.


Of course, that doesn't mean that the prices couldn't use some tweaking. I wouldn't mind seeing some 'bulk' options for things that get used in large numbers.

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The "long term goal" gets actually hindered by at least some of those pieces. I know that we decided, after looking at pricing of many of the decorations, to simply not bother at all, because we deemed it way too expensive.


Also, the problem here is that there's no "decoration crafting tab" in guild bank, which means that the price of decorations is being carried by the scribe, not by the guild. Yes, of course in a lot of cases (well, excluding those where the crafting components are account-bound for some hard to understand reason) a guild could pitch in and give the mats to the scribe, but the lack of any in-game support for that process makes it far more complicated and annoying. In the end it still means that it's the scribe that pays for it out of their pockets, and the guild can, at best, try to refund the scribe for this.

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I think everything under 5 gold for decorations isn't bad at all. Depending on size, what it's general use is (Do you generally need more than one) and quality of detail it can be much higher than that.


I'm doing most things in my guild solo and manage to get several hundreds of gold in support with just the handful of guildies we have and I manage to decorate the guild hall just fine.



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All decorations are too expensive and most of the plant decorations are a complete pain to make due to requiring ceramic planters over and over again. It would be nice if they would take a pass at the scribing system in general but I gave up hope that they have any intention of making adjustments to it or any of the other guild systems. At some point they decided nothing related to guilds was worth the resources.


And as to the people that claim scribing is meant to be a guild endeavor, it really isn’t and never will be. It’s a nice interest among select individuals and it’s people like us that have to carry the burden and front the expenses. But that’s in part due to the fact that there hasn’t been any incentive created to actually spend that much time in the guild hall, with no indication that there will ever be any development into any of these systems.


Personally, with the last patch ending on the note of reforming dragons watch, it would be great to get some guild oriented updates in the next living season update, but I expect that’s a pipe dream.

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You think it is bad now? [take a look at this reddit topic](

"https://reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/41j5hj/shopping_list_prices_for_guild_decorations_on_jan/") from 1+ year ago, shortly after the HoT launch. Wide library shelf - 993 gold, hedge 570 gold. Completely insane.


Even after ditching old economist they still screwed up scribing for PoF by putting charged quartz into all the PoF decoration recipes, thereby throwing the entire load onto the guild scribes.


Ugh, yeah... the ceramic planter thing noted by the poster above me is also ridiculous. This plant is already in a pot! Why does it need another new one?!?

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  • 4 months later...

While the cost is definitely an issue, even when you do get enough hedges, you are unlikely to be able to do a decent maze. The decoration cap will stop it.


Anet needs to give guild halls some really attention and love - and especially look at the new one. Since there are almost no flat areas, we figured we would use the "floor" decorations from raid wing 4 to make some - only to find that the cap stops anything even halfway decent.


I know Anet said they dissolved their guild team, but here is yet again another example of why that decision makes no sense. Not sure what they were thinking.

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> @"Blaeys.3102" said:

> While the cost is definitely an issue, even when you do get enough hedges, you are unlikely to be able to do a decent maze. The decoration cap will stop it.


> Anet needs to give guild halls some really attention and love - and especially look at the new one. Since there are almost no flat areas, we figured we would use the "floor" decorations from raid wing 4 to make some - only to find that the cap stops anything even halfway decent.


> I know Anet said they dissolved their guild team, but here is yet again another example of why that decision makes no sense. Not sure what they were thinking.


That part is pretty annoying. I was trying to put down the wintersday gift boxes on what looked like flat ground only to find stuff poking through the bottom.

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