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What would make PvP super fun and competitive?


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* Reduce power creep by nerfing HoT and PoF traits or benefits - particularly defensive ones. Also target the power creep which has occurred in core since HoT.

* Further reduce power creep by removing the 4-stat amulets; cap total stats at those of a 3-stat amulet and allow better stat customization (so you can still have 4 or 5 stats, but the total is less).

* Remove traits which cover for bad gameplay e.g. automatically cancelling a CC (cast a stun break when disabled).

* Prune traits which apply CC or instant damage as a proc. Increase the power of weapon abilities and utilities to compensate.


**PvP Systems**

* Ignore solo queue whiners; they'll always make excuses for losing. Ranked should be 1-5 player groups like it used to be when the old solo queue failed. ATs are not a solution.

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For those unaware, Dota has a system in place where if people don't load in at the start of the game, the match doesn't start. Also if someone disconnects, and doesn't reconnect within 5 minutes then the game becomes safe to leave (no deserter penalty), and you don't lose MMR (elo). Oh also it has something called Low Priority Queue, where if you leave games a lot you get put in that, with all the other people who leave games a lot.


Why doesn't gw2 have any of this? I've been asking myself that question for over a year.

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I have the solution even with the skills at the current spot with no balance required.


Anything i mean anything but conq circle dancing boring zzz ZZZ zzz pvp. King of the hill, TDM, cap the flag, a new stronghold, anything new.


And you fix pvp. Or hell give a choice for ranked play to do any of the 3. Conq , SH, or TDM so conq can finally just die off from how it killed ESL and any chance gw2 had at competitive pvp

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> @shadowpass.4236 said:

> For those unaware, Dota has a system in place where if people don't load in at the start of the game, the match doesn't start. Also if someone disconnects, and doesn't reconnect within 5 minutes then the game becomes safe to leave (no deserter penalty), and you don't lose MMR (elo). Oh also it has something called Low Priority Queue, where if you leave games a lot you get put in that, with all the other people who leave games a lot.


> Why doesn't gw2 have any of this? I've been asking myself that question for over a year.


Yeah Smite and Failagon in mean Paragon, has a very close system as while.

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Super fun: Add modes like GW1 FA and JQ. Possibly an urf-type mode where everyone has access to all their traitlines (only 1 espec) and let the fireworks go to see who makes the most op build

Super competitive: Remove covers for bad gameplay and rebalance/redesign a ton of stuff with a high end competitive focus in mind (better matchmaking, better balance, better design on points/maps, etc.)

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Autoattacks homogenized across weapon types; auto damage nerfed; conditions removed from all autos

Weapons reworked to include at least one free-form movement skill and one CC skill respectively.

Weapons employ more ammo system options to avoid reliance on autoattacks and provide more repositioning and counterplay options.

Everybody gets initiative; skills drop cooldowns or see cooldown reductions (balance on a skill-by-skill basis).

Weapons merged together or removed; current options re-worked or compacted down into no more than 3 VERY FUNCTIONAL full-bar options per profession.

No more weapon swap.

Self-healing normalized across all classes (Dark Souls Estus scenario).

Elite skill slot removed and replaced with a locked-in stun break slot featuring a pool of a given profession's stun break options.

Elite skills removed outright or nerfed/changed to a point at which they just fit in as regular utilities.

Stability, resistance, regeneration, retaliation, quickness, slow, taunt, torment, swiftness all removed from the game.

Base player movement speed increased to 133%. Superspeed takes over as the only speed boost mechanic and remains in short bursts.

CC, conditions and perfect damage negation all heavily culled. CC skills no longer allowed to deal huge damage.

Core traits compacted into a single line per profession. Players can now only have one trait line equipped at a time.


Profession skills are a whole other swamp, but those things alone would make the game a lot more tolerable and legible. You'd probably see a lot less new players asking what in high heaven's name killed them from off-screen in 2.5 seconds.

