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Why am I so unproductive at this game?

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There are 2 directions you could go for. First would be to simply stop trying to be so good in the game. It's not a competition. You're suppose to enjoy it. It does not matter if you can't match a certain threshold. I'm pretty sure that once you accept that, you will enjoy the casual playstyle more. Look for "not so hardcore" guilds or friends to do stuff. with. rather that is pve, pvp or wvw. With that in mind, you also may want to rediscover classes and builds. Forget about being efficient / optimal or what people recommend or say to you. Just try every class and build, and see what you enjoy the most. You can go very wild here, sky is the limit. literally. I was playing an gs/hammer build in my early days. Till anet changed the defiance buff into an breakbar. During HoT i had a lot of fun using chrono in endgame content and DH utilizing longbow (i like dragonhunter over firebrand btw). Now-days i enjoy dancing around my foe as an condi mirage. These are just some examples.


If all of that fails and you still get demotivated.. Then i suppose its time to call it. I understand that you like the game and you have invested in it. Both in time and currency. But really forcing yourself in it while you cant enjoy it will only make it worse. You're only going to hate it more and more this way. So in that regard i would say take another brake, and come back when something hypes you about the game. Rather that is new content or you see someone playing a new build that you would like to try and play. Anything really. Hope that will help you out. Good luck mate

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The combat really can be a little much. The real problem is that everything does too much damage relative to defense, and that's true in both PvP and PvE. It's been made worse by power creep over the years. When stacking lots of toughness and vitality barely helps you survive, you know you have a balance problem.


Random question - do you use a mouse with buttons? That can make a huge difference.

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Since GW2 release, I was two times in a crisis you described. In contrast to you, I'm a more range-orientated player, so I tried to find my class by trying Elementalist, Ranger, Necromancer, Engineer, Mesmer. Somehow, I stick to the Elementalist, although that is the most squishy class. It was the attunements, I think, that made me stick to the Elementalist, and the staff as the only ranged weapon in the game that still does decent damage from afar. I boosted his vitality and toughness to survive, used a terrible mix of condition and power gear, and was totally useless. In an attempt to ragequit, I built full berserk gear and wanted to quit with a line like: "see, this game is so awful, you die whatever you do, going glass-cannon as everyone suggest won't work as well, since you die even more often". To my surprise, I didn't die. It worked wonders. I was the king. I defeated every enemy just because I was faster doing damage than he. Since then, I only use pre-made top rated builds and play styles, instead of making up some myself. Modifying them to suit my personal needs is the better way than completely inventing something different. Playing open world was a breeze since then. That lasted 3 years.


The second crisis was about half a year ago. All gone mad with raids and such, and my guild wasn't even capable to successfully do escort. I installed a dps meter that just became legal, and I saw where the problems were. To my surprise, it wasn't me (ususally, I blame myself for any failure, not the others). I just had to look for other teams to be successful, which I did, and I was successful. Crisis settled.


The third thing I tell you: don't PvP, if you can't stand to lose. There are always better players than you, so you will always lose many of your fights. Even the best players will lose a significant amount of their fights.

PvP is a game mode where you fight very hard, up to your limit and beyond, and your win/lose ratio is still only about 50%. The matchmaking system tries to bring players together with equal skill, so ideally, your ratio is about 50% if the matchmaking system is good. For me, this ratio is too bad to be fun. I want to always win, of course. It's a game, so I want to always win, because that's fun. And in PvE, you almost always win. And there is nobody who dances over your corpse, and there is no NPC who is writing insults over your build or playstyle. I never did one single PvP match in all 5 years GW2, and I don't ever intend to change that. Nothing can bring me there, absolutely nothing, because the game mode is nothing I have fun with.

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The real question is who really cares?


Fact is the majority of players are bad (including those that call others bad), and this is a game, not some kind of job or olympics and it failed at being an esport so the value of being good is actually quite low. 99.99...% of people on this planet do not care if you are good or bad at Guild Wars 2. Just stop taking it seriously and learn mechanics one at a time,. and you will get better over time. At least you admit you lack in some qualities, so improvement is inevitable even if you don't perceive it.


