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Trying to get into WvW


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I have been trying to get into WvW but I seem to be doing something wrong and as I am not finding it very fun. Every time I try all I seem to do is run around aimlessly in empty space for 10 -20 minutes and then get squished but a group before I can press a button. Is it dead or am I missing something here?

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> @"Butzs.4367" said:

> Thanks for the suggestions, will give em a try. But what is EB? I do not know what that is, is it the Eternal Battlegrounds map? If so I think not as it usually puts me on Alpine borderlands or the desert one.


You choose where to go. The borderlands are abbreviated RBL, GBL, and BBL according to the team color, EBG or EB are for the Eternal Battlegrounds. OS is the obsidian sanctum.


Find a commander and join the fray. Or roam a borderland map alone and cap objectives and fight whoever you see.

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> @"Butzs.4367" said:

> Thanks for the suggestions, will give em a try. But what is EB? I do not know what that is, is it the Eternal Battlegrounds map? If so I think not as it usually puts me on Alpine borderlands or the desert one.

Yes thats EB. If you are new, it should always be your first choice. Its always the most active map. Borders have tendancy to see more guilds.


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eternal battlegrounds is acutally the map that i'd not recommend for beginners.. it's kinda boiling water. real tags often dodge it bc it's full with uncoordinable groups, and u won't fit a battle-ready squad in there most of the times. as new player, focus on the alpine borders imo, especially if one of those is your home border.


i recommend to learn largescale, but u should kinda know what to expect before joining a tag, otherwise u may not be able to enjoy it anyways.


then we have the situations where only 35 ppl of the 50 ppl discord squad fit on EBG (on reset), rest of map is filled with randoms that just afk or roam around, <10 pugs. result is the squad wiping mostly, composition not fixable (bc its hard to time for open squads kinda what to bring) and ppl start leaving/logging/afk pipfarming then. leads to tag getting annoyed, switching borders or ragequitting, some people may leave in process etc.



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> @"Butzs.4367" said:

> Hi,


> I have been trying to get into WvW but I seem to be doing something wrong and as I am not finding it very fun. Every time I try all I seem to do is run around aimlessly in empty space for 10 -20 minutes and then get squished but a group before I can press a button. Is it dead or am I missing something here?


Here you go. This is how you have fun.



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OP, I can relate. I only started WvW a few weeks ago. There's a steep learning curve if you're on your own and I do not want to join a guild at this time. So I went through what you are now. There's good info in this thread and some others on this board. Since I'm new, I can't offer any sage advice from experience, but I do have some thought coming from freshly getting started.


Someone told me that time matters in WvW. It's not a 24 hour thing. There are peaks and troughs in activity for each server. Figure out when the peaks are and try to play during that time.


I just started roaming. I died a lot and that's frustrating. Before you get the Warclaw, running back over and over gets tedious. The mount makes that more tolerable so I highly recommend making that your first priority.


You are going to get stomped a lot and likely ticked off because of it, but that's part of learning. Don't let it get to you. Roam around, do dailies and easy stuff like killing cows and taking sentry points. Both are doable solo and give WXP.


Link up with any group you see. Just follow them and contribute as much as you can. If there's a commander and the squad is open, join it. Discord or other voice comms help but I haven't used any yet. Some will say they are absolutely necessary, but they aren't. Some commanders might insist, though. That's up to you.


Tailor your build to the mode. There are plenty of sites with examples and suggestions. Also, there is a lot of info out there on how to allocate your World Ability Points. Without doubt, #1 should be Warclaw Mastery.


If a map has a queue, get in it. That means the map is populated, meaning more opportunities. While you're waiting, go into another map. Chances are even the maps without queues are pretty full, too. I've done that several times and when I got the join message, I have always declined because I found myself in an active group in the map I was in.


Just play and don't keep watching your exp bars. If you can find a way to have a good time while you're learning, the XP will advance quicker than you think.

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I started playing 2 months ago and the best way I found to improve quickly is to throw yourself at fights you know you'll lose so you can watch how players kill you and learn from that. If you want to play solo this is realistically the only way to learn if you don't want to constantly run from fights. It feels bad to die but once you get the hang of it the mode is a lot of fun. It took me 2 weeks of feeding to be competent in a fight and I only play wvw now so that should give you an idea of how much fun it can be.


If you prefer big groups then try to find a public tag or join a guild that's recruiting. Guilds will expect you to play an approved build so make sure you have a meta build (gw2mists) or that you have the funds to craft a build. If you aren't sure what builds a guild is looking for just ask and they'll let you know. Finding a strong guild with a friendly community is my preferred way to play and the "easiest" way to improve because you have a team to help you if you get caught out.

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