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The "Money Where Your Mouth Is" Challenge

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I had the idea that the skins, individually sold, should be priced as follows:


* 200 gems for simple dye-area-changes

* 400 gems for for new skins with no particle fx (which aren't just moved dye areas!)

* 600 gems for model changes (some minimal ones should be 400, but thinking the jackalope here)

* 800 gems for particle fx

* 1200-1600 gems for fully new models, I think the 2000 is a bit prohibitive here, but then I don't truly know the workload of creating it, so this post is mostly about the above.


I would with that spend 1600 gems: I want the sparkly skimmer, the jackalope, and one of the dye-changes of the raptor.


At present I bought: **nothing**

I intend to buy: **nothing**


ANet if you want my money, sell me something!

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> @"Raeysa Penrose.8450" said:

> oh and if the mount skins are priced at more the 800-1600 range but rng is removed, i'll buy every single one i actually like (which is like, half at least lmao). i don't have the money to get all 30 at that price point all in one go, even to prove a point


A backpack glider combo is 700 gems. Most single gliders seem to be priced at 500 gems. Why are people so gung-ho on pushing a massive price increase as an rng trade-off? 500-700 gems is enough, no need to go full 1600. The new forged ram mount for 2k is obviously a special case due to the unique model, but I think even 800 gems for a slightly differently patterned skimmer (for example) is a ridiculous proposal.

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> @Mackanstein.2503 said:

> > @"Raeysa Penrose.8450" said:

> > oh and if the mount skins are priced at more the 800-1600 range but rng is removed, i'll buy every single one i actually like (which is like, half at least lmao). i don't have the money to get all 30 at that price point all in one go, even to prove a point


> A backpack glider combo is 700 gems. Most single gliders seem to be priced at 500 gems. Why are people so gung-ho on pushing a massive price increase as an rng trade-off? 500-700 gems is enough, no need to go full 1600. The new forged ram mount for 2k is obviously a special case due to the unique model, but I think even 800 gems for a slightly differently patterned skimmer (for example) is a ridiculous proposal.


Well, to be honest... 2000 gems buys you a Unique COSTUME with particle effects and 4 dye channels, a Glider skin, a back skin, 5 dyes, and a total makeover kit. So, no, changing a in-game mount model a bit to sell a mount shouldn't really go for that much. I mean 2000 gems is almost the full price of the expansion.

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I think the OP's key phrase is "because I wanted it, I bought it," referring to the Reforged Warhound skin. He had the gems/money so why not? Isn't that what this game is supposed to be about, decking out your characters to look the way you want? I have bought things in the GS that I'm positive are absolutely useless and ridiculous to others -- the Quaggan hat, the Quaggan mail carrier (silliest thing ever, but it makes me smile every time..... Coo !), some of the outfits.


If the mount skins become choose-able at 300-500 gems per, I'll buy probably 3-4 of them, but as it is I'm buying none. There is no way I'm spending over $100 to get the ones I want.

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The Shakal one looks really sick, but my Asura and my springer have to stick together, because... we have both huge ears. And the Jerry Springer skins are too gaudy for a thief, so I gotta pass on that one... ~~(The noble count outfit though...)~~


Apart from the fact you can't buy them individually, I also think it is the wrong decision to have such a big pool of possible results.

The funny thing (actually, it's not funny at all) is that a couple of weeks before, I tried to gamble a special skin in League of Legends. There are the Myster Skins, which gives you a random skin for one of you champions (-> Characters) you own. I was fine, because I had created a one trick pony account with only that particular champ on it. Guess what: When you reach the limit of 10 unowned skins, the shop won't let you open more. Read as: You still have to be **AT BEST** at a chance of a mere 10% to get it. You are then forced to buy another hero - which increases the available skins and thus narrowing the chances again. That's the same stupid BS.


Here, in GW2, it's, far less... On a side note: A guy said about "gambling for a particular skin" in LoL: "Don't do it, it's insane". This quote applies 100% here...

I found it hard to charge €38 in Gems to buy my sniper rifle from the Trading Post, but as full-time Deadeye, there was no doubt and I literally woke up in the morning and yelled "I AM DOING IT". But man, my brain really much fights and wins over my heart here and says N Ö P E!



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I find this business model to be problematic if it continues. But for now, I've just shrugged and assumed that this was not an offer aimed towards me; it's aimed towards whales, whose purchase habits will finance my continued enjoyment of the game.


So live and let live, I suppose.

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my friend really want that wild magic backpack, he tossed 178 +25 and still havent got it yet.

he was crying on LA map chat and some random guy said he got his wild magic glider this morning with 1 BL key.

8400 gems with no wild magic backpack, gambling is the most evil and dishonest way to make money.



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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> People, I'm going to explain, once again, that when I used the word "redundant" I was referring to a case where someone repeated their comments across multiple posts. *No one's individual comments are unwanted or unwelcome; nor will they go unheard.* But we didn't/don't need FredPoster.1234 saying the same thing in every one of a dozen threads on the same topic. That's not valuable feedback, that's redundancy. And that's why we have a feedback thread for comments, input, complaints, concerns, and general responses on today's most-talked-about topic. If you misunderstood or if I was unclear, I'm truly sorry. I have edited my initial wording to make my intentions clearer.


This is a way of condensing all the complaints into one thread so it becomes just one item in a host of threads. it conceals the widespread nature of the concern players have. The fact that there are dozens of threads on the topic demonstrates the extent of the issue. Having everyone agree to dump all their compaints down one well to be lost and forgotten is just a confession that nothing will be done.

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Would have bought 3 of the new mount skins if they were sold in a sensible way. Instead, ANet decided to employ predatory business practices.


