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What's up with all the ads in raid lfg?


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Yeah... If you try to look for pug group for whatever in raids, 80-90% of groups you will see will not be some 250Li parties you are not qualified to join anyway... it will be raid selling ads. To be clear, I don't care if it's fair/moral/legal to sell or buy encounters(it's allowed by [ANet policies](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65566/policy-buying-and-selling-runs#latest) if anyone wonders), just why the lfg board must be so ridiculously spammed with useless ads? And for some reason it seems to mostly happen in raids lfg. I haven't seen that many ads spammed in such volume around other party boards like fractals/strikes.

Example view of EU lfg attached. It's almost exclusively ads, literally not a single real squad looking for people. What a joke.

![](https://i.imgur.com/6uMMKNV.png "")

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Well there is a market for selling raids so people will offer services if it makes them money. Raids being the hardest content to complete in PVE do have a fair few people willing to buy. Dont get me wrong I dont like raid selling either but its not against TOS and can just be ignored so its not really an issue outside of devaluing some titles.

If it bothers you seeing them that much you can type -sell or -[ into the search bar at the top.


You are not going to find many real lfg in super off hours on EU. Middle of the night being one of them. Raid lfg population is not big enough anymore to sustain that and will keep shrinking the longer raids go without any new content. If you look at lfg in prime time hours or on reset day however, there are many raid pug groups.

Its not a good idea to get into raiding through pugging anyway. It requires more time than any random group can commit to to properly learn each boss. Finding a guild will be a much better experience.

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So I actually made a group using NA raid academy, it didn't fully fill out but we posted in LFG afterwards and people just showed up. You'd be surprised how many people are willing to PuG if they see a non-KP crazy group there. My suggestion is to try creating your own, most people don't like puGGing raids because they can be VERY hit or miss because of the specific mechanics that specific raid members have to fill. Lots of people try to build and/or find a static and only do stuff with them for a guaranteed performance bar. like good luck doing SH without a druid that knows what they're doing with pushing.


But there are people who want to make money selling raids and the community by and large doesn't raid, so they're offering a service for ridiculously rich non end-game PVEers is the long of the short of it.


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> @"Khamul.9837" said:

> The problem are not the people selling raids. The problem are the ppl who actually buy them.


Why is this a problem?

If there is a possibility that you can buy a Legy Armor or something, why not use it if you have so much gold?

(I wish that was available for other things, like GOB).

And I really ask out of curiosity. Do not see where that can be negative for the game. Because I think there will be only a few, to none at all use to buy LI's to join then high raid groups. Even gold technically that would be a Sisyphos work and would not even be worth it in the end because he may get into a group but you will notice very quickly that he has only bought.

So what is the reason that this is bad?


And no, I am neither a buyer nor a seller. I am just curious.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

> > How much does raid selling go for theese days anyway? And what do you get for that gold, just one boss or the weekly cap?


> Well usualy its 1 boss or 1 wing price go up ofcourse.

> Never heard of anyone doing all wings for a set price.


People are willing to sell anything. There are set prices for Fullclear, single wing, collection and good enough guilds have bundles for entirety of 150 Li. Since there is a weekly cap, you get set amount of kills at a time.


> @"Tseison.4659" :)


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