I think the biggest problem here is your attempts to impress other people. And honestly, it is highly likely their opinions don't matter either due to ignorance or jealousy. I have noticed when people post media, others absolutely love to trash it regardless because they are probably too stupid to use an editing tool themselves , are incredibly bitter/insecure, and/or can only feel good by putting others down. Why would anyone be ever concerned over such irrelevant opinions is beyond me. If you do make media, do it for your guild, community, or friends.

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> @troops.8276 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > @RandomWolf.3986 said:

> > > _tl;dr: Been playing for years, still suck at the game, idk what to do anymore._

> >

> > Go spellbreaker


> That's the problem with tl;dr's. OP stated they tried that all ready.


He should open a ticket.

It is probably a bug.

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go play other mmo's u here dont do much besides 111 and barbie wars, and those lame titles hunting... this is is really basic, way to much basic for some players.


Ignore the graphics(if u take out that from gw2 gw2 looks like a beta state game), and find a mmo' with more and better mechaincs and classes.

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I don't think it matters if you're good or bad at GW2. What I think really matters is, are you having fun? If you are, you win! If not, well, heck, what's the point. Being able to solo all six elder dragons with your left mouse button tied behind your back? Meh. That and around $2.70 will get you a cup of coffee, according to minimal research consisting of googling the average price of a cup of coffee in the USA. Cheers!

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I see that you're using pvp as a reference point when that really isn't the core of the game. If you love it and enjoy it then go for it! But keep in mind even the best players will have very inconsistent experiences depending on classes, the team, builds and just so many factors. Pvp has extreme results and dynamics imo. But if you find yourself not the most talented at it, switch your focus.


Are you excelling in pve? Can you take your classes to expansions maps and handle tough content? I'm not sure how you are doing in pve but you could be really good at it. I used to run dungeons and fractals and the like decently but what I really enjoy is soloing open world things like legendary bandit executor or lab horror and other things on my own and of course all the normal content. I think that in itself takes skill and a lot of players can't do that sort of thing.


What about wvw roaming? Pvp might be a controlled environment but wvw roaming may be more difficult or easier for others. I prefer wvw roaming over pvp. Wvw zerging with a good commander is also fun and could be a confidence booster. If you want practice, you really should have a good community around you that you enjoy, a good friendly supportive guild will help lots. Plus you can do 1v1 or whatnot to practice in the guild hall. That is a confidence booster and you can learn alot.


Also you sure you've found the right classes for you? I know I excel at mesmer and ele and a bit of a guardian but not as much of the other classes. Just because other classes are supposed to be easy or meta, does not mean it fits you. Even as mesmer I do not play meta Chrono boon bots, as I don't enjoy it and is not my rhythm and style. I'm a power condi hybrid shatter player certainly not meta not even in pvp which goes power or condi specialities mainly.


But I certainly don't feel like a poor player just that I have preferences and things I excel at and things I don't.


There are more things to accomplish as well like legendaries, achievements and more. There are legendaries that can be used across multiple classes too.

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I had once the same problem and how I solved my problem was that I just quit the game for some time.

I quit overall every online-game that I used to play for roughly 6 months. It helped me a lot.

And when I came back I got another sight on the things.

I would recommend you to do the same.


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I cannot tell for PvP, as I don't do it. I was once there, newby and motivated. I told honestly to the party that I am newby. I got no feedback in return and at first fight where I died, I just got insulted. I never returned to it.


However, generally in the game, I have needed long to understand that I shall in NO WAY compare myself to others. First, I am not interested in the same activities, and therefore weak where not interested, better when motivated. Second, I am someone learning slow, who needs to work things out to achieve high level. Due to that, I do not stand a chance compared to faster learners, what is about 90% of the guildies around me. However, after a very long while, I usually becomes better than them. So it maintains a certain balance. A typical example was WvW: I have needed an incredible long time to achieve to manage something there. I will not tell how long because it is a shame! LOL. However, now, even if I am not a top player at it, I do a real decent job and I enjoy it a lot. :)


Since I had a quite bad experience at PvP, I am not the right one to say something about it. But maybe you should go for something else than that?

