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WvW = Dead game mode

Vieux P.1238

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> **WvW should be trashed just like ESL.** It's a dead game mode. It has been proven over the years, no matter what Anet do to fix WvW it's not working. There is no other solution but to trash it & implement open world pvp in the regular pve world **in reserved map zone for it**. & they have to implement a system that instead of just fighting for control of castles, players actually fight for something. Like fight for resources such as wood, minerals & plants that must be brought back to there main city and sold to different vendors. The more vendors have resources, the more they can sell buff & other useful items to players of that city. Among other rewards. This promote the real reason to compete. **Money$$$** incentive like in real life. Yes balance is an issue, but is nothing if you have no reason to fight for. And before you go on a rant and post that you dont want pvp in your pve, read my post again. I said **pvp in reserved maps**. Meaning you can still pve in none pvp zones. Think about it.


Isn't EotM that already? It is a reserved map for PvE players.


There is no minerals to pick but reward boxes. The contents of which players have to go back to sell at the Trading Post. From which players can buy increasingly expensive items for themselves.


Sure there is no city, nor citizens or communities around all this. But the rest of the hallmarks are already here.


ANet has made it painfully clear they do not want community identities nor competition in WvW. The world linking and the lack of glory rewards are intentional.

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I keep enjoying WvW a lot. I don't want it to be removed. At times I am playing, this is always full with even queues, for EBG mostly, also during the week, and we are getting fun. There was a little break down of the activity the few days after the servers reset, but now it is back to normal. I do not see it dead at all.

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> The ques on the servers I've been linked on the last few months have said otherwise... dead gamemode is hardly WvW...


Depends on what people mean by 'dead', most people don't mean there is literally no one playing, more things like:


- On EU T1/T2 matchups that consist of 5-7 linked servers have less activity than even silver tier matchups of just three servers back when the game was healthy.


- That whilst the game mode has always been competitively a meaningless joke in terms of "winning" the matchup, all but very new players and a few "special" people have come to realize that, so that aspect of the game mode is deader than it has ever been.


- The quality of play is at an all time low, in multiple ways such as player/guild skill levels, how powercreep has damaged the game, how most fights are not even vaguely close, how even with a queued map on all three teams both the frequency of fights and quality is much lower, etc.


- How primetime has shortened and how the activity for the other 20 hours a day is much, much lower than back when the game was healthy, even with what are basically temporary server merges.


- GvG, roaming, etc are less active than ever.


and so on.


So if people don't like the term 'dead', then maybe a better description of it is a pale shadow of its former self, which for most players is no longer worth playing anywhere near as much or even at all.


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No offense to OP's intentions, but this thread is a waste of bandwidth since OP's idea will never happen.


If you want open PvP, there are a great many other mmo's who offer it, Anet however is selling their game to mostly casual players. Stepping away from their game philosophy will make them lose a great amount of players.


And even if we have PvP in open world maps (you don't need reserved maps if players can chooce to tag themselves for pvp or not, so you can watch battles while always being safe), it will cause so many new problems like, having all your people in the same map instance. Beside philosophy, technically it will prove to be impossible as well :P

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> **WvW should be trashed just like ESL.** It's a dead game mode. It has been proven over the years, no matter what Anet do to fix WvW it's not working. There is no other solution but to trash it & implement open world pvp in the regular pve world **in reserved map zone for it**. & they have to implement a system that instead of just fighting for control of castles, players actually fight for something. Like fight for resources such as wood, minerals & plants that must be brought back to there main city and sold to different vendors. The more vendors have resources, the more they can sell buff & other useful items to players of that city. Among other rewards. This promote the real reason to compete. **Money$$$** incentive like in real life. Yes balance is an issue, but is nothing if you have no reason to fight for. And before you go on a rant and post that you dont want pvp in your pve, read my post again. I said **pvp in reserved maps**. Meaning you can still pve in none pvp zones. Think about it.


