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You know you've played too much Guild Wars 2 when....

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* You tell yourself to stop tormenting yourself, and your next thought is: "I need condi cleanse."

* You finish your chores for the day, and expect to find 2 Gold lying around.

* You search your wallet for a dollar every time you need to change your shirt or your pants or your shoes or your hat, etc.

* Your boss comes over to you, and you think he says (or maybe he does say,): "Commander, a word."


Your turn. XD

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You camp infront of your superior/collegue hoping the next dynamic event will start soon.

You pet other peoples dogs in public, because you want to complete that heart-quest.

You attack a pidgeon/mouse/butterfly with a hammer, because you want to see high dps for once.

You throw your mails out of the window, because you beleive the carrier grabs them and delivers them.

You try to explain your boss that your mail carrier should have arrived days ago and it is porbably just sever-lagg.

You wake up in the emergency-room, after you tried to get the Spirited Drinker title.

You ask your friends in the hospital, how many drinks are left.

You ask for more drinks, although your friends and the doctors explain to you, that another attempt may cost your life.

You accept that risk, knowing that you can always escape the domain of the lost.

You get kicked out of the local church for shouting "Praise Joko!" during the ceremony, because you were looking for another secret achievement.

You hit the cactus of friends you visit, because you want to finish another heart-quest.

You lose your job for ignoring orders, which do not start with "Your Mad King says ..."

You climb on trees and buildings to steal bird eggs, because you want complete the griffon quest.

You ask your 7yo cousin to lend you her rabbit, so you can reach that egg on top of the radio tower.

You get kicked out of the local casino, for eating their coins.

You purchase a saddle and try to mount your raptor.

You ask the vendor, why your raptor does not spawn.

You ask the vendor, why he sells a saddle without a mount.


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You're wondering why you're out of breath after trying to run continuously

You come across a watermelon and are surprised when it doesn't try to attack you

Wear a commander tag over your head so your friends know where to meet up with you

Go to your bank and try to withdraw weapons

Try to magically spawn a griffon out of your kitten when your car's out of gas

Think that orange sign on the side of the road is a dynamic event notification

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When you start rubbing someones feet when they need assistance or perished, expecting them to be thankful.

When you plan to hike through the most inhospitable mountains in your most fashionable outfit. Without freezing. Without needing any food or drink.

When you mindlessly follow someone just because they wear a badge. When you expect all others to do the same.

When you throw jars of pheromones to random strangers waiting in the line expecting them to start loving you.


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