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Spellbreaker has 32 seconds of resistance in a 1v3, never even pops healing signet


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> @Kaga.7629 said:

>Players with some boonrip/steal/corrupt could have turned him to doodoo much earlier ( if they blow the right one).


You mean classes? It isn't about player, it is about class you play. So how many classes does have boon stripping if sigils arent included? You do the math and see yourself.

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SB will get toned down a bit but if you're not blowing one up 3vs1 then that is 100% a player problem. That and you can't expec to nuke a target with conditions and not have any strips in talents, skills, sigils etc. I've 2-3vs1 pugs on core specs, it's not reliable evidence. People are exaggerating a bit too much I think in hopes the impending nerfs will nearly delete this build. I would prefer more frequent subtle nerfs then sweeping changes every few months because there will be plenty of times when a build that does need nerfing will be overnerfed and there's no re-adjustments.


SB is very strong and will be hopefully slightly adjusted but I've also watched plenty of even and uneven matches ups in both modes as well as myself fighting them and I can say at least 50% of the time people are not even playing around the build and just treating it like a golem.

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> @Chaith.8256 said:

> Reaching very high levels of denial from Spellbreakers in this thread.

> *- Straight up denial: "The Spellbreaker probably STOLE resistance from a player before the scene in the video, and stole resistance again during." Mental gymnastics at it's finest, how do warriors reliably "steal" resistance


1) i actually sat down and ran back the vid several times to analyse it. And the warrior clearly started the fight with 3-4 seconds of resistance before blowing Bezerker stance at second 5. He didn't produce it out of frikking thin air. it had to come from someone else.

2) Dagger f1 steals boons and full counter resets bursts cooldowns, so it is possible to steal boons, FC then steal again depending on adrenal levels. Sigils can also help.

3) Spellbreakers not using STR ? Now's who's in denial......






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Okay, so. All things considered, my take is such:


> > @TexZero.7910 said:

> > @Swagg.9236 said:

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/y8GgdTm.png "")




> @Razor.6392 said:

>Because resistance is the only boon that warriors have (swift, might, fury, prot, sometimes quick), and because resistance doesn't pulse or can be reapplied from a successful FC or featherfoot whatever utility, right?


> @coro.3176 said:

> That wouldn't even help much because the resist is PULSING. It reapplies on a MUCH shorter cooldown than those boon strip sigils/traits .. and that's assuming it even strips resist!


> No class should be completely immune to damage unless your opponent just happens to have the right sigils. That's just kitten.


These are both true. I only play one condi class at the moment, but if you get to the point where "Just make sure half your team uses their sigil slots to down this one player" is your defense, you've gone too far. I've played Spellbreaker for a while, and Ive seen several other competent players play against it and lose because in addition to zerker stance, you get pulsing resistance from an 8 second cd that, -lets face it-, will always proc in a team setting. Someone is either going to be dumb, or have an AOE out, or just mistime things, and itll ruin the whole rotation for everyone else. No class should be able to force that situation.


> @Lighter.5631 said:

> actually, logically, the weaver/holo just hitting without thinking, procing full counter which results in resistance and no landing damage.


so no to this. Yes, people need to git gud, but theres a limit to how much you should be punished for a team comp not paying attention.



So. Solutions.


Make resistance not pulse. Make it static so it can be ripped.

Make boon rip sigils prioritize stability then resistance, or the inverse.

Make resistance not apply on a successful full counter alone. Like other burst skills, have resistance only apply if it hits someone.






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Also, please note I am fine with the damage output of Spellbreaker at this time. You should still be punished for standing in circles though, even with scourge being a thing. We can deal with this communication issue of skill devs not seeing that "skills that lock down a whole conquest point through the efforts of one player are bad" later.

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> @coro.3176 said:



> This is getting ridiculous. As a condi build, basically all my damage and all my damage mitigation (blind, cripple, immobilize) are conditions. It is incredibly unbalanced for a class to just COMPLETELY IGNORE that for 32 (actually, 44 if they'd used Healing Signet on cooldown, which they might have if it was a 1v1) seconds at a time.


> In that time, I could have alt-f4ed, fired up Overwatch, and joined a quickplay.


> Honestly, if this kitten keeps up, I might just do that next time.


What to expect? gw2 is gimmick based more than player and team skill..


it-s a kid introducing to pvp game with mash button game plus its gimmick, same as overwatch is for people who thinks they are super skilled in first person shooters.


> @Morwath.9817 said:

> Quaggan thinks Resistance itself is stupid, its boon ignoring most of game mechanics and trolling 2/3 of skills on some weapons...


It is a broken gimmick and excuse for ANet to avoid touching conditions, and spend time balancing them, they dont favour balanced games at all, its a douche bag pvp game.

