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Why is Warclaw so clanky to use?

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> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> > @"Hesione.9412" said:

> > > @"Sarpan.9074" said:

> > > OP is right. I just got my Warclaw and noticed how it's like driving a 1950s Massey Ferguson. Another issue I have is when I'm running and mount up, it usually takes a sharp turn of at least 90 degrees but up to 180. That is at minimum frustrating, and at worst has lead to my death several times when trying to escape a group.

> > >

> > > I think it's the WvW maps that is the problem. I tested the Warclaw and other mounts in Tyria and did not have these problems.

> >

> > Oh good, I kept thinking it was only me that had the problem. Today's effort was mounting, immediately falling down a cliff because the mount wasn't facing the way I was facing when I mounted it, and then being killed by two players at the bottom of the cliff while I was in downstate from the fall.


> This happens with a few other skills too - e.g. using the 3 or 5 skill too quickly after picking up/swapping to ele Fiery Greatsword or warrior greatsword. Not sure if that helps pinpoint the problem, but it *is* really annoying (and usually fatal) to end up charging BACK into the mess you were trying to get away from however you do it.


> How did you end up in downstate after falling off the cliff, though? If the fall does enough damage to dismount you, unlike PvE you go straight to dead.


Maybe I didn't kill off all the health but the remainder was insta-removed by the two players under the cliff that I pretty much fell on top of. YOLO :)

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> @"Hesione.9412" said:

> My main wish is for it not to be outdone by the top of stairs (e.g. on the stairs immediately prior to engaging fire lord). Or on that path thing that goes from sec to air keep.


that is one thing people dislike red border. the heights which kill u are random. u need to know where u'll die and where not. and some memers use probably anti-fall dmg runes, idk


my own deathcount on red border is probably also 20% mount-up into death kills. like, i know the cam is locked weirdly and how to fix it ... but the 1-2 seconds that this takes can be enough to fall off one of the many many cliffs there.


the terrain would need to be flattened to make red border more attractive (and red spawn should get into mid of the map)


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Honestly, I feel like we can add all mounts to WvW at this point. Shake it up! If alliances are never to come then let's do this and see what happens. I mean, good bye balance balance but it would be entertaining and would massively shift gameplay. Seriously, the warclaw could be shifted completely to PvE with no mounts in WvW and that would be better than the state it's in now.

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> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> Personally, I fall in the middle. I think video game fanbases have developed the expectation that games like this will be constantly introducing new things to shake up gameplay. (I specify video games because there are plenty of board games that have been enjoyed by players for decades (if not centuries) using the same rule set, but most video gamers lose interest if they're not being fed "new content" regularly.)


I guess this is why a lot of new board games have stickers that ruin the game, so you can/(have to) buy a new set of stickers for next time.


> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> As far as what would make the WC fun: in my opinion, the more unique utility the WC has, the more reasons you have to think about when/whether to mount up in a situation (or whether the enemy is mounted), the more using it feels like a dramatic difference from being on foot, the more fun it is. Because then it is bringing a new dimension, a new experience. If it (like now) is functionally the same as being on foot (or worse in the case of some highly mobile builds) but just acts like a bit of extra meatshield... that's pretty kitten boring.


Boring or not, it's faster than walking, unless you're on a ganking class, ofc. So I think it's an interesting addition, at least it's something. If resources were made available at any time, there's potential to change the existing skills on it so they're useful, but the devs are unbelievably cautious about making it OP. Let's not forget that just having this great speed boost has shifted WvW so that it's much easier to get to an objective, meaning that attacks can occur more often without any defence (if the attack is by a huge zerg) OR that defenders can arrive at/(respawn and run back to) objectives too quickly for an attack to succeed (if the attack is by just a few players i.e. small scale ninja caps are less likely).


**HOW to get things fixed**

If you want something to be changed you need to get voices behind you. People complaining like there's no tomorrow, you need a lot of posts on threads in this forum. Nearly every incessant complaint has led to Arenanet action, but it takes a lot of different people on different accounts, it can't be the same guy complaining about Shattered Aegis all the time. That leads to nothing.


* Orbs Cheating - Flying players ([reports about cheating being easier to recognise might mean the return of the orbs](https://massivelyop.com/2021/01/06/guild-wars-2-explains-how-it-reviews-every-report-of-botting-and-cheating-you-send-in/), I think)

* Desert Borderland Map Redesign x2

* Warclaw Nerfs

* Dragon Banner Nerfs


**Things people don't complain ENOUGH about but which _should_ be fixed by the devs**

The developers won't fix these things because there isn't enough outcry about them.

* Obstructed range weapons at camps

* Guild Objective Upgrades

** Auto Turrets - the alternative is unquestionably better in every situation.

** Hardened Siege - the alternative is unquestionably better in every situation.

** Armoured Dolyaks - the alternatives are unquestionably better in every situation.

** Turtle and Centaur should get buffs, the alternative is unquestionably better in every situation.


Oops, I went way off topic. Sorry about that everybody. ><

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> @"Sylvyn.4750" said:

> Anyone else have the issue when mounting up that you see the generic Warclaw skin for a second before it morphs into one of your updated skins? For reference I have the Saberclaw and Sand Lion skins that I use. I guess it's loading the basic stats for the Warclaw first and then changing the skin out a second later. Yeah, I need to upgrade my potato rig, so maybe the delay is on my end, but it's weird they would even program it to always load the basic skin before swapping it out.


