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[POLL] Would You Buy.


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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> Ok we all know that Anet has limits, they literally can't make everything we want all at the same time. So here is the question, if it meant that it Anet would put direct focus and it's own team to take care of it, where that content would receive development and progress because it sold, Which of these would you be willing to pay cash for to see it get direct focused development, just so they could sell you more of it.


Don't fall for the "poor, indie-dev Anet" meme. Their gem-store is a cash juggernaut. I've spent more money, by a factor of ten, on this game than I've spent on any other MMO. The question is just whether or not they want to invest that money back in the game, dev-team, etc or not. Nobody has to take up any special collections for "poor Anet" to give us new content lol.

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I think they have the money.


I paid for the expansion, i dont need to pay for content, what happens to people who cant pay? this is not a suscription based game and also i dont want to pay for advantages over other players who bought the expansion.


But as an opinion.


Focusing in dungeons is pointless because no one do dungeons. And if dungeons became profitable, then we will fall in the same class problems that we have with raids, Adding new raids does nothing because we still have the profession problems were people demands fixed comps to do them. Jumping puzzles are a good idea but not worth investing too much on them. Living world content will appear regardles of what focus the developers make.


About new legendaries collection, i oposse to this, because most legendaries require materials from hot maps and now that there is less people in these maps is harder to get the materials, unles you make PoF metas to drop amalgamated gemstones then this problem would be solved.

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Voted for a better written LS4. Especially one that caters to our characters' choices, race, etc. I'm very tired of my character being dumbed down to being basically a human in an asura body.

PoF & HoT Spoilers:

>! I know in The Departing story step, they show you the mentor of your order going in to die at The Battle of Claw Island. And in HoT, Modremoth pulls that Mentor from your memory in Hearts and Minds. But I still feel like my PS choices had little effect on the expansions and LS stories.

I'd also like to see our personalty icon return.

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Why should anyone pay for festivals? They mothballed Jubilee. And now you're telling me if I pay I get to have it back?


Something that was free to begin with?!


Enough of these "vip/sub/dlc" threads!!

Gemstore works.

Gemstore make more money than sub games

Gemstore is EXCELLENT in its purpose.


Do you seriously think the reason we don't get festivals, dungeon support and other stuff is because of a MONEY SHORTAGE???!!!!


I have news for you...

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The poll questions are skewed towards the idea that ANet can offer us any sort of choice like that. By necessity, they have to deliver an entire package that succeeds. It's not enough for something to be popular among a subset of players, it's not enough to charge extra cash, it's about viewing the game holistically and making sure it appeals to enough of the target audience to keep enough veterans entertained and bring in fresh blood regularly.


I trust ANet to deliver a game that entertains me. Even though I'm going to hate some decisions they make and feel that others are a bad idea for the future, I think they have a better handle on making a great game than any 5000 of us trying to simplistically reduce the question to "for what would you pay extra."



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Where's the other option.


I'd pay full expansion money for a THOROUGH overhaul/balance pass/update over every single core and elite trait, skill, weapon, stat sets and everything that involves combat gameplay in all game modes - pvp/wvw/pve.


I mean serious deep redesign of core mechanics.

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> @Mourningcry.9428 said:

> Another biased poll... yippee


> I'd pay to see an unbiased, constructive poll, as opposed to the refuse that's currently littering the forum.


What's biased about this poll? If you and I aren't willing to pass around the collection-plate for a company that's sitting on a mountain of money, then we "expect everything handed to us for free." Let's humble ourselves under the judgement of STIHL.2489, and reflect on our immaturity/unreasonableness.

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> @Curunen.8729 said:

> Where's the other option.


> I'd pay full expansion money for a THOROUGH overhaul/balance pass/update over every single core and elite trait, skill, weapon, stat sets and everything that involves combat gameplay in all game modes - pvp/wvw/pve.


> I mean serious deep redesign of core mechanics.


That would be called GW3

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Will we get any sort of privilege or status as one of the sponsor? But then, still no.


Based with my understanding, it seems like you're trying to tell us to pay anet's development for some certain system we would like to see, that's more or less the same as sponsoring them and if i were to have the power to sponsor any games, i would have just started a project for my own game and use those money for its development instead.


The thing is, we are now playing anet's game and how the game will grow and change to will be up to anet's decision, it is their game so they should be the one to decide, if we were in any way to be the one to decide its growth, then how would this be anet's game anymore? MMORPG is only interesting due to the enjoyment of seeing the developer's next move to the changes for their game, if we were to take that away, it would be better to just create our own game.


We sure can support them by buying their stuff, but not paying for what they should do.


I apologize before hand if this is just a for fun thread, sorry for being kill joy then.

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> @Alchofas.8243 said:

> Will we get any sort of privilege or status as one of the sponsor? But then, still no.


> Based with my understanding, it seems like you're trying to tell us to pay anet's development for some certain system we would like to see, that's more or less the same as sponsoring them and if i were to have the power to sponsor any games, i would have just started a project for my own game and use those money for its development instead.



I don't view buying a product as sponsoring someone, because I am sure not sponsoring Walmart.

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