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Do People like PoF?


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Seems like Tex is on the money


50% of the issue is that the new content, while good, has little reason for you to go and do it again. Bounty reward tuning, event reward tuning, etc.


50% of the issue is that new apex predators in Scourge and Spellbreaker disrupted the PvP meta.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> The maps do seem empty. Chief reason is the halloween update. Second reason, lack of rewards. The maps give a lot of vanilla crafting materials, but you get those everywhere. The unique materials that drop aren't used for much. There's no way to acquire new ascended gear, no way to acquire new stat combinations for ascended gear, the unique currency is only used to buy unreliable keys, the heart vendors don't sell anything other than these keys, and the big meta events are usually hidden away or are really hard.


> Right now I'm getting map completion for every toon, and I'm attempting to get the complete funery collection, but after that there's no reason for me to be there.


The heart vendors also sell the crates but unless you have an endless supply of karma those aren't going to be very useful either.


I also get keys piling up just from playing so there isn't much need to buy them either and it doesn't feel particularly useful compared to the HoT chests. They have the same problem as HoT chests initially. Way too sparsely populated.

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Hate, absolutely not.. PoF maps are beautiful just like HoT maps.. tho i admit im not to fond of Tangled Depths.

Pulled a few hairs out in the days of exploring and map completion.


The reason im not going to PoF map is...the *rewards*.. there are some of the strongest creatures in the game and navigating isn't like a walk in the park with highly agressive mobs.

Did bounty's for a while, those *epic* chests *vaporize* into nothingness, spend 2 hours on bounty's and you make what..3 gold?.

Go gather ore/wood in Sparkfly Fen and Maelstrom for 20 minutes, you make more gold and then 2 hours of bounty's.


If these bounty's would give some exotics or rewards that would keep you interested.. then maybe it would be worthwhile.. for now you can spend 100 hours doing them and still get nothing exiting.

The thought of getting that queen bee thing in TD kept me occupied for months, and just like LordWaffles..i hhhaaaate tangled depths. B)


For example there is a Achivement, *Exotic hunter*.. after 2 years im still missing 4 exotics.. all priced 20 to 40g.. sure i can buy them from TP if i really wanted the achievement.. but why don't these drop from creatures in the first place.

HoT meta's are still fun, but the inventory management is still most annoying.. with all the junk and sigils etc... but okay.


Sure it isn't Always about getting stuff, and just enjoy the game.. but there are so many things i havn't done after allmost 2 years of Gw2.

Still trying to make a legendary, started on a few, then noticed my gold and materials dissapeared like sunshine before a storm.


I just feel i have to keep working to pay the rent in the game, it should be.. play the content and get rewarded.

And whats up with all the leathers anet, prices a ridiculous... see back to geting more gold.. again.

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> @"Teofa Tsavo.9863" said:

> > @Carighan.6758 said:

> > Well, the annoyed minority are always the loud ones. That is because happy people don't take to the forum to violently yell about how incredibly satisfied they are. Just doesn't happen. They're busy playing.


> Always a good laugh, since John Smedley, head of SOE at the time, said basically this during the SWG NGE fiasco which was one of the biggest disasters in MMO history (actually covered by the Wall Street Journal). He freely admits now that not listening to players then was one of the worst mistakes he ever made.


> I also remember a protracted forum war here over "perceived loot issues" early in the game where Champions seemed to be on the same loot table as common trash.

> We were called the "annoyed minority", chronic complainers, told that "happy people don't do forums" and all of the other boilerplate responses, as well as people stubbornly insisting the loot tables were "fine". We persisted, posted proofs, continued and that "annoyed minority" is one reason champs drop Chests now instead of a single porous bone. At times the "troublemakers" have a point.


Well said.

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PoF has largely been positively received on these forums. The main criticism has been around longevity which is a bit of an issue for a new expansion.

There are also criticisms around balance, but no balance team in any MMO has ever not had to endure fierce moaning against them, so that's just normal.

