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Why arent people more angry about augery rock

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Augery rock requires completion of a meta event to explore it (but not needed for map completion) and to complete the 4-5 achievements associated with it. In order to do this you need to complete a long meta event to even gain access to it and then have a short timer to make progress on your achievements before you are kicked out again and have to do the meta all over again.


I find it hypocritical that people are ok with this but complained for months about HOTs content gating and seem fully against meta gating content (like collections) in any other form.


Edited post because people werent getting the point i was making

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> @zombyturtle.5980 said:

> An area required for exploration and map completion with multiple achievements in it and its blocked by a meta event. You HAVE to complete the meta to get access to it.

> On top of that, theres only a 15? minute window that it stays open which makes doing the flameseeker lights a nightmare. Ive never felt more time pressured in gw2 the first time i did these except for the clocktower.


> Yet noone seems to mind. But in HOT when places were blocked off by map metas people complained on the forums for weeks.


> (Honestly I can live with augery rock the way it is but I hate the double standard)


I don't even remember Augury Rock, but I think every PoI I've been to in PoF always been accessible.

Going to assume I've just been lucky that people did that event just before I've been there the few times I've went for it for map completion.

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Its one poi and you literally can just walk up to the purple gate and get it.

HoT LITERALLY wouldn't let you reach certain parts of the map because of meta. So yeah.


Also the cheevos for flameseeker are the Same route same places every time. Its now very possible to at least get one chapter done with the vets gone too.


Go play HoT, (or don't) you'll see the difference

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I corrected the map completion part my mistake. However I still dont understand the lack of complaints about the achievements in augery rock. Theres at least 3 tied to this area and they are all blocked behind a meta. I have played all of hot and didnt find it any more frustrating (in fact less so) than i did trying to get into augery rock 4 times over to do various achivements.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> > Go play HoT, (or don't) you'll see the difference


> Now is kinda easy compared to the release, when td and ab meta was not always completed. I remember i had to wait in order to recover the ab hp or tp get to ds.


You never had to TP to get to DS, there's a portal you can walk through 24/7 that's always been there. The TD meta gives you an extra access point, but you don't have to go that way.

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I'm not complaining because I don't see anything wrong with having to do meta-events to get achievements, or even map completion. I actually like it.


When GW2 was announced and they talked about Dynamic Events and players actions having an impact on the world around them I imagined something like Silverwastes or Dragon's Stand - that ignoring or failing the events would make the map extremely difficult and dangerous to play in, with towns wiped out or uninhabited, monsters everywhere, bridges destroyed making some areas inaccessible and so on. As a result the events, even the big chains, in the base game were a bit of a let-down for me. The world bosses were even worse - realistically the most sensible thing for the people of Tyria to do when one of these huge evil monsters appears is to ignore it until it goes away. They don't do any harm, they don't attack anyone who isn't attacking them, they don't even move much. (I'm aware that's not how it is in the games lore, but I feel like the events in the game should reflect the lore.)


I now appreciate the sense in easing players into the events system and having areas where events repeat quickly and have minimal impact for the sake of convenience, but I also think once you're into level 80 expansion zones you should be way past that. Players should be familiar enough with how the game works to understand the process of completing events to stabilise an area and gain access to things and the achievements, even map completion, should be harder, so tying them into nearby meta-events is a great way to achieve that and also make it seem like our actions - completing events - actually matter, even if we know it's going to repeat sooner or later anyway.

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> @Haishao.6851 said:

> You could ask the same about Infinite Coil or every Orr Temples.

> I think they pretended to care about it in HoT because they want a reason to hate it.



What's infinite coil?

The only one in Orr would be that stupid horrible waypoint that leads to the dungeon. I think it's Cursed Shore. I hate that one and wish they didn't do that.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @Haishao.6851 said:

> > You could ask the same about Infinite Coil or every Orr Temples.

> > I think they pretended to care about it in HoT because they want a reason to hate it.

> >


> What's infinite coil?

> The only one in Orr would be that stupid horrible waypoint that leads to the dungeon. I think it's Cursed Shore. I hate that one and wish they didn't do that.


