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Which "expansion" did you most enjoy the first time you played through it?


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I have to say Path of Fire.


Original game I tried out during a free weekend years ago and thought for an online game it was really cool/interesting but I didn't have the time or money to buy GW2.

I would consider that "I really like this, but not that interested."


A little over a year ago I finally got back into GW2 finding out it's FTP and me and my friend started to play. Enjoying it, we got Heart of Thorns which got me (they bought GW2 before) out of a FTP account... in the end... we really liked the glider but loathed HoT. Didn't touch HoT again until sometime this early/late spring. Even during the 2nd time I was really hating HoT as a whole. Some were fun like SOMETIMES a little of Brink (only with a fully upgraded glider), and Basin... but that's it.


Path of Fire I enjoyed from the very start of it all the way up until getting to the east side of Vabbi when I loathed that area. Couldn't really enjoy looking around what that area has to offer as I either have to keep staying on a Skimmer, mash buttons to swap from Skimmer to another mount to get to another spot or height, or worry about all those brand that does away 1/2 to 1/3 of either my mount or my HP.

So I say for first time experience? Path of Fire wins my vote. Would like to see more of that.

Oh, and I guess due to mounts, I see a lot less invisible walls in the area which is a really good thing. I hate those as I'm en explorer and want to explore every nook and cranny. If I ploish, I ploish... just let me explore.

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PoF for sure. It was an amazing adventure.


While the vanilla GW2 looked amazing for its time, I had great difficulties to adjust to the weapon-based skill system and the storyline missions did not catch my excitement.

Heart of Thorns was just not solo-friendly enough and frustrated my from the start with the strong monsters that insta-kill solo roamers. However, in the end I learned to like it for the mastery and achievements and the group events.


Path of Fire excited me from the first second to the end and continues on the great production quality of Living World Season 3.

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I am going with PoF. While I enjoyed the core the game, it still took me awhile on my first 80 to get through it due to its sheer size and volume. What core Tyria did right though, PoF improved upon tenfold with the mounts, new elite specs, the general atmosphere. I greatly enjoy PoF.


As for HoT, it did everything wrong. It made mobs too annoying to kill, bad map design, forced groups for HPs, and I am not really fond of the majority of those elite specs. I now go to HoT when I have to for the daily and such; otherwise I avoid those zones like the plague.

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For me, that would be Prophecies. Born and raised in ascalon, I spend weeks there.. only to see those beasts turn the sky to flame.. tearing down the walls.. turns the rivers and lakes to tar.. it was devestation like I'd never seen before..

Such contrast in such a short time.. and to think over 250 years later the forests and plains had returned, and the same feral beasts had build a city on top of it

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Heart of Thorns because:

* Jungle itself! I used to play core game as sylvari. I though there will be sort of homeland, hostile but still.

* Difficulty of AI. These guys in jungle want you dead and know how to do it fast. Condis, CCs, Veteran, Elite and it's arsenal of regular mob. I could only go afk at high ground.

* Masteries. I needed them. Safe landing, special merchants, fractal stuff etc. Comes in handy.

* Magnificent music! I'm fun of celtic style music. Drums, violin and rhythm. When you fight alone against 3-5 enemies that music for sure will tell that you are playing with fire here. Or sounds in Tarir. You are looking at that bronze halls, couple ghost in the shells, and then hear something echoes far away it was sounds like crystal thing or metal. And then you realize that you're really in Forgotten city. I did not forget about frog-musicians. They are amazing.

* Maps design. These maps were new to me! An area up high, an area down below, normal surface. It was much interesting and much harder to explore than core maps. TD is crazy map. Unique! It's lik pie with 10 layers. I still can lost there and that is amazing!

* Tons of events. Something is going on somewhere at anytime.

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Honestly. Mordremoth got me frustrated. Angry. Wanted to punch his face. And that's honestly what I like about games. Something that get me angry but I get through it to finish that ish. POF was easy compared to hot. And I wish they made it a little harder. I took maybe a week or two with a friend to finish but only because I was waiting for my friend. Took me much longer for hot. The stinking mobs. Trying to lvl up but can't cause this hp boss killed me. Or do an event and die instantly. POF just didn't do it. Now story was much better. However the stress level they should've added. The final boss the climax of the event. Mordremoth definitely. The most biggest booger on the planet. I want to kill him again just cause he gave me a hard time.

