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Favorite Path of Fire Map?


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> @LightningWolfTigerBear.6725 said:

> I like them all, but Highlands is definitely my favorite. Very diverse map, really enjoyed exploring it.



Basically this. It's not saying much considering my fanatical devotion to this game, but desert environments seemed least exciting to me. I feel more hyped about most every other spot on the map.

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Elon Riverlands - southern area only, with all the water and waterfalls. Beautiful tropical paradise, fun to fly around on the griffon or glide over with the skimmer - very therapeutic/relaxing.


Desert Highlands has some nice areas - particularly to the west - however the initial area is horrible desert and tbh the branded areas in Vabbi are more spectacular than the east of the Highlands.

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Regardless of the the map I voted for for its diverse environment, dopplegänger event, bone palace event etc...i would rather have had another option to vote for. Something like: "A favourite map? Why choose ? Every expansion maps are awesome looking, whether we talk about PoF or HoT"

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Highlands. I love the spires around the Springer Ranch, I love the Dwarven ruins, I love the epic frozen onion domes, the ghostly city in the sky, the Choya village, and just in general the extreme elevation differences. I love bits and pieces of the other maps too, but Highlands has it all.

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Desolation. I have fav spots in all maps, but this spot is the best one:

![1](https://i.imgur.com/vg3LlNC.jpg "")


Also the whole area reminds me of when I read fantasy novels, and u know when the hero gets cursed or something they have to travel to a forbidden barren land to find the cure, that's how i pictured those lands, like the Desolation. So while i was exploring the desolation, it gave me great pleasure cuz i feel like i'm living in those novels that i read about.


![2](https://i.imgur.com/Xk0mXFG.jpg "")


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Crystal Oasis: I really liked this place from the 1st time being there to any time I go there now. Minus one of my 1st encounters with the forged out of the story the 1st 2 or so days being in PoF, I really liked it here. The area is peaceful looking, at night it looks really awesome too.


Desert Highlands: I really like this area a bit, but... I wasn't a fan of the snow area much. Felt a bit too cluttered in a way, but other than that.. the area was really nice to be in. definite 3rd place in likes for me.


Elon Riverlands: This area isn't bad, but felt too much "Let's make Skimmer needed here! WE NEED IT TO BE USED A BIT HERE!"

While it's my fault minus the first few falls into quicksand, the whole sand/water situations was "alright", but I could've done without. I would've liked more rivers in Riverlands than puddles to walk in. Also didn't really like the Forged in this area a bit. 4th place in liking for me.


The Desolation: Might be my least liked area. The area seems like it's bit for "reasons", I don't like how to even get to the Jackal, the nearest waypoint isn't even near it like the other mounts (minus Griffon), and then how for certain times having to rely always going for a ride in the sulphur to get somewhere which is just zigzags the way there making certain trips longer than it should be. Of course, when I got Griffon it has gotten a bit better, but still not enjoyable. I also loathe the Forged Fortress here.

Not sure if I can add it to a place I like in Elonia.


Domain of Vabbi: 75% liked it. It would've been a 50/50 split as I just don't like the east side of the map. It feels too limiting as I can't really explore it well or in the way I would want. I need to either be on Skimmer for the majority of the time, travel to certain points with Griffon to make it a bit faster, or button masher to switch between mounts in between getting shocked from the sky. That's one area I will never go to willingly due to the fury in that east spot.

BUT AS I SAID it would've been 50/50... but the reason I like the area as a whole 25% more than expected no matter of that Branded Fury area? The atmosphere/NPCs/dialogues/hearts.

Yes... I have a huge fascination with the dead and a lot of the interactions with the Awakened, the announcements over the loudspeakers, the hearts (especially the one that made me take down the forged by taking orders from a corpse with a paper pinned to it... and I made damn sure even if I didn't need to sell anything I had to go back to that corpse to see if the paper changed... AND IT DID), the stupid drunken Nor... I mean Bear. It might've been drunk... I don't know because I don't speak Bear. And much much more.

I would say this was my top fave map out of all of them just from my experience on the map and of course how I'm perfectly fine going back there, but of course that Branded Fury kind of kills off me enjoying the entire area as a whole like I can with Oasis.

With that, I have to put it in my 2nd place spot.


Crystal Oasis wins.

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Desert Highlands is just so diverse it feels much "more" (and I love alpine terrain). Probably my favourite map in the game overall, closely followed by Gendarran Fields


Crystal Oasis is pretty good as far as a introductory maps go. Beautiful terrain, heavy Nightfall-vibes and Amnoon is great!


With Elon Riverlands I was stoked to see Augury Rock, and the southern areas along the river are very beautiful. The rest was kinda lackluster.


Desolation was pretty much what I expected, a hostile hellscape on Tyria. Good enviromental design, but not my cup of tea.


The branded areas in Domain of Vabbi are SPECTACULAR visually speaking, as beautiful as it is dangerous. the Garden of Seborhin is pretty good too; I kinda wish they made it into a proper hub with a gate and crafting stations ala Ebonhawke. The rest didn't stand out to me.

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I think my favourite is going to be the Elon Riverlands because it reminds me the most of GW1 Elona. It's got plantations, the sands, and a slimmer of the desolation and now the brand. it's the map with the most variety.

For some reason I don't like the Desolation as much. I mean, it's an okay map, but in GW1 you had this sense of danger all around, and you couldn't survive without the Junundu wurms. There were cragged titans walking all over the place (huge beasts, not the actual species titan) and it was just plain dangerous. In GW2 the desolation may actually be the safest place outside the Grove

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* Any of above: every map includes some fantastically gorgeous sights. Every map has some delightful side story. Each includes some fun events.

* None of above: each also has a couple of awfully tedious hearts, mobs so frustrating a bald person would find hair to pull out, and some completely annoying pathing issues.


Overall, though, I think that the PoF maps are the most consistently amazing/fun among all the regions in the game to date. I think it shows just how much ANet has evolved since 2012.

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