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What is the mother of all issues in WvW ?


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> @Thelgar.7214 said:

> Other - Toxic communities. When people support things like harassing people who don't play their way off a server, it is small wonder people find other things to do.


Wait what? What server does this. From my experience most servers are very welcoming towards players. Now if you are talking about guilds saying "In order to join us, it's either our way or the highway." Then that is completely fair. If you want to get into any organization IRL or in a game. You will have to follow their rules or they are going to remove you.


But aren't there still loads of Pugmanders? From my experience, they've for most part have been very accepting of players and their builds. So you are going to have to explain this one to us.

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(Striving to be constructive here) In my humble opinion the problem is 50% players and 50% developers trying to counter player created problems. Like server stacking, off hour play. Then failing to realize how the change from servers to super server would impact wvw game play. Trying to line up wvw play with pve power performance. The hot changes did nothing to improve wvw game play, and power creep is real. There is still very little incentive to encourage defending /keeping a watch over a keep, or refreshing siege. failure to address op builds in a timely manner. All the above has led to an exodus on all but a few servers, rather it be transfers or just complete burn out and leaving the game mode after one too many face-rolls. Team play has been weakened by the constant linking changes coupled with Team speak. Many don't even want to log in to ts anymore. It may be different on host servers, but that is what I'm seeing on guest servers.


How would I address all this if I was a game god? First thing I would do is triple or quad the bonus for being out numbered. Troubles like server stacking and queue times would fix themselves with a more meaty bonus. Make wvw servers matter again. figure out a way to partner servers with different time zones for a better balanced 24/hour play. bring back tiers and season winner rewards. Balance classes according to wvw zone.


Just my 2 cents.

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I’d say zerging but what factors into that is class balance as you can get a Zerg of 30 complete imbeciles on scourges and firebrands and they will train over most small roaming groups if the small groups are not likewise running scourges/SBs and firebrands. The balance atm is just reinforcing the numbers aspect of blob blob blob and unless you meet a blob your size that is smarter than you then you karma karma karma karma traaaaaiiiinn, you ram and go, you ram and gooooo ooooh.

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I don't think one reason is enough to tackle it, there's a multitude of reasons, that in turn cause other things.


- Individual action isn't rewarding enough, which leads to

- Objectives not being defended, which leads to

- Zerging and ktraining, the lead source of WXP, which leads to

- Coverage problems, because when there's not a critical mass of players online, a zerg can't form, along with

- Balance problems with condi meta and pirate shipping, which leads to

- General unwillingness of casual WvWers to participate and no fresh WvWers, which leads to

- Swamped community without novelty and people leaving also inability to find a consensus and ANet scratching heads in perplexity as to what to do to alleviate the problem.


I'd probably go ahead and suggest a complete rework from the scratch, while leaving old WvW up and running and let people decide, but that would require ANet's revenues to actually increase over time not decrease, so ANet doesn't feel like it should only stick to things that work and expand on them (aka PvE).

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  • 1 month later...

I voted for other. My reason for this vote is that the current WvW system doesn't allow players in the same guild to play WvW together, but only those who are situated on the same server.


When the megaservers systems was implemented, some years ago now, a similar change should have occurred in WvW.


ArenaNet might like to create some sort of a Faction/Alliance system where guilds could battle each other in WvW. This would perfectly compliment their megaservers system implemented for PvE purposes.


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> @"Thelgar.7214" said:

> Other - Toxic communities. When people support things like harassing people who don't play their way off a server, it is small wonder people find other things to do.


This. Good community? Not in WvW, at least not from my server. Full of egoistic players and some Commanders too. They will gang up against you if you don't play their way. How true.

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Most of the points in the vote are a problem. The whole wvw needs a major rehaul.

- Make "winning" a week important after you break down all the stacked servers into smaller servers.

- give the winning server extra materials for ascended and legendary gear or something worth playing for

- stop people transfering to winning servers by putting a cd on a transfer and exclude them from rewards for a certain time

- Nerf the siege by making it use supplies for being used (excluding rams). So if you want to shoot an arrow cart or treb or cannon you need 5 supplies in that keep and get the supply maximum a tower or keep can hold up by 50%.

- Undo the automatic camp upgrades to make flipping camps and getting yaks into your keeps/towers important again.

- Get rid of things like speed yaks and tactivators and cut the number of guards

- bring back the orb mechanic

- balance wvw separately with the pvp templates

- get rid of HoT and PoF armor stats and runes/sigils that are banned in pvp

- finally bring back alpine 3 for desert bl or make alpine 3 with a spring/fall touch

- make bloodlust available only on one map so it's a real fight about that buff (preferably in ebg)

- let the orb spawn in the actual bloodlust area (random location on one of the five spots) and let the servers bring it to their hills/bay/citadel


Just some first thoughts.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> =) no particular goal


There was...


Once Upon A Time, WvW had tournaments.


The rewards were wanted.


Both the tournaments and the rewards were taken away to be given to anyone who can stand at spawn after taking a single camp , every 7-10 minutes (about).


The "Everyone Gets A Trophy" kills knowing whom you are fighting with.


Trust is about gone unless you are in a 'since launch' guild.


New players are not engaged at all and can be bullied out of WvW in minutes.


Then we have the balance issues - as in condi and coverage.


Coverage is now a thing some servers do 24/7, while those who have no 24/7 presence bounce up and down the rankings as the links

destroy more and more of WvW's integrity and loyalty to both server and ally.


The links made WvW 'bad' much, much worse.



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Pirate ship. Pirate ship. Pirate ship. Hate feeling like I'm gimping myself by playing melee in any sort of medium or larger fight. Between condi spam and the obscene burst that many ranged classes get, it's pure suicide for even tanky builds to melee on anything but the most coordinated frontline.

