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What Do You Think is Anet's Least Favourite Class

K THEN.5162

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> @Lahmia.2193 said:

> Who the skritt would vote Ele or warrior? Anet's two favourite children (Ele being number 1 of the 2).


With the current state of ele in PvP and to a lesser extent WvW I wouldn't be saying that they are favorites at all. But the people voting necromancer in this thread do seem to have a case of tunnel vision, because they are obviously only looking at PvE. Necro has been great to meta in PvP for a while now and has been defining the WvW meta for years. Revenant is the most neglected profession in this game. It was half-finished and it currently doesn't have much of a place outside of PvE except for gimmick builds, and even there it's not nearly the top class. It is also less flexible than any other profession, which makes it have a harder time adjusting to changes. They don't even have a second underwater weapon to swap to either, that's how neglected this profession is. If necro didn't have a 2nd UW weapon to swap to it would come up all the time in the necro complaint threads.

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> @Ganathar.4956 said:

> > @Lahmia.2193 said:

> > Who the skritt would vote Ele or warrior? Anet's two favourite children (Ele being number 1 of the 2).


> With the current state of ele in PvP and to a lesser extent WvW I wouldn't be saying that they are favorites at all. But the people voting necromancer in this thread do seem to have a case of tunnel vision, because they are obviously only looking at PvE. Necro has been great to meta in PvP for a while now and has been defining the WvW meta for years. Revenant is the most neglected profession in this game. It was half-finished and it currently doesn't have much of a place outside of PvE except for gimmick builds, and even there it's not nearly the top class. It is also less flexible than any other profession, which makes it have a harder time adjusting to changes. They don't even have a second underwater weapon to swap to either, that's how neglected this profession is. If necro didn't have a 2nd UW weapon to swap to it would come up all the time in the necro complaint threads.


Eles have often bounced back with a following balance patch, if they have been under-performing. Rev has a pretty good standing in WvW and pvp (or so it did pre PoF - I haven't played since), though yes it does feel unfinished and buggy at times. In part that is because of Anet caving to pressure to allow weapon swap, which the original overtuned weapon damage was balanced around. The underwater weapon conundrum has never bothered me, since I only really use one of the two auto attacks depending on whether I am power or condi. But the lack of usable Stances does annoy me. No Glint or Kalla is just insulting, especially considering Glint's facet mechanics do work underwater (f2 does, which is exactly the same).

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I don't feel that rev has 'good standing' in sPvP. Power rev did well in teams that can cover for its weaknesses to conditions, and condi rev became a _little_ less vulnerable to CC when Pain Absorption was made into a stunbreak, but it still tends to suffer in soloqueue.


The underwater treatment was one area of neglect that I did forget to mention. Splitting the underwater weapons would be better than leaving spear to be jack-of-all-trades (although I would note that there probably is benefit to having two spears to swap between, one condi-oriented for ranged, and one power-oriented for melee). And when it comes to the stances... Glint should be easy to convert to being suitable for use underwater (the main issue seems to be Elemental Blast being ground-targeted, but they could easily make that a cylinder centered on your target like a guardian's Pillar of Light), and Jalis would just need an underwater version of Inspiring Reinforcement. Neither of these seem like they'd be exceptionally hard to do, but no, underwater revenants get stuck with Shiro and Mallyx as their only options.

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> anyone that does not vote Necromancer has not played this game long enough.....


Eh, not really. Necromancer is actually fairly well put together, and it isn't saddled with minor traits that are only useful in specific builds and/or circumstances (Last Rites is the worst offender on the necromancer in that regard, but it's a lot more generally applicable than the Scrapper minors, for instance). The issues necromancers have had have generally been based on numbers (_somebody_ has to be best at DPS when the PvE meta is 90% about getting max DPS) and ArenaNet possibly overestimating how strong shroud is.


There's nothing wrong with necromancer that proper balancing can't fix. Problem is, ArenaNet tends to balance with a slegehammer and then take months (or years) to compensate for their overnerfs. This is a problem all professions suffer from, though. However, I don't see any structural problems in the necromancer as I do in the revenant and engineer.

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engineer, I cant remember the last time I saw one in WvW, fair play to the few pvp scrappers who still carry the profession but they are unicorns after the the various patches.

The irony of wvw having siege and not engineers still grates. I rolled one, got help from my guild... "where are the fbutton skills" & "why are the utilites all 'or'" ?

"where are all the weapons" the anet dev who put together pistol shield should be sitting in the corner with a lampshade over their head, it's level pegging with an npc.

they need love. Shame I reckon scrapper hammer is probably the best 2h weapons skill set in the game.


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> @Miko.4158 said:

> engineer, I cant remember the last time I saw one in WvW, fair play to the few pvp scrappers who still carry the profession but they are unicorns after the the various patches.

> The irony of wvw having siege and not engineers still grates. I rolled one, got help from my guild... "where are the fbutton skills" & "why are the utilites all 'or'" ?

> "where are all the weapons" the anet dev who put together pistol shield should be sitting in the corner with a lampshade over their head, it's level pegging with an npc.

> they need love. Shame I reckon scrapper hammer is probably the best 2h weapons skill set in the game.



To be fair, I've been seeing a few holosmiths in WvW. Tempted to try it myself - looks like it might have much of the mobility I look for in a WvW roamer while being a better fit for my playstyle than the daredevil I've been using.

