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I wish reddit cared about pvp as much as they do about mount skins


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Then maybe anet would actually talk to us about what they intend, in depth, behind their changes and what their plans are and maybe we'd get balance patches for pvp every 2-3 weeks.


Instead though, rather than about gameplay, this entire media storm is about having pretty colored mounts. Meanwhile, i'm here just wishing for more frequent pvp centered balance adjustments.

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> @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> Sameeee.

> It's honestly not even that serious.

> But they hafta be like: 'Muh skins, muh mounts, muh supposed sudden gambling addiction.'


I'm so mad about this whole thing. I am mad that the game is getting bad press over stupid mount skins when what should really be important is inter-profession balance in all game modes.

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> @Exciton.8942 said:

> From NA side, you have a total of maybe 500 players who can compete for top 250 leaderboard. An optimistic estimation of regular PvPers is well under 1000.


> From PvE side, you have at least tens of thousands of players who play regularly.


> So yeah, PvP is a very small scene.


there's less them 200 people who played pvp regularly in NA, im sure of it.


anyway OT, i care about mount skins more too :)

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> @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> When PVErs are gonna be the reason this game dies. Not because neglect, because of kitten mounts.


facts! but let's be honest pve was always a joke in this game. there's only a certain amount of skill that you can emphasize in scripted content, and you can see from reddit and on these forums about how pvers always get the final say because they're the vocal majority. anyone who's honestly still playing this game (from a pvp/wvw pov) is just waiting for the next best thing to come through or hopelessly looking forward to the day where the game they played 5 years ago will come back

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Lol it's not surprising that they are the majority now. Since that is ANet's new targeted audience. I mean guys like that, are easy to convince to hand over their money. As long as the game is super casual and don't require much effort or skill. They will just throw ANet money by the hundreds.


I would not expect anything to change either if I was you. Those guys require little attention and overhead from the devs. As long as the game is so easy a monkey can play it be successful. And ANet continue to put shiny cash shop items on the store. Then the majority of the current player base will continue being happy and continue throwing money at ANet.


This is the reason GW2 will never go back to being a competitive, skill based MMORPG. The new easy to please target audience would hate it and leave. And with them 75% or more of ANet income from players. Still I think it's pretty sad that you are just seeing this now. For this has been pretty obvious since Season 3.

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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> Lol it's not surprising that they are the majority now. Since that is ANet's new targeted audience. I mean guys like that, are easy to convince to hand over their money. As long as the game is super casual and don't require much effort or skill. They will just throw ANet money by the hundreds.


> I would not expect anything to change either if I was you. Those guys require little attention and overhead from the devs. As long as the game is so easy a monkey can play it be successful. And ANet continue to put shiny cash shop items on the store. Then the majority of the current player base will continue being happy and continue throwing money at ANet.


> This is the reason GW2 will never go back to being a competitive, skill based MMORPG. The new easy to please target audience would hate it and leave. And with them 75% or more of ANet income from players. Still I think it's pretty sad that you are just seeing this now. For this has been pretty obvious since Season 3.


If you look at the recent Quaterly earnings of ArenaNet, they are falling behind most other NCsoft games that have been out for way longer than guild wars 2. Don't worry mate, the mass exodus from pvp and wvw is starting to show. Eventually PvErs are going to look for other things to do, they will stumble upon how terribly mistreated PvP is, and they will leave too. Its really not looking good for guild wars 2...


And to comment on the how guild wars 2 was skill based at the beginning. I 100% agree, there is a growing crowd for MMO PvP, and its sad to see that Anet can't market to them since they are so focused on PvE. Guild wars 2 potentially can have the highest skill-ceiling amongst other MMO's PvP, but definitely not when Anet balances for PvE only.

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> @Cynz.9437 said:

> What is actually worse, some questions regarding pvp were answered by devs on reddit weeks earlier than on official forums. What is official platform for again?



And when I tried to voice this issue, to fix all game modes, one person that responded basically summed it up here as: 'That doesn't matter.'


Oh, so having end-game things to do instead of just fashion wars 'doesn't matter?'. Well golly gee. This has left a bad taste in my mouth that PVErs have such a wrangle and a tight hold around this game's throat that are HAPPILY willing to kill off two game modes just so their mount skins are safe. I have NEVER seen this in my life of mmo gaming.

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> @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > @Cynz.9437 said:

> > What is actually worse, some questions regarding pvp were answered by devs on reddit weeks earlier than on official forums. What is official platform for again?


> Nowhere.

> And when I tried to voice this issue, to fix all game modes, one person that responded basically summed it up here as: 'That doesn't matter.'


> Oh, so having end-game things to do instead of just fashion wars 'doesn't matter?'. Well golly gee. This has left a bad taste in my mouth that PVErs have such a wrangle and a tight hold around this game's throat that are HAPPILY willing to kill off two game modes just so their mount skins are safe. I have NEVER seen this in my life of mmo gaming.


