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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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I'm here to say, that I'm agree.

I would gladly buy one skin for each mount for 400 gem each if it would be my choice what I buy. it would still be 2000 gem. And I would happily buy the gems for money.

But this way? What would I do with all the skins I don't care about and won't use them?

At least if you could sell the skins on TP... or Buy the skins from someone else through TP... (like the RNG stuff from black lionchest?)

I'm sad.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The licenses only work on the 30 released as part of the pack. They don't include spooky or Warhound.


They do, however, include skins for mounts that you don't own.


So you can end up with a Griffon skin eventhough you never paid the 250g required to unlock it, lulz.


The deeper you go down the rabbit hole, the worse it gets, doesn't it?

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I'm one of those no lifers that drops big money each payday on GW2. Out of slight embarrassment I won't mention the amount i've dropped since release but it's a lot to say the least.

Anet, I still have some faith in you to come around. You are usually very good about communication with the community and making changes based on feedback. But I need to ask...


Did you really think players would be okay with this? I mean I know you guys had meeting discussing this before it's implementation. Did anyone ever bring up...


"Do you think the majority players will be okay with this?"

"Are you sure this doesn't seem like we're taking advantage of their support?"

"Is this addition going to make the game better for the community or worse?"


I'm personally struggling to understand why you guys choose to go in this direction. If find it difficult that you would choose to go with this kind of marketing knowing your reputation for not wanting to be apart of the norm. Instead of being a WoW copy cat, you chose to try to be your own game. Instead of trying to take the ideas of other games in the genre you tried to come up with your own, very unique way. Your mounts are like nothing else any other game has to offer, no just a mere speed boost but unique and adds to core gameplay.


What changed Anet? Why Are you suddenly turning away from your core defining unique gameplay philosophies to follow this Lootbox Trend? You were so much better than that. What happened?

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> @Randulf.7614 said:

> overwhelming feedback has been against such methods.


I dislike the gamble, but I am pretty sure that the overwhelming feedback has been FOR such methods.


Every time someone purchases a key to gamble on a BLC, they are telling ANet to keep going with this approach to monetization. Thousands upon thousands of pieces of feedback from people demonstrating a willingness to spend money trumps complaints on a forum.




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After 5 years of people constantly telling them what they want, instead of listening and earning way more money, they choose to do this nonsense.

This move is disrespectful to their whole playerbase and I'd assume they have lots of new players coming with POF so it's really good that they show them how they don't listen nor care what their players ask for.

I understand they gotta earn money, but as i said, give players what they want and they would 100% be glad to buy and support the company. Many will not care to buy gems after this and if things like these continue.


And I saw data-mined stuff. There are 10 or so town clothes outfits so I hope they won't do this RNG nonsense with those too.

If this continues, I hope I don't like anything new on gemstore in the future otherwise I'll have to sell my kidney.

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There's a great article from Kotaku about loot boxes, [here](https://kotaku.com/loot-boxes-are-designed-to-exploit-us-1819457592).


This feels like ArenaNet is testing the waters to see what they can get away with. Both by offering RNG mount skins and by offering a single one for 2.000 gems. If those sell, expect to see a lot more of the same strategy on the Gem Store. If they don't sell, maybe we'll get a less exploitative system.


The best thing we can do right now is probably vote with our wallets and make our feedback be heard wherever possible.

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> > @Randulf.7614 said:

> > overwhelming feedback has been against such methods.


> I dislike the gamble, but I am pretty sure that the overwhelming feedback has been FOR such methods.


> Every time someone purchases a key to gamble on a BLC, they are telling ANet to keep going with this approach to monetization. Thousands upon thousands of pieces of feedback from people demonstrating a willingness to spend money trumps complaints on a forum.


> Sigh.



They probably just took a look on Steam's Best-Sellers List where games like Shadow of War and the new CoD are still sitting pretty at the top, despite having gambling-loot boxes in fully-priced AAA titles.


I'm way beyond the point where I hate the majority of fellow gamers by now.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > The licenses only work on the 30 released as part of the pack. They don't include spooky or Warhound.


> They do, however, include skins for mounts that you don't own.

It hardly matters for the the core mounts, since it's reasonable to expect everyone with PoF will acquire them (or at least, anyone spending on an RNG skin).


> So you can end up with a Griffon skin eventhough you never paid the 250g required to unlock it, lulz.

That's odd, of course. I'm willing to bet that if you got a griffon skin, without it unlocked, ANet Support would be able to help you out.



> The deeper you go down the rabbit hole, the worse it gets, doesn't it?

No, not really.

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I don't think anything has changed. ArenaNet knows people are willing to accept loot boxes - the Black Lion Chests have been in the game since release, and not only you don't see people complaining about them, they also sell. A lot, based on how often ArenaNet updates them.


It was the fact players were willing to accept loot boxes that allowed ArenaNet to push the concept further with the RNG mount skins. Unless players vote with their wallets and give strong feedback about this, ArenaNet will not stop.