This happens on other mounts for me, maybe all of them. I haven't kept a list, but it's not unique to Warclaw or WvW. It's probably a graphics or lag issue, like when you WP to a place and it takes a second or two for the terrain and structures to show up.

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> @"Sarpan.9074" said:

> > @"Sylvyn.4750" said:

> > Anyone else have the issue when mounting up that you see the generic Warclaw skin for a second before it morphs into one of your updated skins? For reference I have the Saberclaw and Sand Lion skins that I use. I guess it's loading the basic stats for the Warclaw first and then changing the skin out a second later. Yeah, I need to upgrade my potato rig, so maybe the delay is on my end, but it's weird they would even program it to always load the basic skin before swapping it out.


> This happens on other mounts for me, maybe all of them. I haven't kept a list, but it's not unique to Warclaw or WvW. It's probably a graphics or lag issue, like when you WP to a place and it takes a second or two for the terrain and structures to show up.


I think the game loads the basic model first, THEN loads the skin on top. Seems like a waste to me, but maybe it's to prevent it looking like the mount is invisible? TBH the loading screen should remain in place until it's all done, imho, but it I feel like it's taking longer and longer to load a map as the game (and my computer) ages.

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> Honestly, I feel like we can add all mounts to WvW at this point. Shake it up! If alliances are never to come then let's do this and see what happens. I mean, good bye balance balance but it would be entertaining and would massively shift gameplay. Seriously, the warclaw could be shifted completely to PvE with no mounts in WvW and that would be better than the state it's in now.


i mean, just bc they make bad decisions doesn't mean we should encourage anet to completely mess it all up... how would u ever balance the beetle speeder or the skyscale lmfao... not to mention the crazy lags that skyscale/griffon would create and the absurd speed of the beetle. also... u realize people could just fly into every keeps inner with flying mounts, yes?


plus, the warclaw would be even more useless then... pvE will be always part of Wvw, but it will never become the major part of it. NPCs exist kinda to annoy everyone, and in case of keep guard/lords its even quite okayish, but we don't need to overdo it but making this full pepega pirateship... it's yet casual enough on most servers. u see for yourself how many people also here think ppt = winning... probably not many of them that have even rank 1k (or got the ranks from old times where k-train on eotm for levelgrind existed)

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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > Honestly, I feel like we can add all mounts to WvW at this point. Shake it up! If alliances are never to come then let's do this and see what happens. I mean, good bye balance balance but it would be entertaining and would massively shift gameplay. Seriously, the warclaw could be shifted completely to PvE with no mounts in WvW and that would be better than the state it's in now.


> i mean, just bc they make bad decisions doesn't mean we should encourage anet to completely mess it all up... how would u ever balance the beetle speeder or the skyscale lmfao... not to mention the crazy lags that skyscale/griffon would create and the absurd speed of the beetle. also... u realize people could just fly into every keeps inner with flying mounts, yes?


> plus, the warclaw would be even more useless then... pvE will be always part of Wvw, but it will never become the major part of it. NPCs exist kinda to annoy everyone, and in case of keep guard/lords its even quite okayish, but we don't need to overdo it but making this full pepega pirateship... it's yet casual enough on most servers. u see for yourself how many people also here think ppt = winning... probably not many of them that have even rank 1k (or got the ranks from old times where k-train on eotm for levelgrind existed)


Don't get me wrong, my idea is terrible. I just got so frustrated with my warclaw a few weeks ago that I started running a warrior build with speed runes that made it completely unecessary to use the mount. My warhorn even grants barrier to bypass the "meat shield" and gives it to allies. I want a mount in WvW but the only one available is extremely underwhelming in its current state. I would love even just an hour of all mounts lol. You are right about the issues it would cause. There is still a small part of me that would enjoy the chaos of flying mounts in WvW ?

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> @"Sylvyn.4750" said:

> Allow extra mounts just on DBL, since both vertical relief and horizontal distances are greater, it's needed. Plus, would give DBL an extra perk to get more people playing on it. Flying mounts could have the same no-fly zones as gliders to keep them in check.


Like springer and griffon? Skyscale would be funny for people who are afk'ing when a territory changes hands. Instant dismount causing random bodies to fall from the sky when an objective is flipped ?

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:


> I would love even just an hour of all mounts lol. You are right about the issues it would cause. There is still a small part of me that would enjoy the chaos of flying mounts in WvW ?


I'd be for it too.... If you could actually fight on the mounts.

But that never seems to have been a consideration, a PvP mount you can PvP on.. How droll, right?

Kinda like when they spent 2 years tweaking WvW maps for gliders (our "content addition" at the time), then left the skill bar empty -_-

Just about selling skins, as if they couldn't have monitized AND made them real content.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> Just about selling skins, as if they couldn't have monitized AND made them real content.


That costs more resources.


If they wanted to JUST sell skins they'd introduce all the other mounts **without** any of their regular abilities (including flying).


Having watched the devs livestreams, I think they genuinely wanted to provide a mount that's distinct for WvW, but the balance issues and ~~constant whinging~~ forum pressure from gankers forced them to nerf the living daylights out of them, making them some comical parody of what they were/should be.

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