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> @Morwath.9817 said:

> > @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > > @Crinn.7864 said:

> > > > @Omar Aschi Popp.7496 said:

> > > > I dunno maybe I suck, but even when I trip FC and transfer Condi, I still have 7 Condi on me at max stacks.

> > > > I l2p.

> > >

> > > FC _copies_ conditions. It does not transfer them.

> > >

> > > Do you not even know who your class works?

> >

> > I play core in preference to SB.

> > Sorry but spellbreaker is not a "class"

> >

> > And yet you still fail to tell me how SB the spec is OP and not the player you are up against.

> >

> > FC copied Condi? Great. Next time don't cobdibombi me and trigger a retaliatory skill.


> Quaggan reads your post as "don't do anything and let Quaggan win, because if you do something Quaggan will pop Full Counter, which is on 6s CD".




Quaggan knows quaggan is trying to hide secret secrety shenoooOonigans under hidey of cwuuuteness. Quaggan no say that at all. Just that some quaggan are better than sad quaggan and will win no matter what schooOoool of quaggan fite club super-quaggan used.



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I completely stopped playing condi guard because of how hard SB counters it (core, DH or FB). Absolutely nothing I do can net me a victory. Even a bad SB can spend the entire fight watching their boon/condi bar, doing some quick mental math and just appropriately rotating resistance uptime and evades/blocks to sustain indefinitely. I've tried boon removal sigils which didn't help at all considering warrior's high stab uptime/cover boons. I've had fights where I dodged or avoided 5-6 FCs in a row (and about half of dagger f1s) and still was not capable of downing the SB or getting even close.


This is just as bad if not worse than diamond skin ele back in the day. It needs to be toned down or at least fixed into condi removal rather than high resistance up time.

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> @Kaga.7629 said:

> > @Chaith.8256 said:

> > Reaching very high levels of denial from Spellbreakers in this thread.

> > *- Straight up denial: "The Spellbreaker probably STOLE resistance from a player before the scene in the video, and stole resistance again during." Mental gymnastics at it's finest, how do warriors reliably "steal" resistance


> 1) i actually sat down and ran back the vid several times to analyse it. And the warrior clearly started the fight with 3-4 seconds of resistance before blowing Bezerker stance at second 5. He didn't produce it out of frikking thin air. it had to come from someone else.

> 2) Dagger f1 steals boons and full counter resets bursts cooldowns, so it is possible to steal boons, FC then steal again depending on adrenal levels. Sigils can also help.

> 3) Spellbreakers not using STR ? Now's who's in denial......







I'm on my phone so the formatting will be garbage, but I'll give it a shot.

EVERY mid-top-tier spellbreaker runs defense, discipline and spellbreaker. No one is running strength because warriors can't afford losing fast hands.


The video started with a newly proceed full counter. Not done imaginary 4th player that's supposed to be done holy beacon of resistance uptime just waiting to be stolen.


Get real homie.

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> @Kaga.7629 said:

> > @Chaith.8256 said:

> > Reaching very high levels of denial from Spellbreakers in this thread.

> > *- Straight up denial: "The Spellbreaker probably STOLE resistance from a player before the scene in the video, and stole resistance again during." Mental gymnastics at it's finest, how do warriors reliably "steal" resistance


> 1) i actually sat down and ran back the vid several times to analyse it. And the warrior clearly started the fight with 3-4 seconds of resistance before blowing Bezerker stance at second 5. He didn't produce it out of frikking thin air. it had to come from someone else.

> 2) Dagger f1 steals boons and full counter resets bursts cooldowns, so it is possible to steal boons, FC then steal again depending on adrenal levels. Sigils can also help.

> 3) Spellbreakers not using STR ? Now's who's in denial......







1.) It clearly came from Revenge counter. I think it's come to my attention that you aren't aware that Revenge Counter GM provides Resistance on trigger of FC. I'm not saying resistance comes from thin air, it doesn't mean claiming he stole it from a 4th player is a good conclusion.

2.) Breaching strike REMOVES boons. Not steals. I already told you there's no resistance to steal, even if he had Absorption sigil which he clearly doesn't.

3.) Virtually every single spellbreaker: Tactics for Fast Hands & Burst Mastery to lower CD of FC, Defense for Stab proc and Endure proc.


"Now who's in denial" lol, my sides.. you have been x-posed for not possessing basic knowledge of Spellbreaker, nice try tho "I sat down and analyzed the video several times!" Well go to metabattle.com and analyze the Spellbreaker conquest build would be my next suggestion

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> @Loop.8106 said:

> > @Kaga.7629 said:

> > > @Chaith.8256 said:

> > > Reaching very high levels of denial from Spellbreakers in this thread.