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I swear I'm going to slap the next person that says PoF doesn't have meta events. First off you need to start differentiating between MAP-wide meta and just a straight meta event. PoF has at least one map-wide meta event in Elon Riverlands...yes, there is one, the collecting of the wild magic before the legendary doppelganger is map-wide, and since those two events go together that makes it a map-wide meta event(i.e. gathering the magic is all across the map, then the doppelganger appears after that). Both the Desolation and Vabbi have meta events, just not map-wide, now whether or not anyone participates in them is a different story. As for which people like more, that is a players PERSONAL opinion, for me I only go back to any other map to do the dailies, otherwise I spend my time in PoF. I only have 1 character that completed PoF and it didn't even finish HoT(not even going to bother with Hearts and Minds at this point, when the mechanics don't work like they should I'll just ignore it, so HoT goes uncompleted). I found PoF slightly easier to get through than HoT, but as for preference of which one...doesn't matter, to each his own. Another fallacy is that the bounties in PoF don't drop anything, well how does that explain the exotic weapons I got from them(see poster above), yes, they do drop exotic weapons and that is with MF at only 300-400%, as for making money...I normally make anywhere from 5 - 11 gold per day just roaming the maps, or doing a bounty train...you read that right, 5 - 11 gold(those 16 copper sigils and insignias had up after a while). In the end whether or not someone hates/loves/is ambivalent about PoF or HoT is just ones personal opinion.

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As a casual player, I've enjoyed POF way more than HOT. I still need to complete the final story step in HOT, which has been challenging for my level of play. I've yet to sit down, concentrate and find the help I need to finish it (which is all on me). What I generally worry about in expansions is how older maps become more sparse player wise.


HOT irritated me because of the maps, the different levels and the masteries. I still need to collect somewhere near 40+ Masteries to max out in HOT but Im just 2 away from POF and in Central Tyria, just a bit more. I love Dragon's Stand, tho, as it seems the most intensive group effort of the game that I've been involved in, so far.


I am also very fond of the Mounts.... I spend less on WPs now when travel time is less exhaustive and I can see more scenery but also can move quickly from point to point.


But in the end; from the casual 'meh' player to the intensive PHD level player... GW2 has to always find a way to entertain them all.


My biggest irritation in the community is when player A says "This section is too hard" and Player B says "No, it's not, I solo'd it easy." Player A is not Player B. I want Player C who says, "I did it solo, here's some ideas for you to accomplish the same.. based on the abilities YOU have, not what I have."


Edit: Also, what I'd personally like is to make the hearts in Central Tyria repeatable like they are in POF. I'd go redo some of them from time to time for dailies and EXP.


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> @NotASmurf.1725 said:

> Hypercasuals love it, and they are the only target audience.


> As Anet didn't even try to provide anything for anyone else, it's a letdown for the majority.


the hearts are casual, but many other things are not

i fear, that pof zones wont appeal to many people in the long term

unless they boost the rewards enough to make it a viable farming zone

and we have enough of those already

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No hate here. I love mounts, map aesthetics and music. Story is also better than before. And variety with new elite specs is great. So I would buy it again, no regret. And for that I say big **THANK YOU** Arena Net.


**But PoF lacks in terms of replayability and rewards.**


And it does not have a good meta-event (I look at you Zaklex lol, these metas just feel not right to be called meta at all).

Each map in PoF has some kind of puny meta event, but it pales in comparison to HoT or SW. It's just another Draconis Mons or Bitterfrost Frontier style stuff. So instead of a perfect expac we got cripled-by-design expac. At least at launch (hopefully ls4 will fix stuff soon). The same happened with HoT launch but that went far more disasterous for playerbase.


So again I'll just repeat myself:


**Dedicate one map to a map-wide meta VB/AB/SW - style. Make it epic. Make it impactful. One map out of five. Please...**


- this won't make HoT maps empty, this won't invalidate old content, this won't make people quit like HoT did. One map. Players who stayed playing HoT get used to that type of content or just liked it. Now I know we want fresh blood to join the game. But for kittens sake why vets can't have nice stuff too? One map?


