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Have the ecto gamble drop rates sneakily changed?

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Rolled 25g on my past 30 rolls. I've had bad luck streaks in the past years but this is suspicious. Could be extraordinarily bad luck. Has anyone else been extra unlucky lately with ecto gamble rolls?


Not a complain post btw, and not definitely saying with full certainty the rolls have been lowered... just wondering what others experiences are currently with ecto gambles.

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It is exactly like it always is with rng and gambling. Whether its black lion keys or drops or ecto or roulette or poker or anything rng based. You will get the yes I am unlucky too and then there will be the guy who just made 2k gold yesterday because it is all rng. I know anets adjust things but unless somebody rolls 1000's of times a day to get enough to possible answer your question it is rng.

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I feel like i suddenly became few years younger...

But more seriously: originarily, there was this kind of thread practically every patch. And during all those years, ecto salvage rate was "sneakily" (or accidentally) changed exactly once, and it was found out practically immediately, with a ton of detailed statistical data proving it posted on forums within days of it happening. A change like that can't really happen without a _lot_ of people immediately noticing.

So, since there were no posts like that recently, we can safely assume that it's just you.

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As @"Strider Pj.2193" points out, OP is asking about [Ecto Gambling](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ecto_gambling) (which could be one of three types: Tark, Cards, or the ectoplasmic stones). (I saw "salvaging" in another reply and went off in the wrong direction.) Accordingly I've hidden my previous text (about ecto salvaging) and labeled it as an example of how to look RNG, when we have access to large samples of data.


>! ##### Salvaging Example

>! 30 salvages are not anywhere near enough to answer that question. Literally every day, someone salvaging 3 dozen times will have equally bad luck... and someone will get far better than average, too.


>! Random rolls *always* result in streaks of both good and bad luck. As humans, we tend to pay more attention to the unlucky streaks, ignore "average" results (well, that's just what we expected), and discount lucky bursts ("eh, that makes up for the bad luck I had last week").


>! If you start seeing 52 ecto from 100 rares, or 738e from 1000 salvages, then it might be time to worry.


>! ****

>! PS there are dozens if not 100s of people out there who are industrially salvaging rares, 100s per day, for some. If the ecto drop rate is nerfed, they will notice, since it effects their bottom line. There's no need for the typical player to presume a lower rate, just because they get unlucky.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> 30 salvages are not anywhere near enough to answer that question. Literally every day, someone salvaging 3 dozen times will have equally bad luck... and someone will get far better than average, too.


> Random rolls *always* result in streaks of both good and bad luck. As humans, we tend to pay more attention to the unlucky streaks, ignore "average" results (well, that's just what we expected), and discount lucky bursts ("eh, that makes up for the bad luck I had last week").


> If you start seeing 52 ecto from 100 rares, or 738e from 1000 salvages, then it might be time to worry.


> ****

> PS there are dozens if not 100s of people out there who are industrially salvaging rares, 100s per day, for some. If the ecto drop rate is nerfed, they will notice, since it effects their bottom line. There's no need for the typical player to presume a lower rate, just because they get unlucky.


I think he was referring to the Tarkutun guy for Ecto Gambling.


But even then RNG is the rule of the day.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> I think he was referring to the Tarkutun guy for Ecto Gambling.

Ah. Thanks for the clarification.


The same statistics applies: everyone has good streaks and bad streaks. Unless OP is keeping track of all their data, one bad run with only 30 attempts isn't indicative of a change of the rate.


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30 in a row getting only 25 of the gold junk? If accurate, that's way out of line, despite the statements of others above.


However, I have some doubts that you actually did that. For one thing, unless I'm mistaken, you always get at least two stacks of stuff (not full stacks, but two piles that are different). Can you post your exact drops?

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