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Why can mesmers insta-down people?


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> @"EvilSardine.9635" said:

> I just had a buddy start playing GW2 after quitting BSO due to one shot builds being rampant in that game.


> He's been instant downed by mesmers repeatedly and it's making this game look terrible.


> Anet, when is this changing?


as long as people can build crazy levels of sustain in their build , expect to get oneshot if you dont.

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> @"K THEN.5162" said:

> Hi there, as a power Mesmer player I can understand your frustration and whether the burst combo is broken or not there are traits on each class that can prevent you from being 1 shot entirely.


> Those being:

> **Ele:** Arcane Shielding/Earth's Embrace

> **Mesmer**: Mirror of Anguish cause we always open with a stun

> **Necro:** Reaper's Protection (same reason as above), Unholy Sanctuary

> **Thief**: Instant Reflexes

> **Ranger**: Stoneform, Protective Ward

> **Engineer**: Self-Regulating Defenses, Protection Injection

> **Guardian**: Passive Aegis, Valorous Aegis

> **Revenant**: Soothing Bastion

> **Warrior**: Defy Pain


Self-regulating defenses only procs if you're hit below the 25%, and it only removes one condition because of a trait. Protection injection only procs on CC, so if your burst doesn't disable, it won't proc.


Edit: as of the 7/10/18 balance update, self regulating defenses should prove viable, as condition damage will be stopped during the invulnerablility period.

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> @"archmagus.7249" said:

> > @"K THEN.5162" said:

> > Hi there, as a power Mesmer player I can understand your frustration and whether the burst combo is broken or not there are traits on each class that can prevent you from being 1 shot entirely.

> >

> > Those being:

> > **Ele:** Arcane Shielding/Earth's Embrace

> > **Mesmer**: Mirror of Anguish cause we always open with a stun

> > **Necro:** Reaper's Protection (same reason as above), Unholy Sanctuary

> > **Thief**: Instant Reflexes

> > **Ranger**: Stoneform, Protective Ward

> > **Engineer**: Self-Regulating Defenses, Protection Injection

> > **Guardian**: Passive Aegis, Valorous Aegis

> > **Revenant**: Soothing Bastion

> > **Warrior**: Defy Pain


> Self-regulating defenses only procs if you're hit below the 25%, and it only removes one condition because of a trait. Protection injection only procs on CC, so if your burst doesn't disable, it won't proc.


> Edit: as of the 7/10/18 balance update, self regulating defenses should prove viable, as condition damage will be stopped during the invulnerablility period.


prevents skill usage and the skills required for the nuke combo have a short cd so yeah now it ll take 2 hits to die

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> @"Zawn.9647" said:

> Insta down people while having stealth+dodge+teleport+heal+evade :dizzy:

> The son of ArenaNet CEO must play a mesmer so they need to keep it OP


I didnt know Anet CEO had 10+ children, if one is playing every strong build on every class. Every patch night must be hell.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Zawn.9647" said:

> > Insta down people while having stealth+dodge+teleport+heal+evade :dizzy:

> > The son of ArenaNet CEO must play a mesmer so they need to keep it OP


> I didnt know Anet CEO had 10+ children, if one is playing every strong build on every class. Every patch night must be hell.


Nope. Just one that plays Mesmer :) The other classes are just strong. Mesmer is beyond that

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  • 6 months later...

> @"CantoGuy.6459" said:

> Mesmers are still able to insta kill people...why does this build still exist anet


Every class still has some build with the potential to "insta kill" people.


Every class also still has some sort of counter to it.


Like some dude said back in 2017 in this thread: Mesmer bursts are still among the easier to avoid and it's mostly bad players complaining about them.


Likewise, most people also know that Mirages as a build and power burst overall are a bit overtuned but not to the degree recent complaints on the forums try to make believe. That is once again just bad players spurting nonsense (most of it pretty evident since they throw in complaints about things that have existed since launch just for good measure, or do not understand delicacy of balance and clamour for nerfs far beyond the things that do have issues) and a dwindling amount of good players left to set them straight.

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> @"EvilSardine.9635" said:

> > @Hiraldo.7954 said:

> > > @EvilSardine.9635 said:

> > > I gave it a shot on my mesmer and I can teleport onto 3 people and instantly down them all from stealth.

