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I am sad about the direction that Anet has taken with the last few story's. This game used to be fun and I enjoyed spending money in the game to improve my enjoyment but that has all gone to the side these days because the game is no longer fun. To stick mastery points at the end of a collection to which the items to not drop is just one of the many sad things from the last releases, and the latest is about the worst ever if Anet is going to continue with this direction they will not have to worry about people buying another expansion I know for myself I will not I am currently looking for a fun game to sink my money into. So good luck to you Anet you will need it

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Not really fair to say "most" do not like grindy content. The forums are not a good representation of the entire player base. I would like to think that Anet knows how many players are engaged with which types of content so their metrics might well say that most players do enjoy the grind. Personally, I don't.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Not really fair to say "most" do not like grindy content. The forums are not a good representation of the entire player base. I would like to think that Anet knows how many players are engaged with which types of content so their metrics might well say that most players do enjoy the grind. Personally, I don't.

I think there is Enjoyable grind content and Boring grind content, the game has allot of content that is kinda grindy PVP,WvW, Raids, Fractals, HoT map metas but people still do them cause they are fun and have enough reward for the effort. Lately though Arenanet has been focusing on the cinematic part of the content but not so much on the fun part and the same Grind that we have always had starts veering its head, cause we are not having fun while doing it.

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I think it is too early to come to any conclusion as the story has yet to continue. They released part1 of part 1. The focus seems to be to add a new narritive and mechanic to tell the story. As this technique is pretty new I understand the focus on the technique. I have no doubt they will add more variation in the next releases or even in part 2 when this chapter continues.

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