> > > *- Straight up denial: "The Spellbreaker probably STOLE resistance from a player before the scene in the video, and stole resistance again during." Mental gymnastics at it's finest, how do warriors reliably "steal" resistance

> >

> > 1) i actually sat down and ran back the vid several times to analyse it. And the warrior clearly started the fight with 3-4 seconds of resistance before blowing Bezerker stance at second 5. He didn't produce it out of frikking thin air. it had to come from someone else.

> > 2) Dagger f1 steals boons and full counter resets bursts cooldowns, so it is possible to steal boons, FC then steal again depending on adrenal levels. Sigils can also help.

> > 3) Spellbreakers not using STR ? Now's who's in denial......

> >

> I'm on my phone so the formatting will be garbage, but I'll give it a shot.

> EVERY mid-top-tier spellbreaker runs defense, discipline and spellbreaker. No one is running strength because warriors can't afford losing fast hands.


> The video started with a newly proceed full counter. Not done imaginary 4th player that's supposed to be done holy beacon of resistance uptime just waiting to be stolen.


> Get real homie.


The meta-Spellbreaker build does have too much access to resistance, but having that much resistance comes at a cost. It takes 2 utility skills and a 1 grandmaster trait to achieve it. That being said, it completely nullifies condition specs, which is unhealthy to the game and boring to play (which is why I don't run it).


I am in Platinum and run Strength, Discipline, Spellbreaker with Greatsword / Daggers. No shield. No stances. Might Makes Right and Magebane Tether for survivability. It counters the meta-Spellbreaker build pretty well, since your damage output is much higher and Dagger Burst is unblockable, and you can dodge pretty much all attacks. Sure, it is weak when you are fighting on a small point when there is more than 1 Scourge, but, then again, the focus is on sides and bursting down unsuspecting enemies.

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> > @Crinn.7864 said:

> > > @Hitman.5829 said:

> > > > @Mutaatti.2789 said:

> > > > > @Hitman.5829 said:

> > > > > How about you bring some boon removal sigils, traits, utilities instead of complaining about resistance. The condi spam is too much right now that resistance is a must for every class, heck I say Anet needs to do more and give more resistance to everyone because the condition spam is too much.

> > > > >

> > > > > You outman him 3 vs 1 and not a single one of you had boon removal sigils, traits, or utilities? Don't expect to go in PvP with out the right builds and win.

> > > >

> > > > boon removal? :D You mean that sigil which removes 2 boons? Yeah... Spellbreaker has only 2 boons to remove....

> > > > Exactly what are you so frightened dear warrior player? Anet should rework resistance. And warriors should have more condi removal, not condi ignoring skills. Like... yeah, every other class in this game.

> > > >

> > > > ps. Only scourge has condi removal/corruption that works against spellbreakers. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE playing PvP knows this. So where have you been?

> > >

> > > I did go to school and the last time I checked, 2x3 = 6 boons removed. That warrior would stand no chance if you had the right builds! Learn to play PUGS!

> > > In a team of 5, that is 2x5 = 10 boons removed. If you are complaining about trivial things like this, it just shows your level of ignorance about this game, it is a learn to play issue. Get good PUGS!

> >

> > Meta Spellbreaker generates the following boons

> >

> > might

> > retaliation

> > swiftness

> > vigor

> > stability

> > resistance

> > protection

> >

> > It is statistically unlikely for Sigil of Annulment or Sigil of Nullification to hit resistance, and if one of those sigils does manage to hit the resistance there is a decent chance the warrior will be able to reapply the resistance before critical damage is taken.


> Oh look, another Einstein wanna be, let me teach you a little bit of math. 2/7 = 29% chance that resistance will be removed. Did i hear it's statistically unlikely? Great scott, somebody skipped math class! Combine that with traits, utilities, and skills and you have a 100% chance of removing ALL boons. Not to mention necromencer's scepter auto attack removes 1 boon every second. If you have the right build, there should be no problem removing boons on warrior, but people don't like to spend time researching builds, instead they hope to win by simply pressing 11111 and equipping condition runes.


> My advice to the noobs is this: "Learn to play!"



29% is less than 1/3 of a chance to strip resistance. With how often its applied, and considering that condi builds literally **_have_** to get it stripped/corrupted in order to be effective at all against the enemy, less than 1/3 of a chance to strip it is, indeed, unlikely. Great scott, somebody doesn't understand what unlikely means!


The only 2 classes that can reliably strip/corrupt that many boons on an interval as frequently as SB can pump out resistance is Scourge and SB itself. So your solution to SB's huge access to resistance is to play 1 of the 2 most broken specs in the game right now? Somehow I'm not convinced that this is an argument in favor of not nerfing SB.....

