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Guild Wars in VR - [Merged]


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Akethon.5108" said:

> > And i have played a game where you cast fireballs by saying "fireball"

> *1000 years into the future*

> Archeologist 1: *"Look at this ancient data recording of a person sitting in a chair! There is some sort of contraption over his head and he's just saying 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 for hours!!"*

> Archeologist 2: *"... Aliens."*


I think Archeologists will find stuff for fun then that if you think about it. hehehe But it as been always like that. If you could visit the past and showed a phone these days they would think you are the devil or something. lol

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Well Anet did have a bunch of projects going on and they all got canned so I highly doubt you'll ever see an official GW2 VR spinoff..


It doesn't have to be a spinoff. It can be some other story. Like before Orr went down and the Gods still in Tyria.



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> @"Akethon.5108" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Well Anet did have a bunch of projects going on and they all got canned so I highly doubt you'll ever see an official GW2 VR spinoff..

> >

> It doesn't have to be a spinoff. It can be some other story. Like before Orr went down and the Gods still in Tyria.




That would by definition pretty much be a spin off.

It wouldn't be part of the core Gw2 game.. but a separate product in it's own isolated stand alone story but based in the same universe.

It could be technically a sequel or prequel but it wouldn't be a Guildwars 3 nor would it be part of Guildwars 1 or 2.. so it would be a spin off because of that.


Nothing wrong with a spin off though, there are plenty of great spin off games out there.

Some have even spawned their own iconic franchises such as Donkey Kong Country, Mario Kart and a more recent one, Hyrule Warriors.

Definitely not a negative thing ^^

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> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > Well Anet did have a bunch of projects going on and they all got canned so I highly doubt you'll ever see an official GW2 VR spinoff..

> > >

> > It doesn't have to be a spinoff. It can be some other story. Like before Orr went down and the Gods still in Tyria.

> >

> >


> That would by definition pretty much be a spin off.

> It wouldn't be part of the core Gw2 game.. but a separate product in it's own isolated stand alone story but based in the same universe.

> It could be technically a sequel or prequel but it wouldn't be a Guildwars 3 nor would it be part of Guildwars 1 or 2.. so it would be a spin off because of that.


> Nothing wrong with a spin off though, there are plenty of great spin off games out there.

> Some have even spawned their own iconic franchises such as Donkey Kong Country, Mario Kart and a more recent one, Hyrule Warriors.

> Definitely not a negative thing ^^

You are right. I really do think that GW on VR sould be their next goal after finishing off GW2. Something in 5 years time or so. Maybe one more expansion for GW2 and then try out the VR world. Either that or GW world will die in 10 years or so. Unless there is miracle. Specially, if i am right, with all new MMO RPGs coming out for VR this year and the next, that will take alot of people out of the PC screen based MMO. And the better they become the more people go for them. So Anet should take advantage of their background and experience and lack of good VR MMORPGs at the moment. But again. I am a nobody and most likely the Devs wont even look at this thread. But is still good to dream.


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> @"Akethon.5108" said:

> > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > Well Anet did have a bunch of projects going on and they all got canned so I highly doubt you'll ever see an official GW2 VR spinoff..

> > > >

> > > It doesn't have to be a spinoff. It can be some other story. Like before Orr went down and the Gods still in Tyria.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > That would by definition pretty much be a spin off.

> > It wouldn't be part of the core Gw2 game.. but a separate product in it's own isolated stand alone story but based in the same universe.

> > It could be technically a sequel or prequel but it wouldn't be a Guildwars 3 nor would it be part of Guildwars 1 or 2.. so it would be a spin off because of that.

> >

> > Nothing wrong with a spin off though, there are plenty of great spin off games out there.

> > Some have even spawned their own iconic franchises such as Donkey Kong Country, Mario Kart and a more recent one, Hyrule Warriors.

> > Definitely not a negative thing ^^

> You are right. I really do think that GW on VR sould be their next goal after finishing off GW2. Something in 5 years time or so. Maybe one more expansion for GW2 and then try out the VR world. Either that or GW world will die in 10 years or so. Unless there is miracle. Specially, if i am right, with all new MMO RPGs coming out for VR this year and the next, that will take alot of people out of the PC screen based MMO. And the better they become the more people go for them. So Anet should take advantage of their background and experience and lack of good VR MMORPGs at the moment. But again. I am a nobody and most likely the Devs wont even look at this thread. But is still good to dream.



I dunno what the future holds for this franchise.. but the possibility for spin offs is huge.

I don't know if there will ever be a Gw3 and at the present point in time I really don't feel like there needs to be one nor do I think there is enough of a reason to move on from Gw2 and make a proper successor, I know a number of people do call for it but I don't agree with them at all.


As far as a VR game goes I really don't know.. the market on VR is growing and I think it will be pretty big one day when the technology is far more advanced and a lot cheater and accessible, but at the present time it's still pretty small overall.

Personally will never get onboard with VR because I just don't like tech and I have no interest in the experience it offers.

I'd rather have my games on a TV or monitor with a keyboard and mouse or controller in my hands, it's just my preference :) I know there are plenty of others who also feel the same way as well and have no interest in VR.