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I was both excited and saddened by today's release. Let me say first I understand that part of the burden of the gemstore is to offset the costs of adding content that the players aren't charged for (i.e. Living World Episodes) I have spent a lot of gems in the store happily with the notion I am helping support a game that has given me years of entertainment. When I saw all the mounts I was really excited, the idea that as I got bored of a certain skin I could look forward to updating or personalizing the mounts to specific characters. Then as I read on, the discovery that the skins would be rng, my heart dropped. While I understand the cold logic of it ( group of skins with a small number being most desirable with less desired filling out the drops to keep folks coming back) It saddens me.


I am keen to point out that while I think the price of the reforged hound skin is a bit absurd it strikes me as a prestige item, I don't have any issue with individual skins costing 400 gems. What I take issue with is the rng that means I won't be able to buy the skins I most want as I want them. We have seen changes to the black lion chests little by little to make them more desirable to the players with special items being locked behind rng. Most of the items were returning from old sales, or available in other ways and I felt that struck a fair compromise. This latest move feels predatory and makes me concerned what will come next.

To reiterate, I have no issue with the skins existence or their price, only the fact that we have no control over what we get. If we could earn these certificates in game much as we can with black lion chest keys, again I would have fewer issues. As it stands these items are only available for actual money and take the choice away from the consumer.

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Actually, I'm 110% convinced that the success of games like Shadow of War - AAA-priced titles with a loot box gambling system in them - embolden Anet to expand their gambling within the Gemstore as well.


I mean, Shadow of War took crap from every single direction for their loot boxes yet the game sat pretty on Steam's Best Sellers-list.

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Up until now everything in this game could be obtained just by playing the game, not even having to farm for long periods of time. That's one of the things GW2 has had over not just every MMO, but every game that has micro-transactions. You had the ability to pay once and get what you want. With this loot box system you're going to spend your real money many times on the CHANCE that you might get the skin you like. How many times is it going to be? 4 times? 10 times? more than that? $120 dollars? This wouldn't be bad if you could pay once, take your 400 gems, grab the skin you want and off you go... but no. You had to put this garbage in a perfectly good game that had a respectful micro-transaction system. Please take this system out ANET. If there are players who have paid for multiple individual adoption mounts, give them two options: You can pick whatever skin you want for as many individual mount licences that you bought OR choose to have you money refunded and the skins you didn't want become locked. For the people who bought the whole friggin thing, that will just depend on whether or not they want anything refunded.


I know that there are going to be people who jump on this as an opportunity for pro-active shenanigans. Flaming, being needlessly rude to ANET and it's employees, etc... I really like this game and as an MMO, this is my home. I want people who don't like this adoption mount system to be pro-active about voicing their opinion, but please(please) don't take the potential for making a change and ruin by being vile. If they want to make money off of mount skins that's absolutely fine. But not with this poisonous, loot box, gambling system. Give people a choice to choose the skins they want.

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I am considering getting the full mount pack, but its a hard choice. Its a huge amount of money and, while I could afford it, its still enough to make me pause. What really got me, however, was that I cant actually buy that many gems in a single transaction - the gemstore only goes up to 8000, so I`d have to get an 8000 and a 1600. That in itself feels bad - anet is literally breaking its own bank in making a gem cost that's too large to actually purchase outright.


I could be swayed if there was something else in that bundle. Even a daft title to show people I went out and went all silly with money (Mount Connoisseur or something). In MechWarrior online they sold stupidly overpriced golden "robots" and even today those are spoken about with mixture of horror/reverence. As it is though, getting the full pack gives me choice, but it doesn't give me anything over someone who got lucky and paid very little for the mounts they are using.


The pack, oddly, isn't even the status purchase as that goes to the reforged warhound. Why not give that mount to those who get the pack, or something similar like a fancy backpiece?


If I am going to pay 102 pounds sterling all at once - which is effectively like buying 4 path of fire accounts - then there should be something else. Alternatively, sell the pack for 8000 gems, which is the largest single amount of gems that can be purchased on the store. Even that is still a great deal of money.

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> > @Randulf.7614 said:

> > overwhelming feedback has been against such methods.


> I dislike the gamble, but I am pretty sure that the overwhelming feedback has been FOR such methods.


> Every time someone purchases a key to gamble on a BLC, they are telling ANet to keep going with this approach to monetization. Thousands upon thousands of pieces of feedback from people demonstrating a willingness to spend money trumps complaints on a forum.


> Sigh.



True. Doesn't help when players buy 200 keys for the sake of "research"

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @Squee.7829 said:

> > Is everyone just mad that they're being so blatant about it?


> People are not mad about the skins being premium content, no.


> People are mad because they were implemented as a form of gambling.


> Had you been able to pay 400 Gems for each skin - knowing full well which skin you are getting - it would be business as usual.




Ohhh. That makes sense. Hopefully they fix that.

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