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Except Largos Which race could be played and others problematics.

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Without need to do a lot effort like reworking all the armor models of the game, i don't see a lot of race that could be played except largos (human armor).


But that will still be problematics left, like the voice overs for everything ? each race have a male/female voice for everything (story/skills, well anything), how this will work, and largos still have backpiece problem (even if they could just disable backpiece skin like others mmo did).


There is also that a lot of players want new race, but it don't give much, except fashion for some race like silvarys/charr, largos also have quite a lot of intric traits that can add to fashion wars.


Also don't forget the spagetthi code that is the living story, how will that work for a new race ? they can't start from the beginning without putting a "where the fuck you comes from" as the main character, the only solution i will see is to lock it until one of your character reach EOD (after or at the beginning), and unlock the race for new character that will start at this moment. But honestly if i remember correctly, touching anything from the personal story break everything because spagetthi code.

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Largos is probably the easiest. The only problem is their wings but so little is actually known about them that the devs could retcon the wings to being Armor. They could share everything with Humans from outfits and armors to animations and as for the voice lines all you'd need to do is just add a distorted filter to the existing voice lines for their masks. They're also around somewhat in the core areas so It might be easier to fit them into the personal story.


The only other race I could think of is Dwarves, Maybe they could use everything for Norn but scale it down. If they remain stone you could still use all the Models, armors and outfits but you would have to redo all the textures.

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I always thought the tengu and kodan were designed with the possibility of becoming playable later on. They're both humanoids so they can use the same weapons and would only need minor tweak to use the armour, they both have homelands close to the accessible parts of Tyria but currently locked off which could be cities and starter zones and they both have detailed social strucutres (especially the kodan). They've also had associations with the Pact and playable races before.


I'm not sure if it will ever happen, but it seems like Anet laid some of the ground work for that option, should they ever want to do it.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I always thought the tengu and kodan were designed with the possibility of becoming playable later on. They're both humanoids so they can use the same weapons and would only need minor tweak to use the armour, they both have homelands close to the accessible parts of Tyria but currently locked off which could be cities and starter zones and they both have detailed social strucutres (especially the kodan). They've also had associations with the Pact and playable races before.


> I'm not sure if it will ever happen, but it seems like Anet laid some of the ground work for that option, should they ever want to do it.


Fix the Kodan's head proportion and would be game. Tengu as well. Though I still want my Charr to stand straight.

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