Pretty strong opinion there bud. I love WvW. Sure it has issues. But it is far from dead. I suggest you move on to my little pony online or something. I am fairly certain WvW is not even close to dying. As for incentive I do not need more/better rewards. I go to WvW for the fights in the first place. I could really care less about rewards.

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Open world pvp has been tried and failed in many other games, because it attracts the very worst of the players.

'imagine an open world map where you compete for resources'. why? Oh, for buffs, etc, so a feedback loop occurs. Everyone joins the winning side. Big squads of mirages and thiefs patrol ganking the unfortunates who venture out in a small party.


Terrible idea. Just attracts the basement dwellers and kids who get off on ganking.

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Hate to break it to ya OP but more ppl play WvW than PvP, and making WvW far from dead. Dead would mean that very few ppl play it and/or enjoy it. WvW isnt even dying. Experiences differ between play to player. I myself love WvW and I came from PvP (before ESL dropping GW2). If you are not happy, thats cool. If you want PvP in PvE reserved maps, go play WoW.

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> @Malerian.8435 said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > **WvW should be trashed just like ESL.** It's a dead game mode. It has been proven over the years, no matter what Anet do to fix WvW it's not working. There is no other solution but to trash it & implement open world pvp in the regular pve world **in reserved map zone for it**. & they have to implement a system that instead of just fighting for control of castles, players actually fight for something. Like fight for resources such as wood, minerals & plants that must be brought back to there main city and sold to different vendors. The more vendors have resources, the more they can sell buff & other useful items to players of that city. Among other rewards. This promote the real reason to compete. **Money$$$** incentive like in real life. Yes balance is an issue, but is nothing if you have no reason to fight for. And before you go on a rant and post that you dont want pvp in your pve, read my post again. I said **pvp in reserved maps**. Meaning you can still pve in none pvp zones. Think about it.


> Pretty strong opinion there bud. I love WvW. Sure it has issues. But it is far from dead. I suggest you move on to my little pony online or something. I am fairly certain WvW is not even close to dying. As for incentive I do not need more/better rewards. I go to WvW for the fights in the first place. I could really care less about rewards.


Problem with WvW is the same with spvp... PVE DEV's ONLY...are the only ones alowed to change the game, while pvp dev's work with tied hands.


Actually pve in this game is awfull as kitten, gw2 is the only mmo i had to abolish pve actually enterelly..



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O'Brien said,

"in competitive modes, the community owns the game modes and chooses what we work on, and we definitely shouldn’t be surprising you with where we take those game modes."


Since the possible things that we could have are;

# 1. content we have been told about, _or_

# 2. no content at all


**either Arenanet gives us a roadmap, or we're getting no content.** . So if the definition of a dead game mode is one that's getting no content, I agree with the OP - it's sad because we have quite a few players.

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> @Theandil.6045 said:

> Yesterday I was 1,5h in Queue .. definitely dead mode


**There's 24 servers in NA & 27 in EU.** On each i can name 6 to 9 top servers that are fully active. WoW! As for the 20 +odd can you Prove that there as active? I think not.

All you ranters on this thread that keeps throwing insults just for showing off with out at least proving your not playing on one of the top active servers needs to be at least more constructive instead of being abusive & slandering folks.

My 2 cents.

Ps: 6 to 9 servers is WAY far from being the majority of the community.



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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > @Theandil.6045 said:

> > Yesterday I was 1,5h in Queue .. definitely dead mode


> **There's 24 servers in NA & 27 in EU.** On each i can name 6 to 9 top servers that are fully active. WoW! As for the 20 +odd can you Prove that there as active? I think not.

> All you ranters on this thread that keeps throwing insults just for showing off with out at least proving there not playing on one of the top active servers needs to be at least more constructive instead of being abusive & slandering folks.

> My 2 cents.

> Ps: 6 to 9 servers is WAY far from being the majority of the community.




You can't get an accurate count of which servers are dead in the upper tiers because they have linkings, not all servers that are a link server are dead.

