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New class or new race?


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New Race, but probably with an expansion. There's no need for a new class because of the elite spec system and the solid base of core professions, we're already basically getting 9 new professions with each expansion. A new race would be good story fuel and be a great opportunity for people to revisit central Tyria.

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Instead of new races and professions, how about making the existing ones viable/useful/balanced and stop fueling elitism? -stares at allowed dps meters- **Also, at least try to fix the clipping issues on existing races before adding a new one with a weird body.**

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  • 2 months later...

did not vote on the poll because a NEW CLASS will never happen as stated by Anet countless times. It will be new specializations every expansion which works well as it changes the way the class is played by a lot.


In terms of a NEW RACE, i was expecting it to come in PoF since it did not in HoT, due to MO saying that a new class was what they chose to work on for HoT. They can't make that same excuse for PoF, but sadly they still did not make a new race which is sad, so for next expansion, i will lower my expectations a bit more than i had for PoF so i won't get burned again. Yes, ofcourse i want a new race, maybe i'll finally play a new character from scratch and map complete it, but i'm not holding my breath.

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The things I liked about adding a new race can be added without adding a new race. A new race would be interesting because it would likely bring with it a major city and a lot of information about how the race's culture works. That could be added without making the race playable. Outside of this, it's mostly cosmetic. Cosmetic is nice, but a new class would just be a lot more substantial. Obviously, I'd like both, but that's a dream even in a dream.

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I guess I am really a dreamer: I just want both. But if I had to choose from one of the two, I would prefer a new race. There are so many more races in the world of Guild Wars. I would love to be a Tengu for example. Also, new classes would totally work for me too.


The reason I guess I want a new race so bad, is probably because of the things that come with it. Lore, new region (most likely?), new capital city etc.

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There's already tons of variety. It would be nice to see more race and/or class-based cosmetic options, but there's so many alternatives when it comes to gear and play style for the existing classes I see no reason to add more. As for races, it's just not necessary. I can't imagine someone going to create a toon in GW2 and saying to himself "I just don't like ANY of the available class/race combinations enough to make a character."

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A new class that combines thief and guardian, so I can swap my modes between stealth-killing and tanky protection on one character.

But that might be asking for too much, or both modes will end up being too weak such that you'd have to characterize your build finely so that one mode dominates anyway. And then there's also the issue where 9 classes looks great right now. A perfect square in the class selection screen :D


Edit: So apparently editing deletes my poll choice >_> (above my comment only)

Edit 2: Until I refresh the page, anyway...

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> @"Embered.5089" said:

> A new class that combines thief and guardian, so I can swap my modes between stealth-killing and tanky protection on one character.

> But that might be asking for too much, or both modes will end up being too weak such that you'd have to characterize your build finely so that one mode dominates anyway. And then there's also the issue where 9 classes looks great right now. A perfect square in the class selection screen ::disappointed:


wait until revenant or warrior gain traps as utilities xD, where they probably will do both lol.. every class will have everything soon or later.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Embered.5089" said:

> > A new class that combines thief and guardian, so I can swap my modes between stealth-killing and tanky protection on one character.

> > But that might be asking for too much, or both modes will end up being too weak such that you'd have to characterize your build finely so that one mode dominates anyway. And then there's also the issue where 9 classes looks great right now. A perfect square in the class selection screen ::disappointed:


> wait until revenant or warrior gain traps as utilities xD, where they probably will do both lol.. every class will have everything soon or later.


Ehhh but i don't like revenant or warrior. Their color schemes bother me (revenant = red; warrior = orangeish)

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> @"Embered.5089" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Embered.5089" said:

> > > A new class that combines thief and guardian, so I can swap my modes between stealth-killing and tanky protection on one character.

> > > But that might be asking for too much, or both modes will end up being too weak such that you'd have to characterize your build finely so that one mode dominates anyway. And then there's also the issue where 9 classes looks great right now. A perfect square in the class selection screen ::disappointed:

> >

> > wait until revenant or warrior gain traps as utilities xD, where they probably will do both lol.. every class will have everything soon or later.


> Ehhh but i don't like revenant or warrior. Their color schemes bother me (revenant = red; warrior = orangeish)


Well blue alone will not be for sure, since that is tied to guardian, so basicly will be red+blue or orange+blue on those classes, just like the :sunglasses: blinding visual clutter that transforms yout screen in a hologen light with Firebrand, scourge and spellbreaker, everythign has yellow.

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This is a pointless discussion, because Tengu must be made playable.


It doesn't matter when it will have to happen. We could waste hours in such a pointless argument.


Mark my words. Even if it has to be done when alien archeologists dig up our world after we are gone and reconstruct our videogames and rebuild GW2 for their people, they will made tengu playable then. Even if they do not do it, whoever dig them up will do it.


But It. Will. Happen.

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Both. It seems only natural that they'd introduce a new race with a fancy new class, it'd work fantastically in promo material and REALLY get tons of people super excited and we might even get lucky and get an NPC of the new race-class combo to replace Braham after we brutally kill him for blaming us for his mother's death for the thousandth time.

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New Race, and it should be Tengu.


But... let's be honest here. There needs to be some decent money in it for the work required. So, how do they do it so that the work goes down, and the profits up?


First, make them part of a new expansion. They don't have to be central to it any more than the elite specs are in HoT, but like them you have to buy the expansion to unlock it.


Second, start them at a later point in the game, and at level 80. This bypasses most of the problem of how to work them into the story thus far, and reduces the amount of personal story they need to modify to be Tengu-compatible. Two racial story arcs, similar to the level 10 and 20 arcs, then another arc where they set out into the larger world and become a Commander in their own right. After that, they're ready to be the main character. (And yes, some hand waving WILL be needed, but that's true for any new character.)


Finally, because all Tengu start at level 80, they need to require special character slots. One comes with the expansion, the others are expensive, as they basically start with a boost to level 80 for every Tengu made in that slot. Or maybe use an "upgrade" on an empty slot to turn it into a Tengu slot, for people that are at/near the max. 2000 gems for the full slot, 1200 for the upgrade. Yes, that's expensive, but it's still gems. Gold to Gems would still be an option.

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> @"Skobel.6920" said:


> And Dwarves? Plenty of space in northen Deldrimor Front and since they are square-shaped like norns, armor shouldn't also be a problem.


> Dwarf guardian on Doylak mount is my dream :D


Never thought about that. BUT that sounds like a brilliant idea :D I love it!!!!!!!


Even though I think we are good as we are, with some changes in the existing classes, I dream of a new (old) class from GW1. Assassin is like a Thief, Rituatist is not playable in my opinion in GW2. So I would love to see the Dervish in GW2 :) (we don't need to talk about the Paragon, don't we?^^). Just a dream....


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