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[Poll] Weapon for the next Engineer Elite Specialization


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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> Engineer really needs to be ranged next time. They got hammer first time and sword second time. I would love a ranged weapon. Staff, Shortbow or longbow. Any of these would be loved.


> I personally would love minions. Little golems would be dope. But that's an unpopular opinion. A chemist would be cool too that shoots potions with a bow. I'm game for that.


You should consider that engineers might be able to use a weapon in a more unconventional way, especially if the theme of the new elite spec is chemist.

Engineers are creative with their weapons, we are not warriors, so it might be possible that the new elite spec uses weapons like the mace or axe at range.


Personally, I would prefer dual wielding axes or maces with condition damage focus. Because this would allow us more combinations (axe/shield, axe/pistol, axe/axe, pistol/axe) than having another 2 handed weapon like the bows or the staff.

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Well would like a crossbow, or at least using a shortbow horizontally to shoot flasks and so have a chemical based specs that can do condis or support depending on the flasks used. The mechanic could be about managing their number; like 3 toolbelts skills "ingredients" to choose if the flasks shoould give more condi, heal or protect.

Name: Doctor, Plague Doctor, Alchemist, Scientist whatever.


Would not be against staff, but having a minion/golem spec could be done by revamping turrets and making them following you... just update their graphics like having asuran turrets if we are asura, plants if sylvari....and so on. But it's true being able to send golems or steam creatures on my enemies is interesting.

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I think it would be very cool to swing this new greatsword of the Charrs, but I have long thought that the wand would be a good weapon for the engineer and I also wish it for the next specialization.


To add a new perspective to the discussion of close combat or ranged combat - why not both? I'm thinking specifically of the "Force Lance" from the tv show Andromeda or the "Ma´Tok staff" from Stargate.



1. First Attack, Second Attack, Final Attack

2. Perforation Attack – Multiple Fast Bump Attacks, Bleeding

3. Area Attack – Big Swing Attack, Multiple Targets, Crippled

4. Disrupting Attack – CC Attack, Slow

5. Switch Mode to Range and jump backwards



1. Plasma Shot

2. Multiple Shots – Multiple Fast Plasma Attacks, Burning

3. Big Blast Shot – Big Plasma Ball Attack, Multiple Targets, Blinded

4. Elektric Stun Shot – CC Attack, Immobilized

5. Switch Mode to Melee and jump forwards

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> @"Sak.8612" said:

> I think it would be very cool to swing this new greatsword of the Charrs, but I have long thought that the wand would be a good weapon for the engineer and I also wish it for the next specialization.


> To add a new perspective to the discussion of close combat or ranged combat - why not both? I'm thinking specifically of the "Force Lance" from the tv show Andromeda or the "Ma´Tok staff" from Stargate.


> Melee:

> 1. First Attack, Second Attack, Final Attack

> 2. Perforation Attack – Multiple Fast Bump Attacks, Bleeding

> 3. Area Attack – Big Swing Attack, Multiple Targets, Crippled

> 4. Disrupting Attack – CC Attack, Slow

> 5. Switch Mode to Range and jump backwards


> Range:

> 1. Plasma Shot

> 2. Multiple Shots – Multiple Fast Plasma Attacks, Burning

> 3. Big Blast Shot – Big Plasma Ball Attack, Multiple Targets, Blinded

> 4. Elektric Stun Shot – CC Attack, Immobilized

> 5. Switch Mode to Melee and jump forwards


The problem I personally have often with staff is that people are suggesting skillsets and thematics for that weapon which are already represented. Like using electricity (we already have scrapper for that) or lasers (holosmith fills that niche).


Also the next elite spec for engineer should focus on condition damage. Scrapper is restricted to power damage since the rework that it converts strike damage dealt into barriers and holosmith also focuses more on power builds. Having an elite spec that enhances your condition damage would be welcomed.

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> @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> i'd go for either of Staff or greatsword , staff makes the most sense but greatswords have all the cool skins :v


I don't get why so many people want a 2handed weapon....

We already are extremely limited when it comes to weapon choices. Would be nice to get a little more options by giving us a 1handed weapon for both main- and offhand.

Especially since the next elite spec should focus on conditions, which means that offhand pistol might be a great choice together with a new mainhand weapon.

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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> > i'd go for either of Staff or greatsword , staff makes the most sense but greatswords have all the cool skins :v


> I don't get why so many people want a 2handed weapon....

> We already are extremely limited when it comes to weapon choices. Would be nice to get a little more options by giving us a 1handed weapon for both main- and offhand.

> Especially since the next elite spec should focus on conditions, which means that offhand pistol might be a great choice together with a new mainhand weapon.


idk im not too interested in conditions but in my case the greatsword thing is mostly for fashion that i would want it, although ryland's flaming chainsaw is pretty solid and considering engi's main dps condition is burning i could see that being an option , but yeah i'd be down for scepter, or focus too , can always just give me some actually useful super beefed up turrets too :L or robots, i miss Wildstar's little 4 legged robot that rocket barraged enemies F for the little friend .

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to see longbow as new weapon.

We got hammer (melee power) and sword (melee power), I think that a new elite spec that is focused on ranged condition would be a new way to play engineer.

Longbow could give us burning arrows, poisoned arrows, electric arrows, etc. maybe as new mechanic we have no cool downs but a limited amount of arrows that can be used, and after some time they recharge.