So I guess no one's happy in this situation, because I'm not getting my mount skins, and Arena Net isn't getting a penny from my wallet. I genuinely hope they burn for this. They need to. This should be a scathing lesson in how not to treat your customers. A lesson that will hopefully lead to their betterment in the future.

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I did put my money where my mouth is.


Mount skins should be in the base PoF game. As Anet cut them out of the base game to sell them in the gem store I refuse to buy from the gem store. And I haven't bought anything from the gem store nor have I bought any more expansions. Thus I put my money where my mouth is.

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I put my money where my mouth is very long time ago . that is why i did not buy pof nor would or will i ever buy mount skins unless i made enough in game gold to do it. i spent my money with anet got the game . after that they not come up with any thing yet to even make me think about spending any more real world money at all. if they did it the right way with pof i would have spent the money IF i seen the worth in it but i did not so no more money for anet and the last time i spent money on anet was when hot first came out .

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> If they were to be sold individually the price would certainly be be much more than 300 gems eac.

Anything more than ~600-800 would be way too much, imho. It's not like they are worth so much more than glider skins or outfits, for example.


> @thehipone.6812 said:

> The true "money where your mouth is" challenge is for the complainers to actually stop playing and stop buying gems if the mount adoption system is so offensive to your principles.


You don't seem to understand what's _really_ going on here, so let me explain it to you. Anet's fishing for people's reaction, seeing if they can raise prices/make more cash grabs. If there's no pushback from the players, then not only this one will stick, but eventually they will try to raise prices even more - and they will keep doing that until they will pass your threshold as well.


It's not the first time they tried something new in gemshop that they knew had a potential of generating negative reactions. If there's too much pushback, they either go back on their idea (commander tag pricings for each color, exchanging only preset amounts of gems to/from gold) or it is quietly forgotten and not mentioned ever again (account-bound skins for black lion tickets). If there's not enough resistance however, that new method sticks - and eventually they will try to go even further.


I do **not** want them to go even further on this RNG kitten.


You, by asking people to be quiet about it, are only hurting yourself in the long run. Even if you don't buy from gemshop at all.

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I don't cut of my nose to spite my face. I won't buy the RNG mount skins, because I don't like how they're offered. I'm not going to vow never to buy another mount skin because I consider that 100% pointless. It's certainly not going to show Anet anything they can use to make decisions. If I buy mount skins that I like that are a straight out purchase, that's more logical to me than not buying mount skins going forward. It's a protest that has no teeth because Anet can't know why I'm not buying them.


For example, I'm not buying the jackel skin because I don't use the jackel that much. I'd have a much better chance of buying if it were a raptor skin which I use all the time.

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> I put my money where my mouth is very long time ago . that is why i did not buy pof nor would or will i ever buy mount skins unless i made enough in game gold to do it. i spent my money with anet got the game . after that they not come up with any thing yet to even make me think about spending any more real world money at all. if they did it the right way with pof i would have spent the money IF i seen the worth in it but i did not so no more money for anet and the last time i spent money on anet was when hot first came out .


If you're already committed to not spending money even on expansions then you're not going to factor into any decision any makes going forward, and your lack of purchases serves no purpose except to save you money. As someone who doesn't support the game, I don't believe the company should weigh heavily what you say over say people who are supporting the game, at least with expansion purchases.


Trying to win you back would take more effort than appeasing those who are still enjoying the game.

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> @Vayne.8563 said:

> > @WARIORSCHARGEING.2637 said:

> > I put my money where my mouth is very long time ago . that is why i did not buy pof nor would or will i ever buy mount skins unless i made enough in game gold to do it. i spent my money with anet got the game . after that they not come up with any thing yet to even make me think about spending any more real world money at all. if they did it the right way with pof i would have spent the money IF i seen the worth in it but i did not so no more money for anet and the last time i spent money on anet was when hot first came out .


> If you're already committed to not spending money even on expansions then you're not going to factor into any decision any makes going forward, and your lack of purchases serves no purpose except to save you money. As someone who doesn't support the game, I don't believe the company should weigh heavily what you say over say people who are supporting the game, at least with expansion purchases.


> Trying to win you back would take more effort than appeasing those who are still enjoying the game.


well if enough ppl quit paying into this massive cash grab anet would be forced to change or shutdown. One bad choice can destroy a great mmo look at star wars galaxy's on what a bad choice gets you as a mmo dev.

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I would definitely would go for that too.


Screw RNG and trading post shenanigans. If the wardrobe had every single skin and unlock and you could get individual ones from clicking the icon in the wardrobe and paying gems, there would be LOTS I would have bought.

The gemstore could still have 'featured' items and sales for particular items, and even cash only offers that are cheaper than with gems. But you would always have every item available in the wardrobe.

I don't want to give a single coin to some guy who ruins the fun for others by buying stuff to put it back to sell higher. If I'm going to pay it will be to an NPC or to ANet. If other players want coin, they better go out there and kill something.

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This seems really poorly planned out, OP. Arenanet isn't going to recognize your "conviction" because you bought a skin for 2,000 gems. Rather, they're just going to say, "Oh cool, this is selling, we can do more of this."

If arenanet did take your "pledge" you'd have tons of furious customers who spent 400 gems on RNG, when now, you can get the mount you want specifically for cheaper. It'd be a PR nightmare.

Also, not many people will be willing to "pledge" 30 dollars to a video game. If you have a full time, well-paying job, and you want to spend your spare cash on games, great. But many gamers are teens; college students; and other people with less spare cash. (Or people who would rather pledge to feed starving children or save puppies...)

Plus, if the pledge didn't go through, most people who DID pledge will eventually give in and buy a gemstore skin when the perfect one for them gets released.


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