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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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Have arenanet not paid attention to the state of the masters of RNG RMT?

Approximetly 80% of all korean mmo's that die out die out due to the RNG factor on items purchased for real money, since most players don't want (or can't afford) to gamble real money.

I wanted 1 skin, but i am not paying up to 9600 gems for it.

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Have arenanet not paid attention to the state of the masters of RNG RMT?

Approximetly 80% of all korean mmo's that die out die out due to the RNG factor on items purchased for real money, since most players don't want (or can't afford) to gamble real money.

I wanted 1 skin, but i am not paying up to 12000 gems for it.

or 9600 gems straight away to ensure i get it.

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I think with the recent loot box issues it's almost jumping on the bandwagon, but it's not good, the game does not support the system. Lootboxes work in Overwatch because you can actually get the specific skins you want over time, and a chance at them literally just by playing the game. Not only that, you get them fairly frequent through average play (not like one to three months of grinding). It's quite honestly the only game where lootboxes work.


The problem with GW2's is that you have to pay for them, I don't consider gold to gems a viable option for the _"average"_ playerbase.


When your gem store starts being more expensive than other subscription MMOs, people are going to call attention to it. You've crafted a great game but you're not giving your playerbase a decent way to support the actual game.


I have two options::

Don't pay, play long enough to get gold.

Pay outrageous prices or practices that don't respect me as a potential customer.


Your expansions are now becoming cheaper than your gem store, just think about that. Mount skins are worth more than all of PoF.


I think you guys need to look up the definition of micro transaction again because honestly season passes for AAA games are becoming cheaper than what's being asked to support his game.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Btw it's like the spooky bundle.

> 9600 gems for 30 skins

> 400 gem for 1 skin


> 10k gems for all 31 skins.


> 322 gems per skin.


> Spooky bundle was 320 x skin.


> Everything is fair.


The problem isn't the price - it's the fact that you don't get to choose which skin you want. If you want all of them then yes, it's a fair price. But if you want anything less than every single skin included you run the risk of spending 322 gems for a skin you'll never use and having to pay another 322-400 gems for the one you want. That is the issue here.


If when you double clicked the Adoption Licence you were given a list of all the mount skins and could choose the one you wanted then none of us would be here complaining because we could buy the ones we wanted without wasting money on ones we don't want.


If they grouped them into packs of 5 (1 for each mount) and sold each pack for 2000 gems per pack like the Spooky Mounts then far fewer people would be complaining because you could choose the pack/s you liked best and buy just those skins and the only problem would be if you only liked 1 or 2 skins in a pack.


But they didn't do either of those. Instead they decided to make us pay out for a random chance at the skins we want, knowing perfectly well most people will get ones they don't want first and end up paying far more than they would have otherwise to get the one they wanted originally. (In fact I wouldn't be surprised if, like Black Lion Chests, the odds on these are weighted so you've got far more chance of getting a 'dull' skin like the Coastal Spiketail or Bright Ringfin which are barely distinguishable from the default mounts and highly unlikely to get the ones with special effects until you've unlocked most of the others.)

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > Btw it's like the spooky bundle.

> > 9600 gems for 30 skins

> > 400 gem for 1 skin

> >

> > 10k gems for all 31 skins.

> >

> > 322 gems per skin.

> >

> > Spooky bundle was 320 x skin.

> >

> > Everything is fair.


> The problem isn't the price - it's the fact that you don't get to choose which skin you want. If you want all of them then yes, it's a fair price. But if you want anything less than every single skin included you run the risk of spending 322 gems for a skin you'll never use and having to pay another 322-400 gems for the one you want. That is the issue here.


> If when you double clicked the Adoption Licence you were given a list of all the mount skins and could choose the one you wanted then none of us would be here complaining because we could buy the ones we wanted without wasting money on ones we don't want.


> If they grouped them into packs of 5 (1 for each mount) and sold each pack for 2000 gems per pack like the Spooky Mounts then far fewer people would be complaining because you could choose the pack/s you liked best and buy just those skins and the only problem would be if you only liked 1 or 2 skins in a pack.