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PvP-only balance patch every 2 weeks, in hands of a dedicated pvp team.

Not class balance team that needs to worry about all 3 gamemodes, but the team that currently can only changes amulets (last I check).


Doesn't have to be massive changes, and if done wrong just revert it in 2 weeks.

In the long run frequent changes means at least we can get a better future.

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Nothing, and I'm not joking.

To be fun and competitive, a game should be balanced by a dedicated team who listen to the pro players and their proposals to improve what they're playing.

Right now we don't have a dedicated balance team, even the balance patch aren't so frequent and we literally have a COUPLE of pro players in the whole PvP scene, so what's the point with a 5 years old MMO?


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There are plenty of little things, which would make game much more competitive and more enjoyable in general:


1) Small frequent balance patches (so you can avoid overnerfing and overbuffing stuff this way, so season isn't broken for multiple months);

2) Remove/rework passive procs, e.g. instead of current Lesser Endure Pain, replace it with following trait "When your Endure Pain ends/or when you use Shake it Off/Imminent Threat(SB)/Outrage(Berserker)/Sygnet of Dolyak/Bull's Charge you gain Barrier equal to your Toughness, Vitality and Healing Power +1000 - this trait can't be triggered more than once every 30 seconds" (numbers are dummy values).

3) Make Torment and Confusion trigger in PvP only when action is taken, so they could work again as soft disabling conditions.

4) Either rework resistance or greatly reduce its uptime, probably replace resistance on some skills with cleanses, because currently it disables way too many skills and entire builds on its own;

5) Add voice command system (you could even sell different voices for gems, Smite and Paladins do that, and people buy them), e.g.:

num 1-3 = incoming far/close/mid, num 4-6 = far/close/mid needs help, num 7-9 = far/close/mid okay, num 0 - woohoo/gg/etc, with mute option obviously for players who spam it for sake of spamming.

6) Add more Quaggans around, so Quaggan wouldn't feel so lonely.


Edit (Quaggan forgot about it, but it's really important):


7) Quaggan would do one of following

a) Nerf Scrouge -and- Mirage condi damage;


b) Make conditions affected by toughness, weakness and protection and buff underperforming condi builds (non-Scrouge, non-Mirage);


c) Reduce +condition damage across all amulets (well, maybe Viper, Wanderer and Celestial are fine) and compensate with other stats to enforce hybrid builds then buff here and there underperforming stuff after.

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Letting the poor wee mm algorithm do it's thing of course!


But it can't right now. It's really trying though and does have some success. Better players do end up at the top. Lesser one's do sink to the bottom.


Wipe the mmr slate clean and there has to be a period of chaos at the beginning, followed by volatility and then an eventual settling. It's just maths. That's not MM fault.


Even in the relative settled periods, with the cream at the top and the crud at the bottom, there is still too many volatile, or not fun, matchups. Why is this?


Therein lies the problem. What is making it so?


For one, people who aren't there to try. Just wanting the loot. Sitting in spawn, spamming chat. No algorithm can keep them out. Threating them with dishonour is no real threat. They don't care. A punishment has to hurt to work. 0% drop rate and reward track gain in all game modes for a while might encourage them to try a bit harder though or not bother at all.


Too many variables cant help either. Sorry but duos don't help our wee mm friend. Static teams of 5 would let her breath though. Or pure solo. Mixing them together though is just cruel to our little match maker.


Forcing sweet MM to try and balance teams and then letting everyone change their class at the last minute anyway is tantamount to abuse. Poor poor MM, why do they hurt you so?


But in the end, the real culprit, the great evil, is asking you to do something you were never born to do. You, dear mm, are there to sort us out by how often we win and how often we lose. How can you do this with your hands tied behind your back and expected to make this happen with the same queue times for all. Lunacy it is! Heresy no less. Throw too wide a net and you'll end up with all sorts of things you never meant to catch.


