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Anet Would you mind to make the shields (skills) great again? Like GW1

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it would be actualyl a great class balancing thign, if actually shouleds would significantly increase as part of the weapon and class balance the characters Defense Valuwe by such a large margin ,that you actualyl feel a significant decrease in the damage you will receive, compared to a character of the same class, as you, that plays with no shield, as a compensation theore, that you dont use in your offhand a weapon, which provides also more offensive based skilsl andl ike like a shield does provide defensive based skills that aren#t very well for dealing superb DPS with them


it would actually help making defense finalyl more equalk to offensive builds, if shields actually wouldreally have a significant affect on how much maximum damage you will eceive from all sources of damage, like reducign direct damage and condition durations on you that you will suffer on.

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The only way I have gotten Shield kills is by smacking ambients with one. I've played sword and board in every mmo I've played, but not here. Shield is useless most of the time. I'll use one on my guard to farm trash, but just for looks. It slows down kills quite a lot. Also, what the OP means, I think, is to swap out the offensive damage numbers on the shield skills and replace them with "if equipped" defensive base armor bonus..above the stats on the shield itself. A real trade for defense over off hand damage. That is what I would prefer. A shield slam with a CC stun or stagger is the only offensive skill I would want.. but not on the insane cooldown in game now.


As things are, the shield isn't much more than a large, slow, mediocre offhand weapon. In every other game I've played, a Shield is armor.

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Shields in this game give defensive skills, Guardian, Warrior, Engineer, Herald, Chronomancer all have shields that provide mostly defensive abilities.

They reduce the damage you take a lot more than they would if they provided simple armor rating like in GW1 and are active skills that require careful use instead of being passive, always on.

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> @"Teofa Tsavo.9863" said:

> The only way I have gotten Shield kills is by smacking ambients with one. I've played sword and board in every mmo I've played, but not here. Shield is useless most of the time. I'll use one on my guard to farm trash, but just for looks. It slows down kills quite a lot. Also, what the OP means, I think, is to swap out the offensive damage numbers on the shield skills and replace them with "if equipped" defensive base armor bonus..above the stats on the shield itself. A real trade for defense over off hand damage. That is what I would prefer. A shield slam with a CC stun or stagger is the only offensive skill I would want.. but not on the insane cooldown in game now.


> As things are, the shield isn't much more than a large, slow, mediocre offhand weapon. In every other game I've played, a Shield is armor.





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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> Shields in this game give defensive skills, Guardian, Warrior, Engineer, Herald, Chronomancer all have shields that provide mostly defensive abilities.

> They reduce the damage you take a lot more than they would if they provided simple armor rating like in GW1 and are active skills that require careful use instead of being passive, always on.


That's the theory anyway. /shrug. Must be why they are so "popular". I know what the skills are. That's why I don't use one past goofing around. The long cooldowns, the fact that the skills stop your main hand dps while doing long, dramatic crouching, and the fact that the defensive abilities are absent more than they are in effect negates any reason to choose one over an off hand weapon. For me. I don't really care if they change it, as it is, I just won't use a board here. I have other games for that.

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I'm not very good with chronomancer myself so I can't comment much on how strong or weak the shield is on them. I do like guardian shield though - the general issue with shields is simply that the skills have long cds so even skills that are powerful/useful are less useful that other options available. Take guardian shield as an example, there are other ways to get the buffs the skills apply - ways that are arguably better. Between passive traits, utility skills, runes/sigils, and other players when you are in a team the only thing guardian shield really offers is the push back + small heal on 5. And that's all before you consider that to make the most of shield you have to invest is a trait line that might not have a lot of other stuff you want. While I like guardian shield I understand why players don't run it. The issue is that buffing shield with an innate +defense rating as a whole will make professions that are already strong with the shield stronger while not necessarily adding much to those where shield is considered not a good option.

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Best MMO to do shields properly is ESO. Having a shield in that game feels sooo good and rewarding. It gives you real defense and the devs don't shy away from that fact. It's such a good system that other MMOs should just flat out copy it IMO.


BUT, GW2 is an ability game and so it makes sense to leave shields the way they are (ie: +2 skill triggers). GW2 design philosophy is heavily driven by speed and twitch telegraph reactions, which your shield skills are meant to be used for rather than immersive gameplay.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Is there any damaging shield attacks on any class?

> In Weapon Master, every weapons has at LEAST one kill on them (Actually my lowest is 560 with harpoon as I hate underwater spears) while my Shield is at a whopping 0.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/ucnjXDM.png "")



On that note. Anyone know how I possibly could have gotten 500 scepter kills when I literally only play warrior for 5 years?


Also on topic, shield is pretty good shot in gw2. Just have to trait it well. Reflects, don't leave home without them. Shield is excellent for solo play or Jack of all trades. And like that other guy said, vitality toughness and x.

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > Is there any damaging shield attacks on any class?

> > In Weapon Master, every weapons has at LEAST one kill on them (Actually my lowest is 560 with harpoon as I hate underwater spears) while my Shield is at a whopping 0.

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/ucnjXDM.png "")

> >


> On that note. Anyone know how I possibly could have gotten 500 scepter kills when I literally only play warrior for 5 years?


> Also on topic, shield is pretty good shot in gw2. Just have to trait it well. Reflects, don't leave home without them. Shield is excellent for solo play or Jack of all trades. And like that other guy said, vitality toughness and x.


Some environmental weapons count toward actual weapon kills. So you can actually get kills with a weapon that your profession cant use.

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> @"Teofa Tsavo.9863" said:

> > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > Shields in this game give defensive skills, Guardian, Warrior, Engineer, Herald, Chronomancer all have shields that provide mostly defensive abilities.

> > They reduce the damage you take a lot more than they would if they provided simple armor rating like in GW1 and are active skills that require careful use instead of being passive, always on.


> That's the theory anyway. /shrug. Must be why they are so "popular". I know what the skills are. That's why I don't use one past goofing around. The long cooldowns, the fact that the skills stop your main hand dps while doing long, dramatic crouching, and the fact that the defensive abilities are absent more than they are in effect negates any reason to choose one over an off hand weapon. For me. I don't really care if they change it, as it is, I just won't use a board here. I have other games for that.


Shields have defensive abilities and defensive abilities aren't really good in general PVE but other than Guardian Shield all the other Shields are used extensively where Shields are actually needed: in PVP. Also Chronomancers use Shield when they tank. I'd say if you look at the game as a whole that Shields are actually overused.

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