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The same lame defense of OP stuff from some people. Boring! Really do you have no shame and think everyone is a dumb as you are? We all know SB is going to be nerfed tommorrow it is currently close to 40% of the classes in solo queue right now and vastly over-represented in ATs and we all know why that is. If it's not too good why are there so many of them? You don't have an answer to that and thats why you are all self interested frauds to continue to try defend SB as it currently is. The only question is will they nerf it enough. No, its not good for pvp when half the classes are scourge and spell breaker in every match. Its not a L2play issue at all its an op build issue.

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brannigan.9831, i doubt that nerfs will be that arsh :\ i dont see that as the way ANet has been working, game is made on heavy gimmicks to help non pvp'ers reach some rotations as being as efective on offensive as a pvper, like to shorten the gap between those 2 players, more ddamage output less skill required.

but i might be wrong ofc.

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> @chtiema.2870 said:

> As the I am the Warrior whose footage is being scrutinized, I can say this about the fight that was captured by the OP.....


> I should have killed all three as they were really bad and auto attacked into Full Counter at every opportunity.


Warrior logic: "I can get people to proc full counter, I deserve to win 1v3."


Here's something you may not have considered, every single pulsing ground AoE, channelled ability, A.I attack, these are all going to reliably proc your full counter anyway. So you've procced your full counter, if they didn't dodge, congrats on hitting an ability - do you think the average GW2 player feels entitled to go in and hit all their abilities and be rewarded with a 1v3 victory?


Jiminy cricket the entitlement of some ppl.

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> @chtiema.2870 said:

> As the I am the Warrior whose footage is being scrutinized, I can say this about the fight that was captured by the OP.....


> I should have killed all three as they were really bad and auto attacked into Full Counter at every opportunity.


Would you like to elaborate on why you were so much more skilled than these 3 really bad players? From what I saw it was basically you were just mashing random buttons and ignoring everything they did until your resistance finally wore off and you died.

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> @Crossaber.8934 said:

> A warrior with whatever amulet, must stay in melee range to be effective, and by class design choice, it is warrior's job.

> With now cc on the fly, condition spam cancer-meta, warrior are given pulsing stability and pulsing resistance allowing a warrior to do their job is a only choice Anet can do.

> I am not saying i am happy with this result, cc and condi spam should be changed in order to give breathing air for resistance and stability down tune. I want to see more diversity on warrior, less stability, less resistance as much as you do, but the current meta is not letting it happens.


/Sarcasm on


Hey, I play none FB guardian and surprise, I need to be in melee range to be effective!


Now I want access to 100% uptime resistance with high uptime on stability, and an 8 sec block that does AOE daze, good damage and copy 5 condis to everyone.




/Sarcasm off



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> @ArthurDent.9538 said:

> > @chtiema.2870 said:

> > As the I am the Warrior whose footage is being scrutinized, I can say this about the fight that was captured by the OP.....

> >

> > I should have killed all three as they were really bad and auto attacked into Full Counter at every opportunity.


> Would you like to elaborate on why you were so much more skilled than these 3 really bad players? From what I saw it was basically you were just mashing random buttons and ignoring everything they did until your resistance finally wore off and you died.


he was skilled enough to press F2 when he was getting hit.

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> @otto.5684 said:

> > @Crossaber.8934 said:

> > A warrior with whatever amulet, must stay in melee range to be effective, and by class design choice, it is warrior's job.

> > With now cc on the fly, condition spam cancer-meta, warrior are given pulsing stability and pulsing resistance allowing a warrior to do their job is a only choice Anet can do.

> > I am not saying i am happy with this result, cc and condi spam should be changed in order to give breathing air for resistance and stability down tune. I want to see more diversity on warrior, less stability, less resistance as much as you do, but the current meta is not letting it happens.


> /Sarcasm on


> Hey, I play none FB guardian and surprise, I need to be in melee range to be effective!


> Now I want access to 100% uptime resistance with high uptime on stability, and an 8 sec block that does AOE daze, good damage and copy 5 condis to everyone.


> Thanks


> /Sarcasm off


> Get TFO


I'd rather get unblockable daze ToF trap back, its recharge is 3x that of FC, so I think to balance things out, the daze should last 3x as long and do 12k damage.

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I am amazed that warrior mains are still defending this. This is the skill floor of dh so much worse that it's even viable at top pvp to stack it. If you ever complained about double guardian queues, you should be complaining about sb even more.


Also, i agree with chaith's suggestion about removing resistance from revenge counter and featherfoot grace and just having these skills remove condis instead.

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