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Why can't I repair my armor without dying?

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Yeah, indeed. GW2 is not like some other games that have progressive degradation of gear just from it being worn in combat. If you die ("are defeated"), one piece of undamaged gear chosen at random will take one point of damage and become damaged (fully functional). If they are all already damaged, one piece chosen at random will take another point of damage and become (a) broken and (b) not functional, and © invisible on your character (it remains visible in the Hero panel).


In SWTOR, gear takes damage just from being in combat (or larger chunks if you die) until it is at zero, at which point it drops from fully functional to fully non-functional.


In Runes of Magic, gear takes progressive damage in the same sort of way as SWTOR, but *also* becomes progressively less effective as it degrades.

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> @"paShadoWn.5723" said:

> And that is exactly what I am questioning.


And the answer is that if you aren't defeated / killed / etc. - call it what you like - you don't *need* to repair your armour, and indeed you *cannot*, because the act of fighting doesn't damage it.


EDIT: but if you're asking why it works like that, well, because they built it that way. I'm not sure there's any actual *lore* reason for it. After all, why does the progressive degradation in SWTOR only affect the gear's strength when all the durability points are gone, compared to RoM where the armour becomes progressively weaker as it degrades? And the answer in both cases is "because they built it that way".

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> @"paShadoWn.5723" said:

> And that is exactly what I am questioning.

Then you should change the question you posted. Because it seems you are not asking about why you cannot repair your armor unless you die (the answer for that one is simple, because until you die it's not damaged). What you seem to really want to ask is why _the armor is not getting damaged unless you die_.


Which is a completely different question.


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