Infinity coils the 5 poi and the wp near the entrance to the crucible of eternity dungeon in mt malestrom. You cant get in there at all unless you complete the meta even to unlock the outside doors, or hop over with a mount. Also there are a few hero points in orr which require their temples metas to be complete to grab. Some can be circumvented with stealth but some like melandru need a clear temple.


Also its pretty ironic that I complained about dungeons being blocked by meta events back when they were run alot. I was just sick of soloing the meta to open infinity coil for the 100th time and open world players told me 'events are part of the game you should have to do them'

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> @zombyturtle.5980 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @Haishao.6851 said:

> > > You could ask the same about Infinite Coil or every Orr Temples.

> > > I think they pretended to care about it in HoT because they want a reason to hate it.

> > >

> >

> > What's infinite coil?

> > The only one in Orr would be that stupid horrible waypoint that leads to the dungeon. I think it's Cursed Shore. I hate that one and wish they didn't do that.


> Infinity coils the 5 poi and the wp near the entrance to the crucible of eternity dungeon in mt malestrom. You cant get in there at all unless you complete the meta even to unlock the outside doors, or hop over with a mount. Also there are a few hero points in orr which require their temples metas to be complete to grab. Some can be circumvented with stealth but some like melandru need a clear temple.


> Also its pretty ironic that I complained about dungeons being blocked by meta events back when they were run alot. I was just sick of soloing the meta to open infinity coil for the 100th time and open world players told me 'events are part of the game you should have to do them'


> @zombyturtle.5980 said:

> > @OrbitalButt.5708 said:

> > I don't see the problem and getting angry over something so minor seems silly


> Yes thats what I dont undestand. So why did people get so outraged over hot.


Going by this, I would assume because I can solo (minus that Cursed Shore one I mentioned) the ones I've seen so far.

I can't solo most of any in HoT. Especially Dragon's Stand.

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I love this event, don't mind how achievement is constructed. If not for this achie I wouldn't complete this meta so often. And it's cool meta. If you can't see complaints about it, it's very possible, you are on of the very few actually bothered by this. My advice is: patience. This achievement isn't going away, do it regularly and soon you complete it.

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> @Vayne.8563 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> > > Go play HoT, (or don't) you'll see the difference

> >

> > Now is kinda easy compared to the release, when td and ab meta was not always completed. I remember i had to wait in order to recover the ab hp or tp get to ds.


> You never had to TP to get to DS, there's a portal you can walk through 24/7 that's always been there. The TD meta gives you an extra access point, but you don't have to go that way.


So my effort during HoT was all a lie...Yuk.

But still epic :sunglasses:


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> @zombyturtle.5980 said:

> > @OrbitalButt.5708 said:

> > I don't see the problem and getting angry over something so minor seems silly


> Yes thats what I dont undestand. So why did people get so outraged over hot.


In most older maps single player could complete the event, but in HOT most of the HP require a party to get.

Gating map exploration for map completion behind meta events isn't really fun for most people.

Now gating achievements behind meta events is perfectly fine.

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PoF has only been out for just over a month. I would expect that it takes 1-3 months for Anet to gather the feedback on what does and doesn't need to be changed in the maps and actually implement it. I doubt it will just be ignored, but give them time to fix it and all the other problems that people have found with PoF

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @Vayne.8563 said:

> > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> > > > Go play HoT, (or don't) you'll see the difference

> > >

> > > Now is kinda easy compared to the release, when td and ab meta was not always completed. I remember i had to wait in order to recover the ab hp or tp get to ds.

> >

> > You never had to TP to get to DS, there's a portal you can walk through 24/7 that's always been there. The TD meta gives you an extra access point, but you don't have to go that way.


> So my effort during HoT was all a lie...Yuk.

> But still epic :sunglasses:



No it wasn't a lie, you had to do the TD meta (once) to get to one of those mastery insight chests. Subsequent times because of the ungodly amount of ley line crystals needed for collections and stuffs helped.


But, the actual portal to DS was never locked behind that meta, the one there wasjust easy access for those that didn't feel like getting shot at by snipers and goo hurling chalk on the way to the actual portal. But if you suffered through TD map completion (which there were numerous complaints about), then you knew where the 24/7 portal was, because there's a WP right beside it.

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