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With 27 characters, you surely tried to get into the game. I however would recommend to choose one profession and stick to that. Not the one that does the most damage in 1v1 battles, but the one that fits your personal style of playing and maybe the personality you like to represent in the world of the game.


Most MMO's, including Guild Wars 2 are more rewarding to players who play X hours on a main character than the same X number of hours spread over many chars. When you found a profession you should try the weapons you can use to see which set of skills fits your play style. Then and only then it is time to find some optimal builds for your profession with your weapon set(s).


Some of my personal history: I joined GW2 during the first public beta weekends and quickly made an Elementalist which is still my main character and almost the only char I play. However, because GW2's skill system was so vastly different to that of GW1 that I loved and played for years, I mostly stopped playing a month after the release of the game. I could not get used to ground targeting skills, I could not get used to skills that dodged my character back while attacking and missed spammable elite skills.

Later I tried again. Switched from staff to dagger/dagger to scepter/dagger. Set ground targeting to instant and basically found something that fits my playing style. Now I'm playing for years again. Got many achievements with just slightly above casual player skill level and with lots of help of video guides by the friendly ladies AyinMaiden and Dulfy. When you're dedicated, you can achieve more in this game than a skilled gamer without any persistence.


But you first have to find out what you like. Do you like exploring all maps? Group play in dungeons and fractals? Solo roaming the world doing all kinds of (dynamic) events alone or with random strangers? Just socializing in the major towns? Guild play? Crafting and trading? Jumping puzzles? Leading in WvW? Following in WvW? Soloing in WvW, making sure your world keeps getting the supplies and intelligence needed? Only raids will require very specific builds and strategies and the difficulty is far beyond what a casual player can deliver. Accept this. Every MMO will have some content for the top 10% of players only. Just to keep them happy and p(l)aying.


For PvP: I think [most players](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/11866/are-you-happy-with-the-current-state-of-pvp "most players") can agree it is at least partly to utterly broken. Mostly to so much being overpowered in relation to player health/armor. Especially for casual players there is only frustration you will find here. When you enter as casual, you won't be automatically matched up with/against other casuals so If you can't dodge in a split second or read all major other classes, you're dead before you can counter any attack. So, don't even bother.


But when you settle with just one favorite character, there is so much to enjoy and explore. What this is you will ultimately have to find your yourself. Good luck!

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An important thing to do anytime you participate in anything would be to not place heavy expectations on yourself. Often times individuals compare themselves to the top 1% for just about anything they do, and being no where near said 1% means in their eyes they are complete garbage. This is not only unhealthy, but from a logical standpoint entirely incorrect. At a basic level, being good at a game generally means you have the skill level within the middle-upper average skill level. You'll be able to complete almost any task at this skill level without high dependence on others. Unless you want to be extremely competitive to the point it is basically your job and life, you do not need to be legendary/plat in pvp, you do not have to out put the highest possible dps for your build/gear combination, etc. Just strive to be at least average and work towards improving overtime.


When you constantly compare yourself to the best possible outcome it is counterproductive, ruins the enjoyment of the game, and it completely blocks the ability to improve, along with you spending time insulting yourself and feeling horrible.


I would suggest taking a break from trying to be "good", and focus on enjoying yourself first. Find a build you genuinely enjoy, even if it's a meta build, and have fun. Try and find some friends that are willing to have fun and grow together [you're free to join myself and two of my friends]. Friendly competition is better than trying to go at it yourself, where it ends with you beating yourself up.


As for pvp, I would avoid it until you handle the previous issues. I would also like to note that being above average in pvp does **not** make the insults or harassment go away.

