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Seriously can't wait for Tuesday


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> @MrSilver.5269 said:

> You can say it is a l2p all you want. We had a 8K, a 3K, and two 2Ks. We all know how to play. We all have been playing since release. We all have one of each profession completely unlocked and end game geared. I know you don't want to admit that your profession is op. But it is.


that you argument with your wvw rank is the first point i see you are not an experienced player. cause wvw rank say nothing about the skill of an player.


scourge has obvious weak points like lack of stability, mobility. with 4 classes you are absolutely able to perma stun scourges. than its ez to kill him. all classes have enough invuls and blocks, dodges to stand many spikes of scourge without getting dmg. problem is just that player like you cannot accept that they are playing bad, so they have to cry that a class is OP that already looses most of its dmg to bugfixes and nerfs.


so plz explain to me exactly which skill kills you? 90% of scourge skills just cast 2 stacks of torment for 2-4 seconds to you. when you dont move torment usually ticks with 90 dmg per seconds. thats far away from 10k hits e.g. warriors, mesmers, thiefs are doing.

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> @MrSilver.5269 said:

> I have I wanna say over 2k hours on my necro. I can't stand the profession. Boring easy mode.


This is sorta one of the main issues for necro. Devs make the entire profession too simplified so there is no room for skill cap. The Scourge i think so far is the worst example of this. They just stand in one place, lay down infinite aoe spam conditions and try to win. They make everything so simplified its going to be a nightmare to balance. Damage cant be too high because its too easy to apply. Cant have too much survivability because theres so much spammy barriers etc. Every other class has a higher skill cap. Necro is the "slow"(also mentally) class of anet. Thats what proves how little they care about it.


They have this over-simplified checklist for necro

-spammy aoe

-conditions/boon corrupt



........... thats literally every necro build. They leave like zero high skill cap builds in the game for necro. They cant survive off of building anything that is high damage / high risk


When have you _EVER_ seen a dev talk about a necro being high risk/high reward. It _N E V E R_ happens. So in the end, who can blame them for not being at all interested in the "beginners" class. The "slowed"-down class.

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Sheesh, even with the bug I never saw scourges win 1v4s in sPvP. 1v2s, yes. 1v3s, depending on the circumstances. But 1v4s?


And in sPvP, you're limited by fighting on points that are mostly about the size of a greater shade. WvW usually grants you much more mobility. A single scourge shouldn't be able to bomb a 4-man team unless there's a big skill gap.


(Which... there could be. Just because the scourge was bronze in WvW doesn't mean that (s)he can't be a skilled PvPer.)

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I'm bronze something myself and have soloed many high wvw ranks.

You do realize that to be a "veteran WvW player", the only requirement is to have played the game a lot? I too have played the game a lot, I just so happen to only recently have started playing WvW - what I'm trying to say is: A low WvW rank does by no means say that that person is a bad or new player. I play the game since release and I have (since yesterday) WvW Rank 202 yet I am pretty damn sure that I am a better player then the average "I only play WvW and complain about everything on the forums"-guy.

I'm not trying to defend scourge, I agree that scourge needs to be toned down as well as enchantment collapse (sb trait) and Firebrand and 1 or 2 seconds more cooldown on full counter wouldn't hurt.


I play Staff Weaver in backline (full glass cannon), slightly different staff Weaver (still glasscannon) when roaming with friends and spellbreaker (hammer + dagger/shield, full zerker). It's really fun to be very durable as Spellbreaker but all that durability is gone instantly when a spellbreaker has enchtantment collapse while a scourge+firebrand pumps you full with condis or when a good scourge has laid his eyes on you while said firebrand is still around. Seriously, the most broken group you can run atm is Scourge*2 + Firebrand*2 + Holo/Rev/SB or whatever you like that can rush in and occupy the enemy, no amount of resistance can save you if at least one of the scourges is good, to them, resistance is just another condi...


Anyway, I'm having fun right now because most scourges are terrible and most roaming groups rely way too much on their scourge, I love to just rush the scourge with my group and watch my enemies scatter as they loose their scourge :) (We're running Power Reaper + Holo/Power Necro + me on either SB or Staff Weaver and after I've had some practice I'll try sword/dagger weaver as well)


Surprisingly though I have only met 1 scary mirage yet. And I'm very happy about that, as far as I can tell they're pretty damn strong.


