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What the actual


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> @"suialthor.7164" said:

> Around mid season for 3-4 days and then the last few days, matchmaking was awful/broken. I don't mind getting beat, but after dropping so much I should stop facing the same people (often same pairs) over and over.


This game has no focus on competitive at all, and neither is the mode even balanced.

Matchmaking probably prioritizes finding matches over finding even/balanced matches.


So if the only other people playing are the plats the.... lol bye.

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LOL, if this game wants to be competitive,

either needs to limit build numbers with more strict build templates, but apparently most noobs will QQ to not remove traits/amulets and cry a river in the forum.


or give strick role locks and class locks (like lol with more versatile build templates (tho hero skills are still the same) it is compensated by having strict role locks before a match, so you will have similar comp with less toxic/random shit happening.



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PvP was not intended for the solo player.


This mode is a team mode, and has decreased in population, and increased in exploitation since the duo only rules.


Solo seasons will kill it even more, and when they removed solo above 1600, it really knock the teeth out the mode.


This is an MMO, it's multiplayer, and pvp is a cooperative team based and dsigned game mode.


It is failing because of the solo-duo mentality.


Instead of attacking the things that were exploited, and a trial that never ended.


Oh, by the way, there is a sale going on in the gemstore.


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