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Best looking medium armor?


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Mine is a bit... expensive.


![](https://i.imgur.com/UCpncri.png "")


Though usually I keep the shoulders and headband hidden:


![](https://i.imgur.com/5nvD1HZ.png "")


You might want to opt for visible shoes, though. In full, the outfit is the following:


Head: Determination Headband

Shoulders: Duty of Koda

Chest: Krytan Jerkin

Gloves: Duelist Gloves

Legs: Viper's Leggings

Shoes: Invisible Shoes


Aside from the Shoes being 2k to 3k gold, you need to buy the Krytan outfit and the Viper outfit from the gemstore in order to get all the pieces. The Krytan medium armor skin is currently available for 500 gems (146 gold), and the Viper armor skins are currently unavailable. They cycle in and out of the gemstore, though.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> Mine is a bit... expensive.


Are you referring to the per-hour payment? Because that's what she looks like. :s (I still can't believe that ANet is no better than other companies when it comes to creating sexist armor for female characters. Plain awful.)


@OP, how about this combo? (The lady in the middle next to the Asura with the horned helmet.)

![](https://i.imgur.com/dJHZHrq.jpg "")

* Assassin's Shoulderpads

* Krytan Jerkin

* Buccaneer Gloves

* Duelist Pants

* Assassin's Boots


> @"Oriens.5630" said:

> Here I went for a cute girl look.


"Cute"?! Dear Dwayna... :s

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Anet is amazing they have created a huge diversity of different armors for females. They are one of the few companies that give us the choice of if we want to show skin or not. They have my respect for that its not like tera thank goodness. Also I love that skirt I so have to get the vipers armor when it cycles back in :P

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > Mine is a bit... expensive.


> Are you referring to the per-hour payment? Because that's what she looks like. :s (I still can't believe that ANet is no better than other companies when it comes to creating sexist armor for female characters. Plain awful.)



The woman's body is a beautiful thing. I want to see this beautiful thing, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to do so. If anet should happen to implement hot sets, there is nothing wrong with it. If anything, part of me laments that there aren't more revealing armors. To get the outfit above, I had to dissect and assemble single pieces from entire sets that don't resemble the outcome at all.

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I'm a big fan of the medium Heritage Armour (need HoM points for it, but not too many of them iirc). Here it is (shoulders, chest, gloves, pants), taking advantage of the Charred dye contrasting textures on the stripes. Inventor sunglasses for the head, and I-can't-remember-which-but-maybe-privateer boots which I thought fitted the character better.


![](https://i.imgur.com/9vrcK8U.jpg "")


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> @Jordan.5930 said:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/MoBlyvJ.png "")

> Personally, I love the sneakthief set, everything from the ninja stars on the side, to the tabi on the bottom. I think it's very detailed. Here's my Canthan character Jin.


Love his look. Your thief and my thief(see picture in my previous post) would look good together I think :lol:

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> @Myrdreth.6829 said:

> > @Jordan.5930 said:

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/MoBlyvJ.png "")

> > Personally, I love the sneakthief set, everything from the ninja stars on the side, to the tabi on the bottom. I think it's very detailed. Here's my Canthan character Jin.


> Love his look. Your thief and my thief(see picture in my previous post) would look good together I think :lol:


Yes, your outfit looks awesome too! We def need to quest together sometime B)

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I like the Whispers coat too, but for some reason I never stick with it very long. I can't even work out why because at first I think it looks great on my main character but I get fed up with it a lot faster than most the skins I use and end up switching it for something else. I think it might just look a bit too much like a dress for my tastes.


> @xikira.3264 said:

> Anet is amazing they have created a huge diversity of different armors for females. They are one of the few companies that give us the choice of if we want to show skin or not. They have my respect for that its not like tera thank goodness. Also I love that skirt I so have to get the vipers armor when it cycles back in :P


I agree. :D


The picture that sparked this comment required combining 2 pieces from different sets which on their own aren't especially revealing, the [Krytan top](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Krytan_armor_human_female_front.jpg "Krytan top") and [Viper's skirt](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Viper%27s_armor_human_female_front.jpg "Viper's skirt"). On top of that they're both sold in the gem store. That means you have to go out of your way to achieve that look - no one has to wear them unless they want to, and they especially don't have to wear them together. But you have the option if you want it.