I'm really curious what the balance patch will bring - I don't think the state of the game is as terrible as many WvW-Players make it seem. All I'm hoping for is some sort of realistic counterplay to Conditions, our Power Reaper is already running well of power but 1 Condi/Second is way too slow at the moment, and Well of Power used to be overkill when it came to condi clear..

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I honestly don't care anymore. If I see a scourge player I just play like a jerk and range them down. Then I continue to do so until they either get in a pack of friends or leave the map/ ragequit.


Necromancers do this to themselves by playing cookie cutter condi builds that take zero skill to play. One thing that confuses me is that if scourge is so bad why don't I see them all running back to chill bleed shout reapers?

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> @Justine.6351 said:

> I honestly don't care anymore. If I see a scourge player I just play like a jerk and range them down. Then I continue to do so until they either get in a pack of friends or leave the map/ ragequit.


> Necromancers do this to themselves by playing cookie cutter condi builds that take zero skill to play. One thing that confuses me is that if scourge is so bad why don't I see them all running back to chill bleed shout reapers?


like non of the classes is playing cheese builds right. everybody just uses high-skill demanding builds because the game is boring otherwise. riiiight


and dude you have the answer already. range them down, since almost everything is ranged at 900. once they are downstate, just 1111 them on 1200.


(condi daredevil with sword in pvp... bunker herald with knockback tablet... aoe f1 111111 guard in zerg wvw)

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> @Justine.6351 said:

> I honestly don't care anymore. If I see a scourge player I just play like a jerk and range them down. Then I continue to do so until they either get in a pack of friends or leave the map/ ragequit.


> Necromancers do this to themselves by playing cookie cutter condi builds that take zero skill to play. One thing that confuses me is that if scourge is so bad why don't I see them all running back to chill bleed shout reapers?


To be fair, most of the QQ about Scourge being bad is coming from PvE players.

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> @MrSilver.5269 said:

> Just watched a bronze scout scourge take out 4v1 , and the 4 were seasoned (playing since launch) wvwers. The scourge didn't get below 1/2 half health. It just isn't even fun anymore. Yes this is a QQ. We are all logging out and getting on our scourges. If they are unbeatable, join them.


The best part is that you assume Tuesday's patch is going to fix that. We will see.

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Make it seem like WvW ranks has any meaningful gauge on the skill of a player lol All you have to do to get ranks in WvW is follow a zerg around and tag enemies. On the other hand if you told me in Spvp some Gold ranked player beat a group legendary players single handily I'd be blown away but until then no. Btw on that note every class in this game runs cookie cutter EZ mode builds lol what makes you think otherwise? There are just more optimal builds to run in certain game modes and people will always gravitate towards those "Meta" builds over anything else. I also never understood how people always assume that scourge is crazy easy to play sure you drop your shades and hit a few keys to get them going but compared to let's say warrior that relies on mostly passive utility skills and such and other classes that have just easy access to mobility and survivability skills.. We still have to time our boon corruptions properly among other things, pfft honestly every class is EZ mode at this point.

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Oh what a great thread...


- I've just seen a scourge 1v4 experienced players and win

- I've just not seen the ghost thief (because he was in stealth obviously) 1v4 experienced players and win

- I've just seen a dh 1v4 experienced players with it's traps

- I've just seen a weaver down 5 experienced players in 1 hit

- I've just seen a spellbreaker 1v4 experienced players and win

- I've just seen a mirage toying with 4 experienced player and killing them all

- ...etc.


@MrSilver , breaking news you've been outplayed by another player. This player clearly countered all of your build. You could have accepted your defeaat and learned from it, you chose to come here to cry a river.

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Do you guys really have nothing better to do than to troll the Necro board?

Like honestly. Don't see how you're getting your kicks out of this. Seems like a waste of time. Could be using this time to actually play the game.

And if you say Scourge is so OP, you could take the time to learn how to beat that 4 vs 1 scourge if you and your friends are such seasoned players.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Do you guys really have nothing better to do than to troll the Necro board?

> Like honestly. Don't see how you're getting your kicks out of this. Seems like a waste of time. Could be using this time to actually play the game.

> And if you say Scourge is so OP, you could take the time to learn how to beat that 4 vs 1 scourge if you and your friends are such seasoned players.


What's funny is that 4v1 is not a fight a Scourge even can win unless the 4 are all playing at NPC level of skill. All that has to happen is for the 4 to actually attack the Scourge and the Scourge will die. They just don't have a way to deal with that much incoming damage.