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> @"mov.1246" said:

> I would like to see longbow as new weapon.

> We got hammer (melee power) and sword (melee power), I think that a new elite spec that is focused on ranged condition would be a new way to play engineer.

> Longbow could give us burning arrows, poisoned arrows, electric arrows, etc. maybe as new mechanic we have no cool downs but a limited amount of arrows that can be used, and after some time they recharge.


Why not give us a 1handed weapon in both main- and offhand for this task, tho?

Axe or mace could also become ranged weapons (engineer has methods to alternate weapons and having a weapon that is traditionally melee become ranged isn't new in this game), while also open up more weapon combinations, like using mainhand with pistol or shield offhand, using pistol mainhand with the new weapon offhand....


Engineer is already extremely limited in weapon choices, why keep it so limited by giving us a 2handed weapon again that can't potentially get comboed with anything?

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Mace/Mace would give some diversity with pistol/mace, mace/pistol, or mace/shield. It does not have to be a CC set and I think it is quite thematic for Engi.


Longbow/Shortbow would be my second choice as the ranged options on Engineer stink, although I'm not sure how these would be different from the Mortar Kit...


If they increased the velocity of grenades and mortar rounds they would be decent range options though.

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1) Explosive Axes for Main and Off. Both Ranged. More Power-focused, but Explosion feature on them would make them viable Condi option with Explosives traitline.

2) Longbow or Shortbow. Ranged. Heavily condi-focused. Mainly Poison.

3) Staff. Ranged. Tesla themed Power-focused, or fire-beams theme condi-focused.


I would be okay with another new melee weapon, but only if Bomb kit would be completely reworked into 1200 range Rocket-launcher Kit. Target based with splash AoE damage, not ground-target like Mortar or Grenades. I hate Bomb Kit, mostly because of dumb animation which is also the same on all skills. Engi already has a lot of weapons and kits for close combat, like FT, Tool Kit and mostly Rifle while all his range option are not very reliable and clunky to use because of ground-targeting.

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definitely torch. engineers know how to blow stuff up, give them a mainhand torch.

an engineer in many games is at max lighly defended with stuff like pistols. we alread have the heavy scrapper, so mace would just be repetitive. a staff doesn't fit an engi at all imo, same for bow as they are too basic.

but every engineer knows how to make good use of a flame, 2 of the biggest changes for mankind used fire: first the controlled fire and second steam power, the true engineer domain. so give this engineer some fire and he'll do wonders!

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> @"WorldofBay.8160" said:

> definitely torch. engineers know how to blow stuff up, give them a mainhand torch.

> an engineer in many games is at max lighly defended with stuff like pistols. we alread have the heavy scrapper, so mace would just be repetitive. a staff doesn't fit an engi at all imo, same for bow as they are too basic.

> but every engineer knows how to make good use of a flame, 2 of the biggest changes for mankind used fire: first the controlled fire and second steam power, the true engineer domain. so give this engineer some fire and he'll do wonders!


I highly doubt that they will ever give an offhand weapon to the mainhand. If you want a torch, then it will definitely become an offhand weapon choice for us.

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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> I don't get why so many people want a 2handed weapon....

> We already are extremely limited when it comes to weapon choices. Would be nice to get a little more options by giving us a 1handed weapon for both main- and offhand.

> Especially since the next elite spec should focus on conditions, which means that offhand pistol might be a great choice together with a new mainhand weapon.


Well, I guess it's due to the fact that a 2h weapon = 5 new skills. As opposed to a 1h weapon which is only 2 or 3 new skills.


Couple with the fact that given Engie's barely existing Core weapon sets, 1h weapons don't offer that much choice.


For example, if we got a new OH weapon like Torch (Could be likely if we think a Condi based E-Spec is coming), Focus or Warhorn then the options for pairing are... Pistol MH and... Pistol MH.


Even with a new MH weapon, there's still only 2 options to use in OH, Pistol and Shield.


Maybe if there was a dual weapon set that was given to Engie it would make things better, but outside of bringing in an asymettrical pair of E-Spec weapons for the first time, Engie is left with just Dagger/Dagger, Axe/Axe or Mace/Mace as options (Since Pistol/Pistol is already possible and Holo uses Sword MH so Sword/Sword is not possible) which is uncertain in their likelyhood of being chosen (Yet another E-Spec Condi Axe?) even IF dual weapon sets get used again as it's only Spellbreaker that has recieved one.


But even with a dual weapon set, there's still going to be very limited options with 2 MH choices and 3 OH ones and if we're still thinking a Condi based E-Spec then they'd be directly competing with Pistol/Pistol (I don't think Shield is really going exist as an option for a Condi OH given that Pistol already beats it due to how strong Blowtorch is)


#**On Topic:**


I vote for Longbow. Since I like longbows IRL.


Could offer a lot of interesting design. Such as adding payloads to arrows (Like Timed Charge underwater), arrows with drills for arrowheads (To cause damage over time as it drills through enemies), attaching chains/cords to connect enemies hit by a piercing shot and electrocuting them based on their proximity, using explosive charges that detonate and fling shrapnel in a PBAoE or a directional cone...


Also, it could be interesting to get an actual ranged weapon for Engie. Given that all their current weapons and E-Spec weapons are all melee focused, even Rifle and Pistol want you to get up close for Blunderbuss/Jump Shot and Blowtorch.

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