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> @Dadnir.5038 said:

> I'd say none, but If I had to chose it would probably be the ranger due to how much of an headache the pet mechanism must be for them.


I like this approach to an answer.

I think between the initiative mechanic (how adaptable it is plus the variable rates of generation there are available) and stealth that thief is probably the most annoying profession for them in terms of trying to keep a sense of balance. It's a profession that seems to be entirely made up of extremes.


By contrast revenant is quite compartmentalised so tweaking numbers for them I imagine is less of a headache.


The most annoying for them in terms of trying to come up with a new mechanic, designing elite specs for etc. I'd say is elementalist?

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> @Zacchary.6183 said:

> @ All of the Necromancers saying Anet likes them the least


> Wait until you get exclusively nerfed for 2-3 years straight before you start start feeling sorry for yourself. lol real talk.




Thief is

1) currently meta

2) been meta for almost 4 years, with season1 being the only exception.


Also thief has been buffed on both previous balance patches.


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I am surprised necro got so many votes.


I do not really think Anet has a “least” favorite class. Rev surely though is the most under developed.


Though surely things did not work out well for Reaper. Still after two years it cannot function as power dps, even though that how thematically and functionally it was supposed to work.


Though renegade is just kitten.

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Revenant, no doubt. It is horribly bugged and has the least number of skills and weapons to choose from, and many parts were complete afterthoughts from the get go. Herald was so bad that they had to revamp mallyx and introduce weapon swaps just before the release, and also Renegade was the last spec to be completed as it was also terrible intially. It is repeatedly shown that they have no intention of fixing most of the issues. Hell, one of devs thought it was a bug when people asked why rev has only 2 underwater stances.

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For all those voting Necromancer: I don't think ANet actually hates Necros. Necromancer has a lot of history in the Guild Wars franchise. It's role, aesthetic and feel are well defined. You can tell that ANet actually put a lot of effort into the elite-specs, which shows how much they care about this profession.


Revenant is a different story. It feels like this class was only created to have a 3rd heavy class. The idea was to have something similar to Elementalist but with switching support skills instead of weapon skills. This concept didn't work quite as planned and now ANet has this half-done and half-broken profession. Still I feel like ANet at least tries to fix this profession's shortcomings.


Nope, my vote goes to Engineer. ANet has this mechanical-technical profession and doesn't know / doesn't care what to do with it. Besides kits this profession doesn't have anything worthwhile and I don't think kits performing at their current level (and thereby saving the profession) was intended either. In Exp1 HoT ANet tried to give Engineer something new but imo utterly failed to comprehend what kind of play-style Engineer has and what would synergize well. So we got totally underwhelming servos. In Exp2 PoF ANet either decided not to take a risk again or just was completely out of ideas, so they just added another kit with a cool-down.


Well, Engineer is a difficult to play profession and it lacks any high-fantasy feeling that Ele has. So I guess ANet can't lure in any new players with the Engineer profession.

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> @Rashagar.8349 said:

> > @Dadnir.5038 said:

> > I'd say none, but If I had to chose it would probably be the ranger due to how much of an headache the pet mechanism must be for them.


> I like this approach to an answer.

> I think between the initiative mechanic (how adaptable it is plus the variable rates of generation there are available) and stealth that thief is probably the most annoying profession for them in terms of trying to keep a sense of balance. It's a profession that seems to be entirely made up of extremes.


> By contrast revenant is quite compartmentalised so tweaking numbers for them I imagine is less of a headache.


> The most annoying for them in terms of trying to come up with a new mechanic, designing elite specs for etc. I'd say is elementalist?


In terms of designing elite spec? nop definitely engineer. The tool belt is probably one of the worst thing they came up with. Like the ranger, I'm pretty sure they feel forced to work around the mechanisms instead of bending the mechanism itself.


On another hand the elementalist is pretty easy, they still have plenty of way to bend/use attunments and come up with new e-specs (an arcane avatar that launch arcane skill, an F5 "burst" skill that change depending on which attunments you switched on... etc.).


> @BunjiKugashira.9754 said:

> For all those voting Necromancer: I don't think ANet actually hates Necros. Necromancer has a lot of history in the Guild Wars franchise. It's role, aesthetic and feel are well defined. You can tell that ANet actually put a lot of effort into the elite-specs, which shows how much they care about this profession.


You are totally right in saying this. Anet try really hard with the necromancer. The only issue is that they have an image, a design for the necromancer which is very precise and that the PvE game do not fit this design. And what's sad is that they prefer to slowly try and bend PvE so that it might end up having some room for that tight image of the necromancer instead of bending their necromancer's design.


I'm pretty sure that anet love the necromancer but is at a loss to see that all the love they pour into it end up in issues in PvP while it still fail at making it welcome in PvE.

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All the people saying Necro is bad in PvE have me laughing. I have 8 0f the 9 classes at level 80, & with a full Elite Spec. The Necro is my least favorite of my characters (Reaper spec), BUT as much as i hate to admit it, it is also the most powerful in solo play. My Reaper seems to survive in situations that would certainly kill one of the others. So many times i have taken another character somewhere for something, and just couldnt solo it, then i get on my Reaper and succeed.

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