If Anet did ever make a VR game in the Guildwars universe there are a number of us who wouldn't play it and Anet would loose some players, but they'd also potentially gain players as well.

I think that's the biggest consideration any company makes when they consider this kind of thing.. how many player's they will likely loose compared to how many potentially new players they will gain, as well as costs and time and other factors..

In the case of VR I don't think it's quite there yet for a lot of companies to justify.. that doesn't mean they won't invest in it, just that they're a lot less likely to for now.

Specially when there are other markets out there that are far easier to get into and potentially a lot more lucrative, In Anet's position.. Consoles and Mobile for example.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Teratus.2859" said:


> If Anet did ever make a VR game in the Guildwars universe there are a number of us who wouldn't play it and Anet would loose some players, but they'd also potentially gain players as well.

> I think that's the biggest consideration any company makes when they consider this kind of thing.. how many player's they will likely loose compared to how many potentially new players they will gain, as well as costs and time and other factors..

> In the case of VR I don't think it's quite there yet for a lot of companies to justify.. that doesn't mean they won't invest in it, just that they're a lot less likely to for now.

> Specially when there are other markets out there that are far easier to get into and potentially a lot more lucrative, In Anet's position.. Consoles and Mobile for example.


On the point of losing players, they lost loads of players from Guild Wars 1. Loads of players from the first game don't like GW2. So I think no matter what they do they will always lose some. The question is how many can they win.


The VR market is already big, this year alone there's 3 MMORPG being launched. Ubisoft is developing Splinter Cell and Assassin's Creed for VR. And there's many more.


I just started this thread because I strongly believe that with Anet background they could make in VR what WoW did on pc.

Obviously I am not saying now. But for the next 5 years probably. Like a next project. Like they did with GW2. It was announced and release 5 years or so later.

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> @"Akethon.5108" said:

> The VR market is already big, this year alone there's 3 MMORPG being launched. Ubisoft is developing Splinter Cell and Assassin's Creed for VR. And there's many more.

Not sure how splinter cell and ass creed are relevant as they arent even close to MMOs...


Also 1.7% of steam users have a VR headset. Of those only a small fraction has last generation headsets, most are old crap because very little has happened the last couple of years (HP Reverb G2 bringing much, much better lenses+resolution and Occulus Quest 2 using a more modern SoC are pretty much it).


So no. The market isnt already big. Its tiny. Tiny enough to really only make tiny games viable. SC and AC in VR? Probably the eqvivalent of mobile games compared to their big brothers. Wouldnt surprise me the slightest if AC VR in particular will have a world like walking dead, slices of a city you do some parkour in.


We're just not there yet.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Akethon.5108" said:

> > The VR market is already big, this year alone there's 3 MMORPG being launched. Ubisoft is developing Splinter Cell and Assassin's Creed for VR. And there's many more.

> Not sure how splinter cell and kitten creed are relevant as they arent even close to MMOs...


> Also 1.7% of steam users have a VR headset. Of those only a small fraction has last generation headsets, most are old kitten because very little has happened the last couple of years (HP Reverb G2 bringing much, much better lenses+resolution and Occulus Quest 2 using a more modern SoC are pretty much it).


> So no. The market isnt already big. Its tiny. Tiny enough to really only make tiny games viable. SC and AC in VR? Probably the eqvivalent of mobile games compared to their big brothers. Wouldnt surprise me the slightest if AC VR in particular will have a world like walking dead, slices of a city you do some parkour in.


> We're just not there yet.


Splinter Cell and Assassins Creed were just examples of big companies starting to invest on VR. I wasn't comparing the VR market with the PC or console market. But i do believe that there is timing to invest. Also i didn't say that they should invest now. i was saying that they should think about it for the next 5 years.

There are already good games on VR you should check if you don't believe. Fighting mechanics are improving with every game.

And as a Guild Wars fan for many years i truly would like to see this franchise to make a difference like they always wanted. When the VR market is big enough i am sure that Blizzard will invest on it and with the background they have if there is nothing on VR yet they will rule the VRMMO like they do the PC MMO world. thats why i think that Anet has a chance to do something big.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm a passionate VR gamer and I also love Guildwars 2. Years ago I was able to play Guildwars 2 in 3D on a smartphone with Cardboard using NVidia 3D Vision. Now we have new technology with the Oculus Quest series and and Virtual Desktop and I wonder if there isn't an easy way to use the stereoscopic view in Guldwars 2 simply with Virtual Desktop. Unfortunately, I cannot activate it in the game (it is grayed out) even though I switch on SBS or FSBS.


What's your opinion on this? Is it hard to change the options in that way, stereoscopic view could work on Oculus Quest VR Gear?

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there actually might be a way to do this, if you go into first person view mode and unsheath your weapons, you can see them as if you're playing an elder scrolls game, but attacking with them causes them to disappear, I don't think this is accidental but I also don't think aenet would fix it either.


If you could make a program for VR that works the same way that DS4 works (by mapping keyboard inputs to the controller), it might be your best shot. All you'd have to do is map head movement to mouse control (when in action cam), and the fighting controls to the hand gear.


It's crazy talk, but with a little bit of innovation, it is very possible to frankenstein a VR experience for GW2 together.

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