Overall I think GW2 is really good for this. The only time anyone's forced to wear revealing clothing is when you first create a light armoured female character. After that it's almost entirely up to you and even light armoured characters will get plenty of non-revealing skins as drops. (Yes you need transmutation charges to change them, but the game isn't punishing enough that you need to use the absolute best stats in open-world PvE - you can stick with an item with a good skin until you get another acceptable option.) But at the same time the choice is there if you want it.


On the other hand we really need more options for light armoured males to show more than their face and hands. Although PoF has added several good options, which is a good sign.

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I use a mix of armors on my human female thief.


I use the following:


Head: Magitech (especially nice with deadeye)

Shoulder: Sneakthief

Chest: Glorious

Gloves: Chaos (Though I used Guild Watchman before obtaining the chaos gloves)

Leggins: Glorious

Boots: Falconers


The thing I like about this set is that it doesn't include a trenchcoat. It has some nice dye effects when you chose a dark (ie shadow dye) and light color scheme. I use shadow abyss and permafrost atm but celestial and midnight ice work for core. On a second account I use shadow blue and cherry.


The boots are ok but compared to most of the medium boots with their over sized back edge ( where the boot stops on the legging, on some it sticks out so far out on the back of the calf). The main thing is that while the look of the boots could be better is that they have dye channels that complement the alternating color scheme I have.


Sorry I can't link a picture (old dog, new trick) but it should give you an idea.

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Skins - Strider's Faceguard (hidden), Whisper's Secret Shoulderguards, Whisper's Secret Longvest, Aetherblade Medium Armguards. Whisper's Secret Leggings, Whisper's Secret Boots, Mad Memoires: Complete Edition (obtained after screenshot was taken)


I actually prefer the Whispers long vest on an Asura. Didn't look right to me on any taller race.


Oh, and this is my Asura engi.

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Here's my female human engineer but the same gear would work for a thief: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/375715891280609285/378340340828209164/ScrappyJones.JPG


Aviator Shades, Krytan top, Seeker Gloves, Rascal Pants, Aetherblade Boots (the pants cover up the boot shafts so you just get big stompers; for a thief you might want some more form fitting footwear). Here's a shot that shows the feet and visible gloves https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/375715891280609285/378341543406338048/ScrappyHolo.JPG


The goal was casual wear that looked like a tough woman would don it.

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I love so many of the looks shown in this thread. My Human female Thief wears close-fitting, non-floppy stuff, because I figure a Thief wouldn't want anything that rustles or makes noise or gets in the way. Krytan jerkin, Heritage or Whispers boots, Vipers leggings (short skirt). I rarely have shoulder armor show and use the simplest gloves. Stealth, baby.

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> @cafard.8953 said:

> I'm a big fan of the medium Heritage Armour (need HoM points for it, but not too many of them iirc). Here it is (shoulders, chest, gloves, pants), taking advantage of the Charred dye contrasting textures on the stripes. Inventor sunglasses for the head, and I-can't-remember-which-but-maybe-privateer boots which I thought fitted the character better.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/9vrcK8U.jpg "")



Dude. Charred dye is the best lol

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Sneak Thief Coat. Also you think we could ever get something like the scarf but have more like a half cape that is fringed or torn. That looks like something a hunter would wear or ranger would wear. Something like a half cape that could flow and the tip of the cape be before the tail of the charr? I would love to see half capes that don't have that weird back pieces like PoF cape design. I hate the things that are attached to those capes. Please find away to make half capes that a Ranger could wear.

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> @Jordan.5930 said:

> > @cafard.8953 said:

> > I'm a big fan of the medium Heritage Armour (need HoM points for it, but not too many of them iirc). Here it is (shoulders, chest, gloves, pants), taking advantage of the Charred dye contrasting textures on the stripes. Inventor sunglasses for the head, and I-can't-remember-which-but-maybe-privateer boots which I thought fitted the character better.

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/9vrcK8U.jpg "")

> >


> Dude. Charred dye is the best lol


Please tell me his name is Randy something or something Savagesomething or Macho whatever.

That's one awesome looking Macho Norn.

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