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Griffin replaces advanced gliding?

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Largely, yes, although you can't use your Griffon in HoT instances nor take advantage of updrafts whilst using your griffon. You also can't flick to your Griffon in combat and gliding will allow you to do this.


Those are small scale problems though, which you can prob work around if you want re-prioritise.

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While Griffon and gliding have a lot of overlap, it's definitely good to have both. Which one you prioritize depends on which maps you're going to be playing the most of. If you do a lot of HoT maps, it's better to have gliding masteries to take advantage of updrafts, etc. Elsewhere, for many things, the Griffon can replace gliding.

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> @Joxer.6024 said:

> > @CedarDog.9723 said:

> Elsewhere, for many things, the Griffon can replace gliding.


> Not all of us are sitting on 250g. So um, no.


250g split up into 10 payments of 25g is not much at all. It's not a lump sum and is a very easily attainable goal if you just chip at it over time while you do the other parts of the collection.

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> @Joxer.6024 said:

> > @CedarDog.9723 said:

> Elsewhere, for many things, the Griffon can replace gliding.


> Not all of us are sitting on 250g. So um, no.


Well, then don't get a griffon. So simple.


Besides, was I talking to you? No. I was responding to the OP who said they already have a griffon.

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> @Joxer.6024 said:

> > @CedarDog.9723 said:

> Elsewhere, for many things, the Griffon can replace gliding.


> Not all of us are sitting on 250g. So um, no.


It's not that hard to make the money for the griffon.

Just by daily login it's around 40g per month. if you play and sell there won't be many problems.


Unless ofcourse griffon is not your main priority.


That said, i do understand that 250g are a nice sum, but everybody can do it.

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I think gliding is still very useful and worth training completely. The griffon is really fun and has some definite benefits over the glider (speed, ability to dive and gain even more speed, ability to pull itself high up into the air after a dive), but the glider also has its own benefits (can be used in combat, a bit more precise in terms of making a landing, ability to use updrafts which are sometimes required for the HoT meta events).

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> @Joxer.6024 said:

> > @CedarDog.9723 said:

> Elsewhere, for many things, the Griffon can replace gliding.


> Not all of us are sitting on 250g. So um, no.


literally chop wood in sparkfly fen for 30 mins a day for 2 weeks and you earn more than 250g.


making money in GW2 is so easy, its ridiculous that people still complain about doing these easily accessible things.

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Depends mostly on what your priorities and goals in HoT are and which masteries you already have completed.


Ley-Lines are quite useul/required for some achievements and Living World Season 3 maps. They require advanced gliding first though.


As far as gliding versus griffon. Both is useful for different things but yes, griffon does somewhat replace gliding in many parts of the game.

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The difference is, gryphon cant make height, it just makes greater distance. Hence in the jungle, with updrafts, gliders are still dominant.

I like to think gliders and gryphons complement one another. You can glide up with the winds, and then mount your gryphon while midair (given you have the mastery)

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> The difference is, gryphon cant make height, it just makes greater distance. Hence in the jungle, with updrafts, gliders are still dominant.

> I like to think gliders and gryphons complement one another. You can glide up with the winds, and then mount your gryphon while midair (given you have the mastery)


They can absolutely gain altitude from flap dive/ascending over and over, but it isn't easy as the timing has to be fairly precise.

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> @Joxer.6024 said:

> > @CedarDog.9723 said:

> Elsewhere, for many things, the Griffon can replace gliding.


> Not all of us are sitting on 250g. So um, no.


Obviously that's the case, I myself hate farming gold and I'm bad at it. But...


"Elsewhere, for many things, the Griffon can replace gliding" - CedarDog.9723


Doesn't have anything to do with the cost of it, it CAN be used, doesn't mean everyone will, should or can instantly get it.

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> The main advantage of Gliding over Griffon is vertical drop. I can deactivate the Glider for vertical drop and reactivate it before hitting the ground. With the Griffon, I can dive, but it makes me overshoot my landing target.


if i stop the forward movement of my grigffon i will slowly descent on the spot vertically down, makes for an easy (albeit slowly) landing

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depends on what kind of mechanics are going to be added to bosses, most likely there won't be a fight like the patriarch from the verdant brink where the glider is vital for the fight. the real mechanics for gliding are made for HoT, and since you don't need HoT for PoF, that means that they won't ever make it so that you need gliding in L4 or any other future expansions unless it's added.


side note for general use of either. Glider can get you out fo dangerous situations really easily since it can be used in combat. also can be used in WvW to some extent now, so it has that.


As advise i'd say, decide between the two expansions.

you want to do mostly HoT go gliding masteries (endless gliding is really important then)

If you want to do mostly PoF, don't invest to much into gliding, instead use the HoT mastery points for the L3 masteries, for the downed state skill unlock (if you don't already have it), it can be a live-saver.

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> @CedarDog.9723 said:

> > @Joxer.6024 said:

> > > @CedarDog.9723 said:

> > Elsewhere, for many things, the Griffon can replace gliding.

> >

> > Not all of us are sitting on 250g. So um, no.


> Well, then don't get a griffon. So simple.


> Besides, was I talking to you? No. I was responding to the OP who said they already have a griffon.


This is a public forum, you don't get to choose who responds to you.

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> @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> For some time, the Griffon will be fine in most cases, but when you want to get the most out of the Heart of Thorns and LW S3 maps, you will need some updraft use and leyline gliding as well. So, in the end, you probably want both.


Agreed. Once you have completely mastered the Griffon, you can learn how to switch from gliding to the griffon in a very effective manner.

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