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Hey OP. I used to put pressure on myself to do certain things, or even certain games. Now I just do what I feel, and I am a lot happier. Log in, and ask, what do you want to do? PvP? Go PvP, if you suck you suck, having fun is what counts.


Sometimes I just sit in DR and watch people.

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What, SPECIFICALLY, do you want to be able to do well that you feel like you can't? If you could list three or four specific encounters that really respresent your dilemma, then I almost guarantee that people could set you on the right path towards mastering them. But I just get a vague sense of depression from your post. And there's nothing to work with there.


What would be three (or more) specific PvE encounters that, if you could log on and do them, right now, without dying, would make you feel differently about your ability? I dont know what to tell you about PvP (because I never do it). But the PvE stuff is all solvable.


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> @Etterwyn.5263 said:

> As a casual who has a family, works 44-60 hours per week, and wants my play time to be relaxing, I live by these 5 rules:


> 1) Play Necro, since they are almost unkillable in PVE.

> 2) Don't PVP.

> 3) Don't PVP.

> 4) Don't PVP.

> 5) Don't PVP.


> Works wonders for me.


^This works for me too. Especially 3 & 5.


Anyway, you're not the only one feel that way. It's common for a big scale game.

There's always someone better than you, true.

But so does the opposite-- there's always someone worse than you :p

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The first advice, like many others have stated, is to relax and don't be too hard on yourself.

The second advice is that you are not alone and more importantly, you don't have to be alone.


People can be really toxic and intolerant in MMOs when it comes to the gametypes you mentioned (pvp, raids, dungeons), even more so if you are a below-average pug. But thankfully the majority of the ingame community isn't like that. I _assume_ you are a mostly solo player, but I would recommend you try to find a relaxed guild that you are comfortable to hangout and play with and maybe even see if some IRL friends are willing to start playing. If you have a "team" you can regulary play with that are aware of your dilemma they might provide a good foundation for you to start investigating whats going on when you play without worrying about "failing" in front of others.


I also want to know what your practical goal is. What gametype do you really enjoy or want to excel at? When do you consider yourself above average? It might always be a chase, depending on where you set the bar.


Other than that, I am worried that you have spread yourself too thin with having 27 toons, especially if you are trying to keep them all up to date. Knowledge of a class, specc or skill rotations is perishable and require constant renewal.

You don't have to limit yourself to one character, but try putting your main focus on 2-3 to start with. Do not only know what the weapons or utilites do, but also have intimate knowledge of what each trait you choose do, when they procc and what the effect is. You may not feel like they are your "mains" and be tempted to change and that is fine, but you have to start _somewhere_.


And if people are giving you grief over what stats/gear you are using, that is their problem. If **YOU** enjoyed playing a dps Marauder Ranger, that is all that matters.


Finally, the truth is that often you have to fail and learn from that to become good at something. Sometimes the trick is to have endurance and the outlook to not let it get to you. Sometimes all you have to do is to have a new perspective or approach.


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> @Etterwyn.5263 said:

> As a casual who has a family, works 44-60 hours per week, and wants my play time to be relaxing, I live by these 5 rules:


> 1) Play Necro, since they are almost unkillable in PVE.

> 2) Don't PVP.

> 3) Don't PVP.

> 4) Don't PVP.

> 5) Don't PVP.


> Works wonders for me.


Number 4 has always resonated well with me

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> @RandomWolf.3986 said:

> I have been playing Guild Wars 2 for over two years now. I've had my share of breaks here and there like everyone else. but I honestly feel like all of the time and money that I have spent on this game was misdirected. I love the universe, the music and the way it sounds, the way the world has been built, most of the animations and the lore in general. I like the game on its own. It feels different from other games that I've played.


> But sadly... I just can't get good at it. I've been struggling for the past two years at finding the main class, and even though there are characters where I've put a lot of focus on... I still can't get them right. It doesn't matter if I'm wearing the good gear and the right build, I just can't make it work. This is more noticeable in PvP. It has gotten to the point where I just feel demoralized and wonder as to why I keep trying. It doesn't help that the community is not what I once believed it was. Each person I met is worse than the last one. The game itself doesn't feel rewarding -- I spent six months working towards a legendary and it felt awful; it lead me to a 5-month break and it didn't help much.


