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New class or new race?


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Neither. A new race would be nice, but it would mean a lot of work making the armor fit them, OR be extremely boring in that it's basically just a reskin of an existing race. I also think we have plenty of classes and the Revenant has never worked right anyway.


Instead of a new class, they just need to put more time into better elite specs for existing ones, which can hopefully cover whatever play style people would be looking for in new class.


Instead of a new race, they need to spend the time necessary to standardize the three armor types so that you can mix and match them, which should be at least comparable effort to skinning the existing armors to an entirely new race anyway.

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I'll think more logical than anything. It would be much easier to just make a new class than a new race.

New race = 2 new actors for genders.

New home instance designed.

Recordings for old content to add them into the mix. While yes it would just be the new voice, it still have to be recorded for old dialogue options for the new race.

More bone structures to design for the new race for all weapons, classes, combinations, etc.

New clothing designs and shapes for old and new content for the new race and even cultural stuff.


New class = Technically make an "Elite class type" randomly doing something else and just make it standalone.

Either new weapons for new class or just use the old ones we already have. Money on no new weapons.

2 elite types for the class which once again would be easier and cheaper to do than the other choice.


So I'll just say new class. I would like to see a new class.

I would like to see both, but I really can't see that happening.

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Considering how unfinished the Revenant feels, I don't think that asking for new classes would be a good idea. New elites is enough for me.


> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> New race = 2 new actors for genders.

Voice acting is nothing to be concerned about. The player character doesn't speak much, combat and dialogue combined it'd only be a couple of recording sessions. They recorded far more dialogue for the random NPC chatter in PoF (a lot of which seems to be by high-profile voice actors).

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another poll on this?


anyway, i think they won't add a new class very quickly, since with the specializations they can already make almost entirely new classes and it will be increadibly hard to come up with something completely new and creative. Don't forget this class needs to have the same amount of specs as the other classes. which means 2 elite specs that need to be different from the core specs, meaning more creativity. and possibly a 3 spec that needs to be different aswell, since it will be a new expansion.


Race is possible, if they find the right way to implement, it will cost more time and effort than with most MMO's due to the personal story for each different race.

hard to implement the destruction of zhaitan to a race that gets introduced after balthazar (they'd have to go the way as Blizzard did with death knights/demon hunters, with a time jump back in time)

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> @CharterforGw.3149 said:

> another poll on this?


> anyway, i think they won't add a new class very quickly, since with the specializations they can already make almost entirely new classes and it will be increadibly hard to come up with something completely new and creative. Don't forget this class needs to have the same amount of specs as the other classes. which means 2 elite specs that need to be different from the core specs, meaning more creativity. and possibly a 3 spec that needs to be different aswell, since it will be a new expansion.


> Race is possible, if they find the right way to implement, it will cost more time and effort than with most MMO's due to the personal story for each different race.

> hard to implement the destruction of zhaitan to a race that gets introduced after balthazar (they'd have to go the way as Blizzard did with death knights/demon hunters, with a time jump back in time)


They could just pick a race that was there.

Skritt didn't take part and such of course, but didn't some like the Ogres help?

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @CharterforGw.3149 said:

> > another poll on this?

> >

> > anyway, i think they won't add a new class very quickly, since with the specializations they can already make almost entirely new classes and it will be increadibly hard to come up with something completely new and creative. Don't forget this class needs to have the same amount of specs as the other classes. which means 2 elite specs that need to be different from the core specs, meaning more creativity. and possibly a 3 spec that needs to be different aswell, since it will be a new expansion.

> >

> > Race is possible, if they find the right way to implement, it will cost more time and effort than with most MMO's due to the personal story for each different race.

> > hard to implement the destruction of zhaitan to a race that gets introduced after balthazar (they'd have to go the way as Blizzard did with death knights/demon hunters, with a time jump back in time)


> They could just pick a race that was there.

> Skritt didn't take part and such of course, but didn't some like the Ogres help?


That's true, the chance that those "minor" races will be chosen is smaller than the "Outcry" for the Tengu. which I basically based my point around without mentioning them, my bad.

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Of course new race

We have 3-3-3 class distribution so one new class will create need for next two classes.

Since we have specializations there is no point to create new classes, races however...I think they will be fine addition to the game: something new but also something everybody already knew which is ultra-safe option for new content, unlike some of the LS3 maps xD


So races, Tengu to be clear...


Well, Dominion of Winds is located near starting locations for Sylvari, Humans and Asuras so I think one 1-15 map would be enough for Tengu, yet there is still enough space south to Kessex Hills and east to Caledon Forest so 15-25 map will fit up as well.