Kaineng has more players than a t4 server, yet its still a linked server, and there are more cases of something just like this. You can see it for yourself, when relinking happens look at the Server population go from Low/Medium to High/Very High.

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> @Grimjack.8130 said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > @Theandil.6045 said:

> > > Yesterday I was 1,5h in Queue .. definitely dead mode

> >

> > **There's 24 servers in NA & 27 in EU.** On each i can name 6 to 9 top servers that are fully active. WoW! As for the 20 +odd can you Prove that there as active? I think not.

> > All you ranters on this thread that keeps throwing insults just for showing off with out at least proving there not playing on one of the top active servers needs to be at least more constructive instead of being abusive & slandering folks.

> > My 2 cents.

> > Ps: 6 to 9 servers is WAY far from being the majority of the community.

> >

> >


> You can't get an accurate count of which servers are dead in the upper tiers **because they have linkings**, not all servers that are a link server are dead.

> Kaineng has more players than a t4 server, yet its still a linked server, and there are more cases of something just like this. You can see it for yourself, when relinking happens look at the Server population go from Low/Medium to High/Very High.


1rst, You can make an accurate assessment just by chking out top dogs on millenium.org for example. Chk the history. Always Same servers.

2sc, you just said it **(Link Servers)** & it was mentioned above by **XenesisII.1540** also. & if that's not telling that there is a unbalance Population problem, well i don't know what will. Maybe the fact that Anet has not put on resources into it in while. Idk!!??


My point is that YES Anet will never trash WvW. I'm just saying they should cuz in my book, server activity wise it is dead. I feel that Anet figured they put anoth time & money on this game mode for the actual amount of players playing it. Basically in the end i feel it will become same as water battle mode. It exist but untouched by anet. Minimal tweaking, a little reward here & there but no more $$$ for it. WvW will be left as is with little to none added to it. & the same servers will still play it giving it at least some kind of a pulse.


Ps: & YES **they will never EVER make an open world pvp zones ** I'm just saying they should. & you can agree to disagree. I respect that.



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> @Aeolus.3615 said:

> > @XenesisII.1540 said:

> > > @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

> > > **WvW isnt even dying.**

> >

> > really?

> > Really?

> >

> > You do realize there's a reason they link servers now, right?

> >


> and some linked servers are dead zones to ktrain xD, WVW is alive people want to ktrain


Linking were anet's attempt to give smaller WvW pop servers a fighting chance...not because they are dead (please do a bit of research, it will help with any argument you make).


I will admit that im not in every tier in NA (I have been in about 4 since linking happened on diff tiers, and with it, made acquaintances, few I still keep in contact with) and from what I hear, its only T4 thats a bit less populated, however there are plenty of fights/things to take if you are on during closer to peak times. Ktraining is still pretty much EotM primarily, rest are obv going to be PPK or PPT focused so what you consider ktraining and other people, may be a bit different. Dont confuse ktraining with either ZvZ or being on during off peak times.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> **WvW should be trashed just like ESL.** It's a dead game mode. It has been proven over the years, no matter what Anet do to fix WvW it's not working. There is no other solution but to trash it & implement open world pvp in the regular pve world **in reserved map zone for it**. & they have to implement a system that instead of just fighting for control of castles, players actually fight for something. Like fight for resources such as wood, minerals & plants that must be brought back to there main city and sold to different vendors. The more vendors have resources, the more they can sell buff & other useful items to players of that city. Among other rewards. This promote the real reason to compete. **Money$$$** incentive like in real life. Yes balance is an issue, but is nothing if you have no reason to fight for. And before you go on a rant and post that you dont want pvp in your pve, read my post again. I said **pvp in reserved maps**. Meaning you can still pve in none pvp zones. Think about it.


I'd keep dreaming, Anet hasn't done anything that's actually substantial to WvW since the ability points. They've treated it as a tacked on system since living world started and have no incentive to change.

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