> -A character that I once considered to be my main was a Thief. For almost two years I did everything on this character. I completed all maps, I unlocked most achievements, I completed all of the story instances and so on. I was always dying; always having issues with this character. But I was always hopeful that I was going to get better. I didn't and after wasting time and resources to give this character a legendary I simply stopped using her.

> - I tried to focus on Warrior. I even have three warriors. I tried the three of them. I tried to be a core tank, a condition-damage based Berserker and a DPS Spellbreaker. It didn't work. I feel disoriented and ridiculously underpowered. I've been trying to use that almighty PvP Spellbreaker build for weeks now but it's absolutely pathetic at how I'm so incapable of holding my ground against anyone.

> - I also tried a Ranger. A DPS Core one. I was actually having a lot of fun with this character. Made her full Marauder for that extra survivability and precision and things were going smoother. PvP wasn't going so bad as well. But then it started to go downhill. A number of people troubled me because I was using those stats... and the amounts of times that I tried to face specific enemies over at PvP over and over again just to fail.


> I honestly don't know what to do anymore and why am I even writing this. I tried to be creative with the game; make all sorts of videos and even projects such as music videos, machinimas and trailers but the community just ended up ignoring and insulting my work. And due to several GPU-related issues and the lack of a better choice, I can't submit myself at attempting other long-term video games and such. There are other MMORPGs on my list... like SWTOR and TESO, but sadly those aren't capable of captivating me just as well. I'm kitten at them too of course. I just can't understand why I'm so bad at this. I've seen people solo certain bosses and dungeon paths without breaking a sweat and I need to put a lot of energy and focus against one miserable Elite. A part of me really wants to quit this game. I have no friends, no purpose there and I can't really have fun anymore...


> This all feels like _buyer's remorse_. I feel like I shouldn't quit because all of the time and money that I've spent on this game would go to waste. It's such a mess.


> **I need a second opinion on this.**


> _tl;dr: Been playing for years, still suck at the game, idk what to do anymore._


> Edit 1: I have 27 characters. 3 per class: Core, HoT and PoF specs. They're all pretty much level 80 and have their own builds and roles to play.

> Edit 2: I've also tried raiding, dungeons, Fractals... and pretty much everything that the game has to offer.

> Edit 3: I know that it's not a race to become the best. I don't want to be the best, but I want to be above average at least. I want to feel proud of myself and accomplish things instead of failing them again and again.


In my opinion as a casual player, it sounds like you are too stubborn about trying to make one character good that you don't seem to have a good time with. 2 years with a Thief that you are always having issues with is too long. It is also probable that there isn't one character that you will main in every single game mode. You say you have 1 of each class - I'm surprised that you didn't find a character that you do well with in each mode.


RE your tl:dr: reading all you have done, you don't suck at this game lol.

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I would agree with many posters here; play for fun. Don't place unrealistic goals on yourself. The expectations that you have may be subjective. You may be better than a lot of players, but does that even matter? GW2 is a unique MMO with a lot going on outside of combat. Combat is still a primary item, but it's not the be-all and end-all. Your accomplishments outstrip mine significantly!


I'm a >5yr player with 10 lvl 80's and ~1225hrs played. 80% of those hours are on one character, with many others being leveled via tomes/scrolls. I was weeks and months behind others in finishing the story. I have yet to finish PoF; I'm taking my time. I'm map-completing as I go. I want to feel like PoF is a journey in itself, at least the first time through with my main. I craft once in a while. I blitz the seasonal events when they're here. I don't usually do JPs because they frustrate me.


I hope you can find fun in the game play itself. If everything you try gets frustrating or feels too much like a grind, then you should look at taking a break. You have all of the content and no subscription... you can always come back to see what LS4 looks like.