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> @blambidy.3216 said:

> Honestly. Mordremoth got me frustrated. Angry. Wanted to punch his face. And that's honestly what I like about games. Something that get me angry but I get through it to finish that ish. POF was easy compared to hot. And I wish they made it a little harder. I took maybe a week or two with a friend to finish but only because I was waiting for my friend. Took me much longer for hot. The stinking mobs. Trying to lvl up but can't cause this hp boss killed me. Or do an event and die instantly. POF just didn't do it. Now story was much better. However the stress level they should've added. The final boss the climax of the event. Mordremoth definitely. The most biggest booger on the planet. I want to kill him again just cause he gave me a hard time.


I am the opposite. I hate things that make me angry because I don't like the destructive person it makes me become. There is a reason I avoid jumping puzzles and a lot of HoT stuff; they make me very frustrated. I prefer to remain clam under any circumstance because stress is bad for me.

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I picked Vanilla since it was an option (though, not an expansion). It's hard for me to compare HoT and PoF at this point because PoF is so new, and my head was in a very different place when HoT came out, and I effectively left for 15 months. When I came back, I had a really good time playing through HoT. Basically, when HoT came out, I was in 'maintenance mode' with GW2, and my attention was focused on another game. It's initial difficulty, and the fact that it now was taking my time away from the other game, frustrated me. I've since left that game, and had I not been playing it, I would have had a great time with HoT the same way I'm having with PoF.


Since it was an option, I picked vanilla, because nothing is as awesome as the first (several) time(s) through! Leveling up crafting. The first time I ran by when Jormag was up and I had no idea what it was and it looked totally scary so I just kept running! Orr was my only 'meh' feeling. A little burned out on the whole 'LotR' progression of zones, where they start all sunny and happy with mild nemesis and end in the Goth/Emo/Metal zones. Always the same arc. Moar sunny end game zones! Learning jumping mechanics, open world non-party shared play, shared resource nodes, vistas. Awesome inventory system.


One more thing about HoT and PoF. To me, as I enjoy them both very much, the fact that they are so very different I think makes them much more replayable. If PoF was HoT, there would be no reason to HoT, and that would be sad. I find myself setting aside time and characters to do a little of both every week.

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Nightfall>Eye of the North>Factions>Prophecies> GW: Beyond> GW Bonus Mission Pack> Path of Fire> Guild Wars 2 core > Heart of Thorns.


> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > Honestly. Mordremoth got me frustrated. Angry. Wanted to punch his face. And that's honestly what I like about games. Something that get me angry but I get through it to finish that ish. POF was easy compared to hot. And I wish they made it a little harder. I took maybe a week or two with a friend to finish but only because I was waiting for my friend. Took me much longer for hot. The stinking mobs. Trying to lvl up but can't cause this hp boss killed me. Or do an event and die instantly. POF just didn't do it. Now story was much better. However the stress level they should've added. The final boss the climax of the event. Mordremoth definitely. The most biggest booger on the planet. I want to kill him again just cause he gave me a hard time.


> I am the opposite. I hate things that make me angry because I don't like the destructive person it makes me become. There is a reason I avoid jumping puzzles and a lot of HoT stuff; they make me very frustrated. I prefer to remain clam under any circumstance because stress is bad for me.


Heh. I'm in the same boat since failure in GW2 always equates to visual noise and bad telegraphs instead of my personal skill. I've raged harder at GW2 than Hotline Miami or Cuphead - at least then I know what I did wrong and can retrace my steps since everything is easy to see.

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Bit of an odd question for me honestly. AT FIRST I enjoyed PoF more. The story was more fleshed out and guards getting their tomes back will always be a +1 in my tome.


The thing is though I find myself enjoying repeat plays of HoT maps more than PoF. HoT just feels better in terms of repeatability. There is only so much that bounties can do and they are not close to the awesome map wide objectives in Hot.


I think this difference is good though because it gives people a reason to play both maps. Want an easy time and smash stuff with little to no consequence? PoF is for you. Rather have more group focused map wide objectives? HoT all the way.

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