Level 10-30 personal story and maybe little adjustment for the rest will be a bigger problem than new maps but still I think It's possible to do.


Armor adjustment? Tengu is simply skinny charr, exact same posture, they already have some armor skins to become cultural, I really don't think there is soooooooo much work need to be done, to make them playable.



Main problem in Tengu case is imo problem with east Asia culture as whole.

As I know east asians take it very seriously, get easily offended in cultural cases and widely share opinion that their culture is superior to others within same curtural circle. Especially these countries who make biggest impact on 'oriental culture' as we see it from the west: China, Japan and South Korea.

Cantha for example was simple mix of elements from these countries cultures and it was badly received by a lot of people.

And now we have situation where China is really big market which will be shame to lose and Tengu are element of Japan culture...



And Dwarves? Plenty of space in northen Deldrimor Front and since they are square-shaped like norns, armor shouldn't also be a problem.


Dwarf guardian on Doylak mount is my dream :D

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Armor adjustment? Tengu is simply skinny charr, exact same posture, they already have some armor skins to become cultural, I really don't think there is soooooooo much work need to be done, to make them playable.

Exactly. Put Charr and Tengu side by side, and it's easy to see that the models are nearly identical. They must've originally planned to use same model for both races, before Tengu got scrapped. The only problematic parts are the beak (which is only a problem for rebreathers and such), tail, and the forearm feathers (which I suppose could just be clipped from the PC model). Other than that, they can pretty much use the existing Charr armor models without major modifications.


Not to mention the Tengu in WvW. They already have various combat animations, and some are wearing different types of armor. These things are already in the game.

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Anet has said multiple times we will not get a new race because of armor issues (they would also need a new PS, starting area, etc). A new profession ... umm, elites .... if we still got one it would be wall-to-wall "when are the other 2 armor weights getting one" threads.


If resources were not an issue a new race would be fun but I doubt we will see one any time soon. As it is we essentially get 9 new professions around every 2 years though.


What they could do, via both appearances and armor skins, is divide the 5 races, much as they have the 9 professions. I would not be surprised if releasing the elona appearances was the first step to doing so. Imagine if choosing your legion (for Charr) affected your look rather than just being something in your PS?

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A new race would be cool, but not necessary. A new class also isn't necessary with the elite specializations.


I would like to see them concentrate on making new elites more detailed and different so that it "feels" like a new class. Also I would like to see more resources on future content, fixes, and updates to older content.

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As much as I might enjoy a new race, I feel it would be more work than worth the time and effort put into it. They could probably reuse voice actors, but armor may or may not require retooling and they'd have to shoehorn a new racial city / starter zone in. And beyond the initial story arc (which is lore / racially base) would offer nothing 'new' to the game play. It would be an almost entirely cosmetic edition that only a small percentage would likely enjoy.


I'd rather not see them add a new class. There's all kinds of complications with adding a new class come the third expansion. Do they backfill two elite specs for it? Or leave it lacking 2? Do they tie those to the previous expansions or make them all available vie the new xpac? Do they make the class available if someone buys xpac 4 but not 1, 2, or 3? Too many logistics. And let's not event get into the nightmare that is "balance" between core and elite specs and the existing 9 classes. Not to mention new elite specs with each coming expansion. So no, no new class.


They have enough on their plate to manage without adding either of these. They would add very little to the overall content.

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None because:


- adding a new reace would take up huge amounts of ressources which would barely have any benefit to the playerbase besides some new character models. The shiny of this would become insignificant faster than PoF content

- adding a new class is not going to happen since we have an even split of 3 light, 3 medium and 3 heavy classes. Elite specialisations are what we get instead of new classes>


@sorudo.9054 said:

> if ppl worry less about how much work it might be and more about how much fun it could be we would have half the things we asked for already, and i thought i was negative about GW2......


Yes because closing ones eyes to reality and screaming:"but I want it, I want it, I want it." works wonders. Like it or not, ressources are limited and finite.



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As said already in this other thread: [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/10366/any-chance-of-a-new-race-anet#latest](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/10366/any-chance-of-a-new-race-anet#latest "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/10366/any-chance-of-a-new-race-anet#latest") , I keep dreaming of a new race without believing that it will ever come. That's why I vote for the most realistic alternative: A new profession. We know it is possible since they already did it with Revenant.


As for which professions, for me it remains always the same two that I miss a lot: The ritualist and the assassin from GW1. :)

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