Same happened in ls3. Bitterfrost Frontier is my biggest letdown - it was such a perfect place with day/nigh cycle, where you could (or even should) have a world boss spawn after night champions required to be killed in time. Why it didn't happen? No idea, limited founding probably... It still makes me so sad.


And yes, this all is just my personal opinion. I don't try to talk on behalf of community. Yet seems like quite a lot of people share this mindset.

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> @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > @NotASmurf.1725 said:

> > Hypercasuals love it, and they are the only target audience.

> >

> > As Anet didn't even try to provide anything for anyone else, it's a letdown for the majority.


> Your confuzzled, Anet will target the majority and the majority of GW2 players are casual.


At best they are half.

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> @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > @NotASmurf.1725 said:

> > Hypercasuals love it, and they are the only target audience.

> >

> > As Anet didn't even try to provide anything for anyone else, it's a letdown for the majority.


> Your confuzzled, Anet will target the majority and the majority of GW2 players are casual.


Do you actually think the majority of Anet's money makers are so casual that they only play a small part of the most casual part of their game? (that being open world zerging without organized metas)


Do you actually think not giving any new dungeons, fractals, raids, WvW upgrades, PvP upgrades, guild content, organized open world content (metas) etc was a good idea and will sit well with the majority of the community? PoF is already a wasteland.


Let's assume these hyper casuals are the biggest group that plays GW2, say, 30% and all other areas combined give 70%. That's still the minority.

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> @NotASmurf.1725 said:

> > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > @NotASmurf.1725 said:

> > > Hypercasuals love it, and they are the only target audience.

> > >

> > > As Anet didn't even try to provide anything for anyone else, it's a letdown for the majority.

> >

> > Your confuzzled, Anet will target the majority and the majority of GW2 players are casual.


> Do you actually think the majority of Anet's money makers are so casual that they only play a small part of the most casual part of their game? (that being open world zerging without organized metas)


> Do you actually think not giving any new dungeons, fractals, raids, WvW upgrades, PvP upgrades, guild content, organized open world content (metas) etc was a good idea and will sit well with the majority of the community? PoF is already a wasteland.


My point is your confuzed with your 'casual' term, The vast majority of players in GW2 is casual. the majority of players want new zones AND everything else you list. I doubt Anet said 'lets make zones because there is a type of player that only likes zones'

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Seeing it's been a while I have to say each area have it's own advantages.


If I want loot and want to deal with a lot of people: HoT

If I just want to play around, explore, do random things, and actually have fun: Core/PoF


HoT isn't really good on just heading there and doing whatever your mind tells you. Everything has a one pattern event-line you have to go through whether it's Brink, Basin, Depths, or Stand.

You can't really head there and decide "let me do random things for either exp/loot/fun" because if let's say one event line is progressed.. you have to go to specific areas to do much of anything. Yes there's different camps/lanes/whatever, but it's still the same problem. If you missed any part, you need to wait for the next rotation which takes a long while to get back to again.


Core/PoF there's tons of mini events/hearts/sections you can head to. Of course there's mini event-lines but they usually don't take long to come back, and even then... there's always something around you can do. No more waiting on a special meta or a timed event so you can do them. Even bounties you can do them almost at your leisure... of course certain specific bounties pop up at certain times, but there's many of them to choose from to play if you like.


HoT areas are not friendly to really explore, even less so with all the invisible walls added since PoF. Then areas locked behind certain metas like Dragon's Stand and whatnot.

I can never fully enjoy Dragon's Stand ever because I'm always on a timer.

If no ones around to do the event, I'm locked behind so much of the map, if the meta is over I have... I think 20 or 30 minutes before it resets? So once again in a rush. I don't like that as even as I've 100% Dragon's Stand like 3 or 4 times, I don't fully know the map as I can't actually explore it well. Doesn't help either there's literally nothing to do in there outside of the meta... which I think is utter crap.