> But they didn't do either of those. Instead they decided to make us pay out for a random chance at the skins we want, knowing perfectly well most people will get ones they don't want first and end up paying far more than they would have otherwise to get the one they wanted originally. (In fact I wouldn't be surprised if, like Black Lion Chests, the odds on these are weighted so you've got far more chance of getting a 'dull' skin like the Coastal Spiketail or Bright Ringfin which are barely distinguishable from the default mounts and highly unlikely to get the ones with special effects until you've unlocked most of the others.)


That's what I am scared of. I bet it's like that.

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> @Ubi.4136 said:

> I imagine movie theaters will go RNG soon too. Your movie tonight will be $16 for 2 adults...maybe if you're lucky you'll get to watch the movie you want, and if you're really lucky you will even end up in the same theater. If not, you can always tell each other afterwards about what you saw.


They'll call it "Quantum Cinema".


Come to think of it, this is all about the breakdown of determinism. We don't get to choose what we get, the superposition resolves without our control.


What a horrible thought.

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This is far from being "The Line". This game has sold Black Lion keys for RNG lootboxes since launch, and people paid for them. This game has sold random dye packs and people have paid for them too. This game has also sold random packs of miniatures and, guess what? Yup, people paid for them. Since launch this game has sold random stuff, including non-cosmetic stuff in the Black Lion chests. There is nothing new here. No matter which side of the debate you're on, it's pretty clear that there's a significant portion of the GW2 player base that is happy enough to pay for random loot.

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i paid a lot of money in the last 5 years, i bought a lot of BLC keys (im not a key farmer) and for the last 5 years i've never got anything good from those BLC.

i bought 4k gems from PoF + extra 8k gems, and i spend it all on Keys and spooky mount skins.

im happy to support anet, but i will not support gambling (RNG).

that last 8k gems shall be my last purchase from anet, im done.


PS. something wrong with my connection, i think it post it twice?


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> @Dino.3680 said:

> Have arenanet not paid attention to the state of the masters of RNG RMT?

> Approximetly 80% of all korean mmo's that die out die out due to the RNG factor on items purchased for real money, since most players don't want (or can't afford) to gamble real money.

> I wanted 1 skin, but i am not paying up to 12000 gems for it.

> or 9600 gems straight away to ensure i get it.


You don't have to use real money. You can farm it, it takes time sure but no more than farming for precursors or other stuff (that you can also get with real money)

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I'll definetly be boycotting the store until a change is made, I've spent insane amounts of money on the game so far, but even my reckless spending habits are going "wait a minute what the kitten is this *chocolate*?!". I was really excited for all the mount skins but I will not be supporting gambling hidden behind a facade, which pray on children, people that are not good at restraint and people who are actually affected by Ludomani.

Anet were able and willing to sell gliding skins to us without hiding them behind rng, why is this so different?

Don't become the Activision, Ubisoft, EA monster of mmo's, Anet.

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I would have gotten at least 4 of the skins... (In time probably all of them because I am a collector by heart) But I am not interested in RNG and I refuse to support it. For the same reason I will never pay for a black lion key.) I am not going to pay for skins that I do not want... I would have gotten at least 4 of the skins... But I am not interested in RNG. I am not going to pay for skins that I do not want...


> @Danikat.8537 said:

> To be fair this is not new for GW2. Black Lion Chests are much the same and have been in the game since launch and special themed loot boxes where the drops are account bound and so cannot be obtained without gambling have been in the game periodically since Wintersday 2012 when the [Wintersday Mystery Box](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wintersday_Mystery_Box "Wintersday Mystery Box") was added. (Note: the mini pets pages now say they're tradable but that wasn't the case until years later.)


> It is however extremely disappointing, if entirely unsurprising, to see them doing it all over again and with something so many people were looking forward to.


> We were off to a great start with 5 kinds of mounts being obtained in-game and with the first set of skins sold as a direct sale (the only annoyance being that you had to buy them all together). That makes it even more of a let-down when they decide to add gambling to the process.


What were in the black lion boxes were never as anticipated, as useful nor as wanted as this. The things that were, was never account bound on acquire. Only the mini pets was an issue, and the mini pets were never that big of a deal.

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