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > Do you guys really have nothing better to do than to troll the Necro board?

> > Like honestly. Don't see how you're getting your kicks out of this. Seems like a waste of time. Could be using this time to actually play the game.

> > And if you say Scourge is so OP, you could take the time to learn how to beat that 4 vs 1 scourge if you and your friends are such seasoned players.


> What's funny is that 4v1 is not a fight a Scourge even can win unless the 4 are all playing at NPC level of skill. All that has to happen is for the 4 to actually attack the Scourge and the Scourge will die. They just don't have a way to deal with that much incoming damage.


That's what I mean.

What was those 4 doing? The Necro put the non-moving shade(s) on the ground and then the 4 just walked into it and stood there and attacked once every 2 seconds?

At the way this class is right now is very laughable and nowhere near as "op" as the "victims" I've seen say about how powerful Scourge is.


I had one case when I did walk right into a Necro's trap not knowing what I got myself into, but the moment I dodged out, it was a cat and mouse game of them usually just trying to barrier to safety while I wail on them.

Necro needs buffing, but of course, these guys think it's hilarious and want Arenanet to just put Necro into the grave with its minions.

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in an Open field in WvW


if the scourge is alone.... it barely can hold himself together in a 1v1 if the enemy is actualy using a Roaming build and knows what he is doing....Necro does not have the tools to deal with their Mobility or defense CDs to deal with the Bursts....


1v4 ? lol yeah maybe againts mobs.....

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> @MrSilver.5269 said:

> Just watched a bronze scout scourge take out 4v1 , and the 4 were seasoned (playing since launch) wvwers.

Spectral Necromancers could 1 vs ∞ seasoned players pre Spectral Wall's target cap.


The only issue with Scourge is the ammo mechanic paired with Sand Savant that makes tactics other than kill from range pretty hard for non-spellbreakers.


We have seen Speed of Shadows reworked for this ammo thing.. if only SoS could reduce F1 and Sand Savant remove the ammo mechanic we could see PvP balance and PvE improvements.

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> @DreamyLove.8947 said:

> can't wait it out too


> even i think it will still not realy help necro .....

> but i still wanna see what the anet will do for all class


Most likely they will do nothing more than add a few very obvious tells on shades shroud skills and change _demonic lore_ so that it apply 1 bleed (8s) ICD 1s per target PvE/wvw. This will satisfy the need for tells and the slow damage ramp up for conditions. Scourges will find it difficult to stomach, other professions will still cry that it's op and power reaper's lover will continue to ask for buff while necros will continue to asks for a global fix of the professions mechanisms.


Edit: Oh... they may try to replace the burn on demonic lore by torment first instead of bleed.

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> @DreamyLove.8947 said:

> can't wait it out too


> even i think it will still not realy help necro .....

> but i still wanna see what the anet will do for all class


I can´t wait to see what they´ll do for reaper.

Changes to core would be appreciated as well but more lies my interest in what happens to reaper.

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Look scourge may be good for WvW, but its not good for PvE and honestly Scourge is really simple for any class to take down, if those 4 people died then to just one then they are not seasoned at all, and don't know how to play there classes. Remember this game is about learning not rewarding those who don't ever bother to learn what they are playing. We want adult players here not what WoW accommodates to.

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> @Jethro.9376 said:

> I really would like to see footage of that 4v1 loss due to bad balancing.

> Sounds more like a L2p issue here. Even if i agree on the scourge condi problems.


> edit:

> Playing since launch =/= skill you know?


Or....it's a made-up 4v1 to make a point. Scourge is not THAT out of whack. It has definite strengths, but it isn't the be-all-end-all. I can beat quite a few players I run into, but I've been beaten too. But I did that on Reaper, and on vanilla necro as well. Not as faceroll as some would have you believe, and not as faceroll as other current professions. Other professions such as OPs own. A well played DH, firebrand, guard is pretty strong versus Scourge, strong against any class really.

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Tuesday's patch, as promised by the devs, will see an increase in Scourge's power. It won't reached its previous, bugged shade levels, but enough to be raid competitive. Now whether this buff is split from WvW/PvP I do not know (I hope they split Demonic Lore for PvE and have it cause burn on every torment application).


Hopefully Power Reaper also gets some love, maybe enough to make it raid competitive as well.

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