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> @takatsu.9416 said:

> I love the support and encouragement in this thread, opposite to the negativity that surrounds serious gameplay these days :)


It really has been a breathe of fresh air. Not to hijack it, but I now feel comfortable taking a break for a long while since I'm no longer obsessed with trying to tackle content I can't do, and trying to attain success in a game that just doesn't work with me. Most of my time in GW2 these days is spent cursing at the screen, and this isn't how I want to keep spending my spare time. Guild Wars 1 was a very special game to me, and I'll always look back with fondness, but this is a different beast; and I'd rather devote my time to games that reward strategy and thinking above twitch mechanics and APM, and support developers and participate in communities that understand and appreciate the needs of disabled players.


Thank you, OP, for creating this thread and releasing me from Guild Wars 2. I needed this for a long time.

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> @Makai.3429 said:

> > @takatsu.9416 said:

> > I love the support and encouragement in this thread, opposite to the negativity that surrounds serious gameplay these days :)


> It really has been a breathe of fresh air. Not to hijack it, but I now feel comfortable taking a break for a long while since I'm no longer obsessed with trying to tackle content I can't do, and trying to attain success in a game that just doesn't work with me. Most of my time in GW2 these days is spent cursing at the screen, and this isn't how I want to keep spending my spare time. Guild Wars 1 was a very special game to me, and I'll always look back with fondness, but this is a different beast; and I'd rather devote my time to games that reward strategy and thinking above twitch mechanics and APM, and support developers and participate in communities that understand and appreciate the needs of disabled players.


> Thank you, OP, for creating this thread and releasing me from Guild Wars 2. I needed this for a long time.


This. GW1 was and is the most disabled friendly MMO/CoRPG I've ever played, and it's successor is hands down the least friendly I've ever played. I love my big Jora girls and a lot of stuff about this game but I simply have to ignore all of the platforming and twitch aspects and find my own amusements. I'm hoping that someday Devs realize that the generations that drove Online mmos to where they are today aren't kids anymore, and we aren't likely to take up Bingo or Candy Crush... or just go away. Alternatives, even for lesser rewards, would make a big difference.


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> @"Teofa Tsavo.9863" said:

> > @Makai.3429 said:

> > > @takatsu.9416 said:

> > > I love the support and encouragement in this thread, opposite to the negativity that surrounds serious gameplay these days :)

> >

> > It really has been a breathe of fresh air. Not to hijack it, but I now feel comfortable taking a break for a long while since I'm no longer obsessed with trying to tackle content I can't do, and trying to attain success in a game that just doesn't work with me. Most of my time in GW2 these days is spent cursing at the screen, and this isn't how I want to keep spending my spare time. Guild Wars 1 was a very special game to me, and I'll always look back with fondness, but this is a different beast; and I'd rather devote my time to games that reward strategy and thinking above twitch mechanics and APM, and support developers and participate in communities that understand and appreciate the needs of disabled players.

> >

> > Thank you, OP, for creating this thread and releasing me from Guild Wars 2. I needed this for a long time.


> This. GW1 was and is the most disabled friendly MMO/CoRPG I've ever played, and it's successor is hands down the least friendly I've ever played. I love my big Jora girls and a lot of stuff about this game but I simply have to ignore all of the platforming and twitch aspects and find my own amusements.


> @"Teofa Tsavo.9863" said:

> > @Makai.3429 said:

> > > @takatsu.9416 said:

> > > I love the support and encouragement in this thread, opposite to the negativity that surrounds serious gameplay these days :)

> >

> > It really has been a breathe of fresh air. Not to hijack it, but I now feel comfortable taking a break for a long while since I'm no longer obsessed with trying to tackle content I can't do, and trying to attain success in a game that just doesn't work with me. Most of my time in GW2 these days is spent cursing at the screen, and this isn't how I want to keep spending my spare time. Guild Wars 1 was a very special game to me, and I'll always look back with fondness, but this is a different beast; and I'd rather devote my time to games that reward strategy and thinking above twitch mechanics and APM, and support developers and participate in communities that understand and appreciate the needs of disabled players.