Melee builds SHOULD hit significantly harder than ranged, simply based upon the risk involved.

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I will take my statement back......and write. BIGGEST ISSUE WITH WVW IS:


Honestly, this current meta have totally ruined any fighting in WvW

and as you might have noticed, some of the biggest games exclude any PvE feature right now, only focusing on PvP......Not saying PvE should be lowered in focus, just saying.....I personally really do not care about the random small PvE suggestions this thread seems to care about


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> @"zengara.8301" said:

> I will take my statement back......and write. BIGGEST ISSUE WITH WVW IS:


> Honestly, this current meta have totally ruined any fighting in WvW

> and as you might have noticed, some of the biggest games exclude any PvE feature right now, only focusing on PvP......Not saying PvE should be lowered in focus, just saying.....I personally really do not care about the random small PvE suggestions this thread seems to care about



expect on the next expantion more aoe skills being spammed, more aoe boon stacking, more aoe condi stacking...


Anet killed the game with the PVE AOE " spam complexity" to cater the badies mostly on pve, reason as well why pvp in this game sucks badly compared with what required to be a decent player in gw1.


If there were a shame list for pvp games, gw2 would be there, note that pve in this game is not that good as well...

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> @"Rennie.6750" said:

> Roamers. I'm tired of selfish roamers expecting a 100 vs 100 vs 100 map to be tailored for them only. Of course people are going to band together to achieve things in a large scale event. That's what humans do.


HAHAHA, I for one expect nothing from your 100v100v100. I do what I do. I enjoy it, and I expect nothing from you except to be able to cull your stupid numbers as they moooooooo moooooo mooooooo there way to their zerg and the occasional port back to spawn when I underestimate the tenacity of your minions to chase a single person across an entire map. :) have a great day Sir. Oh, and I also enjoy pitched battles with like minded individuals on our own terms without hitching our success to whomever can summon the best numbers on a particular map/structure. I for one LOVE wvw. :)


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I choose to vote "other" because of multiple answer


Population unbalance and coverage : Anet loves BG that's all

Class balance (incl. condi vs. power issue) : Too many fear and cc, and then corrupt boon is issue, it was like 2 job in 1, spellbreaker only remove, they have to come close to deal damage, scourge can just remove and deal damage at the same time.

Another thing is spy: Spy do exist, they love to send people to other side and for example pulling all tactics at keep/smc etc and then let their server easily push, or sometimes they pretend to join zerg on the other side to inform their movement to their server, anet does nothing against this spies.

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[This comes from a EU/GER standpoint]


Gw2 WvW needs balanced sides first and foremost. Every competitive game is a about winning or losing as a motivation to play. Winning or losing a WvW MU is still almost completely controlled by the coverage a server can offer, aspects like organisation, tactics and (zerg)fighting prowess come in a distant second.


All the attempts of Anet to try leveling the playing field (be it the skirmish system, locking or opening servers, or introducing the server links) mitigated that problem but have ultimately failed. At least in the EU, servers are declared 'full' in order too keep them balanced against other low populated low-tier servers - yet they can't compete with open, linked servers in higher tiers. As a result these attempts often lead to a feeling of injustice (even if the MU in a given tier is somewhat balanced which is Anet's sole balancing goal right now) and players on numerically outgunned servers just quit playing because they think it is pointless.


This is compounded by the fact that WvW is designed as a [positive feedback game](http://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/20401/how-to-really-fix-wvw-through-game-design "en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/20401/how-to-really-fix-wvw-through-game-design"), meaning that more and more numerical advantages make it more and more easy to win.


Thus, at the end of the day, no matter how many people say 'we are just in for the fights', hordes of players will always bandwagon to greener pastures. Fight oriented guilds/players flock to servers with already good K/D-ratios and PPT-oriented players transfer to servers which already have decent coverage at the preferred time slot (or preferably are good in everything). 'Full' servers are completely left out of this transfer game.


A proper solution might be hard to implement without destroying server communities, so I am quite curious which possible [alternative](http://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/315866/#Comment_315866 "en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/315866/#Comment_315866") Anet will present after the winter holidays.

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I think a fundamental problem of the game _at the moment_ (and for the past couple years) has been skill balance. If skill balancing happens where it allows highly coordinated players to dominate lots of uncoordinated players, it would help with the population issue (unless all the best players stack a single server again... Maguuma), as well as create more interesting interactions within the game mode.


The other side of this is PPT balance. T3 structures are way too hard to crack at the moment unless they're undefended. Makes it pointless to try crack a T3 waypointed structure unless you have a map queue and the opposition has less than 1/2 of your number


WvW really caters to 2 types of people - the fighters and the farmers. The third type of player - those that really just want to "win" the matchup are pretty few and far inbetween now considering all the vets understand that it's pointless to win a matchup besides trying to get into a better matchup for more fights. Knowing this, the game mode should just cater to those two types as well, ergo, we need to balance skills and nerf HP on walls and gates. Allow for the karma train to happen, encourage people to go farm those karma trainers.

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Main problem is Arenanet is in charge of the game mode and they do not wanna do anything to make it better, they have no resources and no man power to do so, it is no secret WvW team does not exist, they just pick up random people form other team to do some minor thing here and there but WvW has no direction, it is a god awfull game mode, it has become worst in time, and it will continue to do so as the time goes on, they just need to give WvW to another studio or publiser who wanna take care of it as a stand alone mode and be done with it. Arenante please if u don't wanna do anything with WvW please outsource it, licence it to someone who will, thanks.


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