But things could be done to help our good friend. There is more than one approach.

Expecting people to conform to an ideal of a perfect pvp'er by their own volition is certainly not one of them.

Chasing the mythical beast called Balance will not likely change a single thing either.

Having more game modes or even more and more players still doesn't help our wee pall MM if all the same handicaps are still placed upon it.


One idea of many, I thought of while writing this would be to change,


Ranked to pre made teams of 5 against pre made teams of 5 only with the best most prestigious rewards. A LFG tool could also be used in this to some degree with conditions.

Unranked becomes two;

Quick play, which is pure soloQ only with rewards,


Free for All, what unranked is now.

But the problems put on good old MM would still need lessened first.


To my dear friend MM,

all the best and much love from me




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Ok ok my cents:

1. Remove rewards from ranked. Should play for glory not pve rewards. Would reduce amount of loot hunters and pve scrubs.

2. Conquest: make it round based, 2 of 3 is a win, no interrupts between rounds just points start from zero;

2.1 Round 3 could be treb/lord/skyhammer etc. only with one point to brawl.

Now sometimes if it is a wipe in mid at start, some go afk or desperate and just give up. Or you see some not pvp focused builds for killing mobs and it is basically done for your team BUT it would be different if at lets say round 3 the pve dudes power to kill Lord would be an advantage.

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> @Swagg.9236 said:

> Autoattacks homogenized across weapon types; auto damage nerfed; conditions removed from all autos

> Weapons reworked to include at least one free-form movement skill and one CC skill respectively.

> Weapons employ more ammo system options to avoid reliance on autoattacks and provide more repositioning and counterplay options.

> Everybody gets initiative; skills drop cooldowns or see cooldown reductions (balance on a skill-by-skill basis).

> Weapons merged together or removed; current options re-worked or compacted down into no more than 3 VERY FUNCTIONAL full-bar options per profession.

> No more weapon swap.

> Self-healing normalized across all classes (Dark Souls Estus scenario).

> Elite skill slot removed and replaced with a locked-in stun break slot featuring a pool of a given profession's stun break options.

> Elite skills removed outright or nerfed/changed to a point at which they just fit in as regular utilities.

> Stability, resistance, regeneration, retaliation, quickness, slow, taunt, torment, swiftness all removed from the game.

> Base player movement speed increased to 133%. Superspeed takes over as the only speed boost mechanic and remains in short bursts.

> CC, conditions and perfect damage negation all heavily culled. CC skills no longer allowed to deal huge damage.

> Core traits compacted into a single line per profession. Players can now only have one trait line equipped at a time.


> Profession skills are a whole other swamp, but those things alone would make the game a lot more tolerable and legible. You'd probably see a lot less new players asking what in high heaven's name killed them from off-screen in 2.5 seconds.


And I want afking in the free for all arena to give me $30/hr

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super fun- bring back team que in ranked---nothing will ever be more fun then playing with friends.


competitive - would require huge amounts of balance that we will never get... honestly just go the fun route...this game is never gonna be a good competitive outlet ...if you want a competitive mode in gw2 tournys are already a thing.


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> @Abelisk.4527 said:

> Hotjoin servers need more flavor. Having an option to disable HoT/PoF specs, random/custom "effects" similar to Mistlock Instabilities for example.


> A ton of build diversity without certain builds being far too powerful.


> New game modes.


Or two-lines-only builds to cut insane synergy

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> @Nova.3817 said:

> super fun- bring back team que in ranked---nothing will ever be more fun then playing with friends.


> competitive - would require huge amounts of balance that we will never get... honestly just go the fun route...this game is never gonna be a good competitive outlet ...if you want a competitive mode in gw2 tournys are already a thing.



1. Why is team q in unranked not fun then if it's just about playing with friends?


2. Only if ppl don't have equal access to the '(un)balance' would it cease to be competitive. You can't bring a pea shooter to a gun fight and expect to win.

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