> >

> > Thank you, OP, for creating this thread and releasing me from Guild Wars 2. I needed this for a long time.


> This. GW1 was and is the most disabled friendly MMO/CoRPG I've ever played, and it's successor is hands down the least friendly I've ever played. I love my big Jora girls and a lot of stuff about this game but I simply have to ignore all of the platforming and twitch aspects and find my own amusements. I'm hoping that someday Devs realize that the generations that drove Online mmos to where they are today aren't kids anymore, and we aren't likely to take up Bingo or Candy Crush... or just go away. Alternatives, even for lesser rewards, would make a big difference.



Thankfully, with the PC Renaissance we're going through, there's no shortage of alternatives. I'm devoting the rest of the year to cRPGs like Pillars of Eternity (colorblind mode!!!), Wasteland 2, Divinity Original Sin 2, etc. Inclusiveness seems bleak from our point of view, but there are developers out there who get it.

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First of all, I want to thank most of your for the kind words and general support. I only wish I could find people like that in-game. I also feel like there are a few more things I should point out in here.

- **I have tried guilds.** They just don't work. I've joined PvE, PvP, WvW, Casual and RP guilds. And they're always the same. There's always a bad apple who ruins the fun for everyone and doesn't matter if I try to be active amongst the people, I always end up being ignored or saved for the last resort. No one wants to do content with me, no one talks to me, no one answers my questions. That's why I only join guilds for their halls. Otherwise, their chat is kept mute.

- **Anyone can complete achievements, maps and finish the story.** It's the basic concept of the game; there is nothing remotely special about it. I just sank time into it.

- **I'm not trying to be the best.** I am fully aware that this will never be an option, but I want to be above average at best. I want to be able to do things with success instead of failing them over and over again. It's tiresome and it affects the overall enjoyment of the game and my self-esteem. I am tired of being a liability and struggling to defeat an enemy. I follow guides, I study my build... to the point where I can spend months working around it.

- **The in-game community is awful.** I don't care what people say, but this is the truth to me. The in-game community is one of the worst online communities I have ever seen in any video-game that I have touched. The people are cruel, manipulative, selfish, rude and self-self-absorbed. I've lost track of a number of people I met in this game that I once considered to be friends that only ended up treating me like garbage. Allow me to provide an example. I met someone who I thoroughly enjoyed talking to. We'd spend our time chatting everyday and playing together in all sorts of modes for over a year. When my usefulness ender, the person dropped contact with me and was quick to find a replacement. We haven't talked ever since. There were also others here and there. There was this another player who I befriended, and we were getting along just fine, but then this person's attitude towards me only kept decreasing. Even though I supported said player and helped him out when I had to, it got to a point where I was invited for a dungeon run by him and his friends only to end up being kicked before the boss died. There was also another player who actually harassed and stalked me and other few contacts that I had in the game. I could just keep going and going with numerous examples.

- **I have tried Fractals.** I do admit that they were fun at the start, but again... the people are not. Since no one cares to join me, I use the LFG. And the randoms that join are no better than being alone. They're mutes; there's no communication and they ragequit at the first sight of a problem. It's obnoxious.

- **It doesn't matter how broken a class is, I can't use it.** People have dumped me in the past because I was such a drag-down for their own gameplay. That's just how bad I am. And to answer what some asked: No. I'm not having fun.

- **Nothing feels rewarding.** Everything feels like a chore, just another step in this whole grinding business. It's exhausting to work so hard towards a certain goal and feel empty when it's finally completed.

- **The lack of attention from the developers themselves.** This might be just me, but over the years I've noticed some changes done by the company that actually turned the game down to the worse. It feels like they don't care about Guild Wars as much as they did back at the start.


I honestly think it'd be better for me to just leave than to keep dragging this issue down the road and waste everyone's time with my pettiness. There's just no point to it anymore.

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