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This is actually what spellbreakers believe


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Spellbreaker OP, i dont know, but what really grinds my gear is me doing well in 1v1 vs spellbreaker, decaping his node, pressuring him perfectly and then some dude from my team comes to help me and spamming the spellbreaker back to life and giving him more power and value . Pls dont help me!!! is often on my mind.

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That is the problem - the modes are team orientated, thus not balanced on 1v1's, which is probably the only time you can actually kill them. I don't get why people claim they're easy to kill solo (which only applies to specific classes) when the main concern is the TEAM or OBJECTIVE aspect. Last bunch of games I've played involve SP's on opposite team just plonking themselves on enemy nodes, laughing at people trying to stop them en masse, and enjoying free wins in a way that makes even the most unskilled pleb believe they're exceptional at the class.

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> @RopeDrink.6048 said:

> That is the problem - the modes are team orientated, thus not balanced on 1v1's, which is probably the only time you can actually kill them. I don't get why people claim they're easy to kill solo (which only applies to specific classes) when the main concern is the TEAM or OBJECTIVE aspect. Last bunch of games I've played involve SP's on opposite team just plonking themselves on enemy nodes, laughing at people trying to stop them en masse, and enjoying free wins in a way that makes even the most unskilled pleb believe they're exceptional at the class.


But you have to understand. That is ANet's targeted audience. So how can we expect any more or less?

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Why am I not surprised spellbreakers can't even use your/you're correctly..


And all these people saying spellbreaker can be killed it's just a team effort LMAO exactly how many people should a team commit to killing them? Yesterday at the AT there were spellbreakers legit holding off 1v3s and even getting kills.

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> @Dante.8965 said:

> lol but seriously SB as a counter and its easy to kill SB. Please dont keep saying its OP its just that you dont know how to counter him. You can pretty much kill him easy as long as you know how to kite and range dps


how its not op when you can barely deal damage to him? for him its to easy to tank 3+ players at once while on every other class you have problem to tank just 2 players while spellbreaker while also kill those in this time

fighting spellbreaker is like 0, 0, 0, invulnv, block of the 90% time while fighting with him...with scourge you are atlest able to take him down also when he is bursting you but as I wwrote...you can barely hurt spellbreaker because in 20 seconds of fight he is immune to everything in 15 seconds and still can do some evade in rest 5 seconds vulnerable with not to mention about his also to good mobility as for that tankly classs,. spec with damage ofc at once


and here we prblem...or you are going to be tankly with less mobility, damage or you going with damage, mobility without tankness...but spellbreaker is this problem as he have everything possible which shouldnt ever be possible to be


EDIT: also forgot its almost impossible to apply then any possible hard cc because of this 24/7 stability of inulnerability to everything or what they have.....

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> @"Bopha Debs.3290" said:

> See I'm on the fence here. As a WvW roamer spellbreaker is pretty much fine, But when you add the capture mechanics of sPvP that goes out the window. IMO his is def one spec that REALLY needs to be balanced per game mode.


From what I've heard, SB is practically immortal in wvw.

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> @Razor.6392 said:

> ![](https://i.gyazo.com/ea12ac3433a22af0621c847308f69a54.png "")


> What will people like this guy do when it gets nerfed to oblivion?


honestly, i dont think SB is OP, yes it shines at certain stuff but be my guest play 1 for 1 week, then go back to your original class and ull wipe his ass..

im more afraid of a berserker then SB on my thief.

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Spellbreaker is not OP, but full counter is a bit much... the issue is gw2 playerbased just want 11111 to win and when they met a spellbreaker they cry they cant 11111


Only issue with SP is that full counter needs to last arroun 3 secconds and only effect players hitting the SP, not every arround even if u stop atacking the SP a mob(WvW ) nearby can trigger the FC or some idiot will trigger t it and cry for nerfs, but if im not atacking the SP i should not be punished trough block, stability remove and got dazed.....


It's ANet carrying the gimmick on the offensive as usual...

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> @Razor.6392 said:

> > @"Bopha Debs.3290" said:

> > See I'm on the fence here. As a WvW roamer spellbreaker is pretty much fine, But when you add the capture mechanics of sPvP that goes out the window. IMO his is def one spec that REALLY needs to be balanced per game mode.


> From what I've heard, SB is practically immortal in wvw.


Nah, In groups it gets shit on if it has bad positioning just like anybody else, people just see them use all their stances and yolo into a group to drop a dome and think they are unkillable .


Roaming its legit L2P (as much as I hate to be that guy). Do your best not to set off their full counter, save your dodges for the hard hitting skills, and kite. Once their stances are gone most will either die or run away. You pretty much become a base warrior with one less traitline and all your utility on cooldown if people don't constantly set off your full counter.

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So I've been on the boat for the fact that Spellbreaker needs heavy nerfs for a while, but the AMOUNT of nerfs I'm advocating for have been significantly reduced.


I'm a ranger main, though I can multiclass fairly well. I've found that the only thing that needs to be toned down on Spellbreaker is its 1vX potential.

1. Full Counter needs to trigger only on the enemy that triggered it. It should not be an AoE

2. The resistance and condi copy needs to be removed in favor of a 3 condi transfer on a successful hit

3. The cooldown needs to be reduced to 10 seconds base


These are the only changes that need to be made in my opinion.