> >

> > Really? You're new to the build and you can pull off the gs combo perfectly on 3 people at once? Never mind the fact that a large part of the burst comes from blinking into mirror blade making it hit the same (single) target multiple times.

> > Let's see some footage of that hmm?


> Anyone who has played mesmer at all can pull off any mesmer combo. You just described how easy it is to do most of the burst......blink in and let it bounce between you and target. Those are two button presses. LOL.


it's actually 3 because you also have to shatter.

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Instagib burst comes from prestige and timing it off with the rest of the burst, mirror blade close to the foe or blink unto him, F3 before mirror blade creates a clone to daze and stack vulnerability, f1 gs 3. Jaunt can be added for an extra clone if traited between F3 and f1.

Far from 2 buttons and a bit harder to pull off than some other instagibs.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @mulzi.8273 said:

> > on a related note, thank you for posting the videos and whatnot. this morning i've run across at least 8 different kiddies who have to use the latest troll/cheese mesmer build due to their lack of success with any legitimate builds/classes.


> To be fair, a lot of mesmers been running that setup ever since Superiority Complex was added to the game... In fact, even though I am a mesmer main myself, back at that time I did complain that I thought Superiority Complex was a overtuned trait and that I shouldn't be allowed to "oneshot" (More like one-combo in the case of mesmer) a full Trailblazer Necro simply because he wasn't running Unholy Sanctuary (Keep in mind that a Full Trailblazer Necro have 26k HP and 3,2k Armor)... The end result was me being shot down by everyone and their mother calling me a idiot, saying I was overreacting, and that people not being able to dodge a mesmer burst need to l2p.


> So now, unless you can press a stunbreaker and dodge in half a second after you are stuned by Confounding Suggestions, you better have a Invulnerability trait or accept that people decided that this should be a thing.


So they have a true 'superiority complex'


The players

Or the mesmers?

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> @"L A T I O N.8923" said:

> So they have a true 'superiority complex'


> The players

> Or the mesmers?


Ironically, if you look at some of the Mesmer traits you'll just find them so fitting of some people...


Egotism, Fragility (Ego), Illusion of Vulnerability ("Mesmer is Weak"), Superiority Complex, Self-Deception... And in some cases even Descent Into Madness.

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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> If after all the nerfs to power mes. You are still being insta killed and failing to react properly. It's time to find a new mode to play or a new class. Like this is sad at this point...


People still play power mesmer tho? I swear I can't remember when I last fought one... And I haven't used mine for PvP/WvW in a while.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > If after all the nerfs to power mes. You are still being insta killed and failing to react properly. It's time to find a new mode to play or a new class. Like this is sad at this point...


> People still play power mesmer tho? I swear I can't remember when I last fought one... And I haven't used mine for PvP/WvW in a while.


Last time I saw one it was picking people off in the back of a zerg with 7 other people. Haven't seen one solo since the last balance patch. I see a lot more Rangers though ?

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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > If after all the nerfs to power mes. You are still being insta killed and failing to react properly. It's time to find a new mode to play or a new class. Like this is sad at this point...

> >

> > People still play power mesmer tho? I swear I can't remember when I last fought one... And I haven't used mine for PvP/WvW in a while.


> Last time I saw one it was picking people off in the back of a zerg with 7 other people. Haven't seen one solo since the last balance patch. I see a lot more Rangers though ?


Can't blame them... With all the Unblockable Longbow Soulbeasts you better off playing Trailblazer Chaos Mirage...


For me, the closest of a Power Mesmer I've seen recently was Grieving/Vipers Mirages trying to cheese people with Confusing Images.

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The Mesmer uses confusion. If you use a skill you take damage. The Mesmer uses Torment. IF you move you take damage. No matter how much you move, and what skills you use...your basically hurting yourself. Sun Tzu did say those who can win, without fighting, is usually the epitome of combat. The best way to beat a Mesmer is not to fight one. Corny and stupid, but true.

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> @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

> Sun Tzu did say those who can win, without fighting, is usually the epitome of combat. The best way to beat a Mesmer is not to fight one. Corny and stupid, but true.

Fairly sure Sun Tzu was talking about diplomacy.


If you want to offer me 1000g to avoid fighting my mirage, that is an agreeable peace deal, yes.

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