All and all, seeing after the release of PoF, while yes I haven't been back to Elonia too much, I've been there much more than HoT. Since mounts, I've mostly been back to the core areas and enjoying it much more and even made some new characters/classes and enjoy leveling up there. Other times I might head to HoT maybe if an HP train is going on (or in my case of my Ranger to get pets), but other than that I never care to go back to HoT.

Yes, if I'm in a meta mood there's HoT, but for everything else... sorry... HoT is a dud to me.


Last of all, I've slowly been exploring the Living World maps the last week or 2 and I say those were done much better than HoT itself. If the HoT maps were like the later extensions known as Living World, I could see myself liking it. I've been exploring the Living World maps quite a bit as of late. Not just because they're new to me, but they seem quite fun. I really hope Living World for PoF still gets that same treatment as that's the way I think the game should be.

Learn from the mistakes of HoT and never do it again. IF you're adding meta... set them up like World Bosses in the core where they're set for a specific time and in a specific area... don't set it to the whole map kind of killing the map in a way that you have to do things in a certain way to even get anything out of the map. That's a big no no. I rather have choices and decisions on what I do on a map and not telling me to go from A to Z...... or C to Z seeing as I wasn't there when the meta reset on the map and someone did some of that event line before I got there.

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Hate is a strong word. The story being awful (when I actively want Balthazar to win at the end just to put the "heroes" out of their mentally deficient misery, I'd say Anet has failed) and the lack of rewarding events doesn't help though. The random buffs on the bounties also doesn't increase replayability, it just makes them randomly really annoying at times. Rytlock was good admittedly, only character besides Balthazar that made a lick of sense the entire time. The real major pros of this expansion are that the maps look pretty and mounts are a fun as hell way to get around.

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> @"The Spiral King.2483" said:

> Hate is a strong word. The story being awful (when I actively want Balthazar to win at the end just to put the "heroes" out of their mentally deficient misery, I'd say Anet has failed) and the lack of rewarding events doesn't help though. The random buffs on the bounties also doesn't increase replayability, it just makes them randomly really annoying at times. Rytlock was good admittedly, only character besides Balthazar that made a lick of sense the entire time. The real major pros of this expansion are that the maps look pretty and mounts are a fun as hell way to get around.


Really wished the devs put a bit more thought into the different mod and bounty combinations.

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> @andyMak.6985 said:

> The forums seem to show that people dont like PoF


You seem to have overlooked many posts then. People don't hate PoF. In fact, many love it. The only thing that everyone is criticizing is the lack of replayable content outside of the story (e.g., bounties aren't rewarding enough to be bothered to do them more than once). They miss some sort of big meta.

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I don't hate POF, to me the mounts and new elite specs was worth even dbl the price but its just I have no reason at the moment to go back to the maps. I am sure AANET will add more meta stuff to it later like they did with HOT. Considering how much of the world we always revisit for farming it's a pretty special MMO where as others people will ONLY be in the small latest content.

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Just to say: Don't forget that people who come posting in this forum mostly have something to complain about, or something they want to propose as improvement. It is very rare that a post is done to highlight something positive. Therefore, logically, the global "appearance" when coming here is that everybody hates everything! LOL


But this is a wrong impression. First, the amount of people posting here is very small compared to the amount of players in the game, and second, if we take time to go and read all replies within a complaint's thread, we can see that there is always a quite balanced mix of people against and pro the complain.


As for my opinion about PoF: The amount of things I like wins over the amount of things I dislike. What happens is that generally, I am someone taking it easy at new stuff. I do not hurry to have everything done within the first days. Big advantage for me is that I still have plenty of things to do and still enjoying a lot the PoF content. I know I am rather an exception for that.

Aside of the content, I must be honest: I tend not to return to Elona easily, simply because once there, I get rapidly tired at the continuous unavoidable fighting while exploring (crossing over an area high speed on mount is not "exploring" for me). It takes me the fun out pretty fast unfortunately. That's why I tend to dash rather than visiting regularly like I do for all other areas (including HoT).

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