Foooo, when you catter too much to Quaggans, Quaggans became arrogant to non-Quaggans, and vice versa.

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If you haven’t noticed on Reddit anything related to PvP gets downvotes instantly to the void, and if anything shows the signs of requiring/adding effort into the Game is almost Taboo to the PvErs and will be shunned, but post pictures and threads of quaggans or cupcakes and boom instant acceptance and success!


It’s a sad state when 2/3rds of the Game modes are almost completely ignored with meaningful updates and at the whim of the PvE population when they don’t even revolve around PvE.

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I honestly really want to blame the disrepair and decay in pvp and wvw on these my little pony simulator players that congregate around reddit but I'm not sure if that's fair. I still remember the outrage over there when raids were brought into gw2. I honestly do wonder sometimes if the reason we can't have anything nice in pvp is because anet feels they need to cater to them above everyone else.

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> @Kuya.6495 said:

> I honestly really want to blame the disrepair and decay in pvp and wvw on these my little pony simulator players that congregate around reddit but I'm not sure if that's fair. I still remember the outrage over there when raids were brought into gw2. I honestly do wonder sometimes if the reason we can't have anything nice in pvp is because anet feels they need to cater to them above everyone else.


Since it's all of the "my little pony simulator players" as you would call them, that buy most of the gems. To buy skins and gem store items. I would easily say yes.

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> @BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

> If you haven’t noticed on Reddit anything related to PvP gets downvotes instantly to the void, and if anything shows the signs of requiring/adding effort into the Game is almost Taboo to the PvErs and will be shunned, but post pictures and threads of quaggans or cupcakes and boom instant acceptance and success!


> It’s a sad state when 2/3rds of the Game modes are almost completely ignored with meaningful updates and at the whim of the PvE population when they don’t even revolve around PvE.


This is why I stopped going to that useless subreddit.


GW2 PvE was some of the least enjoyable shit I've ever had the misfortune to have to play. I dropped the game 3 times on my first ever run to level 80 because of the brain dead PvE in this game. And here we have the GW2 subreddit that LIVES for that shit and stupid memes.


Just yesterday there was a dude on Revenant forums talking about what the patch meant for power revenant...in PvE. Like what the fuck who cares anything works. Why does PvE balance ever take precedence over PvP/WvW balance? Does anyone even run raids anymore for, like, fun and not just farming loot that they keep gating behind fucking PvE? Living Story reward tracks anyone??? Play the new living Story or miss out on new food/ascended trinkets of any stat! Legendary weapons and armor are PvE only, but PvP gets the legendary fucking BACKPIECE, THE SMALLEST AMOUNT OF STATS ON ANY GEAR and everyone went nuts.


Fuck GW2 PvE.

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> @BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

> > @BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

> > If you haven’t noticed on Reddit anything related to PvP gets downvotes instantly to the void, and if anything shows the signs of requiring/adding effort into the Game is almost Taboo to the PvErs and will be shunned, but post pictures and threads of quaggans or cupcakes and boom instant acceptance and success!

> >

> > It’s a sad state when 2/3rds of the Game modes are almost completely ignored with meaningful updates and at the whim of the PvE population when they don’t even revolve around PvE.


> This is why I stopped going to that useless subreddit.


That's why ANet sticks to reddit. They get all of the praises over there. And none of the PvP or WvW salt.

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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> > @BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

> > > @BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

> > > If you haven’t noticed on Reddit anything related to PvP gets downvotes instantly to the void, and if anything shows the signs of requiring/adding effort into the Game is almost Taboo to the PvErs and will be shunned, but post pictures and threads of quaggans or cupcakes and boom instant acceptance and success!

> > >

> > > It’s a sad state when 2/3rds of the Game modes are almost completely ignored with meaningful updates and at the whim of the PvE population when they don’t even revolve around PvE.

> >

> > This is why I stopped going to that useless subreddit.


> That's why ANet sticks to reddit. They get all of the praises over there. And none of the PvP or WvW salt.


Because they can put anything out and the PvE community be like WOW THE SAME SHIT ON A DIFFERENT MOB WOW TY DADDY ANET


Meanwhile in WvW and PvP, we need content that actually works (and it usually does when they LISTEN TO THE COMMUNITY) and isn't some ugly skin banged out by an Anet graphic designer with the tastes of a goth in 8th grade.


Like dude. Power revenant has been struggling to make a presence for a couple seasons. So they remove Equilibrium, a build-defining trait that every rev used. And that's just one of the changes from the patch. Do you praise your plumber for wrecking your pipes when you just needed a drain unclogged?

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It is not just pvp and wvw , pve is dumb aswell, not even a single aspect of pve is challenging, everyone runs maximized damage output, totally neglecting survivability . I could just mash my head on the keyboard and manage to live an entire tequatl. There is no variants in builds, everyone running same sets and anet's logic of balance is basically making everything equally stupid and broken lol.

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