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My experience fighting a Spellbreaker:


- I start hitting him (not always a good chance for DJ)

- after a while goes invul for several seconds

- I hit him to 50% health, invulnerable for several seconds again

- then he uses shield that has super low CD

- meanwhile passive regen kicking in, he's almost back to full health

- then he pops a bubble, reflects everything

- then he blocks with his shield again and reflects

- by that time his invul is ready again


and the story repeats itself, but oddly enough people say DE's whose every attack can be dodged, blocked and reflected either by terrain, stamina or skills and who are super easy to kill are a threat.


Mesmers that can spam the same combo w/ clones that endlessly daze you so you are unable to do anything / insta-kill you + stealth like mad, Spellbreakers that are constantly immune to damage and other things and Scourges for whom it's enough to touch you twice to land pretty much 20 stacks of 5+ condis on you aren't a threat?


GG Anet, yet another successful release. And the last one for me.

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Spellbreaker is obnoxious to fight. It destroys anything not heavily offensive except for Firebrand bunker.


So I had switched to shoutbow soulbeast with jacaranda and bristle back with demo amulet. Let me tell you it is pretty amusing to watch a spellbreaker trying to fight you when they keep getting thunderclapped with a fuck ton of vulnerability while you duel them with a greatsword and go invis with longbow.


Though, the fact I had to go a specific build to counter this class (and scourge), says a lot about the mechanics. It overtuned to high hell. I don't want core warrior get the nerfbat, I want the damn elite spec to get it because their skills and kit are too damn bloated, while just piggybacking off of the core class to make themselves even more bloated through traits.

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> Roaming its legit L2P (as much as I hate to be that guy). Do your best not to set off their full counter, save your dodges for the hard hitting skills, and kite. Once their stances are gone most will either die or run away. You pretty much become a base warrior with one less traitline and all your utility on cooldown if people don't constantly set off your full counter.


Tbh I do think that Spellbreakers are by far the best/strongest roamers out there atm. The only thing they lack is stealth, while they overperform in everything else that is needed as a roamer. But since its WvW, where you can get some ridicilous stats its mostly fine cause its possible to beat the bad Spellbreakers. That changes when you meet an average or even good Spellbreakers. Good Spellbreakers can take 1v2/3s if your not against Scourges.


I just hope that we will see some real balance changes tomorrow. Give FC a 10 sec base CD and change revenge counter so it only gives resistance when it connects instead of just triggering it.


If you the buff Weaver, Soulbeast and Renegade by a little bit and we should be fine. Lets hope and pray for the best. I am tired of games with 5+ Spellbreakers.

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To be fair, solo, SB is neither the strongest or the sturdiest. Mirage, Ranger, Necro, DH (some builds), power Rev, core warrior and eng can kill SB solo. The real issue is how long SB can hold against more than 1 player cuz they can either completely avoid condi damage or just block incoming damage for prolonged periods. Solo, I can do magic on my retaliation guardian, but in a 1v2, I would not last more than 15 secs (assuming the opponents have at least half a clue what they are doing). Yet SB goes on and on... even against equally skilled opponents. You have to wait for FC, then GS 4, then passive damage reduction, then shield block, then FC and then passive damage reduction again on and on.. If you know what you are doing as a warrior, you can receive close to 0 damage for at least 10 secs, while staying on the point, regardless of the number of opponents. If this is not broken, I dunno what is.


FC daze, copying 5 condis, and FC range all must be toned down. Same with the resistance, though resistance is far more complicated. And honestly, I think warrior passive heals need to be changed as a class mechanic in favor of more active game play. The concept of healing few hundred HP every sec while blocking or being nearly not attackable is just stupid design, which SB leverages more than Berserker or Core due to FC.


On another note, dagger skills damage need a buff across the board.

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> @Ashkew.6584 said:

> Spellbreaker OP, i dont know, but what really grinds my gear is me doing well in 1v1 vs spellbreaker, decaping his node, pressuring him perfectly and then some dude from my team comes to help me and spamming the spellbreaker back to life and giving him more power and value . Pls dont help me!!! is often on my mind.


Holy shit this.


When I am on my herald or my core warrior I actually enjoy fighting spellbreakers since it's a test of skill due to their abilities being strong but their animations being obvious. 1v1ing them is actually fun. Then some nob comes over and starts spamming them to pop every. Single. FC. Then they die and complain in /map "omg sb op omg waaah". or "omg our noob revenant won't rez me" GEE I WONDER WHY YOU DONT GET A REZ. THERE MIGHT BE A VERY GOOD REASON I AINT REZZIN YOU MONG.



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I seen a SB player in chat yesterday dissing other players. He said they couldn't kill him because their dps was too weak. Even though it was a 3 v 1. Comic really.


The crux of the SB issue is that its a tiny risk and extremely high reward build. They don't get punished for mistakes often due to the fact that they nearly always have a defensive ability to cycle through. And if all of them are blown, they'll just swap to greatsword and run run run. While healing up and waiting for cooldowns to come back. This is very poor design.


Very curious how Anet will deal with it. I don't expect much to be honest.


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